Disciplina - Inglês 2a Série - Ensino Médio PROJECT POEM ANALYSIS: “THE SCHOOL BOY” WILLIAM BLAKE AND “SUCCESS IS COUNTED SWEETEST” EMILY DICKINSON Professor: Tiago Dutra Analyse the poems: “The School Boy” William Blake or EVEN NUMBERS (Ex.: 2, 4, 6...) “Success is counted sweetest” Emily Dickinson ODD NUMBERS (Ex.: 1, 3, 5...) Analyse ONE poem using 4 literary devices and the necessary vocabulary. Provide written: Examples (from the analysed poem), Justifications. http://literarydevices.net/ http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/ PRESENTATION: Poem Analysis Brief answer to minimum of 5 of the most important questions from “Análise de poemas” and the 4 literary devices with their examples and justifications; Oral presentations mostly IN ENGLISH; REMEMBER: These are importante poems in English literature, so other students have analysed them. Find it in blogs, websites, etc; PowerPoint In bullet point format with brief topics IN ENGLISH (each topic a maximum of 3 lines); REMEMBER: these platforms are to remind the presenter, not do the job for them. PRESENTATION DIVISION 2ª D Group A Alan Souza, Bruno Castro, Dillian Resende Helena Alves Group C Ana Alves, André Souza, Gustavo Franco, Igor Costa DATE: 18/08 DURATION: 10” Group B Ana Rodrigues, Carolina Gomes, Giovanna Andrade, Ivan Silveira, Kimberly Salles, Group D Camila Firmino, Daniel Floriano, Getúlio Júnior, João Ervilha PRESENTATION DIVISION 2ª D DATE: 18/08 DURATION: 10” Group E Group F Luísa Lara, Maria Santos, Pedro Simões, Vinícius Frade Larissa Franco, Letícia Silva, Marina Lucas, Rodrigo Fernandes Group G Group H Larissa Silva, Luiza Araújo, Mariana Amaral, Tácio Pires Laryssa Paula, Lorena Freitas, Miguel Abdalla, Rafaela Silva