Atividades adicionais
Módulo 3
1.(FMU) He is famous ..... .
a)for to make long speeches
b)for doing so many pronunciation mistakes
c)to do favors to politicians
d)for making delicious apple pies
e)to make big parties
2.(PUC-C) Assinale a alternativa que contém os eIementos que completam corretamente a frase:
John has lived in that same house ..... many years,
actually ..... he was a little boy.
a)for - since
b)since - since
c)about - for
d)for - for
e)for - about
3.(ITA) "l won't go to the theater this week." " ..... ."
a)Neither I will
b)Nor am I
c)Nor I will go
d)I will neither
e)Neither will I
4.(FATEC) When I met John, he ..... breakfast.
a)has already had
b) had already had
c)have already had
d)had already have
e)had already has
5.(PUC – C) 'Do you want a cigarette?"
"No, thanks. I’ve ..... smoked one.”
6.(ITA) ..... there sufficient evidence to show who did it?
Who knows?
7.(FATEC) ln what country ..... Mary and her family live?
a) does
8.______ must study English because it's the global
language. Do you want to be ______ actress or
______ teacher?
a)Everybody - a - a
b)Nobody - an -a
c)Neither - an - a
d)Everybody - an - a
e)Nobody - a -a
Texto para as questões 09 a 12
PAS – UFSM – etapa 1 – 2008
Para responder às questões de números 09 a 12 leia
o texto I.
There are 193 countries in the world.
None of them are energy independent.
So who's holding whom over a barrel?
The fact is, the vast majority of countries rely on
the few energy-producing nations that won the
geological lottery, blessing them with abundant
hydrocarbons. And yet, even regions with plenty
of raw resource import some form of energy.
Saudi Arabia, for example, the world's largest oil
exporter, imports refined petroleum products
like gasoline.
So if energy indenpendence is an unrealistic goal, how
does everyone get the fuel they need, especially in a
world of rising demand, suplly disruptions, natural
disasters and unstable regimes?
True global energy security will be a result of
cooperation and engagement, not isolationism,
When investment and expertise are allowed to
flow freely across borders, the engine of innovation
is ignited, prosperity is fueled and the energy
available to everyone increases. At the same time,
balancing the needs of producers and consumers
is as crucial as increasing supply and curbing
demand. Only then will the world enjoy energy
Succeeding in securing energy for everyone doesn't
have to come at the expense of anyone. Once we all
start to think differently about energy, then we can
truly make this promise a reality.
Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s)
a)I apenas.
b)lll apenas.
c)I e ll apenas.
d)ll e Ill apenas.
e)I, II e Ill.
12. PAS – UFSM – etapa 1 – 2008
Complete a lacuna com a palavra que expressa a
mesma ideia e relação lógica das Iinhas 6 a 8 do texto
_____ Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil exporter,
it imports refined petroleum products like gasoline.
Revista TIME June 18, 2007. p 2.
9.PAS – UFSM – etapa 1 – 2008
O texto argumenta que
I.nenhum país do mundo é auto-suficiente em
ll.poucos países são responsáveis pela maioria de
energia consumida no mundo.
IIl.a segurança energética global resulta da redução
drástica do consumo de energia.
Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) alternativa(s)
a)I apenas.
b)I e II apenas.
c)III apenas.
d)II e III apenas.
e)I, ll e III.
13. PAS – UPE – etapa 3 – 2011
Com base na figura a seguir, responda a questão 28.
Complete the blanks using the degree of adjectives:
a)small; big
b)smaller; biggest
c)smaller; bigger
d)smaler; bigger
e)small; bigger
10. PAS – UFSM – etapa 1 – 2008
A ideia central contida no segmento
"True global energy security will be a result of
cooperation and engagement not isolationism.
When investment and expertise are allowed to
flow freely across borders, the engine of innovation
is ignited, prosperity is fueled and the energy
available to everyone increases" (I. 13a 18)
PAS – UPE – etapa 2 – 2011
é a defesa
a)do livre comércio.
b)da responsabilidade social.
c)do uso racional de energia.
d)da consciência ecológica.
e)da solidariedade humana.
11. PAS – UFSM – etapa 1 – 2008
O texto discute
I.a dependência energética global
ll.a conciliação entre oferta e demanda de energia.
Ill.avanços na pesquisa sobre fontes renováveis de
Com base nessa figura, responda às questões 14 e 15.
14. According to the cartoon above
16.Com base no texto Smoking, analise os itens a
I.As estatísticas mostram que a maioria dos usuários de cigarro (9 entre 10) começa a fumar antes
dos 18 anos.
II.Até bem pouco tempo havia comerciais de cigarro em toda parte porém não era permitido aos
jovens fumar em lugares públicos.
III.Todos os jovens podem comprar cigarros e fumar publicamente desde que tenham permissão
de seus pais ou responsáveis.
IV.Quase todos sabem que o cigarro pode causar
doenças graves e encurtar o tempo de vida, mas
continuam a fumar em razão do vício.
V.Há um tempo, as pessoas podiam comprar cigarros e fumar bastante em qualquer lugar, até mesmo em hospitais.
a)the students understood what is written on the
b)the students are not waiting for the teacher.
c)all the students are from the USA.
d)English is not the student's first language.
e)all the students must speak English perfectly.
15. Which question below can get the sentence written
on the blackboard as an answer?
a)Who has cancelled?
b)Why is the teacher in class?
c)Which language class was cancelled?
d)When will the language class be cancelled?
e)Where is the second language class?
Assinale a alternativa que contém os itens CORRETOS.
PAS – UPE – etapa 1– 2011
a)ll e IV.
b)lll e V.
c)Il e V.
d)ll, Ill e V.
e)l, IV e V.
Texto1 (questões 16 e 17)
When your parents were young, people could
buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere
– even in hospitals! Cigarette commercials were
all over the place. Today we're more aware about
how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is
restricted or banned in almost all public places
and cigarette companies are no longer allowed
to advertise on TV radio and in many magazines.
17. The sentence “People start smoking for a variety of
different reasons” in the negative form is:
a)People did not started smoking for a variety of
different reasons.
b)People isn’t starting smoke for a variety of different
c) People doesn‘t start smoking for a variety of different
d)People don’t start smoking for a variety of different
e)People no starts smoking for a variety of different
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes
cancer emphysema and heart disease; that it can
shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that
the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars
a year. So how come people are still lighting up?
The answer in a word is addiction.
PAS – UFSM – etapa 2 – 2010
Once you start, it's hard to stop
People start smoking for a variety of reasons. Some
think it looks cool. Others start because their family
members or friends smoke. Statistics show that
about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're
18 years old. Most adults who started smoking in
their teens never expected to become addicted.
That's why people say it's just so much easier to
not start smoking at all.
(Texto original disponível em: htpp://
drug/alcohol/tobbaco/sn. Acesso em: 09/07/2011.
Para responder as questões de números 18 a 24,
leia o texto a seguir.
Star Wars is an epic space franchise conceived by
George Lucas. The first film in the franchise was
originally released on May 25, 1977, by 20th Century
Fox, and became a worldwide pop culture
phenomenon, spawning two immediate sequels,
released at three-year intervals. Sixteen years after
the release of the trilogy's final film, the first in a
new prequel trilogy of films was released, again
released at three-year intervals, with the final film
released on May 19, 2005.
As of 2008, the overall box office revenue generated
by the six Star Wars films has totalled approximately
$4.3 billion, making it the third highest-grossing
film series, behind only the James Bond and Harry
Potter films.
The Star Wars film series has spawned other media
including books, television series, video games, and
comic books. These supplements to the film
trilogies comprise the Star Wars Expanded Universe,
and have resulted in significant development of the
series’ fictional universe. These media kept the
franchise going in the interim between the film
trilogies. In 2008, Star Wars: The Clone Wars was
released to theaters as the first ever worldwide
theatrical Star Wars film outside of the main
trilogies. It was the franchises first animated film,
and was intended as an introduction to the
Expanded Universe series of the same name, a 3D
CGI animated series based on a previous 2D
animated series of a similar name.–Wars
18. O texto trata, principalmente,
a)dos acontecimentos que geraram as séries de filmes Star Wars.
b)dos lucros proporcionados pelas trilogias Star Wars.
c) dos locais onde foram filmadas as séries Star Wars
d)de um resumo histórico da saga Star Wars.
e)da primeira trilogia da série Star Wars.
19. Comparando-se as séries sobre James Bond, Harry
Potter e Star Wars, pode-se afirrnar que
a)as três séries obtiveram a mesma renda.
b)James Bond e Harry Potter geraram menos renda
do que Star Wars.
c)James Bond e Harry Potter geraram mais renda
do que Star Wars.
d)James Bond gerou menos renda do que Harry
e)apenas Harry Potter obteve menos renda do que
Star Wars.
Está(ão) correta(s)
a)apenas I
b)apenas ll.
c)apenas l e Il.
d)apenas II e Ill.
e)I, ll e Ill.
21. A melhor tradução para o verbo "spawn" ( I. 5 e 16) é
22. O segmento "Star Wars Expanded Universe” pode
ser explicado como:
a)todos os filmes da série Star Wars.
b)os filmes em 3D baseados nas trilogias.
c)o fllme "The Clone Wars" lançado em 2008.
d)uma série animada em 2D lançada previamente.
e)livros, seriados televisivos, videogames etc, baseados no filme Star Wars
23. Na Iinha 4, o verbo "became" é irregular e está no
passado simples. Qual outro verbo do texto possui
essas características?
24. O segmento "These media" (I. 21) refere-se
a)à companhia 20th Century Fox.
b)à mídia complementar, gerada pelo sucesso dos
c)a cultura popular.
d)aos filmes da série.
e)apenas aos videogames baseados na trilogia.
PAS - UPE - etapa 1 - 2011
Com base na imagem a seguir, responda à questão 25.
20. Analise as afirmativas sobre Star Wars:
I.O primeiro filme da série foi lançado há mais de
33 anos.
ll.O terceiro filme da sequência foi o mais rentável.
Ill.Cada filme era lançado com dois anos de intervalo.
25. Look at the cartoon above and complete the blank
using the correct pronoun.
PAS – UPE – etapa 1 – 2011
Texto 2 (questão 26)
People started looking at stars a very long time ago.
Modern science expanded our understanding too,
and we know the Earth is a small planet that goes
around an ordinary star in the Milky Way Galaxy. We
also know that there are more than 100 billion
galaxies in the universe. We live on a small planet in
a very large universe. But there are many questions
we haven't answered yet. For example, .......................
Last century scientists discovered that there are
other planets in the universe. However all the
planets that they found are much bigger than the
Earth, and they probably don't have life on them.
But who knows?
(Texto adaptado de MILNER, Martin. World English 1. Boston:
HEINLY Cengage Learning, 2010.)
26. Do acordo com o texto e com as normas gramaticais, a pergunta que completa CORRETAMENTE a
Iacuna acima é
a)we will be the only intelligent life in the universe?
b)are we the only intelligent life in the universe?
c)the stars are the only intelligent life in the universe?
d)the things are the only intelligent life in the
e)are they going to be the only intelligent life in the
PAS - UPE - etapa 3 - 2011
Texto 1 (questão 27)
Volunteering to help out with something you
believe in can be one of the most gratifying and
enjoyable things you can do. lt gives you an
opportunity to change people's lives including your
own. And it can be fun! Volunteering is a fulfilling
experience in many ways.
As a volunteer working with others you'll learn to
appreciate and work with people's difference. As a
result you'll stay in touch with your community's
needs. Your social awareness will grow through real
Volunteering empowers you. Many volunteer jobs
require you to act independently and take initiative.
Such jobs give you a sense of control over your life:
you set your goals, make your choices and follow
your routine.
Since the International Year of Volunteers (2001),
the number of volunteers in Brazil has doubled
rising from 22 million to 44 million. However only
7% of young people in Brazil are volunteers as
opposed to 62% of youngsters in the United States.
Volunteering can reveal hidden talents. You may be
able to assume responsibilities or take on challenges
you didn t know you were capable to do.
Many people report feeling healthy and content as a
result of their volunteer activities. Go ahead. Give it a try!
(Texto adaptado) PLATERO, Luciana e DONNINI, Lívia. All Set!
Volume unico. Student book. Boston: HEINLY Cengage
Learning, 2009.
27. Com base no texto Volunteering, analise os itens a
I.Muitos trabalhos voluntários exigem que você
aja com independência e tome inciativa, dando-lhe a sensação de controle sobre a própria vida.
ll.Desde o Ano Internacional dos Voluntários
(2001), o número de voluntários cresceu bastante no Brasil, chegando a dobrar.
lll.Ser voluntário no Brasil é muito difícil, pois não
há instituições ou organizações que se encarreguem de sistematizar essa atividade.
lV.O voluntariado favorece aos jovens um perfil de
funcionário exemplar, além de um currículo invejável e acesso a universidade.
V.No Brasil, o voluntariado entre os jovens ainda
está Ionge do que acontece em outros países,
como os Estados Unidos.
Assinale a alternativa que contém os itens CORRETOS.
a)Apenas l, ll e V.
b)Apenas ll e lll.
c)Apenas lll, IV e V.
d)Apenas ll e V.
e)Apenas IV e V.
PAS - UPE - etapa 2 - 2011
Texto 1 (questões de 28 a 30).
TV-Turnoff Week
TV-Turnoff Week is an exciting opportunity for
children and adults to experience life without
television. For seven days people across the country
and around the world turn off their televisions to
find that life can be more rewarding and fulfilling
when we do more and watch less.
Television cuts into family time, harms our children's
ability to read and succeed in school and contributes
to unhealthy lifestyles and obesity.
Over 24 million people have participated in TV
Turnoff Week since 1995 including over six million
in 2000 alone. Children and adults rich and poor,
black and white – people from every background
and all walks of Iife – take part through schools
churches or community groups as families or
individuals. What they tell us year after year is
that life is more enjoyable and less stressful
without television.
TV-Turnoff Week is supported by 70 national
organizations including the American Medical
Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics
and National Education Association, and the
President's Council of Physical Fitness and Sports.
It's clear that the impact of TV Turnoff Week lasts
much longer than seven days. Join thousands of
parents, pediatricians and other families by
celebrating TV Turnoff Week next year!
(Adaptado de TV-Turnoff Week. PLATERO, Luciana e
DONNINI, Lívia. AII Set! Volume único. Student
book. Boston: HEINLY Cengage Learning, 2009).
28. De acordo com o texto, é CORRETO afirmar que
a)os participantes dessa experiência têm revelado,
ano após ano, que a vida é mais divertida e menos estressante sem a televisão.
b)a televisão prejudica as habilidades físicas das
crianças, pois as impede de brincar, correr e praticar esportes ao ar livre.
c)TV-Turnoff Week é uma experiência em que as
pessoas são forçadas a não assistir a televisão durante uma semana, como num ‘reality show’.
d)os participantes dessa experiência se tornam
amigos, formando uma comunidade de milhares
de pessoas que não ligam mais a TV.
e)TV-Turnoff Week é uma experiência fundamental
para as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelas associações de medicina dos Estados Unidos.
29. Na frase "lt's clear that the impact of TV-Turnoff Week
lasts much longer than seven days", o verbo em destaque significa
30. Which sentence is in the passive voice?
a)“Over 24 million people have participated in TV-Turnoff Week since 1995, ..."
b)“TV-Turnoff Week is an exciting opportunity for
children and adults ..."
c)“Television cuts into family time, harms our
children’s ability to read ...”
d)"TV-Turnoff Week is supported by 70 national
organizations ..."
e)" ... life is more enjoyable and less stressful
without television."
Respostas das Atividades adicionais
