Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 1 Reading skills: scanning and skimming
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
a) It is above the African plains.
1 1) F
b) It is 20,000 feet high.
2) F
c) It occurred in 1889.
3) T
4) F
5) T
6) F
f) It was an 87-year-old Frenchman named Valtee Daniel.
7) T
g) It took him nine days.
8) T
9) F
10) F
d) It has three volcanic cones.
e) To help prevent soil erosion and protect water sources.
h) Approximately 25,000 people.
2 c
3 b
1 b
4 a
2 d
5 e
3 c
6 d
4 a) impoverished
7 Soma: 02 + 04 = 6
b) diseases
8 Soma: 01 + 02 + 16 = 19
c) nun
9 Soma: 04 + 08 = 12
d) deep
10 Soma: 02 + 08 = 10
e) hence
11 Soma: 01 + 02 + 16 + 32 = 51
f) icon
g) huge
5 a) The year Mother Teresa became a Catholic nun.
b) The year she was granted permission to leave the
convent school to serve the poor slum dwellers.
c) The year she started Homes for people suffering
from various incurable diseases.
d) When she established a center for AIDS patients.
e) The number of foundations where Mother Teresa’s
Sisters worked.
f) The year Mother Teresa died.
12 Soma: 01 + 16 = 17
13 Soma: 01 + 04 + 32 = 37
14 Soma: 01 + 04 + 16 = 21
15 d
16 b
17 e
18 b
19 d
20 b
21 c
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 d
2 c
3 a
4 c
5 e
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 2 The Present
Understanding the text
16 Soma: 02 + 04 + 08 + 64 = 78
1 b
17 Soma: 01 + 02 + 04 = 7
3 e
Grammar practice
a) How often do you exercise?
b) How often does your mother go grocery shopping?
18 Soma: 04 + 08 + 16 + 32 = 60
19 b
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 b
2 b
c) How often does your family travel to the beach?
3 e
d) How often do your teachers assign homework?
4 e
e) How often do you and your friend hang out together?
5 d
Grammar practice
a) is talking on the mobile phone / is doing business
b) is breastfeeding
c) is exercising – is using her laptop
d) are kissing each other / are getting married
e) are climbing
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
1 c
2 b
3 c
4 b
5 d
6 b
7 c
8 b
9 d
10 c
11 d
12 Soma: 01 + 02 + 08 = 11
13 Soma: 08 + 16 = 24
14 Soma: 02 + 04 + 08 = 14
15 Soma: 01 + 04 + 08 + 32 = 45
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
2 c
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 3 The Past
Understanding the text
1 b
2 c
3 a
4 e
2 f
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
1 a) They didn’t rent a house in an elegant
1 d
2 b
3 c
b) The teacher didn’t give us a lot of homework.
4 a
c) The girl didn’t read all the assigned books.
5 e
d) That young boy didn’t play the violin beautifully.
6 1. Because pedagogues and linguists do not agree
e) The world-famous soccer player didn’t donate
blood to help the patients’ treatment.
f) She didn’t forgive him.
about the consequences of the widespread use
of texting.
2. He was called “lazy” because he abbreviated the
words “post meridiem” and “delinquent” because
anyone who dared to introduce changes to the
language was called so.
3. Because it exposed the many differences between
American and British English.
4. By texting frequently, children gain the linguistic
competence required to get good grades.
5. Because, like those people who are constantly text
messaging today, Shakespeare used a language that
was free from the conventions of his time.
2 The questions are suggestions.
a) How much did your sister pay for that apartment?
b) What language did you speak when you lived
in India?
c) How often did your mother exercise?
d) When did your parents last take a vacation?
e) Where did the dog bury its bone?
f) She closed it because it was raining inside.
Grammar practice
1 a) said
7 1. truant
2. revenue
3. red-pen
4. novel
b) was trying – were buying
5. tailored
c) didn’t find
6. naysayers
d) were – doing
7. plenty of
e) cut – offered
8. boost
f) captured – took
9. go the way of
g) was – played
h) was going – called
i) was – studying – heard
10. penchant
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Grammar practice
8 referring – using – containing – messaging – interacting
ordering – participating – allowing – jumping
9 e
10 b
11 e
12 c
13 e
14 b
15 a
16 c
17 b
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 c
2 a
3 d
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 4 The Future
Understanding the text
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
1 a) Nostradamus and Ms. Cleo
1 a
b) science fiction writers
2 b
c) 1987
3 d
d) 10 billion
e) 7 billion
4 e
f) Ronald Reagan
g) nanotechnology
h) water
i) diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s
8 c
j) 99%
9 a
k) the threat of nuclear war, the relationship between
the U.S. and Russia and global AIDS epidemic
10 b
l) the advances of the Internet
planet and an epidemic of widespread hunger.
b) He predicted that the world population would be
just under eight billion, that oil would be running
out, and that the real shortage would be water.
c) He envisioned great advances in the field of
Grammar practice
a) is going to drink
b) is going to fry
c) are going to get
6 d
7 b
11 e
12 a
13 c
14 b
15 c
16 a
17 c
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 d
2 b
d) is going to sweep
3 d
e) is going to take
4 c
f) is going to join
5 e
Grammar practice
a) ’m going to paint
b) ’ll clean
c) ’m going to meet
d) ’ll have
e) are going to fall
f) are going to miss
g) will – pick up
h) to be
i) like
j) pay
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
2 a) There would be eight to ten billion humans on the
5 a
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 5 Reading skills: tone and purpose
9 e
Text 1
10 c
1 a) She looks like a model.
11 d
b) He is four years old.
12 a
c) They wanted to draw attention to their right to
breastfeed in public.
13 b
2 A. d
14 c
B. a
15 a
Text 2
1 d
2 b
16 d
17 e
18 d
19 b
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
20 b
1 F
21 d
2 V
24 c
3 V
27 a
4 F
5 b
6 c
7 e
8 d
22 b
23 a
25 d
26 c
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 c
2 e
3 a
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 6 The Present Perfect
Understanding the text
Grammar practice
1 c
a) ’s been there
2 b
b) have been having
c) ’s been watching
3 a) T
b) T
c) F
d) F
e) T
f) F
g) F
d) has appeared
e) ’ve – invited
f) ’s been
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
1 a) Tosse, suspiro, espirro.
4 a) the shortest
b) the worst
c) minor
d) short (movie)
b) O bom humor e o riso fortalecem o sistema
imunológico, aumentam a energia, diminuem a dor
e protegem dos efeitos nocivos do estresse.
2 a) O pôster aconselha que os adolescentes saiam
de casa, arranjem um emprego, sustentem-se
enquanto eles ainda sabem tudo.
Grammar practice
b) Depreende-se da primeira leitura possível que o
autor comprou uma prancha de surfe para a esposa;
depreende-se da segunda leitura possível que o
autor trocou a esposa pela prancha de surfe.
3 a) A expectativa é que mais de 500.000 casos de cólera
apareçam no próximo ano. A expansão do cólera é
explicada pelo fato de que a população haitiana não
tem nenhuma imunidade contra a doença, já que
nunca foi exposta a ela.
b) Porque a vacina era escassa e havia dificuldades
logísticas de levá-la às pessoas a tempo.
4 a) O autor se utiliza de elementos fortes e
contrastantes, como o fogo e o gelo, para ilustrar
os sentimentos humanos como o desejo e o ódio,
1 a) for
b) for
c) since
d) for
e) since
f) since
g) for
b) O eu poético sabe que o desejo e o ódio são
sentimentos destrutivos porque eles são capazes de
destruir a humanidade na mesma intensidade com
que o fogo e o gelo podem destruir o mundo.
5 b
6 e
Simple Past
Past Participle
7 c
8 d
to be
was / were
to go
to leave
9 a
to see
10 e
to forget
to have
11 b
to take
12 a
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
13 d
14 a
15 a
16 b
17 b
18 b
19 c
20 a
21 e
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
1 c
2 e
3 a
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Understanding the text
Grammar practice
1 d
1 a) about
2 b
b) on
3 e
c) with
4 c
d) for
e) at
f) from
g) of
h) in
i) to
Grammar practice
1 a) I had just had dinner.
b) The concert had already begun.
c) She had already learned Italian.
d) I hadn’t seen him for over ten years.
2 a) of
2 c
Grammar practice
b) at
c) about
d) about
e) of
f) on
g) in
h) for
1 a) had been studying
b) had been cleaning
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
c) had been talking
1 I A cidade natal de Jean Charles de Menezes.
d) had been living
e) had been walking
2 a) Because she had been crying.
b) Because hey had been traveling for over
ten hours.
c) Because he had been feeling bad for two days.
d) Because it had been snowing for two days.
e) Because they had been working on an important
II A estação de metrô onde Jean Charles foi morto.
III Os moradores da cidade de Gonzaga.
IV O comportamento do governo britânico, que
absolveu os policiais e ao mesmo tempo permitiu
que o filme fosse realizado.
2 Henrique Goldman não sabe por que a BBC decidiu não
fazer mais parte do projeto.
3 I A prefeita da cidade natal de Jean Charles.
II A pessoa que escreveu e dirigiu o filme sobre o
assassinato de Jean Charles.
III O homem que foi assassinado em uma estação de
metrô de Londres.
4 Parte dos recursos foi fornecida pela UK Film Council,
uma fonte de caráter público, que assumiu 50% das
5 d
6 a
7 b
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Unit 7 The Past Perfect
8 a) Ela visitou apenas o Brasil.
b) Brasil.
9 a) Todos os turistas são alertados a ser cuidadosos e
isso faz com que tenham a constante sensação de
estarem correndo perigo.
b) Ela sentiu-se aflita.
10 a) The high prices.
b) Poverty and income inequality remain serious
problems in Brazil, with the crime and security
issues that naturally follow.
11 c
12 a
13 a
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
14 c
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 c
2 d
3 b
4 c
Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito
Unit 8 The Future Perfect
Understanding the text
Getting acquainted with “vestibulares”
1 e
1 b
2 c
2 c
3 b
3 d
4 a
4 b
5 a) adaptable/flexible
5 a
b) responsive
6 e
c) team player / team focused
7 d
d) resilient
8 c
e) life-long learner
9 a
10 e
11 b
1 c
2 a) will have graduated from university
b) will have moved to London
c) will have gotten pregnant
d) will have had her first child
e) will have graduated from college
Grammar practice
1 a) Nevertheless / However
b) As a result / Consequently
c) Moreover / Furthermore
d) Firstly – then
e) Due to / Because of
Getting acquainted with “Enem”
1 b
2 a
3 e
Reprodução proibida. Art.184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 de 19 de fevereiro de 1998.
Grammar practice

Revisão em 22 volumes – Inglês – Gabarito