Rule 12g3-2(b) Exemption # 82-35186 Free English Translation MINUTES OF ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS MEETING HELD ON APRIL 28TH, 2015 On April 28th of two thousand and fifteen, at three p.m., Banco do Brasil Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting (CNPJ: 00.000.000/0001-91; NIRE: 5330000063-8) – an open capital company – was held, in a first call at the Company’s headquarters located at Setor de Autarquias Norte, Quadra 5, Lote B, 14º andar, Asa Norte - Brasília (DF), attended by 466 (four hundred and sixty six) shareholders, in person or by delegation, owners of 2,183,022,298 (two billion, one hundred and eighty three million, twenty two thousand, two hundred and ninety eight) voting shares, representing 76.20% of the total 2,865,417,020 (two billion, eight hundred and sixty-five million, four hundred and seventeen thousand and twenty) voting shares, whom signed the “Guest Book”, complying with legal requirements. In view of the justified absence of the Chief Executive Officer, Alexandre Corrêa Abreu, the shareholders unanimously elected Mr. Luiz Cláudio Ligabue, to chair the meeting, who invited to compose the presiding board. When installing the Meetings, invited, to complete the table, Mrs. Kátia Aparecida Zanetti de Lima, Federal Government representative, majority shareholder, and Mr. Aldo César Martins Braido, Board of Auditors member. He also invited the shareholders Neila Maria Barreto Leal and Célio Cota de Queiroz to serve as first and second secretary, respectively. The matters presented to the Meeting were those recorded in the following Call Notice published on March 27th , 30th and 31st , 2015 in the Diário Oficial da União (Official Daily Government Newspaper - Section 1 - page 41 and Section 3 – pages 71 and 75, respectively) and on March 27th , 31st , 2015 and April 1st , 2015 in the newspaper Valor Econômico Centro-Oeste (page E2), transcript as follows: BANCO DO BRASIL S.A. CNPJ 00.00.000/0001-91 Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholdes Meetings The shareholders of Banco do Brasil S.A. — public company — are invited to take part, in a first summons, in the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meetings that will be held at Banco do Brasil’s Headquarter - SAUN, quadra 5, lote B - Ed. Banco do Brasil - 14º andar, Brasília (DF), at 3 p.m. on April 28th, 2015, in order to deal with the following subjects: Ordinary Shareholders Meeting Ito be informed about the Management Report and for deliberation, accounts, financial statements, opinions of the Board of Auditors and of the independent auditors and the report of the Audit Committee relating to fiscal year 2014; IIdestination of the net income from the 2014 exercise and the dividends distribution; IIIelection of the Board of Auditors members; IVto fix the Board of Auditors remuneration; - to be continued - 04.28.2015 VVI- 2 election of the Board of Directors members; to fix the overall annual amount of the remuneration of the members of the management bodies. Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting IIIIII- Banco do Brasil’s share capital increase through incorporation of part of the balance recorded as Statutory Reserve for Operating Margin; the raise of authorized capital; amendments in Bylaws articles 7th and 8th due to the resolutions pursuant to items I and II. The proxy instruments should be deposited at Banco do Brasil’s Executive Secretariat - SAUN, quadra 5, lote B - Ed. Banco do Brasil - 13º andar, Brasília (DF), within 24 hours before the Meetings begin. To participate in the shareholders meetings, due to the article 126 of Law 6404/76, the shareholder, or legal representative, must show ID and, in case of book entry shares or shares in custody, its receipt issued by the depository financial institution. th In accordance to CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) Regulations 165 on December 11 , 1994 and 282 on June 26th, 1998 the minimum percentage of voting capital will be 5% (five percent) to request the adoption of cumulative voting in the election of the Board of Directors members. The application must be made to the Banco do Brasil’s CEO up to 48 hours before the Meeting. To appoint members of the Board of Directors, there will be observed the rules established by CVM Regulation 367 on May 29th , 2002. Documents related to the proposals to be deliberated by the Meetings are available at Banco do Brasil’s Headquarter Building, in the Executive Secretariat - SAUN, quadra 5, lote B - Ed. Banco do Brasil - 13º andar, Brasília (DF), in Banco do Brasil’s Investor Relations website ( and in CVM website ( Brasília (DF), March 26th, 2015 Alexandre Corrêa Abreu Board of Directors Member The Ordinary Shareholders Meeting decided: a) to approve, by the majority of votes, the financial statements joined to the Management Report and the Advices from the Board of Directors, the Board of Auditors and from the independent auditors and the Report of the Audit Committee, related to the fiscal year 2014, all published on 02/25/2015 in the Diário Oficial da União (Official Daily Government Newspaper) and in the newspaper Valor Econômico (DF); b) to approve, by the majority of votes, the allocation of net income for the year 2014, with the recommendation by the Departamento de Coordenação e Governança das Empresas Estatais (Department of Coordination and Governance of State owned Companies) in the sense that it will be made, in the next balance, accounting adjustment in profit sharing, and other that may be necessary arising from the ownership interest of the instrument eligible to core capital, as proposed by the Administration, as follows: R$ Net Income Profit Acummulated Adjustments to the Net Income Legal Reserves 11,312,851,949.56 13,050,928.72 11,325,902,878.28 565,642,597.48 - to be continued - 04.28.2015 Remuneration to Shareholders Interest on Own Capital Dividends Hybrid Capital and Debt Instruments Utilization of Reserves to Dividends Equalization Statutory Reserves to Operational Margin to Dividends Equalization 3 4,525,140,779.83 3,674,035,990.03 851,104,789.80 80,379,636.11 (383,427,838.97) 6,538,167,703.83 6,211,259,318.64 326,908,385.19 c) to elect, by the majority of votes, the Board of Auditors members, qualified as follows, to fulfill the 2015/2016 mandate, informed that the elected representatives meet the requirements of BB’s Bylaws and legislation in force: BOARD OF AUDITORS - 2015/2016 Mandate Representatives of the National Treasury, appointed by the Minister of Finance: Incumbent Board Member: PAULO JOSÉ DOS REIS SOUZA, Brazilian, married, administrator, CPF #494.424.306-53, ID #3.227.774, issued on 01.17.2011 by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, anexo, sala 101, Brasília (DF); Alternate Board Member: EDÉLCIO DE OLIVEIRA, Brazilian, single, economist, CPF #546.874.466-04, ID #M-2.910.926, issued on 10.16.1981 by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado de Minas Gerais. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, anexo, ala B, térreo, Brasília (DF); Federal Government representatives, appointed by the Minister of Finance: Incumbent Board Member: MARCOS MACHADO GUIMARÃES, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF #398.826.591-87, ID #885.769, issued on 09.12.1983 by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 2º andar, sala 223, Brasília (DF); Alternate Board Member: DANIELLE AYRES DELDUQUE, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF #670.041.801-15, ID #1.546.082, issued on 09.10.1992 by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 2º andar, sala 219 A, Brasília (DF); Incumbent Board Member: ALDO CÉSAR MARTINS BRAIDO, Brazilian, legally separated, lawyer, CPF #064.456.448-21, ID #18.023.404-3, issued on 02.09.1999 by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado de São Paulo. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 8º andar - Brasília (DF); Alternate Board Member: LUIZ FERNANDO JUCÁ FILHO, Brazilian, married, lawyer, CPF #478.918.230-49, ID #1019858628, issued by Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, sala 814, Brasília (DF); Members elected by the minority shareholders: Incumbent Board Member: GIORGIO BAMPI, Brazilian, married, accounting, CPF #005.167.75987, ID #535.971-6, issued on 07.06.2012 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Paraná. Address: Rua João Américo de Oliveira, 903, apt. 101 A, Bairro Hugo Lange - Curitiba (PR); - to be continued- 04.28.2015 4 Alternate Board Member: PAULO ROBERTO FRANCESCHI, Brazilian, married, accounting, CPF #171.891.298-72, ID #669.976-6, issued on 02.22.2013 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Paraná. Address: Rua Marechal Deodoro, 630, conjunto 1303 - Curitiba (PR); Incumbent Board Member: MAURICIO GRACCHO DE SEVERIANO CARDOSO, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF #315.096.737-68, ID #8.644, issued on 11.04.2010 by the Conselho Regional de Economia do Rio de Janeiro. Address: Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 589/802 - Rio de Janeiro (RJ); Alternate Board Member: MARCELO COSTA MARQUES D’OLIVEIRA, Brazilian, common-law marriage, accounting, CPF #863.728.077-34, ID #060.892/O-0, issued on 07.26.2013 by the Conselho Regional de Contabilidade do Rio de Janeiro. Address: Rua da Ajuda, 35, 20º andar Rio de Janeiro (RJ); d) to elect, by the majority of votes, the Board of Directors member, qualified as follows, to fulfill the 2015/2017 mandate, informed that the elected representatives meet the requirements of BB’s Bylaws and legislation in force: Federal Government representatives, appointed by the Minister of Finance: Chairman: TARCÍSIO JOSÉ MASSOTE DE GODOY, Brazilian, married, civil engineer, CPF #316.688.601-04, ID #554.548, issued on 09.11.1984 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Distrito Federal. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 4º andar - Brasília (DF); Vice-Chairman: ADRIANA QUEIROZ DE CARVALHO, Brazilian, married, lawyer, CPF #565.181.296-20, ID #51.941, issued on 03.01.1990 by the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (MG). Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 8º andar - Brasília (DF); ALEXANDRE CORRÊA ABREU, Brazilian, married, Bank employee, CPF #837.946.627-68, ID #621.241, issued on 02.04.1985 by the Superintendência de Polícia Técnico Científica do Estado do Espírito Santo. Address: Setor de Autarquias Norte, Quadra 5, Lote B, 15º andar, Asa Norte Brasília (DF); JULIANA PUBLIO DONATO DE OLIVEIRA – BB’s employees representative, Brazilian, single, Bank employee, CPF #031.071.529-60, ID #50.051.754-X, issued on 04.26.2012 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Estado de São Paulo. Address: Rua São Bento, 465, 7º andar - São Paulo (SP); PABLO FONSECA PEREIRA DOS SANTOS, Brazilian, married, economist, CPF #782.539.00163, ID #13015061999-0, issued on 12.23.1999 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Maranhão. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco P, 3º andar - Brasília (DF). Federal Government representative, appointed by the Minister of State for Planning, Budget and Management: MANOEL CARLOS DE CASTRO PIRES, Brazilian, common-law marriage, economist, CPF #079.012.567-614, Driver License #176.404.598, issued by the Departamento de Trânsito do Distrito Federal. Address: Esplanada dos Ministérios, bloco K, 6º andar - Brasília (DF); - to be continued- 04.28.2015 5 Independent members, elected by the minority shareholders: BENY PARNES, Brazilian, divorced, economist, CPF #729.641.627-00, Driver License #04.116.256-1, issued by the Departamento de Trânsito do Rio de Janeiro. Address: Rua Sambaiba 587, aptº. 1002, Leblon - Rio de Janeiro (RJ); LUIZ SERAFIM SPINOLA SANTOS, Brazilian, married, civil engineer, CPF #093.068.627-68, ID #2.081.890, issued on 12.20.1971 by the Secretaria de Segurança Pública do Rio de Janeiro. Address: Rua Tabapuã, 1123, conjunto 158 - São Paulo (SP). e) To establish, by the majority of votes, in up to R$ 73,309,063.90 (seventy-three million, three hundred and nine thousand, sixty three reais and ninety cents) the global remuneration to be paid to Banco do Brasil S.A. Directors, from April 2015 to March 2016; f) To approve, by the majority of votes, in accordance to the individual limits established by the DEST, emphasized its power to set such limits for the twelve-month period, per heading and position, according to the attached table, sticking to the overall limit defined in item “e”; g) To approve, by the majority of votes, the delegation of responsibility to the Board of Directors to authorize the actual monthly payment of remuneration, observed the global and individual laid down in items “e” and “f; h) To establish, by majority vote, the monthly remuneration of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Auditors members in one tenth of the average monthly perceive members of the Executive Board, excluding amounts relating to additional vacation and benefits; i) To prohibit, by the majority of votes, the transfer of any benefits that eventually were to be granted to employees of the company, during the formalization of the Label Agreement (ACT) in their respective base date. j) To link, by the majority of votes, the payment of "quarantine" to the approval of the Comissão de Ética Pública da Presidência da República – CEP/PR (Public Ethics Commission of the Presidency), according to current legislation; k) To prohibit, by the majority of votes, the payment of any remuneration not discussed in this shareholders meeting to the administrative body, including benefits of any nature and representation fees, pursuan to Law 6404/76, art. 152. EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS MEETING a) To approve, by the majority of votes, Banco do Brasil stock capital increase of R$ 6 billion throught incorporation of part of the balance recorded as Statutory Reserve of Operating Margin; b) To aprove, by the majority of votes, the raise of authorized capital to R$ 120 billion; - to be continued- 04.28.2015 6 th th c) To approve, by the majotity of votes, the amendments in Bylaws articles 7 and 8 (attached) due to resolutions pursuant to items “a” and “b”, aprovar, por maioria dos votos, as alterações dos artigos 7º e 8º do Estatuto Social (anexo) em virtude das deliberações constantes nos itens “a” e “b”, which will have the redaction as follows: Article 7th The capital stock is R$ 60,000,000,000.00 (sixty billion reais), represented by 2,865,417,020 (two billion, eight hundred sixty-five million, four hundred and seventeen thousand and twenty) book-entry voting shares without par value. Article 8th The Bank may, regardless of any amendments to these bylaws, if approved by a General Meeting, and in the conditions established therein, increase its capital up to the limit of R$ 120,000,000,000.00 (one hundred and twenty billion reais) by issuing voting shares, granting shareholders preference for subscribing the capital increase proportionally to the number of held shares, while maintaining the rights of subscription bonus holders. The voting instructions are stored in the IPE system Securities Commission (CVM) and in the Company's Headquarters. Nothing more to discuss, the Chairman thanked the Shareholders and closed the proceedings of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of the Banco do Brasil, of which I (signed) Célio Cota de Queiroz, Second Secretary, had these minutes drawn up in summary form, as determined by Paragraph 3rd of Article 9 of the Bylaws, which have read and approved, is dully signed. Checked: _______________________ Eduardo Alvez Weimer OAB RS 75055 CPF-MF 988.436.050-20 ___________________________ Neila Maria Barreto Leal First Secretary ___________________________ Luiz Cláudio Ligabue Chairman ___________________________ Kátia Aparecida Zanetti de Lima Federal Government Representative 6.470.100 100.000 6.370.100 2.167.906 8.855 47.107 120.914 JGP DTVM Soloist Capital, LLC ITCA Multimercado Crédito Privado - Fundo de Investimento JGP Max Master Fundo de Investimento Multimercado AGO II IV F F F F F F F F F F F F F F VI F F F F F F C AGE I II III F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F A A F F F F F A A F F F F F A A F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A POSIÇÃO ACIONÁRIA I 1.453.487.115 F 304.279.714 F 150 F 100 F 100 F 51 F 3.075 C Geração Futuro Geração L.Par Fundo de Investimento em Ações Geração Futuro CV S/A Tesouro Nacional Caixa de Previd. dos Func. Banco do Brasil Luiz Cláudio Ligabue Célio Cota de Queiroz Neila Maria Barreto Leal Lilia Aparecida Ramos de Lima UNAMIBB Legenda do voto: (votes legend) F – a favor( in favour) C – contra( against) A – abstenção(abstention) -ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS MEETING - 04.28.2015 BANCO DO BRASIL S.A. Fundos BB DTVM BB Previdência Ações FI BB CAP Ações Fundo de Investimento BB Previdenciário Ações Governança FI FFIE - FDO Fiscal de Invest e Estabilização FI MM Cred Priva BB Top Multi Balanceado FI CIN Clube de Inv Func Banco do Brasil BB Terra do Sol FI MM BB CAP Ibovespa Indexado FIA BB Eco Gold Fdo de Inv em Ações BB Top Ações Dividendos Ativo FI BB ETF S&P Dividendos Brasil Fundo de Indice BB Top Ações Total Return FI BB Previdência ISE Ativo Fundo de Investimento em Ações BB Orobo FI em Ações BB Top Ações Dividendos FIA Brasilprev Top Ações Dividendos Fundo de Investimento Brasilprev Top A Fundo de Investimentos em Ações BB Top Multi Institucional LP FI Multimercado BB Top Ações Ibovespa Indexado FI BB Top Ações IBRX Indexado FI JGP Hedge Master Fundo de Investimento Multimercado JGP Institucional - Fundo de Investimentos em Ações JGP Master Fundo de Investimento em Ações JGP Explorer Master Fundo de Investimentos em Ações Hamburgo Fundo de Investimento Multimercado Crédito Privado JGP Explorer Institucional Fundo de Investimento em Ações Fim Santa Cristina IE Crédito Privado JGP Equity Master Fundo de Investimento Multimercado Northern Gate LLC Ouro Branco Multimercado Crédito Privado - F de Investimento São Fernando VII Fundo de Investimentos em Ações 123.420.353 127.513 31.200 246.683 110.650.000 16.300 1.787.984 15.000 5.900 96.900 27.900 20.400 14.100 15.000 18.500 470.000 730.000 899.200 1.500 122.180 117.532 9.473 420.329 187.973 246.650 92.834 182.809 136.916 551.986 50.113 58.017 53.930 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F F F F F F F F F F F A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F BB Top Ações Setorial Bancos FI BB Ações BB Fundo de Investimento BB Ações 22 FI 242.401 7.750.360 13.800 F F A A F F F F F A A F F F F F A A F F F