Reading suggestions for Undergraduate Students Interested in
Conservation Biology
Primack, R. B., and E. Rodrigues 2001. Biologia da Conservação, Londrina.
Cullen Jr., L., and C. Valladares-Pádua. 1997. Métodos para estudos de ecologia, manejo e
conservação de primatas na natureza. Pages 239-269 in C. Valladares-Pádua, R.
E. Bodmer, and L. Cullen Jr., editors. Manejo e Conservação de Vida Silvestre no
Brasil. CNPq-Sociedade Civil Mamirauá, Brasília.
Laurance, W. F., and R. O. Bierregaard, Jr. 1997. Tropical forest remnants: Ecology,
management, and conservation of fragmented communities. Tropical forest
remnants: Ecology, management, and conservation of fragmented
Diamond, J. 1999. Guns, Germs, and Steel. The fates of human societies. W. W. Norton &
Dawkins, R. 1979. O gene egoísta. EdUSP, São Paulo.
Classic texts:
Redford, K. H. 1997. A floresta vazia. Pages 1-22 in C. Valladares-Pádua, R. E. Bodmer,
and L. Cullen Jr., editors. Manejo e Conservação de Vida Silvestre no Brasil. MCTCNPq - Sociedade Civil Mamirauá, Brasília, DF.
Laurance, W. F., M. A. Cochrane, S. Bergen, P. M. Fearnside, P. Delamônica, C. Barber, S.
D'Angelo, and T. Fernandes. 2001. The future of the Brazilian Amazon. Science
Laurance, W. F., H. L. Vasconcelos, and T. E. Lovejoy. 2000. Forest loss and
fragmentation in the Amazon: implications for wildlife. Oryx 34:39-45.
Terborgh, J., L. Lopez, P. Nunez, M. Rao, G. Shahabuddin, G. Orihuela, M. Riveros, R.
Ascanio, G. H. Adler, T. D. Lambert, and L. Balbas. 2001. Ecological meltdown in
predator-free forest fragments. Science 294:1923-1926.
Terborgh, J., G. Nunez-Iturri, N. C. A. Pitman, F. H. C. Valverde, P. Alvarez, V. Swamy, E. G.
Pringle, and C. E. T. Paine. 2008. Tree recruitment in an empty forest. Ecology
Janzen, D. H., and P. S. Martin. 1982. Neotropical anachronisms: the fruits the
gomphotheres ate. Science 215:19-27.
Jordano, P. 1992. Fruits and frugivory. Pages 105-156 in M. Fenner, editor. Seeds: the
ecology of regeneration in plant communities. Commonwealth Agricultural
Bureau International, Wallingford, England.
Jordano, P., M. Galetti, M. A. Pizo, and W. R. Silva. 2006. Ligando frugivoria e dispersão
de sementes `a biologia da conservação. Pages 411-436 in C. D. F. Rocha, H. D.
Bergallo, M. Van Sluys, and M. A. S. Alves, editors. Biologia da Conservação:
Essências. Rima Editora, São Carlos.
Selected publication suggested
Almeida-Neto, M., F. Campassi, M. Galetti, P. Jordano, and A. Oliveira. 2008. Vertebrate
dispersal syndromes along the Atlantic forest: broad-scale patterns and
macroecological correlates. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17:503-513.
Bernardo, C. S. S. 2001. Censo de mamíferos diurnos em um fragmento florestal no
sudeste do Brasil. Page 56, Rio Claro.
Cazetta, E., H. M. Schaefer, and M. Galetti. 2008. Does attraction to frugivores or defense
against pathogens shape fruit pulp composition? Oecologia 155:277-286.
Fadini, R. F., M. Fleury, C. I. Donatti, and M. Galetti. 2009. Effects of frugivore
impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta
Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 35:188-196.
Galetti, M., and A. Aleixo. 1998. Effects of palm heart harvesting on avian frugivores in
the Atlantic rain forest of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ecology 35:286-293.
Galetti, M., C. I. Donatti, A. S. Pires, P. R. Guimaraes, and P. Jordano. 2006. Seed survival
and dispersal of an endemic Atlantic forest palm: the combined effects of
defaunation and forest fragmentation. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Galetti, M., C. I. Donatti, M. A. Pizo, and H. C. Giacomini. 2008. Big fish are the best: Seed
dispersal of Bactris glaucescens by the pacu fish (Piaractus mesopotamicus) in
the Pantanal, Brazil. Biotropica 40:386-389.
Galetti, M., H. Giacomini, R. S. Bueno, C. S. S. Bernardo, R. M. Marques, R. S. Bovendorp, C.
E. Steffler, P. Rubim, S. K. Gobbo, C. I. Donatti, R. A. Begotti, F. Meirelles, R. A.
Nobre, A. G. Chiarello, and C. A. Peres. 2009. Priority areas for the conservation of
Atlantic forest large mammals. Biological Conservation 142:1229-1241.
Guimaraes, P. R., Jr., M. Galetti, and P. Jordano. 2008. Seed Dispersal Anachronisms:
Rethinking the Fruits Extinct Megafauna Ate. PLoS ONE 3:e1745.
Hansen, D. M., and M. Galetti. 2009. The Forgotten Megafauna. Science 324:42-43.

Reading suggestions for Undergraduate Students