Maia, 4th May 2015
(Translation from the Portuguese original)
Sonae hereby informs, under the terms and for the purposes of the CMVM Regulation nr. 5/2008, that, at
the Board of Directors Meeting, held today, the following resolutions were taken:
1. To appoint the Director Duarte Paulo Teixeira de Azevedo as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
2. To constitute an Executive Committee composed of the following members:
- Duarte Paulo Teixeira de Azevedo (Co-CEO)
- Ângelo Gabriel Ribeirinho dos Santos Paupério (Co-CEO)
3. To appoint Board Committees with specialised competences, composed as follows:
Board Audit and Finance Committee
- José Manuel Neves Adelino (Chairman)
- Andrew Eustace Clavering Campbell
- Christine Cross
- Tsega Gebreyes
- Marcelo Faria de Lima
Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee
- Duarte Paulo Teixeira de Azevedo (Chairman)
- José Manuel Neves Adelino
- Christine Cross
4. To appoint as the Company Secretary:
- Luzia Leonor Gomes e Borges Ferreira (Effective)
- Raquel Sousa Rocha (Substitute)
5. To appoint as the Representative for the Market Relations:
- Luzia Leonor Gomes e Borges Ferreira
The Representative for Market Relations

Comunicado 4 05 2015 C Adm ING