SINDICALISMO E RELAÇÕES LABORAIS NO CONTEXTO DA UE - 6ECTS OBJETIVOS GERAIS A Unidade Curricular Sindicalismo e Relações Laborais no Contexto da UE do curso de Pós-Graduação e Especialização em Sindicalismo e Relações Laborais, tem como objectivos primordiais os seguintes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contribuir para que os alunos possuam um conhecimento aprofundado dos vários modelos históricos de sindicalismo; Dotar os alunos de conhecimentos no domínio da análise do sindicalismo; Analisar as repercussões sobre o sindicalismo das mutações verificadas na sociedade nas últimas décadas; Evidenciar práticas relevantes de revitalização sindical; Dotar os alunos de conhecimentos no domínio das relações laborais no plano nacional e da UE; Estimular a análise crítica das práticas correntes no movimento sindical. OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAGEM Aprofundar e actualizar o conhecimento de temas presentes nas especializações em sindicalismo e relações industriais através da leccionação em aula, discussão e trabalho autónomo de pesquisa bibliográfia. PROGRAMA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A construção dos modelos sindicais históricos Modos de análise do sindicalismo Modos de estruturação e de governo dos sindicatos e sua dinâmica Recursos de poder, crise e revitalização Sindicalismo e novos movimentos sociais O sindicalismo em Portugal O sindicalismo no mundo: a difícil construção de um sindicalismo transnacional Os sistemas português e europeu de relações industriais PROCESSO DE AVALIAÇÃO Realização de um trabalho individual sobre um dos temas do programa com base numa pesquisa bibliográfica substantiva e autónoma. PROCESSO DE ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM Tendo em conta os objectivos anteriormente enunciados, as sessões previstas caracterizam-se essencialmente por uma prática de tipo laboratorial, o que pressupõe a participação activa dos alunos nos debates, que serão teoricamente orientados por uma exposição inicial por parte do docente e pelo material bibliográfico por este disponibilizado. BIBLIOGRAFIA BÁSICA Dubief, Henri (org) (1969), Le Syndicalisme Révolutionnaire, Paris, Armand Colin Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, Visser, Jell (eds.) (2000), Trade Unions in Western Europe since 1945, Londres: MacMillan Hyman, Richard (2001), Understanding European Trade Unionism. Between Market, Class and Society, Londres, Sage Kloosterboer, Dirk (2008), Estratégias Sindicais Inovadoras, Lisboa, Instituto Ruben Rolo Leisink, Peter; Leemput, J. van; Vilrokx, J. (eds.) (1996), The Challenges of Trade Unions in Europe: Innovation or Adaptation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Marx, Karl (1991 [1884]), Miséria da Filosofia, Lisboa, Edições Avante! Pasture, Patrick (1999), Histoire du Syndicalisme Chrétien International, Paris, l'Harmattan Perlman, Selig (1928), A Theory of the Labor Movement, New York, MacMillan Regini, Marino (ed.) (1992), The Future of Labour Movements, Londres, Sage Webb, Sydney; Webb, Béatrice (1897), Industrial Democracy, Londres, Longmans Green BIBLIOGRAFIA COMPLEMENTAR Alezard, Gérard; Brovelli, Lydia; Delahaye, Gérard; Leterrier, Jean-Michel (1995), Faut-il Réinventer le Syndicalisme?, Paris, l?Archipel Andolfatto, Dominique (2004), Les Syndicats en France, Paris, La Documentation Française Bain, George (1970), The Growth of White-collar Unionism, Londres, Clarendon Press Blanchflower, David (2007), International patterns of union membership, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 45(1): 1-28 Brown, Nancy; Jarley, Paul (2005), Unions and social capital: the impact of trade union youth programmes on young workers' political and community engagement, Transfer, 11(4): 605-616 Bryson, Alex; Gomez, Rafael (2005), Why have workers stopped joining unions?, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43(1): 67-92 Cardoso, Adalberto (2003), A Década Neo-liberal e a Crise dos Sindicatos no Brasil, São Paulo, Boitempo Editorial Charlwood, Andy (2004), The new generation of trade union leaders and prospects for union revitalization, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42(2): 379-397 Colgan Fiona; Ledwith Sue (eds.) (2002), Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions. International Perspectives, Londres, Routledge Costa, Hermes Augusto (2008), Sindicalismo Global ou Metáfora Adiada? Discursos e Práticas Transnacionais da CGTP e da UGT, Porto, Afrontamento Cunnison, Sheila; Stageman, Jane (1993), Feminizing the Unions. Challenging the Culture of Masculinity, Aldershot, Avebury Dolvik, Jon Erik; Waddington, Jeremy (2004), Organizing marketized services: are trade unions up to the job?, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 25(1): 9-40 Durand, Jean-Pierre (dir) (1996), Le Syndicalisme au Futur, Paris, Syros Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2002), Trade unions? changing role: membership erosion, organisational reform and social partnership in Europe, Industrial Relations, 33(5): 465-483 Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, Visser, Jelle (1999), When institutions matter: union growth and decline in Western Europe: 1950-1995, European Sociological Review, 15(2): 135-158 Fairbrother, Peter (2000), Trade Unions at the Crossroads, Londres, Mansell Fiorito, Jack Bass, W. (2002), The use of information technology by national unions: an exploratory analysis, Industrial Relations, 41(1): 34-47 Fosh, Patricia; Heery, Edmund (eds) (1990), Trade Unions and their Members. Studies in Union Democracy and Organisations, Londres, Macmillan Freeman, Richard; Medoff, J. (1984), What do Unions do?, New York, Basic Books Frege, Carola; Kelly, John (eds.) (2004), Varieties of Unionism: Strategies for Union Revitalization in a Globalizing Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press Gall, Gregor (ed.) (2003), Union Organizing: Campaigning for Trade Union Recognition, Londres, Routledge Gobin, Corinne (1997), L'Europe Syndicale: entre Désir et Réalité, Bruxelas, Éditions Labor Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2000), Globalisation and the dilemmas of international trade unionism, Transfer, 6(1): 29-42 Heery, Edmund (2002), Partnership versus organising: alternative futures for British trade unionism, Industrial Relations Journal, 33(1): 20-35 Heery, Edmund (2005), Sources of change in trade unions, Work, Employment and Society, 19(1): 91-106 Heery, Edmund; Frege, Carola; Jeremy, Waddington (2002), Union Revitalization in the United Kingdom, Genebra, OIT Hurd, Richard; Milkman, Ruth; Turner, Lowell (2002), Reviving the American Labour Movement: Iinstitutions and Mobilization, Genebra, OIT Hyman, Richard (1997), Trade unions and interest representation in the context of globalisation, Transfer, 3(3): 515-533 Hyman, Richard (1999), An Emerging Agenda for Trade Unions?, Genebra, OIT Hyman, Richard (2007), How can unions act strategically?, Transfer, 13(2): 193-210 Jacobi, Otto (2000), Transnational trade union cooperation at global and European level - opportunities and obstacles, Transfer, 6(1): 12-28 Kahmann, Marcus (2002), Trade Unions and Young People, Bruxelas, ETUI Kelly, John; Heery, Edmund (1994), Working for the Union: British Trade Union Officers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Kirton, Gill (2006), The Making of Women Trade Unionists, Avebury, Ashgate Labbé, Dominique; Croisat, Maurice (1992), La Fin des Syndicats?, Paris, L?Harmattan Lee, Eric (1997), The Labour Movement and the Internet. The New Internationalism, Londres, Pluto Press Lévesque, Christian; Murray, Gregor (2003), Le pouvoir syndical dans l?économie mondiale: clés de lecture pour un renouveau, La Revue de l?IRES, 41: 149-176 Lipset, Seymour Martin (ed.) (1986), Unions in Transition: Entering the Second Century, San Francisco, Institute for Contemporary Studies Press Martin, Roderick (1968), Union democracy: an explanatory framework, Sociology, 2(1): 205-220 Morris, Huw; Fosh, Patricia (2000), Measuring trade union democracy: the case of the UK Civil and Public Services Association, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(1): 95-114 Mouriaux, René (1998), Crises du Syndicalisme Français, Paris, Montchrestien Munck, Ronald; Waterman, Peter (eds.) (1999), Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalization: Alternative Union Models in the New World Order, Londres, Macmillan Murray, Gregor; Waddington, Jeremy (2005), Innovations for union renewal, Transfer, 11(4): 489-495 Parker, Jane (2002), Women?s groups in British unions, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 40(1): 23-48 Streeck, Wolfgang; Visser, Jelle (1997), The rise of the conglomerate union, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 3(3): 305-322 Sverke, Magnus (ed) (1997), The Future of Trade Unionism: International Perspectives on Emerging Union Structures, Aldershot, Ashgate Tixier, Pierre-Eric (1992), Mutation ou Déclin du Syndicalisme: le Cas de la CFDT, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France Touraine, Alain; Wieviorka, Michel; Dubet, François (1984), Le Mouvement Ouvrier, Paris, Fayard Tozzi, Michel (1981), Syndicalisme et Mouvements Sociaux. Régionalisme, Féminisme, Écologie, Paris, Les Éditions Ouvrières Verma, Anil; Kochan, Thomas (eds.) (2005). Unions in the 21st Century: an International Perspective, Londres, Palgrave Visser, Jelle (2006), Union membership statistics in 24 countries, Monthly Labor Review, 129: 38-49 Voss, Kim; Sherman, Rachel (2000), Breaking the iron law of oligarchy: union revitalization in the American labor movement, American Journal of Sociology, 106(2): 303-349 Waddington, Jeremy (2000), Towards a reform agenda? European Trade unions in transition, Industrial Relations Journal, 31(4): 317-330 Waddington, Jeremy (ed.) (2005), Restructuring Representation: the Merger Process and Trade Union Structural Development in Ten Countries, Bruxelas, Peter Lang Waddington, Jeremy; Kerr, Allan (2002), Unions fit for young workers?, Industrial Relations Journal, 33(4): 298315 Waddington, Jeremy; Hoffman, Reiner (2000), Trade Unions in Europe, Bruxelas, ETUI Webb, Sydney; Webb, Béatrice (1977 [1894]), The History of Trade Unionism, Londres, Longmans Green Wills, Jane (2002), Union Futures. 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