TRANSMISSORA ALIANÇA DE ENERGIA ELÉTRICA S.A. Company Registry (NIRE): 33.300.278.435 Corporate Taxpayers’ ID (CNPJ/MF): 07.859.971/0001-30 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 12, 2012 1. DATE, TIME AND VENUE: January 12, 2012, at 3:00 p.m., at the Company’s headquarters at Praça Quinze de Novembro, 20, 10º andar, sala 1002 e 1003, Centro, in the city and state of Rio de Janeiro. 2. CALL NOTICE AND ATTENDANCE: The formalities of the call notice having been complied with, the meeting, on this date, was attended by the following sitting members: Mrs. Djalma Bastos de Morais, Wilson Pereira dos Santos, Pedro Grossi Júnior, Isacson Casiuch, Luiz Carlos da Silva Cantídio Júnior, Luís Carlos Saciloto Tadiello, Carlos Roberto Cafareli, Maurício Luís Luchetti, Ernesto Paulo da Silva Nunes, João Almeida dos Santos and Jorge Kalache Filho; alternate members: Cristiano Correa de Barros, João Procópio Campos Loures Vale, Geralda Aparecida Ferreira Leite, Carlos Alberto de Figueiredo Trindade Neto, Marcelo Hudik Furtado de Albuquerque, Thereza Cristina Nogueira de Aquino, Luiz Henrique de Castro Carvalho and Luiz Ricardo da Câmara Lima. The Company’s Technical Officer, Mr. Marco Antonio Resende Faria, also attended the meeting as a guest. 3. RESOLUTIONS TAKEN: After discussing the matter, the attending members of the Board of Directors resolved by unanimous vote and without restrictions: (i) to authorize the Company to efficiently implement, as of January 2012, a Private Pension Plan to its employees, with the characteristics and under the conditions described in the document presented to the Board of Directors during this meeting. The Company’s Board of Executive Officers will also carry out a survey in order to check if the benefits granted to its employees are aligned with the best market practices. Based on the survey’s results, the Board will be able to evaluate whether, for the subsequent fiscal years, the amounts to be disbursed by the Company in association with the Private Pension Plan will need to be deducted, in full or in part, from the Company’s budget referring to the overall compensation paid to its employees (wage + benefits + profit sharing) or whether, if applicable, this budget will need to be increased to include the best market practices; (ii) to approve, in the Company’s Annual Budget approved on December 22, 2010, the correction of the amounts related to the payment of profit sharing to the Company’s employees, by adding nine hundred ninety thousand, eight hundred ninety-one reais (R$990,891.00), to the current amount of four million, one hundred eighty-six thousand, twenty-seven reais (R$4,186,027.00); (iii) to approve the Company’s budget for the first two-month period of 2012, as per the document presented to the Directors, which will be filed at the Company’s headquarters; this Board of Directors shall be called to approve the annual budget for the 2012 fiscal year in due time.