ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE MARKET On the Board of Directors Meeting that took place today the indication of the regular members that compose the Board of Directors Advisors Committee was approved, composed as follows: Strategic and Financial Committee: Nildemar Secches, Manoel Cordeiro Silva Filho, Rami Naum Goldfajn, Marcelo de Souza Muniz, José Antonio do Prado Fay, Leopoldo Viriato Saboya. Compensation and Executive Development Committee: Nildemar Secches, Francisco Ferreira Alexandre, Maurício Novis Botelho, Marcelo de Souza Muniz, José Antonio do Prado Fay, Gilberto Antonio Orsato. Ethic and Governance Committee: Jaime Hugo Patalano, Luís Carlos Fernandes Afonso, Décio da Silva, Marcelo de Souza Muniz, José Antonio do Prado Fay, Paulo Ernani de Oliveira. São Paulo (SP), May 19, 2008. Wang Wei Chang Chief Financial Officer