LAMARI, NM et al. Hipermobilidade articular em pacientes com prolapso
da valva mitral. Arq Bras Cardiol 93(3):307-311, 2009.
Abstract: There has been a great interest on hypermobility studies since the last
decades. This is due to the association with the musculoskeletal dysfunction as
well as some abnormalities in several organic systems such as the mitral valve
prolapse. Therefore, the knowledge on the relationship between the joint
hypermobility and the mitral valve prolapse was investigated and updated in this
study. In the literature, some reports show both the genetic alterations in the
collagen composition may be the main cause in this relationship.
anterior flexibility in adolescents after height growth speed peak. Acta
Ortop Bras 15(1):25-9, 2007.
Abstract: Trunk anterior flexibility (TAF) is a major component of clinical and
physical ability tests and it is used as an indicative of vertebral function. The
most used test for its quantification is the seat-and-reach (SRT), which
considers hands touching feet as normality standard, with analysis criteria and
parameters that are independent of variables. In this study, TAF was
investigated in teenagers, after the occurrence of the height growth speed peak
compared to gender, performance speed, and anthropometric data. Rates were
provided as centimeters; body weight in kg. One hundred two adolescents took
part of the study, being 45 females and 57 males, with ages between 16 and 20
years. The results suggest that gender factor, anthropometric data, and test
performance speed influence flexibility rates; the evaluation of vertebral function
cannot have SRT for reaching feet as a normality criterion, and that fast speeds
lead to better results. In brief, results suggest that touching feet is a criterion
ruling out a normal vertebral function in approximately 50% of the adolescents.
Thus, the criterion used for making a decision regarding referring a teenager to
recover higher flexibility rates must be reviewed.
LAMARI, NM; CHUEIRE, AG; CORDEIRO, JA. Analysis of joint mobility
patterns among preschool children. São Paulo Med J 123(3):119-23, 2005.
Abstract: CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Standardization of normal joint mobility
criteria is complex, especially for preschool children, for whom differentiation
from hypermobility (JH) is even more difficult. This study aimed to investigate
joint mobility of the fifth finger, wrist, elbow, knee and trunk among preschool
children, estimate the incidence of JH and evaluate the effect of gender and age
and the applicability of standard criteria for identifying JH among preschool
children. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional descriptive and quantitative
study, at São José do Rio Preto medical school. METHODS: 1,120 healthy
children (534 boys, 47.7%; 586 girls, 52.3%; age range: 4-7 years) were
evaluated using Beighton scores. Passive extension of fifth finger (> 90º),
passive apposition of thumb to forearm, active extension of elbow and knee (>
10º) and anterior trunk flexion placing flat hand on ground were assessed. One
point was scored for each positive result (maximum: 9). Scores > 4 were
considered to be JH. Students t test and variance analysis were used for
statistical analysis. RESULTS: JH was observed in 80% of wrists, 53.3% of fifth
fingers, 36.6% of elbows, 14% of trunks and 12.5% of knees. Scores > 4 were
found for 64.6% of the children. Females had higher angular values. Lower
scores were associated with greater age. CONCLUSIONS: JH is a common
condition among preschool children and currently available methods are
inadequate. New parameters and criteria should be developed for identifying JH
among these children.
LAMARI, NM et al. Trunk flexibility after peak height velocity. São Paulo
Medical Journal, No prelo, 2009.
Abstract: CONTEXT: Flexibility is an important component of physical aptitude
and good health, especially forward flexibility of the trunk. The fingertip-to-floor
method is an important part of clinical examinations, which is an indicator of
vertebral function and parameter for progess. OBJECTIVE: The objective was
to investigate it in teenagers after peak height velocity, according to gender,
time to perform the test and anthropometric data. Forty-five women and 57 men
from 16 to 20 years of age were included. METHODS: The fingertip-to-floor
method is used as a quantification resource. The normal reference range is
considered as touching the feet with the hands using criteria and parameters
which are independent of the variables. RESULTS: Results indicate that
gender, anthropometric data and speed to perform the test influence flexibility
indices, that vertebral function assessment cannot use the criterion of reaching
the feet with flat hands as the normal range, that a faster performance of the
test leads to better results and that touching the feet is a criterion that excludes
approximately 50% of teenagers from the normal range for vertebral function.
CONCLUSION: The criteria used to recommend teenagers to obtain greater
flexibility indices must be reviewed.
LAMARI, NM et al. Intervening Factors in Forward Flexibility of the Trunk
in Adolescents in Sitting and Standing Position. Panminerva Pediatrica,
No prelo 2009.
Abstract: Background: Forward flexibility of the trunk (FFT) is used as an
indicator of vertebral function and assessed using the sit-and-reach and
fingertip-ground tests. Methods: FFT was investigated in adolescents and
comparisons were made between genders, sitting and standing positions, and
low and high speed. 102 males and females (16 to 20 years of age) participated
in the study. Results: The position of the body and gender factor had no
influence over the flexibility assessment. When executed slowly, the values
obtained in the test were significantly lower; 60% of the participants were
unable to reach their feet in the slow form and 50% were unable to reach their
feet in the fast form. Thus, the assessment of vertebral function in adolescents
should not use the ability to reach their feet as a criterion of normality. The
fingertip-ground and sit-and-reach tests proved to be equally adequate. Greater
height and length of limbs are associated to lower FFT values. Greater height
and lower trunk-head height explain the lesser FFT in women; greater length of
the lower limbs and lesser arm span explain the results for men. Conclusion:
Reaching the feet in either the standing or sitting position is a criterion that
excludes approximately 50% of adolescents from the normality of vertebral
function, whereas reaching 12 cm above the ground is achieved by 90% of the
population. Therefore, the criteria for assessing FFT in adolescents need to be
Artigos nacionais completos publicados
LAMARI, NM et al. Prevalência de hipermobilidade articular e sintomas
álgicos em trabalhadores industriais. Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde
13(2):66-70, 2006.
movimentos articulares com amplitude maior que a normal. Sua importância
atual está associada à gênese da dor musculoesquelética, uma vez que seu
diagnóstico precoce previne disfunções articulares. O presente estudo
musculoesqueléticas em 100 trabalhadores industriais de ambos os sexos, com
idade entre 18 e 67 anos. Utilizou-se o método de Beighton et al. e questionário
musculoesquelética. Hipermobilidade articular foi encontrada em 1,9% dos
funcionários da indústria moveleira e em 27,7% dos da indústria têxtil; destes,
respectivamente, 100% e 84,6% apresentaram dor. A estimativa da prevalência
e a detecção precoce da hipermobilidade articular e de suas co-morbidades
têm grande importância na prevenção de doenças ocupacionais.
LAMARI, NM et al. Hipermobilidade articular nos joelhos da criança.
Arquivos de Ciências da Saúde 11(2):124-7, 2004.
Resumo: Introdução: O joelho é o maior complexo articular do corpo humano,
uma articulação intermediária do membro inferior, que por meio dos
movimentos de flexão – extensão, controla a distância do corpo em relação ao
solo. A condição necessária para uma grande mobilidade expõe o joelho a
suscetíveis lesões traumáticas. É no movimento de extensão que o joelho
torna-se mais vulnerável às fraturas nesta articulação e às lesões gerais. Os
valores angulares de 5º a 10º denominam-se hiperextensão e os ângulos
maiores que 10º caracterizam a condição de hipermobilidade articular.
Objetivos: Buscou-se identificar precocemente a característica de genu
recurvatum para prevenção de futuras lesões e alterações posturais.
Metodologia: Este estudo foi desenvolvido com 1120 crianças de 4 a 7 anos de
idade, utilizando-se o goniômetro para quantificação angular do movimento de
hiperextensão em 12,5% da amostra, que foi encaminhada para tratamento
fisioterapêutico preventivo. Conclusão: A investigação identificou precocemente
uma característica que permite indicar o tratamento fisioterapêutico para
realinhamento dos joelhos pela reeducação postural, além de protegê-los de
futuras lesões e/ou fraturas.
LAMARI, NM; et al. Estudo da mobilidade articular generalizada e índices
de flexibilidade anterior do tronco na comunidade japonesa em Guaíra e
São José do Rio Preto. HB Científica 10(2):73-83, 2003.
Resumo: A hipermobilidade articular, também conhecida como frouxidão
articular, é definida como extremo da amplitude do movimento normal, que tem
como causa primária a frouxidão ligamentar que, por sua vez, torna o indivíduo
mais suscetível aos efeitos do trauma, sendo a prevalência alta na raça
oriental; uma variação de 5 por cento a 30 por cento de frequência na
população em geral. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma população de 241
indivíduos da comunidade japonesa no Brasil, buscando investigar a
mobilidade articular em várias articulações. Foi estimada a prevalência de
hipermobilidade em relação a cada uma das articulações analisadas,
verificando o efeito do sexo, da idade dos índices de flexibilidade anterior do
tronco e a queixa de lombalgia. Contrariando estudos anteriores sobre a
prevalência da caraterística em relação ao sexo, neste estudo não se
evidenciou a associação entre os mesmos. Por outro lado, confirmaram-se os
achados anteriores sobre a prevalência da característica em grupos etários
mais jovens e uma frequência de 14 por cento na população estudada. A
queixa de lombalgia foi identificada em 57 por cento dos indivíduos, no entanto,
não foi identificada nenhuma relação com a característica de hipermobilidade
articular, assim como, com os índices de flexibilidade anterior do tronco.

Resumos Artigos HA