Terra Nova Rodobens wins the “Master Imobiliário 2008” award
Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários won the “Projects” category with the case Terra Nova, the
homebuiding concept already implemented in six states of Brazil
São José do Rio Preto, September 29, 2008: Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários S.A. is the winner of the Master
Imobiliário 2008 (“Real Estate Master”) award – considered the “Oscar” of the Brazilian homebuilding industry,
in the category “Projects” with the case Terra Nova. Rodobens’ superior housing concept is represented by
gated communities of single-family homes, or apartments, with complete infrastruture of security, leisure and
gardening project, targeted to an income segment of the Brazilian population that demands quality products with
payment conditions adequate to its level of income.
Since December 2006, projects branded “Terra Nova” were launched in 13 cities in the states of São Paulo, Rio
Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Minas Gerais, totaling 18 projects and almost 8,000
units. For Eduardo Gorayeb, CEO of Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários, the winning of the award consolidates
Terra Nova as an innovative housing concept, granting to it even more status in Brazil as a reference in the
country’s homebuilding industry and for the public to whom it is targeted. “The recognition by the industry’s #1
award reafirms all the perceived advantages of the concept of living in gated communities, which, nowadays,
Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários is developing in many states of Brazil”, added Gorayeb.
Social Responsability
Besides taking to the cities a solution to reduce the deficit of quality housing, Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários is
also investing in actions that reflect its concern with social issues in all the cities where the Terra Nova projects
will be built. The company started its social program Vida Nova Rodobens (“New Life Rodobens”) which,
through partnerships with local non-profit organizations – tipically the APAEs (Association of the Parents and
Friends of the Disabled), develops actions focused in the social insertion of young adults victim of multiple
physical and/or mental disabilities belonging to families with vulnerable social-economic profile.
Constrution Process
The construction process adopted in the Terra Nova horizontal (homes) projects differs from the traditional one
in the industry. The company uses a technology based in building the structure of the homes – its foundation (of
the radier type) and walls – with concrete moulded by panels, in a fast and high-quality process. The construcion
process is the same pioneered in the project Terra Nova Garden Village, in the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP.
The Garden Village was the first homebuilding project in Brazil to be qualified by the Real Obra Sustentável
(“Sustainable Construction”) program by Banco Real (former ABN Real).
For more information:
Investor Relations
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 55-17-2137-1754/3/2
Media Relations
MCE, Ms. Rita Mazzuchini
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: 55-11-2577-6533
Profile - Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários is a real estate developer with more than 16 years of experience. The
company's focus is cities with more than 150,000 inhabitants in the interior of Brazil. Since its foundation in 1991, the
company launched 76 residential projects in 27 different cities of eight Brazilian states (SP, MG, RJ, PR, RS, CE, MT, SC).
The projects launched total 19,280 units and 1,982,378m of built area. Its main products are Sistema Fácil, Terra Nova and
Plano Único. On January 31, 2007, Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários listed its shares on the Novo Mercado of the São Paulo
Stock Exchange under ticker symbol RDNI3. For more information, please visit our website at www.rodobens-rni.com.br/ir.
Rodobens Negócios Imobiliários is part of Empresas Rodobens, founded in 1949 and one of Brazil’s 100 largest business
conglomerates. With a strong presence in the vehicle and real estate businesses, the group comprises auto dealerships,
truck and bus dealerships, consortium, insurance brokerage, auto and truck rental, banking, e-commerce, real estate
development, international businesses, and corporate satellite TV.

Terra Nova Rodobens wins the “Master Imobiliário