COMPANY REGISTRY (NIRE): 33.3.0027843-5
CORPORATE TAXPAYER ID (CNPJ/MF): 07.859.971/0001-30
HELD ON MAY 25, 2012
DATE, TIME AND VENUE: Held on May 25, 2012, at 4:00 p.m., at the Company's
headquarters located at Praça XV de Novembro nº 20, 10º andar, sala e 1003, Centro, in the city
and state of Rio de Janeiro.
ATTENDANCE AND CALL NOTICE: The call notice formalities were complied with, after
which the meeting was attended by the sitting Board members Djalma Bastos de Morais, ,
Wilson Pereira dos Santos, Pedro Grossi Júnior, John Michael Streithorst, Luiz Carlos da Silva
Cantídio Júnior, Antônio de Pádua Barbedo, Carlos Roberto Cafareli, Maurício Luís Luchetti,
Ernesto Paulo da Silva Nunes, João Almeida dos Santos and Luiz Ricardo da Câmara Lima.
Eduardo Cysneiros de Morais, José Maria Rabelo, João Carlos Lindau, Clayton Ferraz de Paiva
and Jorge Khoury Hedaye, members of the Company’s Fiscal Council, also attended the
meeting. In addition, the representatives of the Company’s independent auditors during the
fiscal year 2011 (KPMG – Auditores Independentes) were also present and placed themselves at
the disposal of the board members for any questions that might arise during the meeting.
PRESIDING BOARD: Djalma Bastos de Morais presided over the meeting and invited
Ari Cesar Paiva de Almeida to act as secretary.
AGENDA: To correct the Company’s financial statements approved by the Annual
and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held cumulatively on April 27, 2012.
RESOLUTIONS TAKEN: After discussing the matter, the members of the Board of
Directors approved, by unanimous vote and without any reservations, the following:
a) The corrected version of the Company’s financial statements referring to the year
2011 exclusively in regard to the Company’s Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, as per
Attachment I to these minutes. Accordingly, a note referring to subsequent events will
be added to the aforementioned financial statements, listing all the material facts
occurred as of March 7, 2012, when the Board of Directors submitted said financial
statements to the Company’s shareholders, up to the present date; therefore, both the republication of the Management Report and the Financial Statements referring to fiscal
year 2011, and the call for an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting to deal with this
matter, are hereby approved.
CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss, the Board of Directors’ meeting
was adjourned and these minutes were drawn up, read, found to be in compliance and signed by
all attending members. (a.a) Chairman: Djalma Bastos de Morais; Secretary: Ari Cesar Paiva de
Almeida; Sitting members of the Board: Wilson Pereira dos Santos, Pedro Grossi Júnior, John
Michael Streithorst, Luiz Carlos da Silva Cantídio Júnior, Antônio de Pádua Barbedo, Carlos
Roberto Cafareli, Maurício Luís Luchetti, Ernesto Paulo da Silva Nunes, João Almeida dos
Santos e Luiz Ricardo da Câmara Lima. Members of the Fiscal Council: Eduardo Cysneiros de
Morais, José Maria Rabelo, João Carlos Lindau, Clayton Ferraz de Paiva e Jorge Khoury
This is an English translation of the original minutes drawn up in the Company’s records.
Rio de Janeiro, May 25 2012.
Ari Cesar Paiva de Almeida

4. AGENDA: To correct the Company`s financial statements