Release Resultados
Notice to the Market
São Paulo, May 14, 2012 – EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: ECOR3)
(“EcoRodovias”), in accordance with Article 12 of Instruction 358 of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange
Commission (CVM), of January 3, 2002, as amended, hereby announces to have received a correspondence
dated May 11, 2012, from its shareholder Primav Construções e Comércio S.A., informing that shares issued
by its parent companies Participare Administração and Participações Ltda. and shares issued by Pio XII
Participações Societárias e Administração de Bens Próprios S.A., representing an indirect interest of 7.6%
in EcoRodovias were transferred from the estate of Roberto Beltrão de Almeida to his heirs. Said transfer is not
intended to alter the Company’s control or administrative structure.
Roberto Nakagome
Investor Relations Officer
+55 11 3787-2667
[email protected]
Life and development in balance

Notice to the Market