MULTIPLUS S.A. Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) 35.300.371.658 and Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF) 11.094.546/0001-75 Publicly-Traded Company MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING HELD ON AUGUST 16, 2010 I) Date, Time and Venue: At the Company’s headquarters, located at Av. Jurandir, 856, Lote 04, 3º andar, Jardim Ceci, CEP 04072-000, in the city and state of São Paulo, at 10:30 am, on August 16, 2010. II) Call Notice: Published in the Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo (Official Gazette of the State of São Paulo), issues dated July 30 and 31 and August 3, 2010, and in the Valor Econômico newspaper, issues dated July 30 and August 2 and 3, 2010. III) Presiding Board: Eduardo Campozana Gouveia - Chairman; Fabiana Vilhena Venditti – as Secretary, composing the presiding board. IV) Installation: The meeting was installed by the Chairman, with the attendance of shareholders representing 80.19% of the voting capital, in accordance with the Shareholders Attendance Book. V) Agenda: Change of the Company’s headquarters address. VI) Resolutions: After examining the matters on the Agenda, the attending shareholders approved by unanimous vote and without restrictions to change the Company’s headquarters from Avenida Jurandir, n.º 856, lote 4, 3º andar, Jardim Ceci, CEP 04072-000 in the city and state of São Paulo to Avenida Nações Unidas, nº 12.901, Conjunto N-2101, 21º andar da Torre Norte do Centro Empresarial Nações Unidas (“CENU”), CEP 04578-000, in the city and state of São Paulo, with subsequent rewording of Article 2 of the Company's Bylaws as follows: “Article 2 - The Company’s registered office and legal jurisdiction are in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo (SP), at Avenida Nações Unidas, nº 12.901, Conjunto N-2101, 21º andar da Torre Norte do Centro Empresarial Nações Unidas (“CENU”), CEP 04578-000, with the Board of Directors having powers to decide to open or close branches, offices and other installations in other parts of Brazil or overseas.” Closing Remarks: Pursuant to Article 130, paragraph 1 of Law 6404/76, the drawing up of these minutes in summary format was authorized. Closure: There being no further matters to address, and since no one took the floor, the meeting was adjourned for the drawing up of these minutes, which were read, approved and signed by all those present. São Paulo, August 16, 2010. (signed) Eduardo Campozana Gouveia – Chairman of the Presiding Board; Fabiana Vilhena Venditti – Secretary. Shareholders: Líbano Miranda Barroso and José Zaidan Maluf, representing the shareholder TAM S/A and Daniel Alves Ferreira, representing the shareholders BLACKROCK KOREA LATIN AMERICAN FUND-MASTER, T ROWE PRICE RETIREMENT DATE TRUST, T ROWE PRICE INTERNATIONAL DISCOVERY FUN, ETON PARK FUND, LP, BAY POND INVESTORS (BERMUDA) LP, BAY POND PARTNERS LP, EP TISDALE LLC, BLACKROCK LATIN AMERICA FUND INC, FIDELITY ADVISOR SERIES VIII: LATIN AMERICA FUND, THE PENSION RESERVES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BOARD, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, JOHNSON & JOHNSON GENERAL PENSION TRUST, FIDELITY INVESTMENT TRUST: LATIN AMERICA FUND, GMO GLOBAL ACTIVE EQUITY FUND, LP, THE GMO ERISA POOL, BLACKROCK STRATEGIC FUND - BLACKROCK LATIN AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES FUND, FIDELITY LATIN AMERICA FUND, ALPINE TOTAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND, ALPINE GLOBAL DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND, ALPINE DYNAMIC DIVIDEND FUND, THE GMO FOREIGN FUND SERIES, WELLINGTON TRUST COMPANY N.A, JOHN HANCOCK TRUST BALANCED TRUST, EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZATION EQUITY INDEX NON-LENDABLE FUND B, EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZATION EQUITY INDEX NON-LENDABLE FUND. This is a free English translation of the original minutes drawn up in the Company’s records. ________________________________ Fabiana Vilhena Venditti – Secretary.