Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Programa Pós-Graduação em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem ATIVIDADE PROGRAMADA: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA EM TECNOLOGIA, LINGUAGEM E EDUCAÇÃO: Recursos para Pesquisa e Aprendizagem On-Line no Moodle Responsável: Profª Drª ANISE FERREIRA Horário: 2ª FEIRA 16h-19h – 12 semanas Créditos: 02 Semestre/Ano: 2º/2007 Nível: M/D Ementa Este seminário tem por objetivo levantar, testar o uso e analisar práticas ligadas aos recursos digitais automáticos para pesquisa e aprendizagem on-line criados no e para o MOODLE, um ambiente de gerenciamento de cursos on-line. Os inscritos no seminário deverão realizar um projeto piloto de utilização dos recursos disponíveis. Bibliografia Geral ANDERSON, T. & ELLOUMNI, F. (Eds.) 2004. Theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca: Athabasca University Press. On-line: http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/ ANDERSON,T. 2003. Getting the mix right again: an updated and theoretical rationale for interaction. International Review of research on Open and distance Learning 4(2). On-line http://www.irrodl.org/content/v4.2/anderson.html BERGGREN, Anders ; Burgos, Daniel; Fontana, Josep M. ; Hinkelman, Don; Hung,Vu ; HURSH, Anthony & Ger Tielemans 2005. Practical and Pedagogical Issues for Teacher Adoption of IMS Learning Design Standards in Moodle LMS. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2005/02. On-line [jime.open.ac.uk/2005/02]. [PDF] BRONCKART, J-P. 2006 . Atividade de linguagem, discursos e desenvolvimento humano. Trad. Maria de Lourdes Meirelles Matêncio & Anna Rachel Machado. Campinas: Mercado de Letras. DOUGIAMAS, M. and Taylor, P.C. 2003. Moodle: using learning communities to create an open source course management system. Proceedings of the EDMEDIA 2003 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. http://dougiamas.com/writing/edmedia2003/ GALOTTI, K. M., Clinchy, B. M., Ainsworth, K., Lavin, B., & Mansfield, A. F. 1999. A new way of assessing ways of knowing: the attitudes towards thinking and learning survey (ATTLS). Sex Roles, 40(9/10), 745-766. GARRISON, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (s.d.). Critical thinking and computer conferencing: A model and tool for assessing cognitive presence. On-line: http://communitiesofinquiry.com/documents/CogPresPaper_June30_.pdf GRIFFITHS, David; Blat, Josep 2005. The Role Of Teachers In Editing And Authoring Units Of Learning Using IMS Learning Design. In International Journal on Advanced Technology for Learning, Special Session on "Designing Learning Activities: From Content-based to Contextbased Learning Services”, 2 (4) October. On-line: http://dspace.learningnetworks.org/bitstream/1820/586/1/griffiths_atl_2005.pdf HUMMEL, HGK; Burgos, D. ; Tattersall, C. ; Brouns, F; Kurvers, H. & Koper, R. (2005) Encouraging contributions in learning networks using incentive mechanisms Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 21 (5), 355–365 On-line [só com convênio com periódicos Capes] KANUKA Heather & Anderson, Terry 1998. Online social interchange, discord, and knowledge construction. Journal of Distance Education/Revue de l'enseignement à distance http://cade.icaap.org/vol13.1/kanuka.html KOPER, R. 2006. Current research in learning design. Educational Technology and Society, 9 (1): 13-22. On-line: http://www.ifets.info/others/download_pdf.php?j_id=30&a_id=599 REEVES, T. C., Herrington, J., & Oliver, R. (2005). Design research: A socially responsible approach to instructional technology research in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 16(2), 97-116. On-line: http://it.coe.uga.edu/~treeves/EDIT9990/JCHEDesignResearch05.pdf Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Programa Pós-Graduação em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem VAN ROSMALEN, Peter; Sloep,Peter ; Brouns,Francis ; Kester, Liesbeth ; Koné,Malik & Koper, Rob. 2006. Knowledge matchmaking in Learning Networks: Alleviating the tutor load by mutually connecting Learning Network users British Journal of Educational Technology 37 (6), 881–895. On-line: [só pelo convênico com periódicos Capes