She + verbo + S
pessoas do singular
To sing
To sell
To kiss
I sing
you sing
he sings
she sings
it sings
we sing
you sing
they sing
I sell
you sell
he sells
she sells
it sells
we sell
you sell
they sell
I kiss
you kiss
he kiss (es)
she kiss (es)
it kiss (es)
we kiss
you kiss
they kiss
Verbos terminados em “s, ss, sh, ch, x, z e o”
verbo + es
I kiss - He kisses
I wish - She wishes
You watch - Paul watches
We fix - Cintia fixes
I buzz - The bee buzzes
They go - The teacher goes
Verbos terminados em “consoante + y”
verbo - y + ies
I copy - He copies
I try - She tries
You study - Peter studies
We fry - The cook fries
Verbos terminados em “vogal + y”
verbo + s
I enjoy - Sam enjoys
Exemplos: You play - The boy plays
You obey - The soldier obeys
We pay - She pays
Verbos com conjugações especiais
To have
he has
she has
it has
To be
he is
she is
it is
Usos do “Simple Present”
Ações rotineiras
Verdades universais
Advérbios de freqüência que aparecem nas sentenças que
expressam ações rotineiras.
once a year
twice a month
every day
every week
every month
every year
Formas interrogativa e negativa
To do
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does
we do
you do
they do
Forma interrogativa (1)
You live here.
Do you live here ?
They study there.
Do they study there ?
to do
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does
we do
you do
they do
Forma interrogativa (2)
She helps her mother.
Does she helps
help her mother ?
Paul works in Seattle.
Does Paul works
work in Seattle ?
to do
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does
we do
you do
they do
Forma negativa (1)
to do
You live here.
You do + not live here.
They study there.
They don’t study there.
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does
we do
you do
they do
Forma negativa (2)
to do
She helps her mother.
help her mother.
She does+not helps
Paul works in Seattle.
work in Seattle.
Paul doesn’t works
I do
you do
he does
she does
it does
we do
you do
they do
1.Complete the sentences with the correct verb form of the verb.
a) Paul always_______the
new products advertised on TV . (to try)
needs teacher who_________Physics.
b) That school________a
(to need / to teach)
c) Helen_________to
that meeting every day. (to go)
d) That teacher________Jazz.
(to like)
e) Ben _________
spends a lot of money when he _______to
goes the mall. (to spend / go)
f) The nurse always__________her
hands after the surgeries. (to wash)
g) Tom______studied
the effects of the new drug. (to have)
h) Susan ________working
in that factory. (to be)
i) Bill_______the
obeys laws of that country. (to obey)
j) Sarah________classes
in that school once a week. (to have)
2.Ask questions according to the sentences given:
a) Sam reads books about Botany.
Does he read
about Botany?
b) My sister spends a lot of money with clothes.
Does she spend
I don't believe!_________________money
with clothes?
c) The children study Information Technology and English in that school.
Do they study these subjects in that school?
You're kidding!_______________
d) Elizabeth and Helen work in Chicago.
Do they work
e) Julia intends to buy a new computer.
Does she intend to buy a new computer?
It's unbelievable!___________________
3.Complete the same sentences with the negative form.
a) Peter writes articles about politics.
It isn't true!___________________such
He doesn’t write
b) Sally teaches Sociology in Harvard.
It can't be! __________________
She doesn’t teach there.
c) People have the right to vote in that country .
in that country.
They don’t have
d) Hillary has a powerful ally inside the House.
She doesn’t have
I don't believe!__________________allies.
e) I live in that city because I want to.
It isn’t true!_______________in
You don’t live that city.
(São Carlos) - He is reading “The Times” today, but on
Fridays he________”The Observer”.
a) was reading
b) is reading
c) reads
d) had read
e) read
Test 1
(Mack) - Mrs. Taylor looks sad, I suppose
she_________unhappy about the accident.
a) feels
b) was felt
c) does fell
d) has been felt
e) has been feel
Test 2
(UNICURITIBA) - A forma interrogativa correta de:
“He walks to work” é:
a) Does he walk to work?
b) Do he walk to work?
c) Walks he to work?
d) Does he walks to work?
e) Do he walks to work?
Test 3
(UEL) - A forma interrogativa de “Jack lives in Paris" é:
a) Does Jack lives in Paris?
b) Do Jack lives in Paris?
c) Is Jack live in Paris?
d) Does Jack live in Paris?
e) Is Jack lives in Paris?
Test 4
(UFSM) - Assinale a alternativa que melhor expressa a idéia da
pergunta "Sound like science fiction?"
a) Is the sound like in science fiction?
b) Do you sound like science fiction?
c) Does it sound like science fiction?
d) Do you like the sound of science fiction?
e) Does science fiction have sound?
Test 5

Simple present