Giancarlo Montagner Copelli & Marcelo Dias Jaques
informalmente “Lei Carolina Dieckmann”, surgiu como pioneira na tipificação dos
crimes virtuais, contudo há grande discussão quanto a sua real efetividade. A análise
do presente estudo abordará a brandura da referida lei sob a ótica do Leviatã, de
Thomas Hobbes, para o qual a punição exerce função angular: desencorajar as condutas contrárias à lei.
Palavras-chave: Direito. Estado. Internet. Punição. Vulnerabilidade.
By analyzing the social development of mankind and their fundamental rights, won
through history, we can say that they were formally raised to the category of Human
Rights in 1948 by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among them, the Right
to Privacy, analyzed in the present study. However, the evolution of human beings is
endless process, and follow the ways of society in constant transformation. In the
last two decades, technological advances effectively changed almost completely life
on the planet. Phenomena such as globalization, not only led to the fall of trade
barriers, but mainly social, connecting citizens worldwide. Concomitantly, we live
expanding access to the worldwide network of computers that daily cover a growing
share of the planetary population. As a result of this social evolution, we now check
for new offenses, so-called crimes. Given this, the Brazilian society realized the mismatch between existing legislation homeland - outdated and archaic even in the face
of such criminal conduct have not typed - calling for state action to bring an end to
the vulnerability to which they were subjected citizens. Undoubtedly the duty of the
State to fulfill its purpose of effective social protection, preventing the company
remained susceptible to computer crimes. In force since April 2, 2012, Law 12.737,
informally called “Carolina Dieckmann Law”, has emerged as a pioneer in the virtual
definition of crimes, yet there is much discussion as to its real effectiveness. The
analysis of this study will address the mildness of the law from the perspective of
Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes, for which the punishment carries angular function:
deterring conduct contrary to the law.
Keywords: Right. State. Internet. Punishment. Vulnerability.
A privacidade é um dos direitos fundamentais dos seres
humanos e integra a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos. No Brasil, o reflexo deste princípio filosófico liberal, que
passa a enxergar o indivíduo, é positivado tanto na Constituição Federal quanto no Código Civil.
Com o advento da Lei 12.737 de 30 de novembro de 2012,
informalmente chamada de Lei Carolina Dieckmann, que criminaliza a invasão de dispositivos eletrônicos conectados ou
não à internet, o Brasil conta com mais um instrumento que
visa garantir esse direito.
I Seminário Internacional de Direitos Humanos e Democracia
Os Direitos Humanos e a sua Proteção
25 e 26 de abril de 2013

Abstract INTRODUÇÃO A privacidade é um dos direitos