P DE C AT I O O desenvolvimento de bons leitores ocorre quando os alunos: Leem diariamente durante pelo menos 20 minutos. · Selecionam materiais de leitura de acordo com sua faixa Lexile para obterem o nível de desafio adequado. · Leem materiais diversificados e sobre assuntos que lhes interessam. · Discutem o que leram com seus pais. A M T R N DU Judy Serritella Coordenadora dos Serviços de Biblioteca de Mídia, Belas Artes e Suporte à Alfabetização 1770 Twin Towers East 205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE Atlanta, GA 30334 Telefone (404) 657-9800 Fax (404) 656-5744 O AR TMENT DU C AT I Georgia Department of Education Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent MetaMetrics®, Lexile®, Lexile Framework® e o logotipo do Lexile são marcas comerciais da MetaMetrics, Inc., e estão registradas nos Estados Unidos e no exterior. PORTUGUESE “Fazendo com que a educação tenha efeito para todos os georgianos” E OF De acordo com as leis estaduais e federais, o Georgia Department of Education proíbe discriminação de raça, cor, religião, nacionalidade, sexo, incapacidade física ou mental ou idade em atividades educacionais e empregatícias. Consultas relativas à aplicação dessas práticas podem ser endereçadas ao General Counsel do Georgia Department of Education, 2052 Twin Towers East, Atlanta, Geórgia, 30334, (404) 656–2800. DE P C AT I Lexile Framework® de Leitura DE TMENT R A DE P Guia para Pais da OF E P · N DU N OF E Apoio aos Padrões de Desempenho do Núcleo Comum da Geórgia (Common Core Georgia Performance Standards) TMENT AR O www.gadoe.org A Lexile Framework de Leitura A Lexile Framework em casa Apoio aos Padrões de Desempenho do Núcleo Comum da Geórgia Uso das medidas Lexile para aprimorar a capacidade de leitura Ler apenas vinte minutos por dia pode melhorar a capacidade de leitura de seu filho! "Find a Book" (Encontre um Livro) · · · · · E Find the right BOOKYOU! for DU O C AT I Just Measured: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling Lexile: 980L Resources Enter Lexile Select Interests Please enter either a Lexile measure or range. Measure: L Range: L to Search Results BookBag The Lexile Framework for Reading I dont know my Lexile measure: My Lexile measure is: OR L Where can I find my Lexile measure? Please enter your grade level and check one of the options below. My current grade is: I find the books I read for school difficult. I find my school books about right for me. I find my school books easy to read. Continue Copyright © 2009 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | www.Lexile.com Continue Watch a quick tutorial on The Lexile Framework for Reading For Readers Learn how to select the right books based on your ability. For Educators Learn how to make custom book lists for your students. For Librarians Learn how Lexile measures support reading programs. 1 ACESSE www.lexile.com/findabook 2 DIGITE a medida Lexile de seu filho 3 ESCOLHA as categorias de seu interesse 4 EXIBA/REFINE os resultados da pesquisa 5 IMPRIMA sua "BookBag" (sacola de livros) personalizada. Send us questions or feedback. Mapa Lexile O Departamento de Educação da Geórgia (Georgia Department of Education) trabalhou com a MetaMetrics®, Inc., autora da Lexile Framework, para personalizar um "mapa" Lexile. O mapa fornece uma representação gráfica de textos e títulos que correspondem aos níveis apropriados de capacidade de leitura. Faça o download de uma cópia do mapa acessando: www.gadoe.org/lexile.aspx ing ework for Read The Lexile Fram ement ev hi Ac ng , s on Readi spx le.a Georgia s Focu exi a.u s/l w.p ubl ic.k 12.g ® ww Lexile é uma medida da dificuldade de um texto. Ela não aborda a adequação à idade, os interesses de uma criança ou a qualidade do texto. A medida Lexile é um bom ponto de partida para escolher um livro. Os pais devem sempre avaliar previamente os livros. A N PORTUGUESE Search Whats New? The Find a Book Web site is a quick and easy way to search the Lexile Book Database for titles at your reading (Lexile) level. Whether youre reading for school or for pleasure, you can use this site to build a custom reading list on the subjects that interest you the most. OF Para obter mais informações sobre como as medidas Lexile podem ajudar a aprimorar a capacidade de leitura de seu filho, visite www.gadoe.org/lexile.aspx. DE P · · Title, Author or Keyword www.Lexile.com John D. Barge tendent AR ED TME NT OF O que você deve saber sobre as medidas Lexile? Uma medida Lexile representa a capacidade de leitura de uma criança e também a dificuldade de um texto, como um livro ou um artigo de revista. As medidas Lexile fornecem informações úteis sobre a capacidade de leitura da criança e ajudam a tornar a prática da leitura mais significativa. Usar o Banco de Dados de Livros Lexile (Lexile Book Database) e um catálogo automatizado de mídia de biblioteca permite ajudar seu filho a escolher livros e outros materiais em sua faixa Lexile (cerca de 50L acima e 100L abaixo da medida Lexile de seu filho). Quando seu filho ler um texto em sua faixa Lexile, ele provavelmente compreenderá o suficiente para que o texto faça sentido, mas ainda será estimulado para manter o interesse e aprender. Embora as medidas Lexile visem a dificuldade de um texto, elas não mensuram a adequação do conteúdo. Por exemplo, um texto com uma medida Lexile baixa pode não conter material apropriado para os alunos na faixa de tal texto. As medidas Lexile não se restringem a uma determinada série escolar. Em uma sala de aula pode haver variação entre os alunos leitores e os materiais de leitura. As medidas Lexile acompanham o desenvolvimento da capacidade de leitura com o passar do tempo e em diferentes áreas de conteúdo, independentemente da série em que seu filho esteja. RT M E N T Quick Search Home > N A Lexile Framework® de Leitura é uma ferramenta educacional que combina alunos a materiais de leitura usando uma medida comum denominada Lexile®. A Lexile Framework é exclusiva, pois mensura a capacidade de leitura e a dificuldade do texto na mesma escala de desenvolvimento. Quando usadas em conjunto, as medidas do leitor Lexile e as medidas de texto Lexile ajudam os pais a selecionar livros, artigos e outros materiais que correspondam à capacidade de leitura de seus filhos. Direcionar o material de leitura com base no nível Lexile da criança pode ajudar a aprimorar sua compreensão, auxiliar na execução de tarefas escolares e desenvolver e expandir seus interesses pessoais. BookBag (0) Find a Book: Four simple steps. One custom reading list. DEP Embora padrões de "leitura" façam parte do currículo de Artes do Idioma Inglês (English Language Arts (ELA)), os Padrões de Desempenho do Núcleo Comum da Geórgia apoiam o desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura dos alunos em todas as áreas. Por esse motivo, alunos das 3ª a 8ª e 11ª séries recebem uma medida Lexile, além de seus resultados de escala nos Testes de Competência Comparativos de Critérios (Criterion- Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT–Reading)) e nos Testes da Conclusão do Ensino Médio da Geórgia (Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGT–ELA)). O site "Find a Book" (Encontre um Livro) na Internet é a maneira mais rápida e fácil de pesquisar títulos de ficção e não ficção do nível Lexile de seu filho no Banco de Dados de Livros Lexile. Não importa se seu filho lê como parte dos estudos ou por prazer, esse site irá ajudá-lo a criar listas de leitura personalizadas com os assuntos que mais lhe interessam — em cinco etapas simples: U C AT I O erin State School Sup HY the FIRST PHILOSOP number, as also that magnitude and ITATIONS ON , their quantity or when we conclude from this that HOD AND MED extended things ON THE MET uncertain; but ion, the figure ofly why our reasoning is not unjust DISCOURSE very dubious and trouble to ascertain l, and its extens great nature in genera on, and so on. That is possiberation of composite things, are l, without taking durati pertains corporeal consid genera their the things res very of end and class as their which measu To such a Descartes, author) that are very simple es which have they are, the time indubitable. (Rene 1700L ion place in which omy, Medicine and all other scienckind which only treat of things dge an element of the and Celtic Tradit of certainty and 1660 Beowulf Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleri Physics, Astron etry and other sciences of that MORALS rn n some measure er right in itself, 1650 Collected and Joyce: Reading Mode APHYSICS OF Arithmetic, Geomactually existent or not, contai of an action, howev g beside ES OF THE MET 1620 After Yeats ure in which the maximamination we can find nothinthis infer whether they are d AL PRINCIPL ty a single case Irish Literat from Society: Englan FUNDAMENT Economy, and th Century complete certain ns that with the sharpest self-exa sacrifice; yet we cannot with ology, the will. ence Arche 1600 out by experi duty. Sometimes it happe to the Fifteen and to so great the actual determining cause of from the Fifth of this or that action impossible to make was ption to tely us that conce absolu duty, move the is to of and on rance enough In fact, it moral grounds been powerful self-love, under the false appea 1600L rested simply onple of duty which could have of se impul Lives the moral princi it was not really some secret 1530 Plutarch’s Earth wanted he that and ty Good 1530 The with certain author) I was consumed, MEDICINE st Proposal the former mealdescribe as befalling to this man ON ANCIENT 1520 A Mode n Nature (Immanuel Kant, sant ed food, and when which I 1510 On Huma eron ence the same unplea as the body requir all the symptoms r, since, as soon med from want of food. For or three days without food, experi 1500 The Decam omed to dinne remain for two author) , had been accust hed to it, he wastes and is consu 1500 Wartime who health of him to And as was furnis when in a state . (Hippocrates, that all men who,who had omitted to take dinner 1500L ment, no new supply say refresh also I Water of him Bright food. And 1490 Ring of refer to want of which I described in the case r Prynne r 1470 Utilitarianism nted with Heste . It had symptoms as those LETTER ssions of Nat Turne familiarly acquai 1450 The Confe d of Sleepy Hollow THE SCARLET n who had been and illuminated upon her bosom , that’s men and wome 1440 The Legen te r—so that both ER, so fantastically embroidered“She hath good skill at her needleis it but gured the weare f. what 1410 Don Quixo as it were, transfi SCARLET LETT ing her in a sphere by hersel of showing it? Why, gossips, Courage author) 1410 Profiles in drew all eyes, and,her for the first time—was that enclos a way orne, and such which Hawth ity, ve niel point contri human But the hussy, ns with ment?” (Natha ssed as if they beheld the ordinary relatioever a woman, before this brazen meant for a punish 1400L ans were now impre taking her out of worthy gentlemen, “but did Last of the Mohic 1350 The lion the effect of a spell,one of her female spectators; make a pride out of what they, te. In the ON: 1954 1340 Pygma facilities be separase of their certain,” remarked of our godly magistrates, and Spring D OF EDUCATI even though these 1340 Silent to laugh in the faces white schools becau equal facilities, BROWN v. BOAR they are Marner ed substantially plaintiffs be admitted to the 1330 Silas Cry Wolf l,” and that hence the the races are provid that d be made “equa Argument was heard in when t ed ordere canno 1330 Never ent is accord orphosis jurisdiction. not “equal” and that doctrine, but 1320 The Metam ne, equality of treatm are adhered to segregated public schools are on presented, the Court took 74 S Ct 686) doctri Delaw that of Under me Court d that the questi 98 L ed 873, are case, the Supreschools. The plaintiffs conten 1300L us importance of by the Court. (347 US 483, Delaw obvio the Spirits of the se unded of Nation Negro a questions propo 1280 The Housecan Reader: Words that Moved superiority to theequal protection of the laws. Becau Term on certain ctual lights 1260 The Ameri of Water deprived of the and reargument was heard this E that all the intelle to be heard. WAR AND PEAC that was in Russia. He knew 1240 The Color Nation the 1952 Term, he had attended clever conversation he came up 1240 Fast Food One’s Own vna’s was the firstto look, afraid of missing any hing very profound. At last of doing. of way fond somet tion at Anna Pavlo 1220 A Room ’s Beginnings young people are did not know which d, and this recep s expecting to hear 1200 One Writer educated abroa and, like a child in a toyshop,of those present he was alway to express his own views, as been had Pierre on the faces gathered there for an opportunity 1200L of Petersburg werenfident and refined expressionsting and he stood waiting n seemed intere 1170 Frankenstein Seeing the self-co Grace the conversatio interest in the 1160 Days of to Morio. Here an object of somemet, he looked quished PREJUDICE next herself becoming 1160 The Unvant Pimpernel PRIDE AND (Leo Tolstoy, author) ting that she was ation at the ball; and when they began to find it was 1140 The ScarleTwo Cities admir was far from suspec than he sister, Elizabeth ; he had looked at her without a good feature in her face, 1130 A Tale of the Wind hardly attentions to her pretty 1100 Gone With ing Mr. Bingley’sfirst scarcely allowed her to be lf and his friends that she had observ in ied at himse Occup . Mr. Darcy had (Jane Austen, author) made it clear to 1100L eyes of his friend e. But no sooner had he ful expression of her dark eyes. ina 1080 Anna KarenGatsby by the beauti at her only to criticis I am going monly intelligent 1070 The Great the Caged Bird Sings rendered uncom attention to what well-bred TY Why BLACK BEAU “I wish you to pay have been 1070 I Know the and then she said: not learned manners. You 1050 The Island ns Go to Birmingham to come to her, grandmother had have r whinnied to me orse colts, and of course they at the Newmarket races; your never learn bad ways; mothe 1000 The Watsoit my g, and deal of kickin they are cart-h the cup two years gentle and good, 1000 The Hobb there was a good h are very good colts, but d ou will grow up r grandfather won O d when Literature Titles