LISTED COMPANY – CNPJ 17.155.730/0001-64 – NIRE 31300040127 MINUTES OF THE 391ST MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF CEMIG, HELD ON 30 AUGUST 2006. Summary: Nomination of CEMIG directors to manage energy transmission concessionaires and Rio Minas Energia Participações S.A. – Retention of the modeling services of the services site within the Company’s facilities - Closing. The 391st meeting of the Board of Directors of CEMIG was held on 30 August 2006, at 9am, at the Company’s head office, Avenida Barbacena 1200, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The following were in attendance: Board Members Wilson Nélio Brumer, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa, Nilo Barroso Neto, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Fernando Lage de Melo. In accordance with the Bylaws, the Board Member Wilson Nélio Brumer assumed the Chairmanship of the meeting and after having verified the existence of a quorum began the proceedings, inviting me, Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros, Head of the General Management Secretariat, to be Secretary of the meeting. The Board Members Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil and José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa made statements of opinion to the effect that the changes to the by-laws effected by the Annual General Meeting of 25 October 1999, and subsequent meetings, were approved only in light of the suspension of the Stockholders´ Agreement, as determined by Brazil’s courts, and are thus provisional and precarious. We thus stress once again that the acts and operations practiced by the management bodies of CEMIG and submitted to the approval of the Company’s stockholders, supported by the changes to the by-laws made under protection of the court ruling in effect today, may be withdrawn from the governing legal framework at any time. On the question, the Director-Chairman, Djalma Bastos de Morais, reminded the meeting that: the decision that annulled the Stockholders’ Agreement signed between the State of Minas Gerais and Southern Electric Brasil Participações Ltda no longer has an interim or provisional character, being a decision on merit and, thus, is not a suspension, but an annulment; that there is a decision on the merit that annuls the Stockholders’ Agreement confirmed by the Court of Appeal of the State of Minas Gerais; that the decisions of this Board may take into account only what exists in reality, and that it would be irresponsible not to vote on matters while awaiting Court decisions, since, in reality, the said Stockholders’ Agreement, by force of a Court Judgment, cannot produce any effect and the decisions taken are being taken within strict compliance with the Court decision; and finalizing, he observed that the Extraordinary and Special Appeals brought by Southern were not admitted by the Vice-President of the Minas Gerais Appeal Court, and that, more Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3299-3934 - Tel.: (0XX31)3299-4524 recently, the Higher Appeal Court refused the Interlocutory and Special Appeals filed by Southern, underlining the legal situation already declared by the Minas Gerais Appeal Court, that is to say, the inefficacy of the Stockholders’ Agreement which is the subject of the action. Board Members Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil and José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa again expressed their opinions, stating that they can still appeal against the negative ruling on continuing with the Interlocutory Appeal at the Higher Appeal Court. They concluded by saying that there is still the possibility of recognition of and a favorable ruling on the Extraordinary Appeal filed against the ruling of the Minas Gerais State Court of Appeal, to be made by the Federal Supreme Court. Then, the Board Members discussed the resolution proposals submitted by the Executive Board, namely: Nomination of CEMIG directors to manage energy transmission concessionaires and Rio Minas Energia Participações S.A. – The Chairman then announced that proposals related to this topic will be decided upon at another time. Retention of the modeling services of the services site within the Company’s facilities – Following the agenda, the Chairman put to debate the proposal - the justification for which is contained in PRCA nº 093/2006 – to the effect that the Board of Directors should authorize the opening of an Administrative Bidding Process, and retain the modeling services of the Services Site within the facilities of Cemig Distribuição S.A., Cemig Geração e Transmissão S.A. and Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais to provide document production services, comprising printing and laser copy (B&W, simplex and duplex), colored simplex and duplex, and in large formats, finishing work, layout and editing, digitalization of documents, paper copies and digitalization using microforms, workflow system and submittal of work, a services portal and communication plan, for the period of 12 (twelve) months, at an estimated price of R$2,640,000.00 (two million, six hundred and forty thousand Brazilian Reais), extendable, by signing abridgments, for up to 48 (forty eight) months, limited to a maximum of 60 (sixty) months, at a total estimated price of R$13,200,000.00 (thirteen million, two hundred thousand Brazilian Reais), divided as follows: Cemig D – 55%, Cemig GT - 35% and Cemig - 10%, in the Competition system. The funds needed to finance the expenditures resulting from this retention are provided for in the budget of the managing body of the Contract. The aforementioned proposal was put to a vote, and approved unanimously. Closing – With no more items on the agenda, the Chairman proposed the creation of committees formed by members of this Board of Directors to, firstly, analyze and discuss the topics to be discussed and decided upon, as follows: Board of Directors Support Committee: Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Fernando Lage de Melo, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Wilton de Medeiros Daher; Corporate Governance Committee: Wilson Nélio Brumer (Coordinator), Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão, Djalma Bastos de Morais and Wilton de Medeiros Daher; Human Resources Committee: Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa and Nilo Barroso Neto; Strategy Committee: Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa (Coordinator), Aécio Ferreira da Cunha, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Fernando Lage de Melo, Haroldo Guimarães Brasil, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David and Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho; Financial Committee: Haroldo Guimarães Brasil (Coordinator), Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa, Fernando Lage de Melo and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David; Audit and Risk Committee: Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima (Coordinator), Francelino Pereira dos Santos, José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa and Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David. The aforementioned Committees proposed by the Chairmen were discussed and then put to a vote, being approved unanimously. Then, the Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3299-3934 - Tel.: (0XX31)3299-4524 Chairman invited the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Flávio Decat de Moura, the Heads of the Company´s Controllership and Corporate Planning and Tariffs, Pedro Carlos Hosken Vieira and Emílio Castelar Pires Pereira, respectively, and the Manager of Financial Planning and Investment Analysis, Luiz Felipe da Silva Veloso, to discuss the revision of the Company´s Strategic Plan, debating, among other things, the targets and achievements up to 2006/financial performance; the reasons behind the revision: By-laws, the tax inefficiency of the holding company, tax impacts, “cash trapped” at Cemig D, decline in expectations for generation prices and main vectors of change in the growth rate of the Strategic Plan; the methodology for the revision: stages of the process and general assumptions for the “Cemig Group”, including the acquisition and construction budget; and, the preliminary results. After these items were presented and discussed, with doubts and queries duly clarified, the Chairman asked the Director Flávio Decat de Moura to also talk about the current status of the Company´s process of acquiring assets, focusing on the initial measures taken by the new management team at Light S.A. and the upcoming procedures to be adopted at Light S.A.; and showing finalization of the operation of closing the purchase and the corporate structure of Transmissoras Brasileiras de Energia-TBE. Finally, there was a presentation on the current situation of the process related to the acquisition of the Norte Fluminense S.A. hydro energy plant and of Transportadora de Gás Brasil Central-TGBC. There being no further business, the Chairman opened the meeting to all and since no one wished to speak declared the session closed, thanking the Board Members for their participation in the meeting, of which the minutes were then read, approved and signed by all. For the record I, Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros, Secretary, drafted them and sign below. (signed by) Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros Wilson Nélio Brumer Djalma Bastos de Morais Aécio Ferreira da Cunha Andréa Paula Fernandes Pansa Alexandre Heringer Lisboa Carlos Augusto Leite Brandão Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima Francelino Pereira dos Santos Haroldo Guimarães Brasil José Augusto Pimentel Pessôa Nilo Barroso Neto Wilton de Medeiros Daher Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David This agrees with the original. Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros Av.Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131 Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil - Fax (0XX31)3299-3934 - Tel.: (0XX31)3299-4524