In Collaboration with An Event by Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottobre 2010 Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottobre 2010 Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottob PRESS KIT October 25-29 2012 | Torino | Lingotto Fiere FOODS THAT CHANGE THE WORLD Main Sponsors Terra Madre and Slow Food Foundation Supporters With the contribution of Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre 2012 Visite para baixar o programa e para o credenciamento de imprensa Já foi publicado o programa da edição 2012 do encontro internacional do Salone del Gusto e das comunidades do alimento de Terra Madre. Contém informações sobre o evento que, de 25 a 29 de outubro, em Turim, na Itália, mostrará a extraordinária diversidade de alimentos de todos os continentes, reunindo pequenos produtores e artesãos que seguem os princípios do bom, limpo e justo no mundo inteiro. Para detalhes sobre o extraordinário programa deste ano, e para comprar entradas para os eventos, acesse o site Durante o Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre, os visitantes poderão escolher entre mais de 100 Oficinas do Gosto e os eventos: Encontros com o Autor, com degustações apresentadas por especialistas internacionais; o Teatro do Gosto, onde chefs prepararão pratos de autoria própria para a degustação do público; Encontros à Mesa com chefs famosos do mundo inteiro; e o espaço Enoteca, com mais de 1.200 rótulos de vinho. Pela primeira vez, o Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre serão realizados como um evento único e totalmente aberto ao público. O objetivo do novo formato é promover o mais importante evento internacional dedicado ao alimento, capaz de unir o prazer do gosto à responsabilidade e ao respeito pelos produtores e pelo meio ambiente. As Comunidades do Alimento de todo o mundo estarão presentes no Salone del Gusto e no Terra Madre, muitas delas com estandes na área do Mercado, onde poderão apresentar seus produtos, contando a história de suas atividades. A área receberá cerca de 1.000 expositores de 100 países. Vindas da África, América do Norte, América do Sul, Europa e Ásia, mais de 350 Fortalezas serão mais uma vez as estrelas do evento, oferecendo queijos, carnes curadas, peixes, pães, doces, grãos, mel, frutas e verduras de 50 países diferentes. Três pavilhões do Centro de Exposições Lingotto serão dedicados à Itália, enquanto a Oval Olympic Arena receberá os produtores dos cinco continentes. Áreas especiais servirão pratos regionais italianos, enquanto os cozinheiros do Terra Madre prepararão especialidades étnicas e comidas de rua destacando a diversidade das tradições gastronômicas de todo o mundo. Direito ao alimento, grilagem, Política Agrícola Comum da União Europeia, a ligação entre saúde e alimento, mudanças climáticas e bem‐estar animal são apenas alguns dos temas ligados ao sistema de produção alimentar que serão discutidos em mais de 40 Conferências. “Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre 2012 representarão um momento decisivo para as milhares de pessoas reunidas para debater o futuro do alimento em Turim,” declarou Carlo Petrini, presidente do Slow Food. “As nossas escolhas diárias e a comida que botamos em nosso prato determinam o futuro do meio ambiente, da economia e da sociedade e, mais do que nunca, é essencial que a voz coletiva se faça ouvir neste mês de outubro e que nos tornemos parte ativa na resolução dos problemas que afetam a Terra e a comunidade global.” Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre Press Office: c/o Slow Food: Tel. +39 0172 419645 [email protected] – [email protected] c/o Regione Piemonte: Tel. +39 011 4322549 [email protected] c/o Comune di Torino: Tel. +39 011 4423606 [email protected] Dos cinco continentes, alimentos que transformam o mundo! Das comunidades africanas aos grandes chefs, ao Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre, o panorama internacional do alimento bom, limpo e justo A visita ao Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre 2012 é uma viagem fascinante de descoberta de alimentos do mundo inteiro. No grande Mercado, o visitante pode degustar especialidades vindas dos cinco continentes, encontrar produtores das comunidades do alimento e conhecer tradições gastronômicas, inclusive as menos conhecidas, na sua versão mais autêntica, graças aos cozinheiros da rede Terra Madre da África e da Ásia, que propõem cozinhas étnicas e comidas de rua. Através do alimento exposto, explicado, degustado, preparado e conjugado segundo diferentes abordagens culturais, são buscados e discutidos caminhos para um modelo de agricultura que preserve a biodiversidade, detenha a destruição dos recursos, diminua de modo significativo o aquecimento global e promova a solidariedade entre o norte e o sul do mundo. Os pavilhões 1, 2 e 3 do Lingotto Fiere serão dedicados à Itália, e o Oval Olympic Arena receberá produtores vindos dos cinco continentes. Ao lado das Fortalezas Slow Food, especialidades alimentares de todo o mundo e produtos dos agricultores, criadores, pescadores e cozinheiros da rede de Terra Madre. Da África à América Latina, passando pela Europa até o Extremo Oriente, as Fortalezas continuam sendo protagonistas. Mais de 100 bancas cor de laranja espalhadas pelo mercado oferecem queijos, embutidos, pães, doces, cereais e mel protegidos pelo Slow Food e provenientes de mais de 50 países. Da massa katta de Timbuktu e Gao, no Mali, ao licuri do Brasil; das antigas variedades de café de Lowero, em Uganda, aos queijos das pastagens de montanha dos Bálcãs; do mel de abelhas nativas de Puebla, no México, ao morango branco de Purén, no Chile; as Fortalezas acompanham os visitantes numa viagem de descoberta da biodiversidade do mundo inteiro, através de exemplos concretos e virtuosos de agricultura sustentável, baseada na qualidade, bem‐estar animal, tradição local, saúde e prazer do consumidor. Seis Mercados da Terra são exemplos de como é possível encurtar a distância entre produtor e coprodutor: Tcherni Vit (Bulgária), Mumbai (Índia), Tel Aviv (Israel), Beirute (Líbano), Bucareste (Romênia) e Foça (Turquia). O espaço de exposições do Oval está dividido em grandes macro‐áreas correspondentes aos cinco continentes, cada uma delas com um tema que serve de fio condutor: • Na Europa, vai‐se do Mediterrâneo, com a predominância de óleos, pães e queijos, às produções da Europa Central (cervejas, vinhos, doces); da diversidade agrícola do Cáucaso aos tesouros escondidos dos Bálcãs. O tema central desta área é a proposta do Slow Food para uma nova Política Agrícola Comum (PAC) atenta aos jovens e à agricultura de pequena escala. • Na África, a viagem se estende por mais de 20 países, do cuscuz salgado de painço do Senegal à cola de Serra Leoa, passando pelo café selvagem de Harenna, na Etiópia. No Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre Press Office: c/o Slow Food: Tel. +39 0172 419645 [email protected] – [email protected] c/o Regione Piemonte: Tel. +39 011 4322549 [email protected] c/o Comune di Torino: Tel. +39 011 4423606 [email protected] coração da área, uma horta de 400 m2 ilustra, concreta e diretamente, um dos projetos mais ambiciosos do Slow Food: a realização de mil hortas na África. • A maior parte da biodiversidade agrícola do mundo nasceu na Ásia. Esta área apresenta a sua extraordinária variedade de tipos de arroz, chá, temperos e todo seu universo de culturas gastronômicas, interpretadas por cozinheiros coreanos, japoneses e malaios da rede Terra Madre, que oferecem comidas de rua aos visitantes mais curiosos. • Ao lado da Ásia, uma presença significativa é da Oceania, com os produtores da Fortaleza do taro e do inhame da ilha de Lifou, da Nova Caledônia, e a rede associativa australiana, com projetos e a luta pela preservação do alimento de qualidade. • No espaço da América Latina, são protagonistas as grandes áreas agroecológicas – andina, amazônica e mesoamericana – e as produções mais interessantes do continente: cacau, café, mel de abelhas nativas e bebidas alcoólicas como o mezcal, o rum e a cachaça. • Para a América do Norte, Canadá e Estados Unidos apresentam seus produtos e projetos para aproximar os consumidores da terra: os mercados rurais, a educação nas escolas, as campanhas que ensinam a comer melhor gastando pouco. Nesta área também fala‐se de política agrícola do futuro, a chamada Farm Bill, o equivalente americano da PAC. Laboratórios do Gosto, Teatros do Gosto e Encontros à Mesa, além das Palestras (com tradução simultânea em inglês), abordam os temas e as campanhas da rede Terra Madre. Como na noite especial, em que cinco cozinheiros da América Latina se reúnem com Massimo Bottura para cozinhar usando produtos das comunidades do alimento. Ou nos Laboratórios do Gosto, onde as comunidades do alimento participam com especialidades de todo o mundo: temperos indianos, a versátil mandioca das receitas tradicionais latino‐americanas, vinhos naturais da Grécia e dos Bálcãs, e também os grandes vinhos de França, Espanha, Portugal, Eslovênia, Alemanha, Áustria, Grécia, Geórgia, Turquia, Sérvia, Croácia, Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Alimentando a reflexão em mais de 170 Laboratórios do Gosto, Encontros à Mesa, Teatros do Gosto e Encontros com o Produtor No ano da fusão do Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre em um único evento capaz de levar a riqueza de ideias e culturas da rede Terra Madre para um público ainda mais amplo, a programação de eventos também reflete esta mudança. Haverá mais espaço para os temas e as campanhas centrais da rede: a importância de biodiversidade e sustentabilidade, a proteção de paisagens e o resgate do conhecimento tradicional. Como sempre, haverá degustações conduzidas por produtores, chefs, vinicultores, produtores de cerveja e especialistas. As comunidades de Terra Madre realizarão diversos Laboratórios do Gosto, apresentando histórias e especialidades do mundo inteiro: Experimente uma seleção de saquês japoneses, apresentados pelo conceituado crítico de saquês Haruo Matsuzaki, acompanhados de comidas típicas japonesas. O laboratório é organizado em colaboração com o Slow Food Fukushima, e os convivia de Miyagi e Kesennuma, comunidades afetadas pelo terremoto e tsunami de 2011, que estão lutando para prevenir a perda da biodiversidade local e dos conhecimentos tradicionais. Experimente a variedade de uma das cozinhas menos conhecidas da Europa, numa viagem pela Albânia, um país onde a agricultura de pequena escala envolve quase metade da população, mas onde produtos artesanais e habilidades tradicionais estão se perdendo progressivamente à medida que aumenta o êxodo rural. Aprenda como as comunidades do alimento da Bretanha, na França, estão lutando para defender a biodiversidade do ecossistema e para preservar os sabores autênticos dos inúmeros terroirs de ostras da Bretanha, graças à Fortaleza Slow Food de Ostras Naturais da Bretanha; ou para preservar as populações de abelhas em declínio, graças ao mel extremamente raro das abelhas negras da ilha de Ushant. Em 14 Teatros do Gosto, os chefs prepararão seus pratos exclusivos para o público provar. Explore o Peru, um dos países com uma das biodiversidades mais ricas do mundo, através dos pratos preparados por Virgilio Martinez, do Restaurante Central em Lima. Siga Magnus Nilsson numa viagem culinária através das florestas da região de Jämtland, na Suécia, onde ele colhe frutinhas silvestres, ervas, líquens e flores, caça e cultiva vegetais; tudo acompanhado de cervejas artesanais do mestre cervejeiro Teo Musso, de Baladin, na Itália. Trinta e nove chefs estarão no Piemonte para 23 Encontros à Mesa, em conhecidos restaurantes de Turim e arredores e famosas adegas da região de Langhe. Massimo Bottura, chef mundialmente famoso e premiado com estrelas Michelin, preparará um jantar junto com cinco chefs da América do Sul, usando produtos das comunidades do alimento Terra Madre. Gill Mellor, chef do restaurante River Cottage HQ, e Tim Maddams, chef do River Cottage Canteen, fundado por Hugh Fearnley‐Whittingstall em Dorset, prepararão um jantar muito especial, que encerrará um ciclo de duas semanas, de Devon, no Reino Unido, a Turim, na Itália, com o objetivo de conscientizar e angariar fundos para duas instituições que se ocupam de pessoas que sofrem de depressão. O jantar será uma celebração da importância da boa alimentação e de uma vida slow para o bem‐estar mental. Dez Encontros com o Produtor, realizados numa área no coração do Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre, incluirão degustações, histórias e testemunhos de grandes nomes do mundo da comida e do vinho. Conheça pessoas como Claude e Lydia Bourguignon, engenheiros agrônomos que viajam pelas áreas rurais da Europa para ajudar viticultores e agricultores a combater a perda de matéria orgânica do solo. Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre Press Office: c/o Slow Food: Tel. +39 0172 419645 [email protected] – [email protected] c/o Regione Piemonte: Tel. +39 011 4322549 [email protected] c/o Comune di Torino: Tel. +39 011 4423606 [email protected] Torino 29 maggio ’12 E’ davvero con grande piacere che porto il mio saluto e quello di tutti i piemontesi all’edizione 2012 del Salone del Gusto di Torino. Questa kermesse internazionale ha saputo nel tempo registrare un costante aumento di visitatori e di espositori, tanto da diventare in pochi anni l’evento di riferimento a livello internazionale per quanto riguarda la cultura del cibo. L’edizione di quest’anno vedrà per la prima volta la fusione del Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre, due momenti tra loro complementari e che da sempre caratterizzano questo appuntamento. Anche per questa nona edizione del Salone, Torino ed il Piemonte saranno un palcoscenico privilegiato da cui osservare le dinamiche tra mondo globale e esperienze locali, tra le straordinarie diversità agroalimentari di ogni Continente e la tendenza della globalizzazione ad uniformare anche un elemento primario come il cibo: attraverso la voce diretta di quei produttori che ispirano il loro lavoro al cibo buono, pulito e giusto, si potrà ancora una volta ribadire l’importanza della tutela delle biodiversità che parte dal basso. Difendere i prodotti tradizionali e locali significa anche difendere culture, lingue e popoli oggi magari numericamente marginali, ma che hanno tutti i diritti di esistere e di farsi conoscere. Del resto ogni giorno di più scopriamo che la ricchezza dei nostri tempi sta nel particolare e non nell’omologazione. Proprio Torino negli ultimi anni ha visto fiorire moltissime attività legate alla passione per il cibo particolare, di qualità e legato al territorio. Ironia della sorte, nell’epoca del globalismo più spinto, sono proprio le attività che propongono la ‘nicchia’ della tradizione ad avere più successo. Ed è bello sapere che la maggior parte di queste attività sia in mano ai giovani, che magari rifacendosi alle esperienze dei loro nonni, riescono oggi ad affermarsi e a creare un valore aggiunto che diventa patrimonio di tutto il nostro territorio. Il nostro futuro e quello delle generazioni che verranno, ne sono convinto, soprattutto in una terra come il Piemonte, sarà legato alle produzioni tradizionali, alla lotta contro l’omologazione dei prodotti agricoli e alla tutela del nostro patrimonio naturale. Roberto Cota Presidente Regione Piemonte Oggi l’economia e la società sono in rapida trasformazione. E nel nostro Paese, Torino, continua a essere l’emblema di questo cambiamento. Nel corso degli ultimi vent’anni la città è stata coinvolta in un importante percorso di trasformazione e di crescita, dimostrando una lucida visione che l’ha portata a diventare un esempio per molte città italiane e straniere lo ha fatto coniugando trasformazione urbana e valori di rispetto del territorio e dell’ambiente. La determinazione, l’impegno e la creatività con cui Torino ha saputo trasformarsi passando dal modello di one-company town a quello di metropoli dalle molteplici vocazioni, ne ha fatto oggetto di studio da parte della comunità internazionale. Una grande sfida, che propone un nuovo utilizzo dei due milioni di metri quadrati di terreno agricolo del territorio cittadino, è il progetto Torino Città da coltivare: si tratta della diffusione di coltivazioni sostenibili e indirizzate al concetto di ‘catena corta’, agricoltura sociale, orticoltura individuale o collettiva, agriturismo e riforestazione. Il punto di arrivo è rendere centrali tra i cittadini i temi della natura, della godibilità del patrimonio verde della qualità del cibo e della sostenibilità. Torino è peraltro strenua sostenitrice di ‘Orti urbani: l’arte di coltivare dentro le città’, iniziativa promossa da Italia Nostra, Anci e Coldiretti con l’obiettivo di sottrarre terreno al degrado tutelando la memoria storica, la socialità e l’aggregazione. La ristorazione scolastica a filiera territoriale e, nei giardini di asili ed elementari la diffusione dell’arte di coltivare fiori e ortaggi, sono strumenti efficaci che il Comune ha già intrapreso per diffondere tra i bambini l’importanza dell’educazione ai valori della natura. Torino è peraltro anche la sede di due eventi prestigiosi quali il Salone del Gusto e Terra Madre. La nostra Amministrazione è inoltre la prima ad aver sottoscritto in Italia la Dichiarazione europea contro gli sprechi alimentari, recuperandone le eccedenze e i prodotti invenduti e distribuendoli ai cittadini più fragili, grazie a una rete di relazioni in grado di collegare chi offre e chi chiede. Torino aderisce ai valori universali del messaggio di Slow Food: il cibo è l’elemento unificante che consente di ricollegare i mondi della produzione, del consumo, della salute, della cura del corpo e dell’ambiente che nell’epoca moderna si sono separati. Ricollegarne la trama è tra gli impegni della nostra azione politica. Piero Fassino Sindaco Piazza Palazzo di Città, 1 – 10122 Torino – Tel. +39 011 4423000 – Fax +39 011 5625580 e-mail: [email protected] Lurisia, on water’s side. Lurisia is the signature on the label of one of the healthiest and light waters of Europe, but behind that label there is much more than just water: there are people who take care of it in every way. Behind the Lurisia water, there is the environmental protection of the spring, there is a responsible use of resources, there is the daily check on the pureness of bottled water, there is the guarantee of a natural packaging such as glass, there are best savings practices and energy optimisation, there is an economic wealth that falls upon the whole area, there is the attention to workers' safety, there is the sharing of values with Eataly and Slow Food. The pureness of our water depends on the environment from where the water comes. This is why we care about all the 997 hectares of the Lurisia mining concession, among the largest in Italy, from the village to the peak of monte Pigna. For Lurisia, protecting the environment means protecting the territory from all polluting sources and spilling, illegal construction report, prohibition of exploitation of water. It also means great care for native flora and fauna, aware that the water quality is closely linked to the health of the earth, on which the water table feeds, where the snow that seeps into the subsoil collects the good minerals, natural elements that determine the characteristics and genuineness of the Lurisia water. It is such a good water that we just have to bottle it from the source, as it is. We only add a bit of natural carbon dioxide to get the bubbles. We are sure of the quality of the Lurisia water because we carefully test it every day in our laboratories. We bottle every year 60 million litres of water, equal to the annual consumption of 657 people or the water that consumes the city of Milan for civil use in just 4 hours, and we do not waste even a drop. For each litre of water used, we bottle 1.3 litres of Lurisia water, thanks to our ability to reuse. It is not a miracle, but a responsible use of a great wealth. We succeed because we reuse the water several times and for various activities, from rinsing of bottles to other production processes. Environmental choices also imply the use of glass as a container, the only material capable to maintain the Lurisia water pure, healthy and good without weighing on the environment. We choose it because the values of water correspond to the values of Lurisia: guarantee of quality, health and environmental sustainability. Glass is the only natural packaging, 100% recyclable over and over again and reusable with the returnable service, a way for saving even more on the environment, since a bottle can live virtually for at least 30 years. We support re-use that along with other good savings practices is part of our environmental commitment. Everything in the Lurisia company follows a policy of energy saving and optimisation, from the new offices built in the national class A, to the little things like low-consumption bulbs or the turning-off of the stand-by mode. Nature is our first resource, but also Lurisia is a resource for the territory. The economic spin-off of each activity, starting from the concession tax, flows immediately on the municipal district, consortium of communes in mountain areas and the Piedmont region. Therefore, not only environmental protection but also capacity to generate wealth and development in a low economy area. A strong bond with the land that we show with pride also in the production of our original soft drinks: chinotto, lemonade, orange juice and tonic water. Drinks that are based on quality ingredients from traditional crops and Slow Food Presidia, brand of which Lurisia is a partner and with whom it shares values, actions and thoughts. A philosophy of work made possible only thanks to the people who believe and work in Lurisia every day. Men who are at the centre of our interest and that we protect with careful policies on safety. Just think that the last 3 years have not registered accidents, thanks to a continuing training that exceeds the standards imposed by the regulations. We believe so much in safety that the bonuses are also linked 60% to safety and 40% to productivity. The protection of man is the starting point of all Lurisia activities and involves inevitably the care and respect for the environment; protecting the land and nature is the only way to guarantee the human quality of life and health for the future. Acque Minerali S.r.l. Via delle Terme, 62 Fraz. Lurisia Terme – Roccaforte M.vì – CN – Italia Tel. 0039 0174 583000 – Fax 0039 0174 583003 – – [email protected] PASTA GAROFALO AT SALONE DEL GUSTO – TERRA MADRE 2012: Food Bloggers, Products and Territories, unquestioned protagonists of Garofalo’s Stand Two years later Garofalo returns as one of the main sponsors to Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre 2012, continuing the close collaboration with Slow Food and giving space and voice to the world of bloggers, products and specific territories. The historical Pastificio of Gragnano will offer a rich menu of activities and special events to all the visitors of the kermesse that will take place as always in Turin. The Italian firm’s attentiveness towards new trends and the web dynamics has resulted in a deep collaboration with the world of food bloggers, especially with the project "Gente del Fud", a network that has become a point of reference for all food lovers and where the best Italian Food Bloggers provide information sheets, a selection of some of the best Italian producers and a large catalog of recipes and preparations. More than 150 bloggers of Italy’s largest “Social Fud network” will attend the show in Turin for Garofalo and will be the ones cooking, writing and communicating with the visitors. Enhancement and recovery of ancient culinary traditions are at the basis of other cultural and gastronomical projects undertaken by Garofalo, such as the sponsorship of the new training school for chefs directed by chef Niko Romito, who will attend Salone del Gusto as well. The firm will house a rich program of activities: in addition to the large space that will be given to the products reported by the Gente del Fud bloggers, there will also be a focus on French cuisine, thanks to the involvement of bloggers from across the Alps and, finally, presentation and tasting of the new Pasta Garofalo Gluten-free line, thought for people with celiac disease. Image Building - Simona Vecchies, Giorgio Marigliano, Email: [email protected] Tel. 02 89011300 Fax: 02 89011151 Lavazza: Official Sponsor of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012 Lavazza’s Sustainable Project ¡Tierra! Continues, in Support of Coffee Growers Lavazza is presenting its sustainability projects at the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012. Its ongoing presence at each edition of this event since 1996 confirms its long-term commitment in this area which has seen the Company lead the way in the safeguarding of food ethics. The partnership between Lavazza and Slow Food aims at disseminating a food culture based on quality and attention to values: a practical way of doing business by combining product innovation and protection of resources. A shared path that has seen Lavazza presenting at each Salone del Gusto edition company projects focused on product quality, respect for the environment and sustainable social development. At the centre of the Lavazza space, there will be the results of the project ¡Tierra! launched in 2002, with an in-depth focus this year on the Tanzania community, where major initiatives are currently underway. A story describing the work carried out in the six communities involved — Honduras, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, India and Tanzania — and the results achieved. The Lavazza Foundation has worked, and is still working, in close collaboration with local communities of coffee growers to bring them towards autonomy and help them improve the quality standards of their coffee, contributing to the development of social, economic and environmental projects. With ¡Tierra!, Lavazza is reaffirming its focus on the quality of its products in safeguarding the natural resources and living conditions of coffee growers. As in the first phase of the ¡Tierra! project — which took place in Honduras, Peru and Colombia and was completed successfully in 2009 — the work of the Lavazza Foundation is now focused on three communities in Tanzania, Brazil and India. The 2012 Salone del Gusto will also be a stage for the presentation of Lavazza’s collaboration with the international NGO the Rainforest Alliance, which this year is celebrating 25 years of promoting sustainability with a packed calendar of international meetings. The Rainforest Alliance has chosen the event in Turin to introduce itself to the Italian public. The mission of the Rainforest Alliance is to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land use practices, business practices, and consumer behaviour. The Salone del Gusto presents an opportunity for the organisation to highlight its tenyear collaboration with Lavazza, which has helped coffee growing communities involved in its ¡Tierra! Project to achieve certification. The shared objective is to guide the ¡Tierra! coffee-growers in best practices that improve livelihoods and conserve natural resources — crucial factors in leading these communities towards autonomy. By achieving certification, the growers can sell their coffee at a premium, by accessing the market for certified products. Further, compliance with certification standards helps farmers adopt best practices that improve farming efficiency and protect the environment, factors which help to improve their working conditions and, at the end, the quality of their lives. Ethics and product, without forgetting taste and innovation on the matter of coffee. The Lavazza space will offer the public the opportunity to taste ¡Tierra! coffee not only in its classical recipes, but also reinterpreted in original regional specialities that draw on the rich Italian local traditions. An extensive range of products, which also includes innovative top-quality creations, produced in collaboration with internationally renowned chefs such as Massimo Bottura, who will present his “Come to Italy with me” recipe at the Salone del Gusto: a reinterpretation of the Lavazza espresso, one of Italy’s most quintessential icons. Lavazza will also continue with its normal training initiatives with courses on coffee, as part of the official Taste Workshops programme, focused on the dissemination of sensory and flavour characteristics of this beverage to all coffee lovers. A packed programme of content and events, to reveal the world of coffee in all its forms to the visitors to the Salone del Gusto. For information: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] BIOECONOMICS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD From agriculture and resources from the land to research and industry, bioeconomics is the new economic and social development model, says Novamont. Novamont will make a presentation on bioeconomics at the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre in Turin Novara, 28 May 2012 – The ninth edition of the Salone Internazionale del Gusto, which will be held together with the Terra Madre event for the first time, will be both an extraordinary multi-sensory experience and also a unique opportunity to learn about the crucial topic of food production and consumption. Novamont will be taking part in this year’s event promoting more environmentally aware and sustainable lifestyles and consumption habits and a new economic and social paradigm based on bioeconomics. Bioeconomics means creating growth by conserving the planet’s limited natural resources – instead of wasting them irresponsibly and damaging the environment. It enhances the value of the specific assets of each region, starting with agricultural resources, and sets up a system of linkages between agriculture, the research sphere and industry whereby synergies can be created and innovative processes stimulated all along the value chain. It also spells the end to an economy based solely on the ‘product’, on the profit made by individuals, a wasteful economy now replaced by a chain economy, which creates value, wealth and resources along the entire chain, benefiting the territory while respecting and protecting the environment. In the Novamont philosophy, green chemicals and biorefineries are at the heart of bioeconomics. The Novara-based company is thus currently engaged in key projects for the conversion of abandoned industrial sites (Porto Torres and Adria) into third generation biorefineries. At Porto Torres, a joint venture between Novamont and Eni Versalis is developing a third generation biorefinery which will produce bioplastic products, biofillers and chemical intermediates made from local non-food crops. The third generation biorefinery will use waste and refuse to produce the energy needed for the production process. “The fundamental goal of our third generation biorefinery project is to bring employment and growth to a region that has been seriously hit by the crisis and by unemployment, using the wealth of resources from the land and the region’s agricultural background. The project involves close cooperation with the agricultural world, local institutions, research centres and universities, a cooperation that is essential for introducing a culture of innovation in the area where the biorefinery will be built, in order to ensure it has a positive impact on the entire system,” says Catia Bastioli, Managing Director of Novamont. Novamont will be promoting the topic of bioeconomics at an important convention to be held as part of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre. In keeping with its commitment to sustainability and the guiding principle of its motto ‘Living chemistry for quality of life’, Novamont will be collaborating actively at the event, providing disposable items such as carrier bags and cutlery made from Mater-Bi®, the bioplastic produced by Novamont containing renewable resources of agricultural origin and which complies with European Standard EN13432. Novamont’s bioplastic is biodegradable and compostable, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and slashes the consumption of non-renewable energy and resources, completing a virtuous circle: raw materials of agricultural origin are returned to the earth through biodegradation or composting without emitting pollutants. The bioplastic carrier bags and disposable cutlery in use at the Salone will be disposed of together with organic waste through separate collection, managed by volunteers from the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente, which will later be suitably analysed and certified. *** Novamont SpA is a market leader in the production of bioplastics containing renewable raw materials of agricultural origin. With a workforce of 220 employees (30% of whom in R&D), in the year 2011 Novamont recorded turnover of €165 million and pursued its investment drive in research and development. Holding a patent portfolio comprising 90 patent families and 800 international deposits, the company is headquartered in Novara, while its production sites are in Terni. Novamont operates either directly or through distributors in Germany, France, Benelux, Scandinavia, Denmark, United Kingdom, United States, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Novamont Press Office: [email protected] tel. 0321.6996.11 cellphone: 340.1166.426 Official sponsor of the 2012 Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre fair INTESA SAN PAOLO AND SLOW FOOD: TOGETHER TO PROMOTE QUALITY AGRICULTURE AND LOCAL COMMUNITIES Turin, 28 May 2012. For the fourth time the Intesa Sanpaolo Group will be working alongside Slow Food to promote an initiative which from Turin will deliver an important global message for local communities, the environment and work. The union of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre into one single event makes this message even stronger and more evident. By supporting Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, Intesa Sanpaolo underlines its commitment to a field which is undoubtedly suffering the effects of the global crisis but which, with its numerous excellences, valuable production and human capacity, has all the potential to grow. The protection and development of the food chain are one of the prerequisites for the revival of the Italian economy. Just like the opportunity to interact and collaborate with other markets it is crucial that the changes under way represent an opportunity for those who work in agriculture. Innovation and outlets on foreign markets are in fact key words for agribusiness, which in Italy accounts for around 9% of the value of commercial trade with overseas countries and boasts – in the agricultural field alone – 1,400,000 employees. During the course of the event, Intesa Sanpaolo will be directly present at the “Lingotto Fiere” exhibition centre. At the bank’s stand visitors will be able to participate in meetings on the topics covered by the exhibition and learn about the solutions which Intesa Sanpaolo has on offer for families and small and medium businesses. Quality and sustainability are the concepts behind the experience offered by Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre and also guide the initiatives of the Group for the agribusiness field, in particular for those companies which know how to stand out from the crowd through innovation. Not only is a special ad hoc line of solutions called “Business Insieme per l’Agricoltura” (Business Together for Agriculture) dedicated to them, but they can also benefit from an entire network of qualified consultants which work for Agriventure, a company in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group present nationwide and specialised in consultancy for the food processing, agribusiness and agroenergy industry. Agriventure also promotes a competition, Agristartup, aimed at young people between 18 and 28 years of age, which awards prizes for the best entrepreneurial ideas in the agricultural and food chain field. The development of one’s local community and the opening-up towards local communities including very distant ones in the name of a common “mother earth” is a message which Intesa Sanpaolo is ready to take in, not least thanks to the Group’s special structure, which combines an international dimension, through around 1,600 branches in Central and Eastern Europe, in the Middle East and in North Africa and a network in 29 foreign countries, with a wide-spread and deep-rooted presence nationwide ensured by over twenty local banks and 5,600 branches in all Italian regions. The collaboration between Intesa Sanpaolo and Slow food is also reflected in the Group’s company canteens with the “Mense sostenibili – Gusti Giusti” (Sustainable canteens – Right Tastes) project, which has already taken place at Milan-Lorenteggio, Turin-Moncalieri, Florence and Padua. At the “Gusti Giusti” canteens the menus have been reformulated – in collaboration with Slow Food and the CTO of Turin – with the aim of giving people the chance to make balanced, healthy and aware food choices, which can also be applied in their homes. Intesa Sanpaolo Media Relations Banca dei Territori and Local Media Mirella Giai Tel. + 39 011.5556652 [email protected] The Compagnia di San Paolo is one of the largest private foundations in Europe. It was founded in 1563 as a private brotherhood and later evolved into a banking institute and charitable institution. The new charter was adopted in March 2000. The Foundation is actively involved in civil society and pursues aims of public interest and social use, in order to foster the civil, cultural and economic development of the community in which it operates. These institutional activities are funded with the earnings on the financial assets accumulated over the centuries, that the Compagnia is committed to preserve for the generations to come. The Compagnia di San Paolo is active in the following sectors: Research and Advanced Education; Artistic Heritage; Cultural Activities; Health and Social Policy. Coldiretti Press release At the next edition of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre, taking place in Torino from 25 to 29 October, Coldiretti, partners of the event, will be an active player of the manifestation that celebrates the food, the agriculture and the quality. “The strategic philosophy of Coldiretti – claimed Paolo Rovellotti and Bruno Rivarossa, respectively president and manager of Coldiretti Piedmont – is determined by values such as love for Made in Italy, for general healthiness, as well as for an ethical and sustainable agriculture, also supported by Slow Food. Welcoming of the international communities in our Piedmont is a great sign of hospitality and intercultural exchange”. In hauses arranged by Coldiretti will be welcomed about 600 guests from around the world: a meaningful commitment that demonstrates the contribution of this Organisation to such an important and international initiative. Ufficio stampa Coldiretti Piemonte Piazza San Carlo, 197 - 10123 Torino - tel. 011.5622800 - fax 011.537017 e-mail: [email protected] Technical Sponsors Founded in 1963 on the initiative of the cooperative movement, Unipol Assicurazioni is the insurance partner of Slow Food. It is headed by Unipol Gruppo Finanziario which, thanks to its companies, offers a full range of insurance, banking and financial products and services. Roerolanghe snc of Peira Mauro and C. in particular, assists Slow Food since 1989, offering consultancy to its employees and members. - [email protected] Bormioli Rocco, Italian since 180 years, is located in Fidenza (Parma). Thanks to the ability of combining its craftsman's skills with the technological know-how Bormioli Rocco has become a a major multinational group and market leader in glassware in both retail and food service markets. Bormioli Rocco group has 10 manifacturing plants and its glassware is sold and distributed in more than 100 countries. Bormioli Rocco is a partner of Slow Food, sharing the same strong focus on raw materials and respect for the environment, which are consistent with a completely recyclable material like glassware. Obiettivo Lavoro is the only Staffing Agency involved into a complete setting of Corporate Social Responsibility, by the issues of Mission, Value Chart, Code of Ethics, Social Balance, Ethial Certification SA8000, Environmental Certification ISO14001. Obiettivo Lavoro completely agreeds with the values and vision of Slow Food; so, at Cheese 2011 provides its know-how in recruiting, selection and manangement of the entire staff. Technical Sponsor of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre 2012, Fiat is making a fleet of New Panda, Bravo and Sedici cars available to organisers. The 500L, the new addition to the 500 range and perfect expression of Italian taste and style, will be showcased at the Fiat stand at the trade fair as well. The car has a distinctive look and is a practical demonstration of Fiat’s unique ability to design innovative cars with an innovative style to match. For over a century, Fiat has been the symbol par excellence of the Italian auto industry, a brand which encompasses values of simplicity, quality and eco-friendliness. For this reason – and for the values that it stands for – Fiat has decided to support Slow Food. Technical Sponsors Fondata in Inghilterra nel 1947 dall’imprenditore Kenneth Wood, Kenwood è un brand di riferimento nel settore degli elettrodomestici per la preparazione dei cibi grazie all’innovazione, qualità, design e funzionalità delle sue proposte. Kenwood è entrata, nel 2001, a far parte del Gruppo De’ Longhi, leader nel settore degli elettrodomestici e della climatizzazione, andando a consolidare ulteriormente le linee di prodotto del gruppo trevigiano. Oggi Kenwood è una dinamica realtà internazionale presente in oltre 80 Paesi. L’Headquarters si trova ad Havant, nella contea inglese dell’Hampshire, mentre la sede italiana è presso l’headquarters di De’ Longhi Appliances a Treviso. Per maggiori informazioni: o Founded in 1937 for the production of camera at the highest level, Canon, a Japanese multinational company based in Tokyo, is world leader in supplying innovative imaging solutions for businesses and consumers. Currently the company develops, produces and sells a wide range of products: compact cameras, digital SLR, x-ray device, broadcast lenses, printers and multifunction devices; all products are offered with a value added service. The Canon brand is renowned worldwide and appreciated by its clients, families, companies and industries. The third place in the Interbrand ranking of best Japanese brands for the year 2012 is an additional proof of the Canon value. Main Supplier Zorzi has been leading the market as catering equipment provider since 1975 thanks to its huge and high quality range of equipment. A professional and knowledgeable customer service team is constantly ready to assist and provide customers with the best service possible. These are the reasons that make possible a significant partnership as official technical sponsor with Slow Food. Technological Sponsor The Department of Computer Science, University of Turin, can boast international academic excellence in several research areas, as well as collaborations with research centres and industry players. The group who collaborate with Salone del Gusto deal with Future Web and innovative mobile services. With their nascent spinoff Sinbit, they propose a smartphone app aimed to involve visitors before, during and after the event, to promote aware participation, to facilitate relationships and to reduce paper materials. Environmental Partners Palm SpA, located in Viadana (Mantua), is leader in the eco-planning and production of healthy, systemic and ethical Greenpallet®, realized "at zero Kilometre" with timber from local proplar certified FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes). Palm aims at hasten consumer's consciousness and liability by transforming him in a co-producer: a person who plays an active role in the green supply chain, because with his conscious act, he can identify, choose and buy a product instead of another, valuating also the packaging and pallet that hold the product. During the international years of forest launched by United Nations General Assembly, Palm has launched the campaign "Responsible chain wood-consumer" Comieco was established in 1985 as a free association of environmentally aware companies in the paper sector, and today gathers approximately 3,400 companies in the National paper manufacturing business, including producers, processors, and recoverers. From 1998 to 2011 the development of urban separate paper and board collection in Italy allowed to increase the recycling rate from 37% to approximately 90%: 4 out of 5 paper-based packaging items are now recycled. The aim of the Ricrea is to encourage and promote steel can collection and recycling (cans, aerosols, caps, tins, drums). Estabilished on 1997, the consortium groups together producers of steel cans and raw material, 270 companies in all. In 2011 have been recycled by the consortium 75,8% of total steel packaging placed on the market. Verallia is one of the leaders in the design and production of bottles and glass jars for food in the world. Verallia adopts the values of glass, a healthy, natural, safe, environmentally friendly and reusable material 100% recyclable over and over again. It keeps unchanged the taste of what it contains. Verallia, attentive to the sustainable development approach, has always worked, also through its subsidiary Ecoglass, to improve the quality and quantity of recycled glass. Because glass recycling means not increasing the dumping volumes, protecting the territory, not extracting other raw materials, saving melting energy, reducing Co2 emissions. Environmental Partners Bra Servizi is star of the Gruppo Piumatti, a group that specializes in the collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of all types of civil and industrial waste and in the reclamation of contaminated sites. Thanks to the synergy with the other companies of the Group and the use of advanced technology, Bra Servizi is able to offer a 360 degree global service for the optimal management of the entire waste cycle: a service that meets the needs of a wide range of companies, especially those dealing with food, wine, cheese and oil. ECO FRIENDLY COMPANY Sabox designs and manufactures GreenboxX®, a line of boxes in corrugated entirely sourced from local separate paper collection , a virtuous cycle that involves citizens, companies and institutions. Sabox is nowadays a system promoting best-practices and sustainable business models: its industrial design division, Formaperta, manufactures furniture and fittings in recycled corrugated, FSC® certified. Greener Italia, another Sabox company, implements sustainability projects for companies and events. EverGreen Fabrics are digital printing substrates developed by French Company Dickson Coatings who, since 1831, manufactures industrial technical textiles to be used in several fields. EverGreen fabrics are the very first substrates in their field (banners, advertising, decoration, external communication) to be certified ISO14040-14044 as less polluting compared to traditional substrates in their complete lifecycle. They received the German certificate Oeko-tex for the absence of harmful substances as well. Gruppo Torinese Trasporti is the third largest local public transport company in Italy. It manages the urban and suburban transport system of Turin, including Metro line 1, transportation services in other provinces of Piedmont, two railway lines, coach rentals, various tourist modes of transportation and parking services. Protecting the environment is a concrete commitment for GTT. The group has invsted in tram system, methane and low polluting vehicles to improving the air and the quality of our city. Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottobre 2010 Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottobre 2010 October 25-29 2012 Lingotto Fiere | Torino | Torino Lingotto Fiere 21- 25 ottobre 2010 FOODS THAT CHANGE THE WORLD Official Partners Technical Sponsors Marchio Bormioli Rocco: Colore Pantone Rosso 485 C, quadricromia 100% Magenta - 100% Yellow 3 ottobre 2003 • per ingrandimenti: da 300 mm a 3.000 mm • marchio standard: da 25 mm a 299 mm • per riduzioni: da 24 mm a 12 mm • per riduzioni particolari: da 10 mm Main Supplier Technological Sponsor Environmental Partners ECO FRIENDLY COMPANY Project Manager Via Mendicità Istruita 14 - 12042 Bra (Cn) - Italy tel +39 0172 419611 - fax +39 0172 421293 [email protected] - Displays Venue