Sustainable Development in Brazil
Who are the shareholders?
The Amazon
The Pantanal
A Unit Plan for
Grades 7 – 12
Portuguese Heritage Speakers
Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program 2007
Created by Ann Griffiths, Portuguese Instructor
Cobb County Schools, Georgia
[email protected]
Target Audience:
This unit was created for heritage speakers of Brazilian Portuguese residing
in the United States. They range in age from 12- to 17- years old. Some
have lived in the United States for as little as three months and others for
up to seven years. The average length of residence is three years. They
come from a variety of educational backgrounds in the Portuguese language
and culture. Most are from rural Goiás or Goiânia, the capital of the state
that is located south of the Brazilian capital of Brasília. The students from
ages 12 to 14 are grouped together in two classes at the middle school. The
students from ages 14 to 17 are at the high school in one class.
The ability level required for this unit is in the intermediate to advanced
intermediate range. It could also be used for non-native speakers of
Portuguese at those levels.
To introduce Brazilian students to the ecology, varied cultures and
geography of their native country
To awaken an awareness of ecological pressures that exist in their
To evaluate resources for accuracy, factual content and opinion
To provide opportunity for personal development in vocabulary and
grammar appropriate for the intended audience (register)
To develop composition, discussion and presentation skills
15 days on Block Schedule (90 minute periods), including time for group
research and presentations.
Teacher comment:
The following material is given in its original Portuguese as it will be
presented to the students. All authentic materials will be presented in their
original form. Teacher instructions will be given in English to clarify the scope
and sequence of the unit for future instructors.
Essential Questions:
Eu sou ecologista?
Am I an ecologist?
Como me afeta o meio ambiente?
How does the environment affect me?
O que eu sei sobre o meio ambiente do Brasil? Quem são os acionistas?
What do I know about Brazil’s environmental issues? Who are the shareholders?
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Eu sei a diferença entre fato e opinião?
Do I know the difference between fact and opinion?
Qual o papel da gramática e do vocabulário para dar uma palestra?
What role does grammar and vocabulary play when giving a public talk?
Preciso pesquisar para apoiar as minhas idéias? Por quê?
Is research necessary? Why?
Meta 1—Comunicação
• Os alunos irão entender a importância de saber as normas sociais da
Conteúdo: diferentes registros (maneira apropriada de falar ou escrever num
lugar ou situação), sotaques, a gíria, gestos, a acentuação, a ortografia
Processo: ouvir palestras, assistir filmes e noticiários, ler textos autênticos
Performance: Os alunos irão identificar o registro das situações sociais
Os alunos irão trocar opiniões e perspectivas sobre diversos
temas culturais
Os alunos irão compreender variedades de textos autênticos
Os alunos irão identificar relações de causa/efeito
Os alunos irão interpretar os detalhes salientes de discursos,
leituras e palestras sempre sendo conscientes do registro. Os
alunos irão interpretar os acontecimentos da vida impressos
nos jornais e em outros meios de comunicação
Os alunos irão aprender a escrever ensaios de vários tipos
(preencher formulários, tomar notas detalhadas, escrever
redações para diferentes leitores)
Os alunos irão usar a língua criativamente em prosa e poesia
Os alunos irão parafrasear e resumir textos em um parágrafo
Os alunos irão dar palestras no registro apropriado para a
Meta 2—Cultura
• Os alunos irão reconhecer, resumir e analisar temas sociais, de
história, literatura e arte
Conteúdo: a internet, a arte plástica, a história do Brasil, artigos de jornais,
Processo: ouvir palestras, assistir filmes e noticiários, ler textos autênticos,
fazer pesquisas, participar em debates
Performance: Os alunos irão perceber e usar o registro apropriado
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Os alunos irão reconhecer expressões regionais em vocabulário,
frases e a pronúncia
Os alunos irão identificar humor, ironia e sátira em fontes
Os alunos irão expressar suas opiniões sobre temas sociais
Os alunos irão escolher temas apropriados para interações
Os alunos irão explorar temas culturais com tecnologia
Meta 3—Conexões
• Os alunos irão usar a língua para incorporar outros campos
Conteúdo: a internet, a arte plástica, a história do Brasil, artigos dos jornais
Processo: ouvir palestras, assistir filmes e noticiários, ler textos autênticos,
fazer pesquisas, participar em debates
Os alunos irão fazer pesquisas usando tecnologia
Os alunos irão usar fontes primárias e secundárias
Os alunos irão usar técnicas literárias para analisar linguagem
e temas universais
Meta 4—Comparações
• Os alunos irão fazer comparações sobre culturas, língua, geografia,
Conteúdo: a internet, a arte plástica, a história do Brasil, artigos dos jornais,
mapas, gravações
Processo: ouvir palestras, assistir filmes e notícias, ler textos autênticos,
fazer pesquisas, participar em debates, comparar gêneros, dados, sistemas,
Os alunos irão explorar gêneros literários e artísticos
Os alunos irão mostrar competência nos dados históricos e os
acontecimentos do mundo inteiro
Os alunos irão demonstrar compreensão do sistema lingüístico
escrito comparado com o oral
Os alunos irão demonstrar compreensão do conceito de gíria,
língua chula (vulgar) e as normas acadêmicas e sociais
Meta 5—Comunidades
• Os alunos irão conhecer o seu próprio mundo e comunidade lusófona
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Conteúdo: a internet, a arte plástica, a história do Brasil, artigos atuais,
textos autênticos, visitas, eventos
Processo: ouvir palestras, assistir filmes e noticiários, ler textos autênticos,
fazer pesquisas, participar em debates, entrevistar, fazer visitas
Os alunos irão comunicar de maneira oral e escrita com
membros da cultura luso-brasileira sobre temas de interesse
(pessoal, da comunidade, do mundo)
Os alunos irão mostrar que continuarão a aprender mais sobre
a língua e cultura luso-brasileira para o resto da vida pelo fato
de usar a língua para diversão pessoal e enriquecimento
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Amazonas
Personal, Google Images
Você gosta da natureza? Avenida Brasil1 Livro de exercícios
Revista Veja October 9, 1991 Avenida Brasil1 Livro de exercícios
“O Índio” by Caetano Veloso
“Mudanças do Clima, Mudanças de vidas: Como o
aquecimento global já afeta o Brasil”, Greenpeace, 2006
PowerPoint: Greenpeace CAAPG Brasil (attached)
“Tainá,” Coleção Istoé, Festival do Cinema Brasileiro
Certified Woods
CD-Rom PowerPoint slide show, Amazônia
List of sites (shareholders)
Jacaré (Game board, instructions and questions) Avenida
CD Fotos:
Pantanal Amazônia, Zyd Produções, Carlos Freitas
Animals of the Pantanal and Amazon
Lista de Fauna e Flora, Caiman Lodge
Imagens da Amazônia
WWF Pantanal para sempre
Caiman Lodge
Avalanche (Game on Whiteboard)
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Os estados do Brasil
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Mapa - Bioma
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Desenvolvido por
GuiaNet - Guia Internet Brazil ©1997- 2001
Info: [email protected]
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O Pantanal
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Introduction: Eu sou ecologista?
Day 1
Am I an ecologist?
Você gosta da natureza?
Revista Veja
Você gosta da natureza?
1. Students list pre-reading strategies on the board.
2. Students will apply pre-reading strategies to identify the topic and
format of the survey.
3. Students should skim for key words and highlight them.
4. Students will complete survey and rate themselves with the key
Revista Veja
1. Class will skim article and create their own top ten list of points on
computer with LCD projector.
2. Students will match possible titles on handout to article and choose
main topic of each paragraph.
3. Students will share their world knowledge of environmental hotspots
in Brazil and locate areas on individual maps.
Unit Folder:
Students will create a folder to store all notes and handouts for the
unit. Materials will be provided for them to decorate individually.
Folders will be stored in the classroom.
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Part One: Amazonas
Day 2
You don’t have to be an adult to be a shareholder
Maps: Brazil and South America
Film: “Tainá”
1. Students will locate Amazonas state and Amazonia regions on map of
2. View “Tainá” film, 90 minutes.
3. Students will list images/vocabulary seen and heard in the film.
4. Store notes in folder.
Day 3
Film: Tainá
Notes from individual folder
Amazon photos slideshow
1. Finish film.
2. “Take one, give one” in a conga line. Use this activity to share
vocabulary from “Tainá” film.
a. Students count off 1, 2.
b. Form two facing lines with their vocabulary/images notes.
c. Share vocabulary/images with facing student for one minute.
d. One line stays stationary and the other line moves one person
to the left and shares with next student for a minute (it doesn’t
matter if they are repeating).
e. Students continue to move and share with all.
f. Finally, students return to seats and check spelling with
computer or paper dictionaries in small groups.
3. View Amazon photos slide show PowerPoint on CD-Rom.
4. Small group discussion to compare and contrast actual photos with
cinematographical visions (slides vs. film).
Groups will appoint spokesperson to share their 3 most interesting
5. Store notes in folder.
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Day 4
Meet your first NGO
Video: Greenpeace
World graphic organizer
1. Students will individually use world globe graphic organizer to write
their notes/observations about the film on the globe part of the map.
2. Next students will move around room and collect new information
from their classmates outside of the globe.
3. Partners will use the information to write a one page film critique that
demonstrates their personal bias: positive/negative, pro/con
4. Factual/opinionated and provide examples from the film.
5. Store handouts and graphic organizers in folder.
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Day 5
How do these shareholders state their case?
GreenPeace PowerPoint
Video: Certified Woods
Music lyrics and cloze exercise: “O Índio” by Caetano Veloso
Plain paper and colored markers
GreenPeace PowerPoint
1. Students will view PowerPoint and in groups write 5 statements of fact
and 5 statements of opinion.
2. Students will move to new groups and try to build consensus for their
choice of strongest statements of fact and opinion (one of each).
3. Students will move a third time to reach a final consensus.
4. Class will compare outcomes.
Certified Woods video
5. Students will take general notes on facts and statements.
6. Small groups will discuss if the information is educational or for
propaganda purposes and create lists and arguments to support their
7. Small groups will present to class on overhead projector or
“O Índio” by Caetano Veloso
1. Students will be provided with paper and colored markers to draw
what the lyrics and music inspire.
2. Cloze listening exercise. Play music as often as necessary for
students to complete. The words selected for deletion represent
problem areas in spelling for native and heritage speakers. The
exercise could be recreated to practice a different specific need, i.e.,
contractions, articles, vocabulary.
3. Class discussion of theme and purpose, sharing of images.
4. Store all handouts in individual folder.
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Um índio
Caetano Veloso
Um índio descerá de uma estrela colorida e brilhante
De uma estrela que virá numa velocidade estonteante
E pousará no coração do hemisfério sul, na América, num claro instante
Depois de exterminada a última nação indígena
E o espírito dos pássaros das fontes de água límpida
Mais avançado que a mais avançada das mais avançadas das tecnologias
Virá, impávido que nem Muhammed Ali, virá que eu vi
Apaixonadamente como Peri, virá que eu vi
Tranqüilo e infalível como Bruce Lee, virá que eu vi
O axé do afoxé, filhos de Ghandi, virá
Um índio preservado em pleno corpo físico
Em todo sólido, todo gás e todo líquido
Em átomos, palavras, alma, cor, em gesto e cheiro
Em sombra, em luz, em som magnífico
Num ponto eqüidistante entre o
Atlântico e o Pacífico
Do objeto, sim, resplandecente descerá o índio
E as coisas que eu sei que ele dirá, fará, não sei dizer
Assim, de um modo explícito
E aquilo que nesse momento se revelará aos povos
Surpreenderá a todos, não por ser exótico
Mas pelo fato de poder ter sempre estado oculto
Quando terá sido o óbvio
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Um índio
Caetano Veloso
Um índio _______________ de uma estrela colorida e brilhante
De uma estrela que virá numa velocidade __________________
E pousará no coração do __________________ sul, na América, num claro instante
Depois de ______________________ a última ___________ indígena
E o espírito dos ____________________ das fontes de água límpida
Mais avançado que a mais avançada das mais avançadas das tecnologias
Virá, impávido que nem Muhammed Ali, virá que eu vi
_________________________ como Peri, virá que eu vi
Tranqüilo e _______________ como Bruce Lee, virá que eu vi
O axé do ______________, filhos de Ghandi, virá
Um índio _____________________ em pleno corpo físico
Em todo sólido, todo gás e todo líquido
Em átomos, palavras, alma, cor, em _____________ e cheiro
Em sombra, em luz, em som magnífico
Num ponto _____________________ entre o
____________________ e o Pacífico
Do objeto, sim, ________________________ descerá o índio
E as coisas que eu sei que ele _______________, fará, não sei dizer
Assim, de um modo explícito
E aquilo que ________________ momento se revelará aos povos
_________________________ a todos, não por ser exótico
Mas pelo fato de poder ter sempre estado oculto
Quando terá sido o __________________
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Day 6
How many shareholders are there?
1. Small group internet research: Read and select one Web site from
each category. Write five-sentence annotated bibliographies about
each of 5 Web sites that discuss Amazon issues from a different
2. Preview all sites then choose one from each category to include in
annotated bibliography.
3. Groups may also research independently of these sites. They should
be encouraged to locate other educational and indigenous peoples
sites in the Amazon.
4. Each group should make copies of their annotated bibliography for
each member and a copy to turn in to the teacher with the names of
all group members.
5. Store copy of annotated bibliography in individual folder.
Governmental (1)
Commercial (1)
Precious Woods, Manaus:
NGOs (1)
OELA Project-Oficina Escola de Lutheria de Amazonia, Menaus:
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Native peoples (1),,MUL150840-5598,00.html
Educational (1)
Day 7
Let me show you what I learned about the Amazon and its
Board Game: Jacaré
1. Groups will present their favorite website to the class and turn in
their annotated bibliographies for a grade.
2. The final assessment for this part of the unit will be a board game
called Jacaré (Crocodile) which resembles Snakes and Ladders©. The
board game includes a series of written or printed questions. These
questions may be generated by the students or created by the teacher
from content covered.
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Instruções do jogo
Para o jogo você precisa de 2 peões e um dado.
O jogo pode ser fogado por duas pessoas ou 2 grupos.
Em cada casa os jogadores têm de resolver uma tarefa.
Se a tarefa foi resolvida:
- o jogador pode subir a escada (não é necessário resolver a tarefa de
- não precisa descer pelo jacaré.
5. Se a tarefa não foi resolvida:
- o jogador não pode subir a escada.
- precisa descer pelo jacaré.
- fica uma rodada sem jogar se não há escada nem jacaré.
6. Ganha quem chega primeiro a meta com o número certo no dado.
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Part Two: O Pantanal
Day 8
A child’s view
Map of Brazil
SESI Gibi (Comic Book): Sesinho Revista Educativa Ano 6
No.65 Viagem ao Mato Grosso
Paper and colored markers
Students will share personal knowledge of the Pantanal.
Students will locate the Pantanal on the map and identify the states
and countries that share it.
Students will list flora and fauna that they believe form part of the
region and may or may not be endangered or lead to endangerment.
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1. Independent reading:
Students will read the “gibi” which is an educational comic book provided
free of charge by SESI ( It is published at intervals
and distributed to employees and their affiliated schools. SESI provided me
with 40 copies upon my request when I visited their offices in São Paulo. I
was introduced to this issue by my Portuguese language instructor at the
Diálogo School in Salvador.
2. Summarizing activity:
Groups of three students will create a colorful one-page summary that
includes the following information:
A drawing that summarizes the information about the Pantanal.
Two quotations that they feel are important about the topic.
One question that they still have about the Pantanal.
Two personal statements that they believe are relevant about
the topic.
3. Sharing activity:
Groups will share their summaries with the class the next day.
Day 9
Child’s play
Large whiteboard that is accessible to all
whiteboard markers and erasers.
Avalanche game (competition)
Teacher will observe participation and demonstrated
Share one-page summaries about the gibi content.
Directions for Avalanche game:
Class should be divided into 2 groups—each side of the room is most
One student from each group goes to the board and draws a mountain
divided into the number of levels that you want to require them to use to
write the names of the Pantanal animals mentioned in the “gibi”. You may
require them to know all or a few. I usually use 5 to 8 levels on the
mountain as that is the number that fits easily on the whiteboard.
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Game procedures:
1. Begin at the bottom of the mountain as the idea is to climb the
mountain without an avalanche.
2. All answers are erased if someone slips up and writes an animal not
mentioned in the comic book or misspells the word.*
3. Each students must close the marker and put it on the tray to
demonstrate that he or she has finished.
4. The next student on the team then approaches and if the first answer
was not avalanched (erased by the teacher for being incorrect) the
student writes the name of another animal.
5. This routine continues until one team reaches the top and plants
their flag drawing after the last correct answer.
*Note: the mountain will avalanche and all answers will be erased at any
stage where incorrect information is left on the mountain. At that point the
group starts over from the bottom!
Day 10
How many animals are there?
Booklet from Caiman Lodge: Check List of Fauna
Or a teacher generated list of fauna
Internet/Google Images
Internet research/PowerPoint presentation, Fauna of
the Pantanal
1. Pairs of students will receive photocopies of pages from the Caiman
Lodge booklet for identifying animals at the lodge.
2. They will search for photographs of the fauna using Google Images or
other clipart programs.
3. Students will create a PowerPoint to teach and test the names of the
animals and birds and also to inform if they are considered
4. The name of the animal or bird should appear after the photograph to
allow students time to guess the name and then confirm their answer
and verify spelling.
5. If time permits, the pairs should create a scrambled version to use for
assessment of classmates.
Points will be awarded for quantity and
quality/accuracy of presentation.
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Day 11
Show and tell and remember it well
LCD projector
printer paper
1. All students should create a “puff” book to take notes on the
presentations. This activity is surprisingly motivating for them to take
notes. If this is a second language classroom, the directions for
creating the book are a lesson in itself.
Directions for puff book:
a. Fold a page of printer paper in half (hotdog)
b. Fold the “hotdog” in half from long to short.
c. Do this again so that the paper when opened completely is divided
into 8 sections.
d. Open the paper completely.
e. Fold the paper in half again (hamburger).
f. Use a scissors to cut up half way from the fold side.
g. Open the paper completely.
h. Fold the paper again as a hotdog.
i. Hold the ends of the hotdog and puff it until 4 sections form.
j. Fold the sections flat to form a small book with 6 internal pages.
k. Students should decorate the cover and write their name on it.
2. Pairs of students present their PowerPoint shows two times.
The first time is the educational part. Observers should take notes in
their puff book. The second time should be used to quiz individual
student acquisition and memory.
Day 12
Does music soothe the savage breast and do pictures really
speak louder than words?
Video: Pantanal e Amazonas*
*This video has a pleasant sound track and slow moving
images. It is not content rich enough to create a separate
lesson but will create a pleasant, calming background while the
students play the following game.
Game: Animals of the Pantanal and Amazon
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This was a memory/concentration type game purchased in
Brazil. It could be recreated using images from the student
generated PowerPoints.
a. Make two copies of each image approximately 2 inches by 2
inches with the name of the wildlife printed on each.
b. Laminate them or mount them on card stock.
c. Alternatively, you could make one copy of each image and
make another card with the name of the wildlife to be
matched with the picture.
1. Divide class into small groups of 3 or 4 students.
2. Divide the pairs of game cards among the groups.
3. Students should lay out the cards face up on a desk or flat surface
and in a regular pattern of rows or lines.
4. Give students one to two minutes to memorize the card names and
5. Tell students to turn the cards over and take turns trying to find
matching pairs. The cards if correct should be removed and the
incorrect choices should be replaced face down in their original
location. The game continues until all of the cards have been
6. The winner is the student with the most cards.
7. Groups should move around the room until they have played with all
of the cards/animals.
Practice and observed assessment: Memory game about the animals of the
Pantanal and Amazon
Day 13
What does it take to capture the imagination? An exercise
in advertising/propoganda
Computers, printer, internet
WWF Web site:
Refúgio Ecológico Caiman (Caiman Lodge) Web site:
Web site sample below
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Conservação da natureza
Pantanal para Sempre
Árvore típica do Pantanal, a piúva pantaneira (Tabebuia albo rosa) floresce de junho a setembro. A espécie é a
preferida dos tuiuiús (Jabiru micteria), aves cujas asas têm envergadura média de dois metros, e que encontram
nas piúvas um local perfeito para seus ninhos
© WWF-Brasil / Eduardo Mongelli
Durante muitos anos a rede WWF apoiou projetos isolados de
conservação no Pantanal. Em 1998, no entanto, o WWF-Brasil iniciou
um programa com uma visão de longo prazo de conservação do bioma.
O objetivo do Programa Pantanal para Sempre é promover a conservação da biodiversidade por meio da criação
e implementação de unidades de conservação, preservação de espécies, incentivo a atividades econômicas de
baixo impacto ambiental e implementação do desenvolvimento sustentável.
O programa atua em várias frentes:
• apoio à criação de áreas protegidas
• identificação e estímulo a atividades econômica e ambientalmente viáveis
• conservação da espécie arara-azul
• ampliação do conhecimento científico sobre a área
apoio e capacitação de mulheres de pescadores para geração de renda e boas práticas ambientais
• treinamentos em educação ambiental para professores
• incentivo à participação da sociedade nos debates ambientais
• apoio à definição de políticas públicas para a conservação
• articulação com instituições da Bolívia e Paraguai para estudos e conservação do bioma
O Programa Pantanal para Sempre é desenvolvido por meio de parcerias com os governos estaduais e
municipais de Mato Grosso e de Mato Grosso do Sul, universidades, ONGs, WWF-Bolívia, WWF-Paraguay e
Fundação DesdeElChaco (Paraguai), além de proprietários de terra e empresários que partilham da construção
de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável para o Pantanal e para a toda a Bacia Hidrográfica Pantaneira.
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Página atualizada em: November 22, 2007. © Copyright WWF-Brasil. Todos os direitos de imagem e conteúdo
são reservados.
1. Explore the sites.
2. Pairs or groups of three create a poster using the computer to
advertise/promote an aspect of Pantanal para Sempre or Refúgio
Ecológico Caiman.
Day 14
The shareholders state their case
Cards with names of the shareholders of the Amazon and
Na Câmara dos deputados
1. Students will draw lots to represent one of the shareholders of the
Amazon or the Pantanal. Depending on class size, this may be done
independently, in partners or small groups.
2. Using information presented during the unit and the Internet, they
will create a formal written statement of concern and plan of action.
3. Each member will need to create a formal typed message written in
the appropriate register to present to congress.
4. Students may refer to class notes or complete more research to
List of possible shareholders:
Teacher or students may suggest others. Verify that Web sites or handouts
exist for each before assigning. Ideally they will come from information on
NGOs and commercial, private and government entities already presented in
the classroom.
Refúgio Ecológico Caiman
ANA Agência Nacional de Águas
WWF World Wildlife Fund
Cikel Brasil Verde (soluções
Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai)
OELA Project-Oficina Escola de Lutheria de
Amazonia, Manaus
Precious Woods, Manaus
Projeto Arara Azul
Floresta Aviva
Barcowinner (pescaria e cruzeiros)
Povos nativos (indígenas)
IPAM Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da
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Day 15
A day at the Câmara dos deputados
Presentations in the Câmara dos deputados
1. Each student will create a name card that includes the name of their
organization or party.
2. Each student should have a notepad to take notes on each person’s
comments when they are listening and representing the Câmara dos
3. Students will individually write a news article detailing the various
presentations for inclusion in the daily news of the Câmara dos
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deputados in-house newspaper. This final assignment may be given
as homework.
Assessment of Unit
Assessment is ongoing with rubrics for essays, presentations and
participation in all learning activities.
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Sustainable Development in Brazil Who are the shareholders? The