BLUE YOUNG TALENT - BYT CENTRO INTERDISCIPLINAR DE INVESTIGAÇÃO MARINHA E AMBIENTAL - CIIMAR PROPOSTA DE PLANO DE ESTÁGIO A realizar no ano letivo de 2014-2015 1 Propostas de Estágio - Programa BYT CIIMAR Tema Licenciaturas Admitidas 1 Amino acids as modulators of cell-mediated immune responses. Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático. 2 Aplicação do quitosano à remediação biológica de poluentes emergentes. Química, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins 3 Biodegradation of two widely used fluorinated pesticides with environmental relevance. Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente e afins. 4 Caracterização do estuário do rio Douro recorrendo a parâmetros ou variáveis oceanográficas e meteorológicas. Ciências de Engenharia, Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente, Física, Geologia, Ciências do Meio Aquático 5 Caracterização morfo-sedimentar do estuário do Douro com base em dados de campanhas. Geologia, Ciências de Engenharia, Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente, Ciências do Ambiente, Física, Ciências do Meio Aquático 6 Desenvolvimento de ferramentas moleculares eficazes na identificação de espécies. Todas as licenciaturas na área das ciências biológicas 7 Ecological experimentation: design, collection and analysis of data. Biologia, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente 8 Ecological modelling in ecotoxicology. Biologia, Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente e áreas afins. 9 Effect of exogenous enzymes on digestibility and function and integrity of intestine in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) Ciências do Meio Aquático, Biologia 10 Effects of pharmaceuticals in the gut microbiome of European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático e afins 11 Elongating at the Sea”: the repertoire of Elovl genes in Metazoans Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático 12 Guerra biológica: decifrando a genómica de venenos naturais e os mecanismos de resistência natural a venenos Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências dos Computadores e áreas afins 13 Isolation, culturing and chemical exploration of Antarctica cyanobacteria. Biologia, Bioquímica, Química, Ciências Farmacêuticas 14 Light Quality Effect on Growth and Bioactive Compounds of Microand Macroalgae. Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático, Microbiologia, Ciências Farmacêuticas 15 Molecular mode of Action of Emerging Pollutants. Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Ciências do Meio Aquático, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins 16 Parasites of Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). Biologia, Biologia Marinha 17 Potencial dos microrganismos autóctones para a biorremediação de poluentes emergentes. Ambiente, Biologia, Bioquímica ou áreas afins 18 Remoção de fármacos em ambientes estuarinos – potencial da bioremediação. Química, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins 19 Temporal in and spatial patterns nursery habitat quality for juvenile flounder. Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ambiente, Ciências do Meio Aquático 2 20 The reproductive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae). Biologia, Biologia Marinha Proposta 1 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Benjamín Costas GRUPO: Nutrition and Immunobiology CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Rita Azeredo GRUPO: Nutrition and Immunobiology LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Amino acids as modulators of cell-mediated immune responses RESUMO/SUMMARY Emerging evidence shows that many amino acids regulate key metabolic pathways that are crucial, for instance, to immune responses. In particular, arginine, methionine and tryptophan appear to have important roles regarding immune modulation. Through the generation of decarboxylated Sadenosylmethionine, methionine is a donor of the methyl group that participates in the methylation of DNA and proteins, the synthesis of spermidine and spermine, and regulation of gene expression (1). Serotonin, melatonin and N-acetylserotonin, products of tryptophan catabolism, can enhance host immunity by inhibiting the production of superoxide, scavenging free radicals and attenuating the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (2). Moreover, the immunomodulatory effects that arginine presents for fish have been already reported (3). The present proposal will focus on the role of key amino acids in the versatile immune machinery expected to occur in stimulated cells. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The main goal of this proposal is to provide better understanding and unravel the role of particular amino acids on immune mechanisms in fish. In particular it is intended to verify: 1)to what extent arginine, methionine and tryptophan modulate cell-mediated immunity in response to different stimuli; 2)to assess whether those amino acids can stimulate cell proliferation and improve survival. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Cells isolation and culture. Production of macrophage activating factors. Cells stimulation with different pathogen associated molecular patterns. RNA isolation and quantification, cDNA transcription, PCR, electrophoresis and RT-qPCR. Immunological techniques (spectrophotometry, luminescence) to assess functional goals in stimulated cells. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: 1. Li P, Yin YL, Li D, Kim SW, Wu GY (2007) Amino acids and immune function. British Journal of Nutrition 98, 237-252. 2. Perianayagam MC, Oxenkrug GF, Jaber BL (2005) Immune-modulating effects of melatonin, Nacetylserotonin, and N-acetyldopomine. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1053, 386-393. 3. Costas B, Conceição LEC, Dias J, Novoa B, Figueras A, Afonso A (2011) Dietary arginine and 3 repeated handling increase disease resistance and modulate innate immune mechanisms of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 31, 838-847. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Aquaculture – Fish Immunology LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático. Proposta 2 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Carlos Rocha Gomes ([email protected]) GRUPO: EcoBioTec CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Marisa Almeida ([email protected]) GRUPO:EcoBioTec LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Departamento de Química e Bioquímica da FCUP TEMA/Theme: Aplicação do quitosano à remediação biológica de poluentes emergentes RESUMO/SUMMARY A remediação biológica é considerada uma técnica adequada, e de baixo custo, para a limpeza de áreas moderadamente contaminadas sendo importante aferir as potencialidades desta técnica para remoção de poluentes emergentes que afectam diversos ecossistemas. Assim serão realizadas diversas experiências em que se estudará o efeito da adição de quitosano e/ou derivados na remoção de diversos poluentes emergentes, como por exemplo fármacos ou nanopartículas metálicas. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Avaliar as potencialidades da aplicação do quitosano para a remoção de poluentes emergentes em ambientes estuarinos PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Para as experiências serão recolhidas diversas amostras em diferentes estuários e serão realizadas experiências em microcosmos com sedimentos dopados com diferentes fármacos e/ou nanopartículas metálicas. Os compostos serão determinados usando técnicas analíticas de cromatografia no caso dos fármacos ou de espectroscopia de absorção atómica no caso das nanopartículas metálicas REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Alysson Lira Angelim et al. ; Journal of Environmental Management, 127 (2013), 10-17 ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Química Ambiental LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Química, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins 4 Proposta 3 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Maria de Fátima Magalhães Carvalho GRUPO: ECOBIOTEC LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Biodegradation of two widely used fluorinated pesticides with environmental relevance RESUMO/SUMMARY During the last decades, environmental contamination by fluorinated organic compounds has received increasing attention because of their several uses (Key et al., 1997). Epoxiconazole and fludioxonil are two fluorinated fungicides highly used worldwide for the control of several relevant phytopathogenic diseases. As a result of their intensive agricultural applications, these compounds have been found as contaminants of water and soils (Berenzen et al., 2005; Bermúdez-Couso et al., 2007). Trace levels of these compounds have been also detected in effluents of wastewater treatment plants ((Kahle et al., 2008)). The presence of these compounds in the environment is a subject of increasingly public concern as there are strong scientific evidences that they produce endocrine disruption effects (Orton et al., 2011). This proposal intends to investigate the potential of natural microbial communities derived from different environmental matrices to degrade the target pesticides. The outcomes of this investigation will allow a better understanding of the fate of these compounds in the environment. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The specific objectives of this proposal are: (i) To investigate the biodegradation of epoxiconazole and fludioxonil with microbial cultures obtained from different environmental matrices, under several growing conditions; (ii) to investigate the role of alternative carbon sources in the biodegradation of the target pollutants; (iii) to identify potential dead-end metabolites resultant from biotransformation reactions; (iv) to identify and characterise microorganisms involved in the degradation processes. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: A range of environmental samples will be collected from different sources (polluted and non-polluted) and used as inocula for enrichment experiments. Biodegradation of the target pesticides will be investigated in batch mode both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Biodegradation will be also investigated using each pesticide as a sole carbon source and in co-metabolism with a supplementary carbon source, such as acetate. Biodegradation of the target compounds will be followed using chromatographic methodologies such as HPLC and GC-MS. Another important indicator of biodegradation will be fluoride release, which will be analysed by potenciometry, using a fluoride selective electrode and for epoxiconazole chloride release will be additionally followed through a colorimetric method. If degradation occurs, microbial consortia will be characterized with molecular biology techniques. From the degrading consortia, attempts to obtain single degrading isolates will be made. Analysis of major metabolic intermediates and potential dead-end metabolites will be conducted with degrading cultures. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: 1) Berenzen, N, Lentzen-Godding, A, Probst, M, Schultz, H, and Liess, M (2005). A comparison of predicted and measured levels of runoff-related pesticide concentrations in small lowland streams 5 on a landscape level. Chemosphere 58: 683–691. 2) Bermúdez-Couso, A, Arias-Estévez, M, Nóvoa-Muñoz, JC, López-Periago, E, Soto-González, B, and Simal-Gándara, J (2007). Seasonal distributions of fungicides in soils and sediments of a small river basin partially devoted to vineyards. Water Research 41: 4515 – 4525. 3) Kahle, M, Buerge, IJ, Hauser, A, Muller, MD, and Poiger, T (2008). Azole fungicides: occurrence and fate in wastewater and surface waters. Environmental Science & Technology 42: 7193–7200. Key, BD, Howell, RD, and Criddle, CS (1997). Fluorinated organics in the biosphere. Environmental Science and Technology 31: 2445-2454. 4) Orton, F, Rosivatz, E, Scholze, M, and Kortenkamp, A (2011). Widely used pesticides with previously unknown endocrine activity revealed as in vitro antiandrogens. Environmental Health Perspectives 119: 794-800. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Biotecnologia Ambiental LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente e afins. Proposta 4 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Isabel Iglesias Fernández GRUPO: COD CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Helena Granja GRUPO: COD LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: COD - CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Caracterização do estuário do rio Douro recorrendo a parâmetros ou variáveis oceanográficas e meteorológica RESUMO/SUMMARY O que se pretende em este projecto é proceder a uma caracterização do estuário do rio Douro recorrendo a determinados parâmetros ou variáveis oceanográficas e meteorológicas. O aluno aprenderá as principais técnicas estatísticas utilizadas nas Ciências da Terra de modo a poder fazer uma análise crítica dos dados disponíveis (dados meteorológicos de diversas fontes, dados de caudal fluvial e dados de campanhas realizadas no estuário) e assim elaborar uma caracterização do estuário sob a acção de agentes forçadores tais como vento, marés, correntes, pluviosidade. Com esta caracterização pretende-se conhecer o comportamento sazonal e identificar eventuais eventos extremos, como cheias e storm surges. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Caracterização da meteorologia da área de estudo (vento, precipitação, temperatura, etc). Estudo das principais características hidrodinâmicas do estuário (correntes, marés, caudais, etc). Participação em campanhas de amostragem no estuário que eventualmente possam ser realizadas durante o período de estágio. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Análise crítica de artigos científicos para estabelecer o estado da arte. Utilização de ferramentas estatísticas para análise de dados (meteorológicos, hidrodinâmicos) de diversas fontes e de campanhas (ADCP’s, CTD’s, drifters, etc). 6 Utilização de software científico. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Azevedo, I. C.; Bordalo, A. A. & Duarte, P. M. Influence of river discharge patterns on the hydrodynamics and potential contaminant dispersion in the Douro estuary (Portugal) Water Research, 2010, 44, 3133-3146 Pinto, J. Influência do Regime de Escoamento Fluvial na Hidrologia e Dinâmica do Estuário do Douro Universidade de Évora, 2007 Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Gimeno, L.; deCastro, M.; Lorenzo, M. N.; Alvarez, I.; Nieto, R.; Taboada, J. J.; Crespo, A. J. C.; Ramos, A. M.; Iglesias, I.; Gómez-Gesteira, J. L.; Santo, F. E.; Barriopedro, D. & Trigo, I. F. The state of climate in NW Iberia Climate Research, 2011, 48, 109-144 Trauth, M. MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences, Springer, 2007. AREA CIENTÍFICA: Oceanografía física LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Licenciatura em Ciências de Engenharia Licenciatura em Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente Licenciatura em Física Licenciatura em Geologia Licenciatura em Ciências do Meio Aquático 7 Proposta 5 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Helena Granja GRUPO: COD CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Isabel Iglesias Fernández GRUPO: COD LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: COD – CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Caracterização morfo-sedimentar do estuário do Douro com base em dados de campanhas RESUMO/SUMMARY Pretende-se com este projecto proceder a uma caracterização morfo-sedimentar do estuário do Douro com base em dados de campanhas, relativos a sedimentos em suspensão e carga de fundo, e em dados de batimetria disponíveis relativos a diferentes períodos, para avaliação de áreas preferenciais de acumulação e de erosão. Os resultados deste projecto integrarão a base de dados relativa às campanhas de monitorização do estuário incluídas no ECORISK. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Caracterização do transporte sedimentar, incluindo os principais modos e direcções de transporte. Relacionamento do transporte sedimentar com a dinâmica de fluidos (correntes de maré e fluvial). Identificação das áreas mais susceptíveis à erosão e à acumulação de sedimentos de fundo. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Análise crítica de artigos científicos para situar o estado da arte. Participação em campanhas de amostragem no estuário para recolha de amostras de sedimentos em suspensão e de fundo. Tratamento laboratorial das amostras de sedimento. Utilização de software científico. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Fradique, C. and Cascalho, J. Sedimentary processes in Douro Estuary (Portugal). A heavy mineral study. Thalassas, 2004, 20 (2): 61-68 Ivens Portela, L. Sediment transport and morphodynamics of the Douro River estuary. Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:77–86. McNally, W. H., Mehta, A. J. Sediment transport in estuaries. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Coastal zones and estuaries, Sediment transport in estuaries. Pinto, J. Influência do Regime de Escoamento Fluvial na Hidrologia e Dinâmica do Estuário do Douro Universidade de Évora, 2007 Trauth, M. MATLAB Recipes for Earth Sciences, Springer, 2007. AREA CIENTÍFICA: Morfodinâmica costeira LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Licenciatura em Geologia Licenciatura em Ciências de Engenharia Licenciatura em Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente Licenciatura em Ciências do Ambiente Licenciatura em Física Licenciatura em Ciências do Meio Aquático 8 Proposta 6 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Filipe Pereira GRUPO: Blue Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology (BBE) CO-ORIENTADOR(A)/CO-SUPERVISOR: LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR; laboratório Blue Biotechnology and Ecotoxicology (BBE) TEMA/Theme: Desenvolvimento de ferramentas moleculares eficazes na identificação de espécies RESUMO/SUMMARY A identificação de espécies tem uma grande importância em áreas tão diversas como ecologia, forense, indústria alimentar, medicina, etc. No entanto, uma correcta identificação é difícil de obter em amostras degradadas, vestigiais ou com misturas de material biológico de diversas espécies. Neste estágio iremos desenvolver um kit versátil de diagnóstico molecular para a discriminação dos principais grupos taxonómicos (filos) e identificação de espécies presentes em amostras degradadas. O kit incluirá iniciadores de PCR (‘primers’) para a amplificação em simultâneo de várias regiões genómicas pela técnica da reacção em cadeia da polimerase (multiplex PCR). A identificação dos grupos taxonómicos será obtida através da análise do tamanho e sequência das regiões-alvo no DNA. O método será validado em alimentos processados e amostras ambientais degradadas. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: O objectivo principal desta linha de investigação é desenvolver ferramentas moleculares eficazes na identificação de espécies. Os objectivos específicos deste estágio são: - Adaptar métodos de extracção de DNA para amostras degradadas; - Desenvolver um kit de multiplex PCR para a discriminação dos principais grupos taxonómicos; - Validar o multiplex PCR através da realização de estudos de especificidade, reprodutibilidade e sensibilidade; - Testar o kit em amostras ambientais e alimentos processados com misturas de material biológico de diferentes espécies. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Bioinformática: Recolha de sequências de DNA de bases de dados, alinhamento de sequências de DNA, desenho de primers, construção de um multiplex PCR. Genética molecular: Extracção de DNA de diferentes tipos de materiais biológicos, amplificação de DNA por PCR, separação de fragmentos de DNA por electroforese de agarose e poliacrilamida, sequenciação de DNA. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Pereira F, Carneiro J, Amorim A. Identification of species with DNA-based technology: current progress and challenges. Recent Patents on DNA & Gene Sequences. 2008. 2:187-200. Pereira F, Carneiro J, Matthiesen R, van Asch B, Pinto N, Gusmão L, Amorim A. Identification of species by multiplex analysis of variable-length sequences. Nucleic Acids Research. 2010. 38 (22): e203. (mais referências e detalhes sobre esta investigação em: ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Genética LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Todas as licenciaturas na área das ciências biológicas 9 Proposta 7 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Iacopo Bertocci GRUPO: Aquatic Ecology and Evolution LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Viana do Castelo (field), CIIMAR Porto (laboratory) TEMA/Theme: Ecological experimentation: design, collection and analysis of data RESUMO/SUMMARY Ecology is a quantitative, mechanistic and predictive science that is ‘difficult’ compared to other scientific disciplines as it deals with extremely variable systems. This makes necessary to identify the appropriate tools to make Ecology more effective in solving practical problems. Understanding basic ecological processes, in fact, is necessary to predict the effects of anthropogenic disturbances, to preserve biological diversity and to guarantee sustainable development. Measuring and explaining the variability inherent in ecological systems is the main challenge of ecological research. Within this internship, the basic logical and methodological requirements necessary to achieve these objectives will be presented with reference to basic and real ecological problems and directly involving the candidate in the field collection of empirical data from a manipulative experiment aimed at examining the effects of multiple anthropogenic disturbances on rock pool organisms. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The internship will allow the candidate to get experience in the basic principles of experimental ecology, including: (1) the quantitative nature of ecology, (2) the importance of logic in designing ecological studies, (3) the basics of experimental design, (4) some common techniques for the collection of field data (non-destructive visual sampling procedures), (5) notions on common procedures for the statistical analysis of data and (6) the interpretation of ecological results. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Field work – Non-destructive methods (sampling quadrates) for the estimation of abundance and diversity of sessile organisms (algae and invertebrates) Lab work – Front lectures on principles of experimental design, basic analysis of data through multivariate (multivariate analysis of variance based on permutations: PERMANOVA) and univariate (analysis of variance: ANOVA) techniques. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Underwood A.J. (1997). Experiments in ecology: their logical design and interpretation using analysis of variance. Cambridge University Press. Quinn J., Keough M. (2002). Experimental design and data analysis for biologists. Cambridge University Press. Relevant ecological literature may be suggested throughout the internship, depending on the specific addressed issues. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Ecology – Biology – Environmental Sciences LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biology – Environmental Science and Technology 10 Proposta 8 ORIENTADORA/SUPERVISOR: Dourtora Carmen Barrena de los Santos GRUPO: Endocrine Disruptors and Emergent Contaminants CO-ORIENTADOR/CO-SUPERVISOR: Doutor Miguel M. Santos GRUPO: Endocrine Disruptors and Emergent Contaminants LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR-Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research. TEMA/Theme: Ecological modelling in ecotoxicology RESUMO/SUMMARY The high proportion of shipping of chemical substances is increasing the risk of accidental spillage and the consequent impacts on marine ecosystems (French McCay et al. 2006). Among those chemicals, Hazardous and Noxious Substance (HNS) are substances other than oil which, if introduced into the marine environment, are likely to create hazards to human health, to harm living resources and other marine life, to damage amenities and/or to interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea (IMO 2000). However, their toxicity and ecological impacts on marine organisms are poorly known, making it difficult to predict the effects on marine ecosystems (Neuparth et al. 2011). Assessing the impact of exposure to HNS requires analytical and modelling tools to examine the biological and ecological effects of single compounds on sentinel organisms (Manahan 2010). Traditionally, the acute/chronic ecotoxicity of a pollutant is assessed in bioassays where organisms are exposed to a concentration range of the pollutant, and threshold effect levels are determined for model test organisms and endpoints in terms of reproduction, survival or growth (Rand 1995). The challenge at this point is to extrapolate the results at the individual level to ecological relevant levels, such as populations, and after that, integrate population and food web models to assess effects on ecosystems. A precursor step in developing ecotoxicology algorithms for ecosystem modelling systems is gathering data on endpoints for different species. The candidate will participate in achieving the objectives of the project “ECORISK: Ecological Risk Assessment of Oils and Hazardous and Noxious Substances Spills in the NW Portuguese Coast and Douro and Minho Rivers estuaries”. More specifically, he/she will participate in the design and implementation of ecological models as a basis to extrapolate effects of environmental stress at the individual level to relevant organization levels in ecological risk assessments. The model will be founded on ecotoxicological data collected from literature search and experimental work. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Assess effects of pollutants on marine organisms through ecotoxicology bioassays. Implementation of ecological models applied to ecotoxicological data. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: French-McCay, D. P., Whittier, N., Ward, M., and Santos, C. (2006). Spill hazard evaluation for chemicals shipped in bulk using modeling. Environmental Modelling and Software, 21(2):156–169. IMO – International Maritime Organisation, 2000. Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Cooperation to Pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances (OPRC-HNS Protocol). Manahan, S. E. (2010). Environmental chemistry. CRC press. Neuparth, T., Moreira, S., Santos, M., and Reis-Henriques, M. (2011). Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) in the marine environment: Prioritizing HNS that pose major risk in a European context. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62(1):21–28. Rand, G. M. (1995). Fundamentals of aquatic toxicology: effects, environmental fate and risk assessment. CRC Press. 11 ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Ecotoxicology and Marine Ecology. LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Licenciatura em Biologia, Licenciatura em Ciências e Tecnologia do Ambiente e áreas afins. Proposta 9 Estágio patrocinado por: ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Helena Peres GRUPO: Fish Nutrition & Immunobiology Group CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Aires Oliva- Teles GRUPO: Fish Nutrition & Immunobiology Group LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: FCUP e CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Effect of exogenous enzymes on digestibility and function and integrity of intestine in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) RESUMO/SUMMARY Intensive production of marine fish is still heavily dependent on diets including high levels of highquality fishmeal (FM) to meet their protein requirements. However, due to the increased demand, decreased availability, raising costs and the potential presence of organic and inorganic contaminants in FM, it is of economic and environmental utmost importance to replace or at least decrease diet dependency of FM, by replacing it with more sustainable and renewable protein sources, such as plant feedstuffs. Plant proteins, because of their availability and low cost, are promising alternative protein sources in aquafeeds. However, high dietary levels of plant feedstuffs usually results in decreased performance and digestive disorders due to the reduction of feed consumption, essential amino acid deficiency, high levels of fibre and non-starch polysaccharides, presence of antinutritional factors and indigestible components. Supplementation of deficient amino acids with crystalline amino acids, exogenous enzymes and palatability enhancers have shown to increase feed consumption, and improve the nutritional value of plant proteins. Exogenous enzymes supplements may be of particular importance for carnivorous fish as it may improve the digestive utilization and alleviate the usual digestive disorders associated to the use of plant ingredients in diet formulation. Turbot, a very high market value species, is one of the major marine fish cultured in the Mediterranean countries and its production is increasing in Portugal and within UE. However, due to its carnivorous feeding habits and high protein requirement the dietary inclusion of plant feedstuffs is still limited to high protein plant feedstuffs, such as gluten. Thus it is important to develop strategies to alleviate the limitations of using plant ingredients in aquafeeds for this species. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The overall objective of this project is optimize feed formulation for turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), integrating high levels of plant protein associated with specific supplements, including exogenous enzymes complex. A multidisciplinary approach, using multiple criteria and methodologies, will be used to assess the effects of such diets on performance, digestibility, digestive function and capacity, 12 morphological and physiological integrity and microbiota of gastrointestinal tube. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: A digestibility trial will be performed with turbot juveniles for determining the apparent digestibility of plant based diets supplemented or non-supplemented with exogenous enzymes. The digestibility trial will be run at the Marine Zoology Station in a recirculation water system equipped with tanks and feces sedimentation columns designed according to the Guelph system. Apparent digestibility coefficients will be estimated by an indirect method, using chromium oxide as external marker. Four experimental plant-based diets will be formulated supplemented. Proper dietary supplementation with commercially available essential AA will be done, if necessary, to adjust the diet EAA profile according to Peres and Oliva-Teles (2008). Three of these diets will be supplemented with different commercial available exogenous enzyme complex’s including proteases, non-starch polysaccharidases and phytases. Each diet will be tested in triplicated. During this trial a representation sample of feces will be collected to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, protein, lipids, phosphorus and energy of the experimental diets. At the end of the trial intestinal gut of 3 fish per tank will be samples and divided into 3 portions: pyloric caeca, anterior and posterior intestine to measure digestive enzymes activity, namely trypsin, quiomotrypsin, total protease, lipase, amylase, alkaline phosphatase and leucine-alanine peptidase, according to Castro et al. (2013). A small portion of each section will be collected for histological following standard histological techniques according to Enes et al. (2012). The intestinal gut of another 3 fish per tank will be sampled for the profiling of gut microbial communities, including the characterization of population structure, density and dynamics of each experimental diet and across the ecological gradient of the gut. This analysis will also allow to identity the climax gut microbial OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units). This will be carried out by mutation analysis techniques of the 16S rDNA gene (DGGE - denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis or TGGE temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, reviewed by Albuquerque et al. 2009). REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Albuquerque P, Mendes MV, Santos CL, Moradas-Ferreira P, & Tavares F. (2009) DNA signaturebased approaches for bacterial detection and identification. Sci. Total Environ. 407: 3641-3651. Castro, C., Perez-Jimenez, A., Coutinho, F., Pousao-Ferreira, P., Brandao, T. M., Oliva-Teles, A., & Peres, H. (2013). Digestive enzymes of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) and white seabream (Diplodus sargus). Effects of dietary brewer's spent yeast supplementation. Aquaculture, 416, 322-327. Enes, P., Perez-Jimenez, A., Peres, H., Couto, A., Pousao-Ferreira, P., & Oliva-Teles, A. (2012). Oxidative status and gut morphology of white sea bream, Diplodus sargus fed soluble non-starch polysaccharide supplemented diets. Aquaculture, 358, 79-84. Peres, H., & Oliva-Teles, A. (2008). Lysine requirement and efficiency of lysine utilization in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) juveniles. Aquaculture, 275(1-4), 283-290. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Aquaculture - Fish Nutrition LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Ciências do Meio Aquático & Biologia 13 Proposta 10 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Marta Ferreira GRUPO: Letox – Group of Environmental Toxicology CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Catarina Magalhães GRUPO: ECOBIOTEC - Bioremediation and Ecosystems Functioning LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Letox TEMA/Theme: Effects of pharmaceuticals in the gut microbiome of European Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) RESUMO/SUMMARY Exposure to anthropogenic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals, have been implicated in the disruption of several physiological mechanisms in aquatic species. Pharmaceuticals primarily enter the environment via the discharge of raw and treated sewage, consequently impacting aquatic ecosystems and fish inhabiting those systems (1). Psychopharmaceuticals (PP) target the central nervous systems, and chronic exposure to PP has been suspected to affect all endocrine systems including behaviour, growth, stress, reproduction and immune system, thereby impeding fitness and survival on a population scale (2). Indigenous microbiome play a critical role in the lives of their vertebrate hosts, and the link between these microbes and the host health is currently the focus of a growing number of investigations, revealing a key contribution of the microbiota to the host physiology and disease predisposition (3). While fish microbiota is now understood as the first barrier against pathogens, and the immune system and commensal microbiome are thought to be an integrative defence system, teleost microbiome research is well behind the one in human and mouse models (4). OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Considering that microbiome is an integrate part of the defense system and that PP exposure disrupt the immune system, the main goal of this project is to evaluate the effects of Psychopharmaceuticals on european seabass microbiome at the diversity level. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Seabass will be chronically exposed (21 days) to a selected psychopharmaceutical with a 7 days recovery period in a flow-through system with artificial seawater. Gut (with contents) will be sampled in different time periods for total DNA extraction and sequencing to assess shifts into the diversity of the host microbiota. Sequence analyses will be performed by using illumina technology and the primer set 515F-806R in order to cover both Bacteria and Archaea communities. Bioinformatic tools will be apply to analyse all the data generated from next generation sequencing. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: 1) Fent, K., A.A. Weston, and D. Caminada, 2006. Ecotoxicology of human pharmaceuticals. Aquatic Toxicology, 76(2): p. 122-159. 2) Kreke, N. and D.R. Dietrich, 2008. Physiological endpoints for potential SSRI interactions in fish. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 38(3): p. 215-247. 3) Huttenhower C., D. Gevers, R. Knight, S. Abubucker, J.H. Badger, A.T. Chinwalla, H.H. Creasy, A.M. Earl, et al., 2012. Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome, Nature 486: p. 207-2014 14 4) Llewellyn, M., Boutin, S., Hoseinifar, S.H., Derome, N., 2014. Teleost microbiomes: progress towards their characterisation, manipulation and applications in aquaculture and fisheries. Frontiers in Microbiology.5:207. doi:10.3389/fmcb.2014.00207 ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Ecotoxicologia, Microbiologia, Bioinformática LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático e afins Proposta 11 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Filipe Castro GRUPO: Animal Genetics and Evolution LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR/ TEMA TEMA/Theme: “Elongating at the Sea”: the repertoire of Elovl genes in Metazoans RESUMO/SUMMARY A central question in evolutionary genomics is how morphological and physiological diversity between taxa arises from differences in gene repertoire. The extraordinary number of full genome sequences currently available, offers a unique opportunity to investigate the evolution of complex gene networks such as the pathway controlling fatty acid biosynthesis. Fatty acids (FA), participate in fundamental physiological processes such as energy storage, biomembrane composition and signaling cascades. The pathway leading to synthesis of saturated, and long chain polyunsaturated FA (PUFAs) depends on the complex action of two sets of enzymes: Desaturases and Elongases. FA research is a thriving field, namely that focused on human health/aquaculture. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is known regarding elongase diversity and function in most metazoan lineages (molluscs, sponges, annelids), even though many are commercially explored. Here will focus on Elongases (Elovl), crucially important for PUFA metabolism. The discovery of alternative FA biosynthetic pathways, new gene isoforms or previously unknown gene families might prove of significant value for other fields including animal nutrition and aquaculture. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: To determine the evolutionary history, i.e. gene duplication timings and processes (contribution of genome vs tandem duplications), infer patterns of loss, determine gene functions in various metazoan lineages of gene families involved in FA biosynthesis. This will include FA elongation gene families (Elovl1, Elovl2, Elovl3, Elovl4, Elovl5, Elovl5, Elovl6, Elovl7). REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: 1) Diversity and history of the long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (Acsl) gene family in vertebrates. Lopes-Marques M, Cunha I, Reis-Henriques MA, Santos MM, Castro LF. BMC Evol Biol. 2013 Dec 12;13:271. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-271. 2)Functional desaturase Fads1 (Δ5) and Fads2 (Δ6) orthologues evolved before the origin of jawed vertebrates. Castro LF, Monroig Ó, Leaver MJ, Wilson J, Cunha I, Tocher DR. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e31950. 3) Vertebrate fatty acyl desaturase with Δ4 activity. Li Y, Monroig O, Zhang L, Wang S, Zheng X, Dick JR, You C, Tocher DR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Sep 28;107(39):16840-5. 15 ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Ciências Biológicas/Aquacultura/Evolução LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático Proposta 12 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Agostinho Antunes (Investigador CIIMAR e Professor Convidado FCUP) GRUPO: Genómica Evolutiva LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR Tema/Theme: Guerra biológica: decifrando a genómica de venenos naturais e os mecanismos de resistência natural a venenos RESUMO/SUMMARY Famílias de genes que codificam proteínas e péptidos com atividade tóxica são sintetizados por vários animais, incluindo medusas, gastrópodes marinhos, peixes, cobras e mesmo mamíferos. A prospeção de toxinas tem-se focado mais recentemente em venenos de cobras, um campo de investigação promissor que resultou na descoberta de importantes drogas para o tratamento do cancro. Contudo, outros grupos de vertebrados (p.ex. peixes) e invertebrados (p.e.x. cnidários) possuem milhares de espécies venenosas, representando um inexplorado recurso para a caracterização genómica de genes que codificam venenos naturais. Compreender a base genética da diversificação de genes codificadores de venenos em vários vertebrados e invertebrados pode fornecer importante informação para compreender a evolução de espécies, especialização ecológica, e novidades genéticas que poderão ser de elevada importância para a investigação biomédica e evolutiva. Contrastando com o sucesso evolutivo dos compostos venenosos, algumas espécies de metazoários adquiriram naturalmente resistência ao efeito dos venenos. Os mecanismos moleculares responsáveis por essa resistência natural encontram-se ainda pouco caracterizados. Adicionalmente, os animais venosos estão protegidos dos seus próprios venenos. A caracterização e compreensão desses mecanismos de resistência natural aos venenos pode fornecer informação valiosa para o desenho de novos e mais eficientes antídotos, que será de grande importância para a investigação farmacêutica e a saúde humana. Essas toxinas, ligeiramente modificadas ou em diferentes doses, podem também ter importantes propriedades biomédicas em alguns organismos. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Neste contexto, propomos um projeto de sequenciação genómica para caracterizar: (1) genes codificadores de venenos em diversas espécies de metazoários, e (2) genes de resistência a venenos em metazoários naturalmente resistentes ao efeitos do veneno. Especificamente, este estudo vai considerar mamíferos, répteis e peixes (vertebrados) e moluscos e cnidários (invertebrados), mas outras espécies de metazoários serão também considerados para análises filogenéticas e de genómica comparativa. A estratégia proposta neste estudo baseia-se em análises comparativas da genómica/proteómica de genes codificadores de venenos em espécies influenciadas por diferentes pressões seletivas (distintas condições de habitat e alimentação), que produzem venenos para matar ou imobilizar as presas, ou para defesa contra 16 predadores. Serão ainda efetuadas análises genómicas/proteómicas de genes candidatos de resistência-a-venenos em metazoários que naturalmente adquiriram resistência ao efeito dos venenos, porque se especializaram em alimentar-se de presas venenosas ou porque estabeleceram relações simbióticas com animais venenosos. Esta estratégia irá permitir estudar: (1) a diversificação de genes codificadores de venenos/resistência a venenos em vários organismos (vertebrados e invertebrados), e (2) serão comparados eventos de evolução paralela ou adaptativa de genes codificadores de venenos/resistência a venenos em diferentes ramos da árvore filogenética dos metazoários. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Esta estratégia irá permitir identificar substituições sinónimas (silenciosas) e não- sinónimas (substituições aminoacídicas) para testar evidências de seleção a nível molecular utilizando testes estatísticos robustos. Interações funcionais importantes em sistemas enzimáticos (complexo recetor ligando) e interações proteína-proteína serão estudados em detalhe atómico utilizando técnicas computacionais. A integração final destes resultados irá permitir a simulação computacional de vários aspetos das complexas interações biológicas que influenciam a evolução dos venenos, que poderão ser validados através de testes funcionais experimentais com proteínas recombinantes. O significado evolutivo de determinadas mutações poderá ser de particular interesse para a saúde humana e investigação farmacêutica, nomeadamente para produção de antídotos mais eficientes. Finalmente, os dados obtidos serão também utilizados para reanalisar a história evolutiva e as relações filogenéticas das espécies venenosas estudadas, o que poderá fornecer informação importante para compreender a recente expansão de espécies tóxicas em vários ecossistemas (p.ex. blooms de medusas, lesmas marinhas) provavelmente como resultado de alterações ambientais induzidas pelo homem ou pelo aquecimento global. Tarefas a desempenhar pelo estudante que se integrará na equipa deste projeto de investigação (PTDC/AAC-AMB/121301/2010) financiado pela FCT (2013 a 2015): Análise laboratorial e bioinformática de genes codificadores de venenos em metazoários (vertebrados e invertebrados). O trabalho experimental incluirá a recolha de organismos e extração de DNA/RNA, PCR, sequenciação e outras metodologias de genómica molecular. Interpretação dos resultados obtidos utilizando métodos filogenéticos e de adaptação molecular. Participação na elaboração de manuscritos. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: SUNAGAR K, JOHNSON WE, O’BRIEN SJ, VASCONCELOS V, ANTUNES A. (2012) Evolution of CRISPs associated with toxicoferan-reptilian venom and mammalian reproduction. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29(7): 1807-1822. (Factor de impacto: 5.510). FRAZÃO B, VASCONCELOS V, ANTUNES A. (2012) Sea anemone (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) toxins - an overview. Marine Drugs 10, 1812-1851. (Factor de impacto: 3.854). BRUST A, SUNAGAR K, UNDHEIM EA, VETTER I, YANG D, CASEWELL NR, RUDER T, JACKSON TN, KOLUDAROV I, ALEWOOD PF, HODGSON WC, LEWIS RJ, KING GF, ANTUNES A, HENDRIKX I, FRY BG (2013) Differential evolution of domains: comparative evolution of Psammophis and Echis snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMP). Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12(3):651-663 (Factor de impacto: 7.398). SUNAGAR K, FRY B, JACKSON TNW, CASEWELL NR, UNDHEIM EAB, VIDAL N, ALI SA, KING GF, VASUDEVAN K, VASCONCELOS V, ANTUNES A (2013) Molecular evolution of vertebrate neurotrophins: Co-option of the highly conserved nerve 17 growth factor gene into the advanced snake venom arsenal. PLoS One 8(11):e81827 (Factor de impacto: 4.092). DUTERTRE S, JIN A, VETTER I, HAMILTON B, SUNAGAR K, LAVERGNE V, DUTERTRE V, FRY BG, ANTUNES A, VENTER D, ALEWOOD P, LEWIS R (2014) Evolution of separate predation- and defence-evoked venoms in carnivorous snails. Nature communications 5:3521. (Factor de impacto: 10.015). Outros trabalhos do grupo publicados: Referências na comunicação social: ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Genómica, Genética, Evolução Molecular, Bioinformática. LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências dos Computadores. Outras licenciaturas afins na área poderão eventualmente ser consideradas. 18 Proposta 13 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Pedro Leão GRUPO: BLUE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ECOTOXICOLOGY CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Catarina Magalhães GRUPO: ECOBIOTEC LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Isolation, culturing and chemical exploration of Antarctica cyanobacteria. RESUMO/SUMMARY One of the most successful strategies for natural product discovery is simply to look for new chemistry in places/organisms where no one else has previously looked [1]. At CIIMAR, we have a number of cryopreserved geological samples from Antarctica niches at the cold-arid limit of life which we know contain cyanobacteria [2]. These are photosynthetic bacteria that are also prolific chemists – hundreds of bioactive compounds have been isolated from cyanobacteria, two of which are currently used to treat cancer [3]. In this project, the student will isolate and perform large-scale culturing of cyanobacteria present in the above-mentioned samples, and will classify the isolates using molecular taxonomy. The student will then explore the potential new chemistry present in these organisms, by performing bioassay-guided isolation of biologically active compounds present in the cyanobacterial biomass, using diverse chromatographies. Once a pure compound is isolated, the student will learn how to structurally characterize it using modern spectroscopic techniques. As such, this project is particularly suited for those aiming at a multidisciplinary research experience, blending microbiology with organic chemistry. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Isolate, culture, and characterize at the 16S rRNA level at least two cyanobacteria; obtain sufficient amounts of biomass for at least two cyanobacteria; isolate at least one new compound; characterize (even if partially) one new compound. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Biology: Basic microbiology techniques; micromanipulation; DNA extraction, PCR, cloning and sequence analysis; in vitro (microplate-based) luminescence assays. Chemistry: Organic extraction, normal phase column chromatographies, HPLC, LC-MS, 1D and 2D NMR, HR-MSn. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: [1] Clardy J (2007) Discovery of New Compounds in Nature. Proc Am Phil Soc 151: 201-210. [2] Pointing SB, Chan Y, Lacap DC, Lau MCY, Jurgens JA, Farrell RL (2009) Highly specialized microbial diversity in hyper-arid polar desert. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107: 1254-1254. [3] Gerwick WH, Moore BS (2012) Lessons from the Past and Charting the Future of Marine Natural Products Drug Discovery and Chemical Biology. Chem Biol 19: 85-98. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Microbiologia/Química Orgânica LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia/Bioquímica/Química/Ciências Farmacêuticas Proposta 14 19 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Doutora A. Catarina Guedes GRUPO: LBC – Laboratório de Biodiversidade Costeira CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Doutora Isabel Azevedo GRUPO: LBC – Laboratório de Biodiversidade Costeira LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: FC_UP - Lab 2.54 - Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n (Edificio FC5) 4169-007 PORTO. TEMA/Theme: LIGHT QUALITY EFFECT ON GROWTH AND BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS OF MICRO- AND MACROALGAE RESUMO/SUMMARY Algae are currently cultivated to produce biomass and a vast number of high added-value products, e.g. pigments and polyunsaturated fatty acids for further applications. One of the major factors affecting algae growth and their biochemical composition is light in terms of quality and intensity. In this project, algal cultures produced in a climatic chamber with newly developed LED technology will be compared with cultures produced under a traditional fluorescent light system. Therefore, the main goal of this research effort is to compare the effect of the two light sources (fluorescent vs LED) on algal biomass and carotenoids production and assess their total antioxidant capacity. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this internship will be to assess the effects of the light quality (fluorescent versus LED) on: algal biomass productivity carotenoids profile and productivity total antioxidant capacity of their extracts PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Several cultures will be run using the above mentioned LED technology, and compared with control cultures grown in traditional chambers equipped with fluorescent lamps. Biomass increase, as well as the yields of several carotenoids will be duly calculated using the following methods: (1) The biomass quantification will be achieved by optical density, dry and/or fresh weight; (2) The quantification and the characterization of the carotenoids profile will be achieved by spectrophotometric analysis and HPLC; (3) The extraction of chemical families of high added value products (e.g. peptides, polysaccharides, PUFA and carotenoids) will be performed by solid-liquid and high-pressure extractions. (4) The extracts antioxidant activity will be assessed by spectrophotometric methods. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: A. Catarina Guedes, Maria S. Gião, Rui Seabra, A. C. Silva Ferreira, Paula Tamagnini, Pedro MoradasFerreira and F. Xavier Malcata “Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of cell extracts from microalgae”. Marine Drugs, 2013, 11(4): 1256-1270 A. Catarina Guedes, Maria S. Gião, Ana A. Matias, Ana V. M. Nunes, Catarina M. M. Duarte, Manuela E. Pintado and F. Xavier Malcata “Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoids – including lutein and chlorophylls a, b and c from a wild strain of Scenedesmus obliquus for use in food processing”. Journal of Food Engineering, 2013, 116(2): 278-482 A. Catarina Guedes, Helena M. Amaro, Maria S. Gião and F. Xavier Malcata “Optimization of ABTS radical cation assay specifically for determination of antioxidant capacity of intracellular extracts of microalgae and cyanobacteria”. Food Chemistry, 2013, 138(1): 638-643 20 A. Catarina Guedes, Helena M. Amaro, Ricardo D. Pereira and F. Xavier Malcata “Effects of temperature and pH on growth and antioxidant content of the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus”.Biotechnology Progress, 2011, 27: 1218–1224 A. Catarina Guedes, Helena M. Amaro, Catarina R. Barbosa, Ricardo D. Pereira and F. Xavier Malcata “Fatty acid composition of several microalgae and cyanobacteria, with a focus on eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic and α-linolenic acids, for eventual dietary uses”. Food Research International, 2011, 44: 2721-2729 Luís A. Meireles, A. Catarina Guedes, Catarina R. Barbosa and F. Xavier Malcata “On-line control of light intensity in a microalgal bioreactor using a novel automatic system.” Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2008, 42: 554-559 Seyedeh Fatemeh Mohsenpour, Bryce Richards, Nik Willoughby “Spectral conversion of light for enhanced microalgae growth rates and photosynthetic pigment production”. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 125: 75-81 ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Biotecnologia LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências do Meio Aquático, Microbiologia, Ciências Farmacêuticas Proposta 15 21 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Miguel Santos GRUPO: Endocrine Disruptors and Emergent Contaminants LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Molecular mode of Action of Emerging Pollutants RESUMO/SUMMARY The presence of the so-called “Emerging Pollutants” in the environment has proved a problem of increasing proportions not only to wildlife but also to Humans. Many of these chemicals are not new, but the knowledge of their impact in non-targeted organisms and the molecular and biochemical mechanisms responsible for the disruption are still poorly characterized. This is particularly evident in the case of pharmaceuticals and personal care products that often end up being released into aquatic ecosystems through urban and industrial effluents. In this context, the main objective of this work program will be to contribute for a better understanding of the impact of emerging pollutants of concern and the underlying molecular mechanisms of action. We will apply a multiple-parametric approach that will combine animal bioassays with molecular biology. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: To screen the toxicity of emerging pollutants using animal bioassays To unravel the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of disruption of selected emerging pollutants PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Ecotoxicological bioassays, Bioinformatics, RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, Real Time PCR REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Oaks JL, Gilbert M, Virani MZ, Watson RT, Meteyer CU, Rideout BA, Shivaprasad HL, Ahmed S, Chaudhry MJ, Arshad M, Mahmood S, Ali A, Khan AA, 2004. Diclofenac residues as the cause of vulture population decline in Pakistan. Nature, 427:630-33. J, Soares, AM, Coimbra, MA, Reis Henriques, NM, Monteiro, MN, Vieira, JMA, Oliveira, P, Guedes-Dias, A, Fontaínhas Fernandes, S, Silva Parra, AP, Carvalho, L Filipe C Castro, MM, Santos, 2009. Disruption of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryonic development after full life-cycle parental exposure to low levels of ethinylestradiol. Aquatic Toxicology, 95: 330-338. Lima, D., Reis-Henriques, M.A., Silva, R., Santos, A.I., L. Filipe C. Castro, M. M. Santos, 2011. Tributyltininduced imposex in marine gastropods involves tissue-specific modulation of the Retinoid X Receptor. Aquatic Toxicology, 101: 221-227. Castro, L.F.C., Santos, M.M., 2014. To bind or not to bind: The taxonomic scope of nuclear receptor mediated endocrine disruption in invertebrate phyla. Environmental Science and Technology, 48: 5361-5363. Neuparth, T., Martins, C., de los Santos, C.B., Costa, M.H., Martins, I., Costa, P.M., Santos, M.M. 2014. Hypocholesterolaemic pharmaceutical simvastatin disrupts reproduction and population growth of the amphipod Gammarus locusta at the ng/L range. Aquatic Toxicology, in press. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Ciências do Ambiente/Ciências Biológicas LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Ciências do Meio Aquático, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins. 22 Proposta 16 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Maria João Faria Leite Dias dos Santos GRUPO/GROUP: Animal Pathology CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Francisca Isabel Merino Nunes Cabral Cavaleiro GRUPO/GROUP: Animal Pathology LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Animal Pathology Laboratory, Department of Biology of Faculty of Sciences (UP) TEMA/Theme: Parasites of Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) RESUMO/SUMMARY Species of octopodid cephalopods reach high market prices and are currently considered potential candidates for aquaculture. This is because of their (i) short life cycle; (ii) fast growth; (iii) easy adaptation to captivity; (iv) high fertility; and (v) high nutritional value. There is therefore the necessity of conducting parasitological surveys that result in the collection of detailed data, namely on parasite communities’ composition and structure. Such data will be crucial to the successful application of disease control measures. The curled octopus, Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), is a neritic, nectobenthic species of small- to medium-sized octopus (Hastie et al., 2009). It is one of the cephalopod species reported in the Portuguese General-Directorate for Fisheries and Aquaculture (DGPA) database (see Fonseca et al., 2008). Its parasite fauna was so far seldom addressed in the literature, and no parasitological survey has so far been conducted in specimens caught in Portuguese coastal waters. Among the parasites, reported for territorial waters of other countries, are species of cestodes, nematodes and copepods (see e.g. Pascual et al., 1996; Gestal et al., 1999). This project is intended to characterize the parasite fauna of E. cirrhosa in Portuguese coastal waters. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Characterization of the parasite community of E. cirrhosa in Portuguese coastal waters, by considering its composition and structure Evaluation of pathological lesions resulting from parasite infections Evaluation of the effect of parasites on the host’s condition factor and their potential economic impact on aquaculture facilities Molecular characterization of the most abundant parasites (Preparation of the manuscript “Parasite fauna of Eledone cirrhosa (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in Portuguese coastal waters”) PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Octopus data as total length and weight, the sex and stage of sexual maturity, as well as the occurrence of external lesions, will be recorded for each host, prior to performing the parasitological survey. During the course of the latter, all organs will be examined for parasites under the stereo dissecting microscope. The site of infection and the occurrence of internal lesions will be recorded. Isolated parasites will be cleaned of mucus and other debris, identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level under the microscope and then stored in 70% alcohol. A few specimens of the most abundant species of parasites will be used in the molecular analysis. Prevalence and abundance levels 23 will be calculated for each identified parasitic taxon, and then, the recorded infection levels will be compared with the ones reported in the literature. Host correlates of infection and a relationship between the recorded infection levels and the host’s condition factor will be evaluated using different statistical tests. Molecular characterization of the most abundant species will be performed by the usual procedures. Also, a review of the literature on the subject will be performed in order to organize a manuscript on the parasite fauna of E. cirrhosa. Founding of this project will be supported by AquaImprove project- task 11. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Fonseca, T., Campos, A., Afonso-Dias, M., Fonseca, P., & Pereira, J. (2008). Trawling for cephalopods off the Portuguese coast—Fleet dynamics and landings composition. Fisheries Research, 92, 180–188. Hastie, L. C., Pierce, G. J., Wang, J., Bruno, I., Moreno, A., Piatkowski, U., & Robin, J. P. (2009). Cephalopods in the north-eastern Atlantic: species, biogeography, ecology, exploitation and conservation. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 47, 111–190. Gestal, C., Belcari, P., Abollo, E., & Pascual, S. (1999). Parasites of cephalopods in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean): new host records and host specificity. Scientia Marina, 63, 39–43. Pascual, S., Gestal., C., Estévez, J. M., Rodríguez, H., Soto, M., Abollo, E., & Arias, C. (1996). Parasites in commercially-exploited cephalopods (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) in Spain: an updated perspective. Aquaculture, 142, 1–10. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Marine Parasitology LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: BIOLOGIA, BIOLOGIA MARINHA 24 Proposta 17 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Ana Paula Mucha GRUPO: EcoBioTec CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Marisa Almeida GRUPO: EcoBioTec LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Laboratório EcoBioTec, CIIMAR TEMA/Theme: Potencial dos microrganismos autóctones para a biorremediação de poluentes emergentes RESUMO/SUMMARY Os poluentes emergentes são compostos que não estão actualmente abrangidos pela legislação da qualidade da água existente. No entanto, são compostos que têm um impacto significativo sobre a qualidade dos ecossistema e, em última instancia, sobre a saúde humana. Os fármacos estão entre os compostos emergentes que a maioria das estações de tratamento de águas residuais não é capaz de eliminar. Assim, estes compostos podem acabar no meio aquático, com consequências imprevisíveis. A biorremediação microbiana é uma abordagem biológica comprovada para a transformação e eliminação de contaminantes orgânicos de ambientes poluídos. Nesse sentido, o objectivo deste estudo é desenvolver técnicas de biorremediação que possam estimular a capacidade das comunidades microbianas para degradar produtos farmacêuticos em ambientes estuarinos. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Investigar a resposta de microorganismos autóctones, provenientes de ecossistemas estuarinos, a poluentes emergentes, nomeadamente compostos farmacêuticos. Esta resposta será avaliada em termos de abundância e estrutura genética da comunidade microbiana assim como a sua capacidade de biodegradação dos poluentes. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Quantificação da abundância microbiana por microscopia de epifluorescência. Extracção de DNA microbiano. Caracterização da estrutura genética da comunidade microbiana usando a técnica ARISA (automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis). Análise dos perfis de ARISA e sua relação com os teores em compostos farmaceuticos usando software específico (PRIMER) ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Biologia LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Ambiente, Biologia, Bioquímica ou áreas afins 25 Proposta 18 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Marisa Almeida GRUPO: EcoBioTec CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Mª Clara Basto GRUPO: EcoBioTec LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Departamento de Química e Bioquímica da FCUP TEMA/Theme: Remoção de fármacos em ambientes estuarinos – potencial da bioremediação RESUMO/SUMMARY Os estuários são recursos valiosos, no entanto, as áreas estuarinas estão expostas a uma vasta gama de poluentes que podem afectar negativamente estes habitats incluindo os múltiplos sapais característicos destas zonas. O desenvolvimento de estratégias de limpeza destes ecossistemas representa um sério desafio. A remediação biológica é considerada uma técnica adequada, e de baixo custo, para a limpeza de áreas moderadamente contaminadas. É no entanto importante aferir as potencialidades desta técnica para remoção de fármacos e outros poluentes emergentes que afectam estes ecossistemas tão sensíveis. Neste trabalho tal será efectuado usando sedimentos dopados com diversos fármacos, monitorizando a sua degradação/remoção. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: Avaliar as potencialidades da remediação biológica para a remoção de fármacos e poluentes emergentes em ambientes estuarinos PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Para atingir os objectivos do trabalho, serão realizadas amostragens em diferentes estuários e realizadas experiências em microcosmos usando os sedimentos dopados com diversos fármacos. A degradação dos compostos seleccionados será avaliada ao longo do tempo utilizando técnicas analíticas de cromatografia ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Química Ambiental LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Química, Bioquímica, Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente e áreas afins 26 Proposta 19 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Vânia Freitas GRUPO: EEBIG CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Marta Ferreira & Joana Campos GRUPO: LETOX & LMCEE LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: CIIMAR ÁREA CIENTÍFICA: Biologia, Ecologia LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: Biologia, Bioquímica, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ambiente, Ciências do Meio Aquático TEMA/Theme: Temporal in and spatial patterns nursery habitat quality for juvenile flounder 27 RESUMO/SUMMARY Estuaries and shallow coastal areas have been considered essential habitats for marine fish species for providing nurseries for juveniles with good feeding conditions, refuge opportunities and high connectivity with other habitats [1]. Such ecological features affecting growth and survival of juveniles are strongly determinants of recruitment level and adult stock replenishment [2]. Species response in terms of juvenile growth and condition is a widely used indicator of habitat quality as it integrates environmental features and individual performance. Because of the dynamic nature of these environments, indicators that are able to capture variation in growth and condition at different time scales (both long and short term) are necessary. Here we will combine traditional measures of growth and condition (field growth rates, energy density) with techniques that provide higher individual resolution, such as otolith increment analysis, with high-throughput biochemical tools such as RNADNA ratio-based and lipid storage condition indices [3,4]. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: The aim of this project is study temporal and spatial variation in nursery habitat quality for flounder Platichthys flesus based on juvenile growth and condition. Morphometric and biochemical indices that respond at different time scales will be combined to produce an accurate characterization of the individual-environmental linkage in the estuarine system. Together with abundance data these indicators will be used to evaluate the relative quality of different areas occupied by young-of-the-year flounder. PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: 1. Quantitative sampling in study area. Monthly surveys during the recruitment period will take place in the estuarine system in parallel with monitoring of environmental conditions. Three areas will be sampled to analyse spatial variability in growth and condition in relation to environmental factors. 2. Biochemical condition (R/D, lipid storage). Nucleic acid analyses will be performed in muscle tissue using a fluorometric method as described in [5] and temporal comparisons will be done after a correction for body length according to [3]. Prior to analyses, pilot tests and optimization of analytical techniques is required. A lipid storage index will be assessed based on the ratio of the quantity of triacylglycerols (TAG; reserve lipids) to the quantity of sterols (ST; structural lipids. 3. Otolith microstructure analysis. Sagittal otoliths will be removed and daily growth increments will be read as in [6]. This information will be used to estimate absolute growth rates and recent growth (based on the width of the peripheral increments). 4. Data treatment and statistical analysis. REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: [1] Able KW (2005) A re-examination of fish estuarine dependence: Evidence for connectivity between estuarine and ocean habitats. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 64:5–17 [2] Gibson RN (1994) Impact of habitat quality and quantity on the recruitment of juvenile flatfishes. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32:191–206 [3] Buckley LJ, Caldarone E, Ong TL (1999) RNA-DNA ratio and other nucleic acid based indicators for growth and condition of marine fishes. Hydrobiologia 401:265-277 [4] Amara R, Meziane T, Gilliers C, Hermel G, Laffargue P (2007) Growth and condition indices in juvenile sole Solea solea measured to assess the quality of essential fish habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series 351, 201-208 [5] Caldarone EM, Wagner M, St Onge-Burns J, Buckley LJ (2001) Protocol and Guide for Estimating Nucleic Acids in Larval Fish using a Fluorescence Microplate Reader (Reference Document 01-11). Northeast Fisheries Science Center, USA, p 1-22 [6] Martinho F, Van der Veer HW, Cabral HN, Pardal MA (2013) Juvenile nursery colonization patterns for the European flounder (Platichthys flesus): A latitudinal approach. J Sea Res 84: 61-69 28 Proposta 20 ORIENTADOR(A)/SUPERVISOR: Francisca Isabel Merino Nunes Cabral Cavaleiro GRUPO/GROUP: Animal Pathology CO-ORIENTADOR(A/CO-SUPERVISOR): Maria João Faria Leite Dias dos Santos GRUPO/GROUP: Animal Pathology LOCAL DE REALIZAÇÃO DO TRABALHO: Animal Pathology Laboratory, Department of Biology of Faculty of Sciences (UP) TEMA/Theme: The reproductive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae) RESUMO/SUMMARY Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Müller, 1777) (Copepoda: Caligidae) is one of the most common parasites of the European flounder, Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae), an economically important species of fish. It is usually found on the fish’s skin. High infection levels were reported in the literature (e.g. Boxshall, 1974; Schmidt, 2003; Marques et al., 2006; Cavaleiro & Santos 2007, 2009), which indicates that the parasite can be responsible for disease outbreaks leading to a significant economic loss. To the present date, no study attempted to characterize the reproductive effort of the parasite, an important aspect of parasite life history strategies (see Cavaleiro & Santos, 2014). Such information is crucial to define control measures that prevent epizootic outbreaks from occurring in aquaculture systems. This project is aimed at characterizing the reproductive effort of L. pectoralis in detail, and will therefore develop the body of knowledge on this important caligid copepod. OBJECTIVOS/OBJECTIVES: - Characterize different measures of reproductive effort (egg number, egg size, total reproductive effort and egg sac length) - Evaluate whether L. pectoralis is mainly an r- or K-strategist - Evaluate the existence of a trade-off between egg number and egg size - Evaluate seasonal variations in measures of reproductive effort - Evaluate an effect of season, host’s and parasite’s characteristics on egg number and size (Preparation of the manuscript “The reproductive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae). PRINCIPAIS METODOLOGIAS/MAIN METHODOLOGIES: Measures of reproductive effort (egg number, egg size, total reproductive effort and egg sac length) will be assessed from specimens of L. pectoralis isolated from P. flesus during a previous work. A total of 120 ovigerous females, 30 per season of the year, will be used in the analysis. The recorded egg number and egg size data will allow to draw a conclusion about the reproductive strategy of L. pectoralis (r- or K-strategist) and on the existence of a trade-off between egg number and egg size. Seasonal variations in these measures will be evaluated and the recorded trends will be compared with those reported in the literature for other species of parasitic copepods. An effect of season and host’s and parasite’s characteristics on egg number and size will be evaluated using a generalised linear model. For this to be possible, body and genital complex size will also be assessed for each parasite. The recorded data will be compared with those reported in the literature for other species of parasitic copepods and used to organize a manuscript on the reproductive effort of L. pectoralis. 29 REFERÊNCIAS/REFERENCES: Boxshall, G. A. (1974). Infections with parasitic Copepods in North Sea marine fishes. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 54, 355–372. Cavaleiro, F. I. & Santos, M. J. (2007). Survey of the metazoan ectoparasites of the European flounder Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) along the north-central Portuguese coast. Journal of Parasitology, 93, 1218–1222. Cavaleiro, F. I. & Santos, M. J. (2009). Seasonality of metazoan ectoparasites in marine European flounder Platichthys flesus (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae). Parasitology, 136, 855–865. Cavaleiro, F. I. & Santos, M. J. (2014). Egg number-egg size: an important trade-off in parasite life history strategies. International Journal for Parasitology, 44, 173–182. Marques, J., Teixiera, C., & Cabral, H. (2006). Differentiation of commercially important flatfish populations along the Portuguese coast: evidence from morphology and parasitology. Fisheries Research, 81, 293–305. Schmidt, V. (2003). Parasites of European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) from the German Bight, North Sea, and their potential use in eco-system monitoring. Ph.D. Thesis. Universität Hannover, Kiel, Russia, 154 p. ÁREA CIENTÍFICA/SCIENTIFIC AREA: Marine Parasitology LICENCIATURAS ADMITIDAS: BIOLOGIA, BIOLOGIA MARINHA 30