Anexo B (3), do Of nº 10-338/2014, da DPC ao EMA MARINHA DO BRASIL DIRETORIA DE PORTOS E COSTAS SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE ENSINO PROFISSIONAL MARÍTIMO ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SHORT TERM COURSES FOR THE YEAR 2015 (PACCD-2015) MARINHA DO BRASIL DIRETORIA DE PORTOS E COSTAS SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE ENSINO PROFISSIONAL MARÍTIMO ANNUAL PROGRAM OF SHORT TERM COURSES FOR THE YEAR 2015 (PACCD-2015) 1. PURPOSE This program provides instructions for the process of applying for professional seafarers´ courses, to be conducted in 2015, offered by the Brazilian Navy, for Countries with which Brazil has signed cultural agreements. MARINHA DO BRASIL (Continuação do Anexo B (3), do Of nº 10-291/2014, do EMA ao MRE............................................) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. DEVELOPMENT 2.1Since the PACCD courses are conducted exclusively in Portuguese, it is a basic requirement to the candidate to possess fluency in this language. 2.2The list of courses, including the particular information about each course and other general information are detailed in Appendix I. 2.3- Addresses of the Centers where the courses are developed: CENTRO DE INSTRUÇÃO ALMIRANTE GRAÇA ARANHA (CIAGA) Avenida Brasil, nº 9020 – Olaria Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Zip code: 21.030 – 001 Phone numbers: 55 (21) 3505-3295 55 (21) 3505-3212 Fax: 55 (21) 3505-3113 CENTRO DE INSTRUÇÃO ALMIRANTE BRAZ DE AGUIAR (CIABA) Rodovia Artur Bernardes, s/n – Pratinha Belém, State of Pará - Brazil Zip code: 66.825-000 Phone numbers: 55 (91) 3216-7020 55 (91) 3216-7025 Fax: 55(91) 3216-7119 2.4- Support offered during the course: a) instructors, school material and educational resources; b) lodging and meals; c) local transport to external classes, when necessary; and d) medical and odontological assistance, in case of emergency situations. OBS: The Brazilian Government does not grant financial aid for students during the PACCD courses. 2.5- Application procedures for the PACCD courses: a) the Maritime Authority of the interested country should send the request, by Fax, to Diretoria de Portos e Costas (DPC), if possible 2 (two) months prior to the beginning date of the course (and not less than a month prior to the beginning of the course) with the following adicional documents: - form filled out (see atached Appendix II), one for each candidate; and other required documents to prove that the candidate meets the established requirements for the intended course. OBS: DIRETORIA DE PORTOS E COSTAS (DPC) Rua Teófilo Otoni, 4 - Centro Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - B-2 - MARINHA DO BRASIL (Continuação do Anexo B (3), do Of nº 10-291/2014, do EMA ao MRE............................................) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zip code: 20090-070 Fax #: 55 (21) 2263-1431 (alternatively by e-mail: [email protected]) b) the DPC, after analyzing the compliance of the application, the fulfillment of the requirements and the vacancies´ availability, will answer to the requesting authority confirming the registration of the grantee in the desired course. 3. OTHER INFORMATIONS 3.1Scholarship holders shall attend to the Instruction Center, two business days prior to the beginning of the course; 3.2During the course, the scholarship holders will be under the authority of the Commanding Officer (CO) of the respective Training Center where the course will be held and they must observe the Brazilian laws and the applicable military Regulations; 3.3By the end of the course, the Training Center will provide a particular document to the approved students with the necessary information about the course held. A copy of this document will be sent to the Maritime Authority of the interested country in order to be given by that authority the appropriate Certificate of Competency issued under the provisions of the International Convention STCW-1978, as amended. 3.4The facilities offered to the candidates will not be extended to the relatives of scholarship holders; 3.5- The Brazilian Government will not be responsible for expenses concerning: transportation of the scholarship holders to the local where the course will be held and the return to their origin countries; travel insurance related with health and accidents; routine medical, dental or hospital cares, without authorization of the Instruction Center; death or personal injuries; loss, damage or steal of personal belongs; and stay in Brazil after the end of the course or after the release from the Instruction Center. 3.6It is recommended that the scholarship holders be covered by a health and personal insurance. APPENDIXES : I) Program of courses for 2015. II ) Application Form. ALVARO LIMA MARTINS BAHIENSE Capitão-de-Mar-e-Guerra (RM1-FN) Assessor - B-3 -