Cemig Distribuição S.A. CNPJ 06.981.180/0001-16 – NIRE 31300020568 Summary of minutes of the 87th meeting of the Board of Directors. Date, time and place: April 17, 2009 at 9.30 a.m. at the company’s head office, Av. Barbacena 1200, 17th Floor, A1 Wing, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Meeting Committee: Chairman: Sergio Alair Barroso Secretary: Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros Summary of proceedings: I The Chairman asked the Board Members present whether any of them had conflict of interest in relation to the matters on the agenda of this meeting, and all stated that there was no such conflict of interest. II The Board approved: III a) The proposal made by the Chairman to change, in the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors, the drafting of: Clauses 5, 18, 21, 22 and 28; the title of Chapter VIII; the head paragraph of Clause 11; the second paragraph of Clause 15; and sub-item “b” of the first paragraph of Clause 30. b) The minutes of this meeting. The Board authorized: a) Signing of the Working Agreement with the General Attorneys’ Office of the State of Minas Gerais for online access to the file registry details of individuals and legal entities on the consumer database of Cemig D, for a period of 60 months. b) Use of Cemig’s Electronic Procurement Portal, which is the property of Cemig D, by Empresa de Infovias S.A., and signing of a Working Agreement for Use of Cemig’s Procurement Portal, with Infovias, to regulate the licensing of the use of that Portal, through Administrative Proceedings for Exemption from Tender. c) Use of Cemig’s Electronic Procurement Portal, which is the property of Cemig D, by the wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cemig and Cemig GT; and signing of a Working Agreement for Use of Cemig’s Procurement Portal, to regulate the licensing of the use of that Portal, through Administrative Proceedings for Exemption from Tender. d) Signing of the 5th Amendment to Contract No. 4570009402, with Consórcio Aliança, for implementation of the new Commercial Management System, to change the contractual period for Post-implementation Support – Assisted Operation, from 13 to 21 months, with consequent extension of the period of validity of the Contract for a further nine months and alteration of the total cost, and e) Signing of the Working Agreement with Cemig GT and the Minas Gerais Forest Institute, to establish the rules and procedure to make possible withdrawal of vegetation, for cleaning of the pathways of electricity transmission lines and distribution networks, and of other projects designed for the full functioning of the Company’s electricity system, with period of validity of 60 months. Av. Barbacena 1200 Santo Agostinho 30190-131 Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil Tel.: +55 31 3506-5024 Fax +55 31 3506-5025 Page 1 of 3 This text is a translation, provided for information only. The original text in Portuguese is the legally valid version. Av. Barbacena 1200 Santo Agostinho 30190-131 Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil Tel.: +55 31 3506-5024 Fax +55 31 3506-5025 Page 2 of 3 This text is a translation, provided for information only. The original text in Portuguese is the legally valid version. IX The following spoke on general matters and business of interest to the Company: The Chairman The Vice-Chairman Board members: André Araújo Filho, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima. Helvécio Turola Loque. Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David João Camilo Penna. João Camilo Penna, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Wilton de Medeiros Daher, Fernando Henrique Schüffner Neto, Guy Maria Villela Paschoal, Lauro Sérgio Vasconcelos David, Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha, Paulo Sérgio Machado Ribeiro. Assistant to the Executive Board: Sergio Alair Barroso, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, André Araújo Filho, Antônio Adriano Silva, Eduardo Lery Vieira, Evandro Veiga Negrão de Lima, Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Helvécio Turola Loque. Secretary: Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros. Assistant to the Executive Board: The following were present: Board members: Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros Av. Barbacena 1200 Santo Agostinho 30190-131 Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil Tel.: +55 31 3506-5024 Fax +55 31 3506-5025 Page 3 of 3 This text is a translation, provided for information only. The original text in Portuguese is the legally valid version.