gesq. l&t Bras. rq"):SI-SZ, abr,fun. 2tX)2 Aspectos clinicos e patorfgicos da intoxicagio por sida corpinifolia (Malvaceae) em ciprinos no Rio crande do sull Edson M. colodelr, David Driemeief,Alexandrc-p. . Lorettis, EduardoJ. cimenoa, Sandra D.'Ibaversos, fuidenson L Seitzs e priscila Zlototnki-G ABSIBAff.- coloder E.M., tlriemeier D., r.oretti A.p., Gimeno EJ., Ttaverso s.D., s€itz A.r.. & and pathorogicar arpe*s of sido.rprrel, pri"oning l{g*_tc in goats in-Rio Grande do sut-le$gtoldnnicos e p"toro6.os si& cwpiniforia (Maftnceael em caprinos no Rio Grande do sur . iliilil;;;-fi *iit ii nwsldr. wEtxtrt,*r*nr* seror de Patologia veterin{ria,Patologia clinica veterin{ria, Faculdade de Veterin6ria, rypto universidade Fderal do Rio Grande do $ul, Av. Bento Gongahes qxil, cJ(. postal ts(xl4, Forto Alegre, RS 91540.000, Brazil. This report includes the c$icaj and-natho,losical studies nf a [rcosomal 6torag€ disease whiclr ryontaneouslv occ'rred inthree flLcs ofgias e after siao*rpiois*ro, tfte gryfgninant-planr in the paddocrrs where ire animds,r*;-gr"i1[:In dre owb*""t a total of25 out of 5l animals rvere atrectert. Fcstflortem examinatian ias performed on 1l goats- The disease was experimentally induced hy dosing so*B;f, ird" caryinifolia-Tbe plant was administered in nshlria or dried o 3 animals. !6Ai"t*l;;ialroroeicar dranges were observed in one goat dosed with sida rlwnbifolia aa a"firs'ao dap. clinical signs cf the_ poisoning were ataxia, hypermetria, muscle tremo|s in the head and and disorden ofdeglutition. Theclinical signswere exacerbated uv*o**.niaftertbe survMng animals had been moved to other pastures and stopped *o"C signs were still observed during 24 Ar necropsy, no,ignin.arrt"gro"s'iJil werc obse.nd. T".nfu: Microscopic lesions included various degrees of \rac;on-tr""i" tfr" Or"Or*rn of neurons and glial cells. similar leeions were oderved in the acinar p"ncr*ati!-"lrk, hepatorytes, *;;;;; ir i*ai nd *";;i"tini"l proximal convoluted tubular cells, follicular epithelial ceils of ttre thyroia gand and macrophages-oflymph nodes. ln the surviving animals, mild wasobserved. and fenrcellswereeosinophiltand shrunken. "y;;tlsmic'acuolizacon rn *ereils&--nlurons, eepecially cells, had disappeared. ttre histoctremicar P$nju ;;;beilar secrions, lrougtr the l)rso-somal storage dlsease was ctrareiterized as an alphannannosidosis- "*;"1 ",rt;id* The vacuoles witlrin urc $r!$e.1etls strongfurcactedwith rectinsof {..meanawliaerrsifamk,Tritiamwrgads and succinylated Tlititum wlgais. The patrern observed in *is in n,slg;;n'i, ,i*it", to those seen in other poisonings by swainsonine-containirg plants. fNDEX TERIvIS: Sifu wrpini$lia, Malvaceae, lysosornd storage disease, c_mannosidosis, goats, lectins. rAceito para publica$io em 2de abril de?[n2. Trabslho r€alizado bryoClirici om srpote ftnaneirc do CNft (hoc.4764ti&t{}. lrtefiel,hrindria, Uniwrdda&FldoElde tdeo Cm6so(uHlfrl, C$iaht, M[ Autor para correcpond€mir- g*rai|: nMtena"or:r"tr 3Departanrurto_{g Fatologia Clfnkra ttefednfuie, UFR6S, CL posral t5m4, Ahgrq 8S 915,t0.{m0. atlst{u_to de pfiologie, Faculdade dc G€ncias\leterinfrias, Univcrsidade _N*ional de La Plata, La phta, Arge{tina. hto _!1ry.le-fAsCraduag6o em fi€ncias veterin{rias, Irea Ae nalotogia, cPGlftr-lJF*GS. E-*agi:foia do_Deperhnento dG hfologia Clinica lrtteriniria; Bolsista de Funda$o de Ampro i ksquisa do Rio Gnmde do $ul {F PERcs}. Iniri@ tlaaiffca, RESUMOT Este trabalho inclui os esffrdos os dftrims e patol6gi. da doenga de armazenamento lisossomal indurida pJlo Tn$umo espontineo de Srido carpinifria.n enfermidadi foi obsenada em trts rcbqnh!!, quejunlou er"m composrsspor !] canlnos, dos quais, 25 foram af,et"dos e 1t neorqsiados. Nos trOs surtos, S. cmpinifolia *aa vegeta$o pr€donrinante nos piquetes oorpados petos animais. Clinicamente, a doen9a {racferizou€e por distfirbios nerrol6gicos que coruisti_ am de ataxia, hipermetria, poshlrus anormais, trrmores muscslares.afetando principalmente as rqides da cabega pes e, dificuldade para ingesdo de alimentos e quedas-fr* qiienEs. Estes sinais clinicos eram exacertedos pela movi-