Inês Amorim (candidate to RR for Portugal)
([email protected]),
I have been an ESEH member since 2003 and have recently served as a member of the
selection committee for the society’s Biannual Conference. My interest in EH arises
from my main research experience in maritime history, with a special focus on fisheries
and salt, in the Atlantic world of the early modern and modern age. In the last two
years especially, have been active in the creation of a Portuguese informal network of
environmental historians, also connected to the larger community of Portuguesespeaking environmental historians, co-organizing an international meeting in Coimbra
(march of 2012), whose proceedings I have also co-edited, and participating in a
number of EH initiatives in Lisbon, Porto, and Algarve. I have been especially active in
making connections between scholars in different disciplinary fields – rural history,
maritime history, economic history, climatology and geography – and the ESEH, so
contributing to the increased number of submissions from Portugal for the next ESEH
conference in Munich, and consequently to the increased number of ESEH members
from this country. I would be happy to serve as RR in order to help consolidate this
emerging Portuguese EH community.
Associate Professor with aggregation in Early and Modern History in the University of Porto, Portugal
Director of the Master Programme in History and Heritage, since 2007
Director of Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto in 2005-2006.
Researcher of the I&D CITCEM (Transdisciplinary Research Center on Culture, Space and Memory), UP.
Main research projects:
2012-2014 research member of Reconstruction and model simulations of past climate in Portugal using
documentary and early instrumental sources (17th-19h century),
2008-2005 Coordinator of the Project SAL(H)INA - Salt History - Nature and Environment - from XV to
XIXth ( FCT-POCTI/HAR/56381/2004), publishing the I Seminar on Portuguese Salt, Porto, IHM-UP, 2005
(which includes papers from Jean Claude Hocquet, Peter Emmer, Antonio Di Vittorio, Erik Lindberg, and
2010-2007 – research member of PWR - Prices, Wages and Rents in Portugal 1500-1900/ Preços,
Salários e Rendas em Portugal 1500-1900 - PTDC/HAH/70938/2006, coordinator: Jaime Reis (ICS), FCT
2007-2005 - historical consultant for scientific support to the creation of interpretative centres and eco
museums, programme Interreg III B - Atlantic Area,
2006-2003 - Researcher in the project HISPORTOS - Contribution to the study of Portuguese ports in the
Northwest Early Modern History (POCTI/HAR/36417/2000).
Mot recent international publications (in English, French and Spanish)
2012, Amorim, I., and E. Lopez Losa. “The Fisheries of the Iberian Peninsula in Modern Times” in A
History of the North Atlantic Fisheries: Volume 2: from the 1850s to the Early Twenty-First Century, (D.
Starkey & H. Heidbrink, eds.). Bremen: NAFHA/German Maritime Museum, pp. 254-276.
2010 - La Barra y los puertos de la Ria de Aveiro 1808-1932, Archivo de la administratción del puerto de
Aveiro/Portugal – Catálogo de la Exposición, Aveiro: APA-Administração do Porto de Aveiro, 2010
(coord. Inês Amorim y João Carlos Garcia),
2010 - L’exploitation de la mer et de l’estran : un bilan comparatif vu par l’historiographie portugaise.
«Revue d’Histoire Maritime: La recherche internationale en histoire maritime: essai d’évaluation», nº1011, Paris- PUPS, 2010, pp 285-310 ; ISBN : 978-2-84050-698-0

Inês Amorim - European Society for Environmental History