Toyota Caetano Portugal, S.A.
Public Limited Company
Registered Difice: Av. Vasco da Gama Oliveira do Douro Vila Nova de Gaia
Share Capital: 35.000.000 Euros
Solo Tax and Registry Number at the Commercial
Registry Difice of Vila Nova de Gaia 500 239 037
TOVOTA CAETANO PORTUGAL, S.A. hereby informs, in accardance with the Iaw and the
CMVM Regulation, that on the 27th of August 2015 was deliberated by the Board of
Directors to appoint as Company Secretary Ms. Sandra Maria Mendes da Cunha Lobão, and
appoint as Alternate Company Secretary Ms Filipa Ribeiro Santos Tomaz, both for lhe
remaining period aí the currentterm ofoffice(2015-2018).
Vila Nova de Gaia, 2Bth August 2015
The representative for Market Relations
Y *‘
(Rui Manuel Machado de Noronha Mendes)

Toyota Caetano Portugal informa sobre a designação do