Disciplina - Inglês 3a Série “B”- Ensino Médio PROJECT POEM ANALYSIS: “JOURNEY'S END” J. R. R. TOLKIEN AND “AUTUMN BEGINS IN MARTINS FERRY, OHIO” JAMES WRIGHT Professor: Tiago Dutra Analyse the poems: “Journey's End” J. R. R. Tolkien or “Autumn Begins In Martins Ferry, Ohio” James Wright Analyse ONE poem using 3 literary devices and the necessary vocabulary. Provide written: Examples (from the analysed poem), Justifications. http://literarydevices.net/ http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/ PRESENTATION: Poem Analysis Brief answer to minimum of 5 of the most important questions from “Análise de poemas” and the 3 literary devices (1 being metaphor) with their examples and justifications; Oral presentations mostly IN ENGLISH; REMEMBER: These are importante poems in English literature, so other students have analysed them. Find it in blogs, websites, etc; PowerPoint In bullet point format with brief topics IN ENGLISH (each topic a maximum of 3 lines); REMEMBER: these platforms are to remind the presenter, not do the job for them. PRESENTATION DIVISION 3ª B DATE: 28/08 DURATION: 9” Group A (E) Group B (O) Group C (O) Bernard Costa, Caroline Sampaio, Davi Candido, Felipe Pereira, João Pedro, Lucas Gonçalves Carolina Henrique, Débora Oliveira, Laura Pereira, Pedro Miguel Amanda Eliziario, Izabela Santarelli, Izabela Soares, Lucas Ferreira, Sophia Freitas Group D (E) Group E (O) Agatha Duarte, Ana Carolina, Henrique Zazá, Luana Santos, Monique Freitas, Acácio Campos, Ana Sales, Cecília Gonçalves, Guilherme Amorim, Isabela Maria, Luís Fernando