docente: IVO Zander
Ivo Zander is the Anders Wall Professor of Entrepreneurship
at the Department of Business Studies, Uppsala University.
Educated at the Harvard Business School, Stanford University
and Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Professor
Zander holds a PhD from the Stockholm School of Economics.
He has conducted extensive research on the dynamics
of regional agglomerations and technological renewal of
multinational corporations. His current research interests
include the organisational dynamics of start-up firms, corporate
entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurial dynamics and
consequences of accelerated internationalisation. He teaches
entrepreneurship and various aspects of growing and
managing the international firm, including foreign market
entry and innovation in the multinational corporation.
For several decades, globalisation has transformed the rules
of international competition, favoring those companies
that have been able to expand and integrate operations
across North America, Europe, and Japan. In the 21st
century, rapid change in countries such as China, India, and
Brazil and the associated entry of new competitors into the
global economy suggest the need for renewed change and
adaptation. The strategic and organisational challenges are
daunting, as much of what has been learnt over the past
decades will be of limited help in the years ahead.
Those companies that recognize that change is under way
and start formulating explicit responses and strategies
to deal with the new global environment are also those
most likely to succeed and survive over the years to come.
Such responses and strategies must then anticipate
and ultimately overcome rigid managerial mindsets,
organisational inertia, and risk-constraining institutional
The purpose of this seminar is to outline ongoing trends
in the global economy, and to uncover potential and
necessary responses among firms with ambitions to
survive and grow in international markets.
Porto Business School
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ABR 2014
1ª Edição / porto
22 de abril
Seminar participants will be able to learn about, contemplate,
and discuss how changes in the global environment and the
entry of new competitors into the global economy affect their
own businesses. Through interactive and collegial knowledge
exchange, each participant will have the opportunity to
formulate a first outline of strategic and organisational changes
to be initiated and implemented over the years to come.
• Globalisation 1.0
• Globalisation 2.0
• New entrants into the global economy
• Strategic and organisational challenges
• Preliminary outlines of strategic and organisational action
The Seminar is open to all executives involved in international
expansion and management of international operations. The
Seminar may be particularly useful for executives in already
established multinational corporations, aspiring to secure
and further expand their international sales and business
The Seminar format is a mix of short presentations, individual
work, and discussions among seminar participants.
Nível Recomendado
Senior executives
1 dia
Carga horária total: 8 horas
Porto Business School
1000 euros
[material de apoio às aulas, almoço
e coffee-breaks incluídos]
Os associados da Porto Business
School e os antigos alunos
beneficiam de condições especiais.
Inscrições confirmadas
até 25 de março: 600 euros
22 615 32 70;
[email protected]
[para informações, reservas
ou inscrições]
Políticas de cancelamento, pagamento, reservas e descontos na página 124 e em
Se desejar obter a brochura detalhada deste Seminário aceda à página:
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the strategic and organisational consequences of global