São Paulo, 02 de fevereiro de 2015
Prezado Colega:É com grande satisfação que comunicamos que estivemos participando das XVII
JORNADAS DE TRABAJO Y CONSEJO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN, entre os dias 30-novembro-03-dezembro, na
cidade do MÉXICO.
A cerimônia de abertura teve o condão de fazer a apresentação da obra –
HISTORIA DE ASIPI – a qual está a disposição de todos os interessados, conforme instruções abaixo.
Asociación Interamericana de Propriedad Intelectual Inter-American
Association of Intellectual Property Associação Interamericana da
Propriedade Intelectual
Dear Sirs,
Many are part of this association but few know its history.
That is why I am proud to hand you the book ASIPI 50 YEARS OF HISTORY, which was
written by Mr. José Carlos Tinoco Soares, prestigious member of ASIPI, Brazilian lawyer and
founding partner of the firm Tinoco Soares & Filho.
The work was translated into Spanish by Ms. Natalia Tabón, Colombian lawyer.
ASIPI 50 Years of History, is a work which very accurately narrates
the history that made possible the foundation of ASIPI placing us
the historical context that existed at that time in the Intellectual
field up to date. The book also contains a number of anecdotes told
the protagonists themselves, photographs
that are sure to be of interest for all of you.
I invite you to continue being part of this great story.
Download Book
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uma Associação que há meio século presta incomensuráveis serviços à nossa Classe.
Sem mais,

carta do presidente Juan Varell