La Vía Campesina International Operative Secretary Apartado Postal 3628 Tegucigalpa, Honduras Tel/Fax +504 232 2198 email: [email protected] FIAN International Secretary P.O. Box 10 22 43 Tel + 49 6221 65300 30 Fax +49 6221 830545 email: [email protected] Global Campaign for Agrarian Reform EMERGENCY NETWORK 0406 ABRA (ARC 0426) 22.08.2004 Brazil: Members of agrarian organizations in the south of Para, Brazil, have been murdered. Three syndicalists from the syndicate of the rural workers in the township of Rondon do Para, in the state of Para, have been murdered. They were fighting for the realization of the agrarian reform. The failure of the authorities to prevent criminal attempts conducted by gunmen commissioned by landowners against those who fight for the rights to land and also the denial to realize the agrarian reform, have contributed to this wave of violence in the municipality. The state authorities cope with the landowners. As a result, they don't take proper measures to stop the crimes or arrest and judge the responsible for these offences. Besides, a great number of lands illegally registered by the state was discovered, that should have been directed to the agrarian reform. In the light of these murder situations and, as a result, the obvious violation of the human rights, it is very important to bring pressure to bear on the Brazilian authorities to force them to take urgent measures in order to respect, protect and guarantee the rights of the Brazilian peasants. Please send an urgent letter to the Special Secretary for the Social Defense of Para, and a copy to the judge of court of appeals of the state of Para. Also keep informed the syndicate of the rural workers of Rondon do Para. Historical Background The south and south west of Para is, according to the Comision Pastoral de la Tierra (CPT), the region in Brazil where violations of the human rights linked to the agrarian reform are the most important. During the past 30 years, more than 600 rural workers close to the social movements for the right to land, have been murdered. The absence of punishment is astonishing: until today, only 3 killers have been condemned but none of them went to prison. In the municipality of Rondon do Para, the appropriation of lands through falsified titles is the main cause of conflict. Jose Dutra da Costa, the former president of the syndicate of the rural workers (STR) started to investigate and to denounce, during public meetings, the possible fact that the titles deed of the property Tulipa Negra, which represent 3000 hectares, were fake. Obviously, if the documents' falsification was proved, this country estate and many more would be expropriated without any public compensation. Because of the denunciations, Jose Dutra da Costa has been assassinated the 21st of November 2000, by a killer commissioned by Jose Decio Barroso Nunes, the landowner. The killer was brought to the police department by neighbours and is still serving his sentence at Maraba's penitentiary. The landowner, who asked for the murder, Jose Decio Barroso Nunes has been under arrest for only 13 days before recovering his liberty. The judge of second instance, Otario Maciel took the decision without consulting the judge in charge of the case. In September 2002, the main witness of the murder of Jose Dutra da Costa, the syndicalist Magno Fernandes de Nascimento, has been killed by two gunshots in his head. There are obvious indices showing that this act was to eliminate witnesses. In February 2004, Ribamar Francisco dos Santos, a director of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, was assassinated. He was killed in front of his house by two gunmen. The present leader of the syndicate is suffering death threats. The indices of the authors of the murders are clear, it’s up to the police to do the investigation and verify the authors and executors of the crime. Impunity remains the main cause of the increase of violence against rural workers. The syndicate of the rural workers totals around 1500 landless families and recently organized 2 camps where 200 families were gathered. The syndicate requested the following countries estates: Santa Monica, Fe em Deus and Frial. They are part of the signed agreement of April, 04th 2003 between FETAGRI and the STR, signed under the supervision of the INCRA (Instituto de Colonization y Reforma Agraria) of Maraba. The agreement foresaw the revision of the legality of these properties' titles within 90 days. Until today nothing was done. No land was given for the agrarian reform. The objective of the hotline The state of Brazil is a state party to the International Convenant on Economical, Social and Cultural Rights and also of the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, took the engagement and the obligation to respect, protect and fulfil those rights to the people. Under this international public law obligation, the Brazilian state has to adopt adequate measures to assure the Brazilian peasants' human rights. Please write an urgent letter and cordially convince the Brazilian authorities to do everything to arrest those who threaten and kill syndicalists who are fighting for the agrarian reform in this region and to realize a thorough agrarian reform in this region in order to guarantee the rural people' economical, social and cultural rights. End of the emergency line: XXX Directions: Manoel Santino Nascimento Júnior Special Secretary for the Social Defense Av. Nazaré, 871 Cep 66035-170 – Belém – Pa - Brasil Fax +55 (91) 30843635 Copies to: Desembargadora Maria de Nazareth Brabo de Souza Rua Tomázia Perdigão, 310 Belém, Pa, Brasil Cep.: 66015260 Fax: +55 (91) 218-2454 e-mail: [email protected] Syndicate for the rural workers of Rondon Rua Minas Gerais, 823, Cep: 68638000 - Rondon do Pará, Pará, Brasil Fax: +55 (94) 328 3534 Please inform FIAN about any reaction. Translation of the letter: Dear Sir Special Secretary of Social Defense I received extremely worrying information about the death of three syndicalists from the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais (STR) of Rondon do Para. Jose Dutra da Costa has been murdered the 21st of November, 2000 by Wellington de Jesus, a killer hired by the landowner, Decio Jose Barroso Nunes. The killer was caught by the neighbours who brought him to the police. Even though he was charged with murder and incarcerated at the penitentiary of Maraba, the landowner Decio Jose Barroso has been under arrest only 13 days before recovering his liberty. Despite the fact that he was accused of commissioning the crime, the judge Otavio Macial pronounced the releasing of Decio Jose Barroso, this without consulting the judge in charge of the case. Two years later, September 10th ,2002, a witness of the assassination of Jose Dutra da Costa, the syndicalist Magno Fernandes do Nacimento, was hit by two bullets in the head. In this case, clear indices showed that this act was to eliminate witnesses. Two years later, the investigation of the crime was not concluded. In February 2004, Ribamar Francisco dos Santos, a director of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, was assassinated. He was killed in front of his house by two gunmen. Over and beyond these victims, the present leader of the syndicate as well as many people close to the syndicate and to the victims have received death threats. The criminals, including peasants from Rondon who have been accused to have participated in the murders, for whom four police investigations and a criminal trial have been set, simply disappeared from the police station and from the court of Rondon do Para. The state of Brazil, as a state party to the International Convenant on Economical, Social and Cultural Rights and also of the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, took the engagement and the obligation to respect, protect and fulfil those rights to the people. The systematic and arbitrary violence against the rural workers in Rondon do Para is opposed to the civil and political rights. The slowness to realize the agrarian reform delays the realization of the economical and social rights. In the light of the obligations of the Brazilian state, I vehemently request His Excellence to take the necessary and efficient dispositions to reprimand the violence against the syndicalists and the rural workers of Pondon do Para, to punish those who have been found guilty in the cases of assassination and to protect the people who are still threatened with death by some landowners. Consequently, I demand urgent pressure actions and a collaboration process with the INCRA for an effective accomplishment, a signing agreement with the STR of Rondon do Para and FETAGRI in order to anticipate the realization of strong bases for the agrarian reform in this township. I also request a settlement for landless families. This measure is essential for the realization of the human rights of the landless rural workers. I would like to be informed on the concrete measures taken in this direction. Respectfully, c.c.: Desembargadora MARIA DE NAZARETH BRABO DE SOUZA Exelentíssimo Sr. Secretario Especial de Defesa Social MANOEL SANTINO NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR Av. Nazaré, 871 CEP 66035-170 – Belém – PA Excelentíssimo Sr. Secretário Especial de Defesa Social Recebi informações muito preocupantes sobre a morte de três sindicalistas do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais (STR) de Rondon do Pará. José Dutra da Costa foi assassinado no dia 21.11.2000 pelo pistoleiro Wellington de Jesus, sendo acusado de mandante do crime, o fazendeiro Décio José Barroso Nunes. O pistoleiro foi entregue por vizinhos à polícia e encontra-se preso na penitenciária de Marabá. O acusado de ser o mandante do crime, o fazendeiro Décio José Barroso Nunes, foi preso e permaneceu apenas 13 dias encarcerado, sendo posto em liberdade por ordem do desembargador Otavio Maciel. O desembargador tomou essa decisão sem sequer solicitar informações à juíza do caso. No dia 10.09.02, a testemunha do assassinato de José Dutra da Costa, o sindicalista Magno Fernandes do Nascimento foi assassinado com dois tiros na cabeça. Neste caso, existem claros indícios de que houve “queima de arquivo”. Dois anos se passaram e o inquérito que apura o crime não foi ainda concluído. Em fevereiro de 2004 foi assassinado mais um diretor do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Rurais, o sindicalista Ribamar Francisco dos Santos. Ribamar foi morto em frente a sua casa por dois pistoleiros. Além dessas vítimas, a atual presidente do sindicato bem como outras pessoas ligadas ao Sindicato e às pessoas assassinadas vem sofrendo frenqüentes ameaças de morte. Acrescente-se ainda que, quatro inquéritos policiais e um processo criminal, instaurados para apurar assassinatos, em que fazendeiros de Rondon, são acusados de participação nos crimes, simplesmente desapareceram da delegacia e do Fórum de Rondon do Pará. O Estado Brasileiro, como signatário do Pacto Internacional dos Direitos Humanos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais e do Pacto Internacional dos Direitos Civis e Políticos, assumiu o compromisso e a obrigação de respeitar, proteger e assegurar estes direitos à população. A sistemática violência e arbítrio contra os trabalhadores rurais em Rondon do Pará atentam contra seus direitos civis e políticos. A morosidade na realização da reforma agrária tem postergado indefinidamente a realização de seus direitos econômicos e sociais. Tendo em vista as obrigações assumidas pelo Estado Brasileiro, solicito veementemente à Vossa Excia. que se digne a tomar as medidas necessárias e eficazes no sentido de impedir a violência contra sindicalistas e trabalhadores de Rondon do Pará, punir os responsáveis envolvidos nos casos de assassinatos e de proteger as pessoas que estão sendo ameaçadas de morte por fazendeiros. Além disso, solicito medidas urgentes no sentido de pressionar e colaborar com o INCRA para o cumprimento por parte deste, do acordo firmado com o STR de Rondon do Pará e FETAGRI, o qual previa a realização de ações efetivas de reforma agrária naquele Município, mediante o assentamento das famílias de sem terra, medida esta imprescindível para a realização dos direitos humanos dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra. Gostaria também de ser informado a respeito das medidas concretas tomadas nesta direção. Atenciosamente, c.c: Presidente do tribunal de justiça do Pará, Desembargadora MARIA DE NAZARETH BRABO DE SOUZA