Questões 26 a 50
Instrução: responda às questões 26 a 31 com base
no texto abaixo.
Global protest grows as citizens
lose faith in politics and the state
The demonstrations in Brazil began after a small
rise in bus fares that triggered mass protests. Within days this had become a nationwide movement
........ concerns had spread far beyond fares: more
than a million people were on the streets shouting
about everything - from corruption to the cost of
living to the amount of money being spent on the
World Cup.
........ Turkey, it was a similar story. A protest
over the future of a city park in Istanbul snowballed
too into something bigger, a wider-ranging political
confrontation with prime minister.
If the recent scenes have seemed familiar, it is
because they shared common features: viral, loosely
organised with fractured messages and mostly taking
place in urban public locations.
Unlike the protest movement of 1968, or even
the end of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe in
1989, ........ are movements with few discernible
leaders and often conflicting ideologies. Their points
of reference are not even necessarily ideological,
but take inspiration from other protests, including
those of the Arab Spring and the Occupy movement.
The result has seen a wave of social movements
– sometimes short-lived – from Wall Street to Tel
Aviv and from Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro, often
engaging younger, better educated and wealthier
members of society.
In Brazil, the varied banners underlined the
difficulty of easy categorisation as protesters held
aloft signs expressing a range of demands from education reforms to free bus fares, while denouncing
the billions of public dollars spent on stadiums for
the 2014 World Cup and the Olympics.
“It’s sort of a Catch-22,” Rodrigues da Cunha, a
63-year-old protester told the Associated Press. “On
the one hand, we need some sort of leadership; on
the other, we don’t want this to be compromised by
being affiliated with any political party.”
As the Economist pointed out, while mass movements in Britain, France, Sweden and Turkey have
been inspired by a variety of causes, including
falling living standards, authoritarian government
and worries about immigration, Brazil does not fit
the picture, with youth unemployment at a record
low and enjoying the biggest leap in living standards
in the country’s history.
So what’s going on? “This is a very peculiar
moment”, Saskia Sassen, a sociology professor at
Columbia University, New York, told the Observer.
She argues that one distinguishing factor is that
many of the protest movements of the past decade
have been defined by the involvement of what she
calls “the modest middle class”, ........ have often
been beneficiaries of the systems they are protesting
against, but whose positions have been eroded by
neoliberal economic policies that have seen both
distribution of wealth and opportunities captured
by a narrowing minority. As people have come to
feel more distant from government and economic
institutions, a large part of the new mass forms of
dissent has come to be seen as an opportunity to
demonstrate ideas of “citizenship”.
Sassen’s belief that many of the recent protests
are middle-class-driven appeared to be confirmed
overtly – in the case of Brazil, at least.
26. No final do texto, o autor usa a palavra “overtly”
ao mencionar a crença de Sassen diante dos
protestos. O contexto em que a palavra está
inserida permite entender que Sasse
(A)acredita que os protestos continuarão por
um bom tempo.
(B)acredita que os protestos no Brasil vão
durar menos do que em outros países.
(C)acredita que a “onda” de protestos global
é passageira.
(D)acredita que os protestos são feitos por
todas as classes.
(E) acredita que os protestos, no Brasil, são
27. Qual das alternativas abaixo melhor preenche as lacunas do texto?
(A)whose – On – those – who
(B)which – In – these – whom
(C)whose – In – these – who
(D)that – At – those – which
(E) whose – In – those – whom
28. De acordo com o quarto parágrafo do texto,
os cartazes utilizados nas ruas durante os
protestos incluíam
Instrução: as questões 32 a 41 devem ser respondidas a partir da leitura do texto a seguir.
I. Demanda por reformas na educação brasileira.
II. Redução de preço na passagem de ônibus.
III.Denúncia de excesso de despesas com a
Copa e Olimpíadas.
Qual(quais) da(s) afirmativa(s) acima está(ão)
(E) Apenas
I e II.
I e III.
29. O sétimo parágrafo começa com a palavra
“As”. Qual das frases abaixo apresenta o
mesmo uso dessa palavra?
(A) During the war, this building was used as a
(B)He did it as I told him to.
(C)As Michel Ayala is poor, we’ll pay him the
(D) They chose to adopt a baby as they couldn’t
have one.
(E) She ended up with pneumonia as of July.
30. Qual das frases abaixo apresenta o mesmo
uso de ING que “wider-ranging” – no final do
segundo parágrafo do texto?
(A)Her dancing dazzles us.
(B)Can you tell me more about the opening?
(C)He’s just sitting there, counting crows.
(D)Surfing is the best!
(E) The closing scene was terrible.
31. Vemos o mesmo processo de formação da
palavra “leadership” (sexto parágrafo) em
(E) minimize.
Pediatric group advises parents to read to kids
June 26, 2014
By Amy Graff
Reading Go Dog Go to your 6 month old might seem
like wasted time because she’s more likely to eat the
book than help you turn the pages, but a statement
released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
this week says reading in the early years is essential.
Reading out loud gets parents talking to their babies
and the sound of an adult’s voice stimulates that
tiny yet rapidly growing brain. In the statement, the
academy advises pediatricians to tell parents to read
books to their children from birth.
Reading regularly with young children stimulates optimal patterns of brain development and
strengthens parent-child relationships at a critical
time in child development, which, in turn, builds
language, literacy, and social-emotional skills that
last a lifetime. Research shows that a child’s brain
develops faster between 0 and 3 than at any other
time in life, making the early years a critical time
for babies to hear rich oral language. The more
words children hear directed at them by parents
and caregivers, the more they learn.
While many babies are read Goodnight Moon and
The Very Hungry Caterpillar every night before bed,
others never get a chance to “pat the bunny.” Studies
reveal that children from low-income, less-educated
families have significantly fewer books than their
more affluent peers. By age 4, children in poverty
hear 30 million fewer words than those in higher
-income households. These dramatic gaps result in
significant learning disadvantages that persist into
adulthood. The AAP hopes the new guidelines will
encourage all parents to start reading from day one.
Research shows that when pediatricians talk
with parents about reading, moms and dads are
more likely to fill their home with books and read.
Also, to help get more parents reading, the AAP is
partnering with organizations such as Scholastic and
Too Small to Fail to help get reading materials to
new families who need books the most.
This is the first time the AAP has made a recommendation on children’s literary education and it
seems the timing might be just right as more and
more parents are leaning on screens and electronic
gadget to occupy their babies. “The reality of today’s world is that we’re competing with portable
digital media,” Dr. Alanna Levine, a pediatrician in
Orangeburg, N.Y., told The New York Times. “So you
really want to arm parents with tools and rationale
behind it about why it’s important to stick to the
basics of things like books.” Adaptado.
32. No trecho do primeiro parágrafo, “that tiny
yet rapidly growing brain”, o termo em destaque indica
(E) resultado.
33. No trecho do segundo parágrafo “which, in
turn, builds language”, a expressão em negrito poderia ser traduzida por
(A)ao retornar.
(B)nas idas e vindas.
(C)por sua vez.
(D)ao dar reviravoltas.
(E) ao se desviar.
34. The modal verb “might” at the beginning of
the text expresses
(E) condition.
35. The active voice for “While many babies are
read Goodnight Moon and The Very Hungry
Caterpillar” (third paragraph) is
(A)While many babies read Goodnight Moon
and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
(B) While some are reading Goodnight Moon and
The Very Hungry Caterpillar to many babies.
(C) While many have read Goodnight Moon and
The Very Hungry Caterpillar to many babies.
(D)While babies have read Goodnight Moon
and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
(E) While some read Goodnight Moon and The
Very Hungry Caterpillar to many babies.
36. According to the text
(A) Low-income babies have more than enough
access to books and education.
(B)Reading to kids doesn’t make a difference
unless they’re more than 4 years-old.
(C)The less you read, the less you spend.
(D)The less babies are read to, the less educated adults they become.
(E) The AAP encourages kids to read.
37. Which of the following words could NOT be
preceded by “few”?
(E) Bucks.
38. Why did the AAP make its first recommendation regarding reading?
(A)Parents count on electronic gadgets to
amuse their babies.
(B)That is because parents dislike reading to
their kids.
(C)Children have always preferred books to
(D)The APP offers discounts on books yet not
on smartphones.
(E) Books are cheaper than other digital media.
39. Which of the following does NOT agree with
proper Genitive Case?
(A)Cris’s car was stolen last night.
(B)Douglas’s and Jules’s friends came to the
(C)Michel and Lima’s students are sleepy.
(D)We have to follow Jesus’ words.
(E) The shirt’s button is missing.
40. Which statement has the same word sequence
as “rapidly growing brain” (first paragraph)?
(A)slowly-done task.
(B)fast decorated rooms.
(C)very fast learner.
(D)hard-working people.
(E) happily ever after.
41. No trecho do último parágrafo, “So you really
want to arm parents with tools”, a palavra em
destaque seria melhor substituída por
(E) Yet.
Instrução: as questões 42 a 50 devem ser respondidas a partir da leitura do texto abaixo.
The master’s program “British and American Cultures: Texts and Media” deals with the
cultural productions of Great Britain and the
United States of America in all their forms and
variations. In addition to the research-oriented
examination of English and American literature
from their beginnings to the present day, the
program also focuses on contemporary theoretical and critical discourses such as postcolonial
studies, cultural studies, gender studies, performance studies, and media studies. From the
dramas of Shakespeare to the representation of
gender in American and British television, from
Hamlet to the narrative forms of new media,
a broad spectrum of texts will be discussed
from multiple theoretical and methodological
Students will learn advanced analytical skills
in dealing with fiction, poetry, drama, photography, movies, paintings, comics, and music. The
course puts a special emphasis on innovative
didactic methods of communication and on independent research work conducted by students.
These approaches include, for example, the guided organization of a conference, symposium,
or publication during which the students will be
showcasing their own projects or research papers. Students will attend seminars and lectures
in both English and American Studies with the
option to specialize in one of these disciplines
in the later part of the program.
Disponível em: <http://www.uni
British_and_American_Cultures.html>. Acesso em: setembro 2014.
42. The words highlighted in the text: deals,
examination, broad, research and option
could be replaced, with no change in their
(A) bargains, perception, ample, exam, resort.
(B) takes care, lookout, spacious, questioning,
(C)works, observation, vast, investigation,
(D)involves, monitor, wide, inquiry, appeal.
(E) negotiate, vigil, vast, examination, request.
43. A palavra “their” no trecho “... all their forms
and variations” (l. 04-05) refere-se a
(A)British and American Cultures
(B)Texts and Media
(C)cultural productions
(D)United States of America
(E) deals
44. A conjunção “In addition to” (l. 05) poderia
ser substituída, sem qualquer alteração de
sentido, por
(D)As long as.
(E) Beside.
45. De acordo com o texto, são tratados no mestrado em questão:
I. Discurso contemporâneo
II. Estudos teóricos e críticos
III. Drama Shakespeariano
(A)Apenas I.
(B)Apenas II.
(C)Apenas I e III.
(D)Apenas II e III.
(E) I, II e III.
46. Check T (true) or F (false) in the following
( ) The text mentions an undergraduate course.
( ) The course emphasizes on innovation.
( ) The master’s program takes place in Germany.
( ) Students end specialized in both English
and American studies.
Which is the right sequence?
(A)F – T – T – F.
(B)F – F – F – T.
(C)T – T – F – F.
(D)T – F – T – F.
(E) F – T – T – T.
47. Qual par de palavras NÃO apresenta, respectivamente, um adjetivo e um substantivo?
(A)American literature.
(B)Critical discourse.
(C)British television.
(D)Gender studies.
(E) Innovative methods.
48. What’s the passive voice for “The students
will be showcasing their own projects”?
(A)Their own projects will be showncased by
the students.
(B) The students will have showcased their own
(C)Their own projects will have been showcased by the students.
(D)The students are going to showcase their
own projects.
(E) Their own projects will be being showcased
by the students.
49. Qual das alternativas abaixo segue a mesma
sequência gramatical de “innovative didactic
(A)Really expensive cars.
(B)Critical starting point.
(C)Hardly taken road.
(D)Informally written note.
(E) Methodical media studies.
50. Qual das palavras abaixo NÃO é adjetivo?
(E) Scottish.
