UNITAU´s Distance Education Graduate Program Dr. Nelson W. Dias Geoprocessing Laboratory University of Taubaté, SP, Brazil Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Introduction Specialization in Water Resource and Watershed Management MBA in Regional Planning Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Specialization Program Water Resource Management Year: 2002 Coordinator: Dr. Marcelo S. Targa Funding: FEHIDRO 311/2002 Duration: one year (360 hours) Strategy: regional focus with two group meetings Number of Graduates: 16 (55 %) Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Specialization Program Water Resource and Watershed Management Year: 2004 - 2005 Coordinator: Dr. Marcelo S. Targa Funding: CNPq / CT-Hidro Duration: eighteen months (440 hours) Strategy: national focus, three group meetings in Brasilia, partnership with UnB Number of Candidates: 36 (72 %) Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Professors Degree GETÚLIO TEIXEIRA BATISTA PhD GILBERTO FERNANDO FISCH PhD HÉLIO NÓBILE DINIZ PhD MARCELO DOS SANTOS TARGA PhD MARIA JULIA FERREIRA XAVIER RIBEIRO PhD NELSON WELLAUSEN DIAS PhD PAULO AUGUSTO ROMERA E SILVA PhD PAULO FORTES NETO PhD SILVIO CARLOS SANTOS NAGY PhD SILVIO JORGE COELHO SIMÕES PhD BENEDITO JORGE DOS REIS M. Sc. CARLOS MOURE CÍCERO M. Sc. Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Modules Topic No. of Hours Module 1. Water resource management 30 Module 2. Water resource use legislation 30 Module 3. Discharge treatment and disposal 30 Module 4. Scientific method for water resource management 30 Module 5. Land use and watershed management 30 Module 6. Meteorology and weather forecast 30 Module 7. Water quality assessment and improvement 30 Module 8. Hydrologic statistics 30 Module 9. Surface hydrology 30 Module 10. Environmental hydrogeology 30 Module 11. Geoprocessing applied to water resource 30 Module 12. Environmental impact assessment in watersheds 30 Module 13. Group meetings and field trips 80 Module 14. Technical report advisement and development TOTAL Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 440 Modules Topic No. of Hours Module 1. Water resource management 30 Module 2. Water resource use legislation 30 Module 3. Discharge treatment and disposal 30 Module 4. Scientific method for water resource management 30 Module 5. Land use and watershed management 30 Module 6. Meteorology and weather forecast 30 Module 7. Water quality assessment and improvement 30 Module 8. Hydrologic statistics 30 Module 9. Surface hydrology 30 Module 10. Environmental hydrogeology 30 Module 11. Geoprocessing applied to water resource 30 Module 12. Environmental impact assessment in watersheds 30 Module 13. Group meetings and field trips 80 Module 14. Technical report advisement and development TOTAL Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 440 Managing Systems Managing Systems Geoprocessing applied to water resource Content: Introduction to remote sensing Remote sensing data Introduction to image processing Integration of remote sensing and GIS Basic GIS analysis applied to watershed studies Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Case Study - Pipiripau River Basin Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Pipiripau Spatial Database 30 layers Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Pipiripau Spatial Database Examples DEM Topography Slope Roads Springs Streams Vegetation Land use Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Pipiripau Potential Research Focuses Land use and water quality Land cover, topography, and surface runoff Agricultural practices and environmental conservation Natural conservation areas: creation and management Community-base environmental education Alternative human acitivities (e.g. ecotourism) Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Observed challenges Motivation Keep it at high level Monitor participation to rescue unmotivated students Limited software support Most students have no RS or GIS background Expertise needed for developing research products Licenses are too expensive for personal use SPRING poses a steep learning curve Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Observed challenges Lack of useful data for research Limited online availability of geographic data Exception of CBERS, SRTM and few other sources Scarce availability of hydrologic, meteorologic, and socioeconomic data Dificult to advise from a distance Tradition of in-house full-time graduate students Distance students have other activities Natural tendency of working without telling --- “surprise products” Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956 Thank you! E-mail: [email protected] Laboratório de Geoprocessamento (LAGEO) - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Est. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5000, Bairro Itaim, Taubaté, SP, CEP 12081-010 www.agro.unitau.br/lageo/ - Telefone: (012) 3625-4116 - Fax: (012) 3632-8956