A Unidade Curricular Sindicalismo e Relações Laborais no Contexto da UE do curso de Pós-Graduação e
Especialização em Sindicalismo e Relações Laborais, tem como objectivos primordiais os seguintes:
Contribuir para que os alunos possuam um conhecimento aprofundado dos vários modelos históricos de
Dotar os alunos de conhecimentos no domínio da análise do sindicalismo;
Analisar as repercussões sobre o sindicalismo das mutações verificadas na sociedade nas últimas
Evidenciar práticas relevantes de revitalização sindical;
Dotar os alunos de conhecimentos no domínio das relações laborais no plano nacional e da UE;
Estimular a análise crítica das práticas correntes no movimento sindical.
Aprofundar e actualizar o conhecimento de temas presentes nas especializações em sindicalismo e relações
industriais através da leccionação em aula, discussão e trabalho autónomo de pesquisa bibliográfia.
A construção dos modelos sindicais históricos
Modos de análise do sindicalismo
Modos de estruturação e de governo dos sindicatos e sua dinâmica
Recursos de poder, crise e revitalização
Sindicalismo e novos movimentos sociais
O sindicalismo em Portugal
O sindicalismo no mundo: a difícil construção de um sindicalismo transnacional
Os sistemas português e europeu de relações industriais
Realização de um trabalho individual sobre um dos temas do programa com base numa pesquisa bibliográfica
substantiva e autónoma.
Tendo em conta os objectivos anteriormente enunciados, as sessões previstas caracterizam-se essencialmente
por uma prática de tipo laboratorial, o que pressupõe a participação activa dos alunos nos debates, que serão
teoricamente orientados por uma exposição inicial por parte do docente e pelo material bibliográfico por este
Dubief, Henri (org) (1969), Le Syndicalisme Révolutionnaire, Paris, Armand Colin
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, Visser, Jell (eds.) (2000), Trade Unions in Western Europe since 1945, Londres: MacMillan
Hyman, Richard (2001), Understanding European Trade Unionism. Between Market, Class and Society, Londres,
Kloosterboer, Dirk (2008), Estratégias Sindicais Inovadoras, Lisboa, Instituto Ruben Rolo
Leisink, Peter; Leemput, J. van; Vilrokx, J. (eds.) (1996), The Challenges of Trade Unions in Europe: Innovation or
Adaptation, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
Marx, Karl (1991 [1884]), Miséria da Filosofia, Lisboa, Edições Avante!
Pasture, Patrick (1999), Histoire du Syndicalisme Chrétien International, Paris, l'Harmattan
Perlman, Selig (1928), A Theory of the Labor Movement, New York, MacMillan
Regini, Marino (ed.) (1992), The Future of Labour Movements, Londres, Sage
Webb, Sydney; Webb, Béatrice (1897), Industrial Democracy, Londres, Longmans Green
Alezard, Gérard; Brovelli, Lydia; Delahaye, Gérard; Leterrier, Jean-Michel (1995), Faut-il Réinventer le
Syndicalisme?, Paris, l?Archipel
Andolfatto, Dominique (2004), Les Syndicats en France, Paris, La Documentation Française
Bain, George (1970), The Growth of White-collar Unionism, Londres, Clarendon Press
Blanchflower, David (2007), International patterns of union membership, British Journal of Industrial Relations,
45(1): 1-28
Brown, Nancy; Jarley, Paul (2005), Unions and social capital: the impact of trade union youth programmes on
young workers' political and community engagement, Transfer, 11(4): 605-616
Bryson, Alex; Gomez, Rafael (2005), Why have workers stopped joining unions?, British Journal of Industrial
Relations, 43(1): 67-92
Cardoso, Adalberto (2003), A Década Neo-liberal e a Crise dos Sindicatos no Brasil, São Paulo, Boitempo Editorial
Charlwood, Andy (2004), The new generation of trade union leaders and prospects for union revitalization,
British Journal of Industrial Relations, 42(2): 379-397
Colgan Fiona; Ledwith Sue (eds.) (2002), Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions. International Perspectives, Londres,
Costa, Hermes Augusto (2008), Sindicalismo Global ou Metáfora Adiada? Discursos e Práticas Transnacionais da
CGTP e da UGT, Porto, Afrontamento
Cunnison, Sheila; Stageman, Jane (1993), Feminizing the Unions. Challenging the Culture of Masculinity,
Aldershot, Avebury
Dolvik, Jon Erik; Waddington, Jeremy (2004), Organizing marketized services: are trade unions up to the job?,
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 25(1): 9-40
Durand, Jean-Pierre (dir) (1996), Le Syndicalisme au Futur, Paris, Syros
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard (2002), Trade unions? changing role: membership erosion, organisational reform and
social partnership in Europe, Industrial Relations, 33(5): 465-483
Ebbinghaus, Bernhard, Visser, Jelle (1999), When institutions matter: union growth and decline in Western
Europe: 1950-1995, European Sociological Review, 15(2): 135-158
Fairbrother, Peter (2000), Trade Unions at the Crossroads, Londres, Mansell
Fiorito, Jack Bass, W. (2002), The use of information technology by national unions: an exploratory analysis,
Industrial Relations, 41(1): 34-47
Fosh, Patricia; Heery, Edmund (eds) (1990), Trade Unions and their Members. Studies in Union Democracy and
Organisations, Londres, Macmillan
Freeman, Richard; Medoff, J. (1984), What do Unions do?, New York, Basic Books
Frege, Carola; Kelly, John (eds.) (2004), Varieties of Unionism: Strategies for Union Revitalization in a Globalizing
Economy, Oxford, Oxford University Press
Gall, Gregor (ed.) (2003), Union Organizing: Campaigning for Trade Union Recognition, Londres, Routledge
Gobin, Corinne (1997), L'Europe Syndicale: entre Désir et Réalité, Bruxelas, Éditions Labor
Gumbrell-McCormick, Rebecca (2000), Globalisation and the dilemmas of international trade unionism, Transfer,
6(1): 29-42
Heery, Edmund (2002), Partnership versus organising: alternative futures for British trade unionism, Industrial
Relations Journal, 33(1): 20-35
Heery, Edmund (2005), Sources of change in trade unions, Work, Employment and Society, 19(1): 91-106
Heery, Edmund; Frege, Carola; Jeremy, Waddington (2002), Union Revitalization in the United Kingdom,
Genebra, OIT
Hurd, Richard; Milkman, Ruth; Turner, Lowell (2002), Reviving the American Labour Movement: Iinstitutions and
Mobilization, Genebra, OIT
Hyman, Richard (1997), Trade unions and interest representation in the context of globalisation, Transfer, 3(3):
Hyman, Richard (1999), An Emerging Agenda for Trade Unions?, Genebra, OIT
Hyman, Richard (2007), How can unions act strategically?, Transfer, 13(2): 193-210
Jacobi, Otto (2000), Transnational trade union cooperation at global and European level - opportunities and
obstacles, Transfer, 6(1): 12-28
Kahmann, Marcus (2002), Trade Unions and Young People, Bruxelas, ETUI
Kelly, John; Heery, Edmund (1994), Working for the Union: British Trade Union Officers, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press
Kirton, Gill (2006), The Making of Women Trade Unionists, Avebury, Ashgate
Labbé, Dominique; Croisat, Maurice (1992), La Fin des Syndicats?, Paris, L?Harmattan
Lee, Eric (1997), The Labour Movement and the Internet. The New Internationalism, Londres, Pluto Press
Lévesque, Christian; Murray, Gregor (2003), Le pouvoir syndical dans l?économie mondiale: clés de lecture pour
un renouveau, La Revue de l?IRES, 41: 149-176
Lipset, Seymour Martin (ed.) (1986), Unions in Transition: Entering the Second Century, San Francisco, Institute
for Contemporary Studies Press
Martin, Roderick (1968), Union democracy: an explanatory framework, Sociology, 2(1): 205-220
Morris, Huw; Fosh, Patricia (2000), Measuring trade union democracy: the case of the UK Civil and Public Services
Association, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(1): 95-114
Mouriaux, René (1998), Crises du Syndicalisme Français, Paris, Montchrestien
Munck, Ronald; Waterman, Peter (eds.) (1999), Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalization: Alternative Union
Models in the New World Order, Londres, Macmillan
Murray, Gregor; Waddington, Jeremy (2005), Innovations for union renewal, Transfer, 11(4): 489-495
Parker, Jane (2002), Women?s groups in British unions, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 40(1): 23-48
Streeck, Wolfgang; Visser, Jelle (1997), The rise of the conglomerate union, European Journal of Industrial
Relations, 3(3): 305-322
Sverke, Magnus (ed) (1997), The Future of Trade Unionism: International Perspectives on Emerging Union
Structures, Aldershot, Ashgate
Tixier, Pierre-Eric (1992), Mutation ou Déclin du Syndicalisme: le Cas de la CFDT, Paris, Presses Universitaires de
Touraine, Alain; Wieviorka, Michel; Dubet, François (1984), Le Mouvement Ouvrier, Paris, Fayard
Tozzi, Michel (1981), Syndicalisme et Mouvements Sociaux. Régionalisme, Féminisme, Écologie, Paris, Les
Éditions Ouvrières
Verma, Anil; Kochan, Thomas (eds.) (2005). Unions in the 21st Century: an International Perspective, Londres,
Visser, Jelle (2006), Union membership statistics in 24 countries, Monthly Labor Review, 129: 38-49
Voss, Kim; Sherman, Rachel (2000), Breaking the iron law of oligarchy: union revitalization in the American labor
movement, American Journal of Sociology, 106(2): 303-349
Waddington, Jeremy (2000), Towards a reform agenda? European Trade unions in transition, Industrial Relations
Journal, 31(4): 317-330
Waddington, Jeremy (ed.) (2005), Restructuring Representation: the Merger Process and Trade Union Structural
Development in Ten Countries, Bruxelas, Peter Lang
Waddington, Jeremy; Kerr, Allan (2002), Unions fit for young workers?, Industrial Relations Journal, 33(4): 298315
Waddington, Jeremy; Hoffman, Reiner (2000), Trade Unions in Europe, Bruxelas, ETUI
Webb, Sydney; Webb, Béatrice (1977 [1894]), The History of Trade Unionism, Londres, Longmans Green
Wills, Jane (2002), Union Futures. Building Networked Trade Unionism in the UK, Londres, Fabian Society

Sindicalismo e Relações Laborais no Contexto da União - IPPS-IUL