Country Specific Information: Brazil
Cities: Capital--Brasilia (2.5 million); other major cities-Sao Paulo (11.2 million), Rio de Janeiro (6.3 million),
Salvador (2.7 million), Belo Horizonte (2.4 million)
Language: Portuguese (official), other indigenous
Population: 198 million; 87% urban
Currency: Brazilian Real (worth today?)
Government: Dilma Rouseff, President
Religion: 73.6% Roman Catholic, 15.4% Protestant, 1.3%
Spiritualist, 0.3% Bantu/voodoo, 1.8% other, 0.2%
unspecified, 7.4% none
Independence: 1822 (Portugal)
Age Distribution:
0-14 years: 26.2%
15-64 years: 67%
65 and over: 6.7%
Labor Force: 103.6 million; 66% services, 20%
agriculture, 14% industry
Literacy Rates: 88.6% total population; 88.8% women, 88.4% men
GNI/capita (current US$): $9,390 (2010)
GINI Index: 54
-- Total land area of 8,456,510 sq. km, about the size of the continental United States
-- Number of times the Brazilian football team has won the World Cup: Five (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002)
-- 180 indigenous languages are spoken throughout the country
-- Estimated number of insect species: 10-15 million
Cultural Etiquette: Extended handshakes are a common form of greeting both upon arrival and departure,
with women often kissing each other on alternating checks. When applicable, titles such as “Doctor”,
“Professor”, etc. are used to address business acquaintances. The term Senhor (Mr.) or Senhora (Mrs.) is used
to precede the surname. Brazil is a tropical country, so expect the weather to be hot. Women should wear
conservative attire in business settings, and men should wear slacks and long-sleeved shirts. Gift giving is not
required at the first meeting; instead buy lunch or dinner and then incorporate individual’s taste in future gift
giving. (Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands, 2006)
Check the Consulate General of Brazil for visa requirements.
CDC Traveler’s Heath: Health Information for Travelers to Brazil
U.S. Department of State: Brazil
CIA World Factbook
WHO Country Profile: Brazil
BBC Country Profile: Brazil
“Getting There & Away”: Travel Information
Lonely Planet’s “Top Travel Books to Read Before You Go”
Converter & Adapter Information
Good Morning -- Bom Dia
Good Afternoon -- Boa Tarde
Good Night -- Boa Noite
Hi -- Oi
Bye -- Tchau
Please -- Por Favor
Thank you -- Obrigado
Sorry -- Desculpe
Excuse Me -- Com Licença (pronounced lisensa)
How's it going? -- Tudo bem?
My name is... -- Meu nome é...
Sorry, I don't speak Portuguese -- Desculpe, eu não falo português
Please, can you help me? -- Por favor, você pode me ajudar?
Please, I want to go to.... -- Por favor, eu quero ir a...
Where is the toilet? -- Onde é o banheiro?
I need to go to... -- Eu preciso ir a…
How do I get...? -- Como eu chego em...?
I'm lost -- Estou perdido
How much does it cost? -- Quanto custa?
How much is... -- Quanto é...
What time is it? -- Que horas são?
At what time... -- A que horas...
I want... -- Eu quero...
When... -- Quando...
How many... -- Quantos...
Food & Drink
Water -- Agua
Mineral Water -- Agua Mineral
Beer -- Cerveja
White Wine/Red Wine -- Vinho Branco/ Vinho Tinto
Soft Drink -- Refrigerante
Coffee -- Café
Tea -- Chá
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Meat -- Carne
Chicken -- Frango
Fish -- Peixe
Rice -- Arroz (pronounced like ahoz)
Menu -- Cardâpio
Bill -- Conta
Hot -- Quente
Cold -- Frio
Money -- Dinheiro
Bank -- Banco
ATM -- Caixa (pronounced caysha) Electronica
Check -- Cheque (pronounced shek)
Credit Card -- Cartão de Crédito
Bus/ Bus Stop -- Onibus/ Ponto de ônibus
Train -- Trem (pronounced treng)
Subway -- Metrô
Car -- Carro (pronounced cahoo)
Plane -- Avião
Boat -- Barco
Ticket -- Bilhete
Passport -- Passaporte
Right -- Direita
Left -- Esquerda
Behind -- Atrás
Ahead -- à frente
Hospital -- Hospital
Clinic -- Clínica
Airport -- Aeroporto
Police -- Polícia
Police station -- Delegacia de polícia
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Country Specific Information: Brazil Cities