NAME: Helena Maria Rocha Serra
FILIATION: Maria Adelina Verissimo Rocha Madeira Serra e José Madeira Serra
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lisbon, freguesia de São Cristovão e São Lourenço
DATE OF BIRTH: April 5th of 1963
IDENTIFICATION CARD N.: 5489349 do A. I. de Lisboa
ADRESS: Rua Padre Américo, Nº 4, 5º Esq. 1600-548 LISBOA
Phone: 919488482; email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Ph.D. in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations, School of Economics and
Management (ISEG) / Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), 2004
Masters in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations, School of Economics and
Management (ISEG) / Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), 1995.
Specialised Course in Documental (Advanced technicians of BAD), Faculty of Letters /University of
Lisbon, 1990.
Degree in History, Faculty of Letters /University of Lisbon, 1986
Auxiliary Professor, School of Economics and Management (ISEG) / Technical University of Lisbon
(UTL), Department of Social Sciences (Sociology Section), since 2004
Assistant of the School of Economics and Management (ISEG) / Technical University of Lisbon
(UTL) between1993-2004
Member of the Social Sciences Department, Sociology Section at ISEG/UTL, since 1993
Member of the Executive Board of SOCIUS – Research Centre in Economic Sociology and
Sociology of Organizations, ISEG/UTL, since 2004
SOCIUS Researcher – Research Centre in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organizations,
ISEG/UTL, since 1993
Advanced Technician of BAD of CID/ISEG – Centre for Information and Documentation of the
School of Economics and Management (ISEG/UTL), 1991-1993
Advanced Technician of BAD of the Portuguese Institute of the Book and Reading IPLL –
collaboration in the implementation of the National Network of Public Reading, 1990-1991
Documentlist of CEDE – Centre of Studies and European Documentation, of the School of
Economics and Management (ISEG/UTL), 1988 - 1990.
Journalistic Collaboration in the editing of the newspaper "O EMIGRANTE", Newspaper for the
Portuguese Communities, 1986-1988
Sociology of the Organisations (responsible) – Degree in Economics, Business Management,
Mathematics and Finance, ISEG/UTL, since 2004
Sociology of Work and Employment (responsible) – Degree in Business Management, ISEG/UTL,
for the year of 2004-2005
Psychosociology of the Organisations – Degree in Business Management, ISEG/UTL, 2001-2003,
Sociology of the Organisations – (responsible) – Degree in Economics, Business Management,
ISEG/UTL, since 2004
Sociology of the Organisations – Degree in Economics, ISEG/UTL, 1993-2001
Economic and Social History – Degree in Business Management, ISG, School of Business
Management 1989 and 1992
Masters Degree
Organisational Theory – Masters in Economic Sociology and Sociology of the Organisations
ISEG/UTL, since 2003
Psycosociology of the Organisations - Masters in Economic Sociology and Sociology of the
Organisations ISEG/UTL, 2003-2004.
Maria Teresa de Sousa Costa de Jesus Ferreira – “O Envolvimento dos Encarregados de
Educação na Escola. “(Concluding)
Núbia Cristina da Silva – “Relações de trabalho e remuneração: o caso dos enfermeiros do PSF
(Programa de Saúde Familiar) em Minas Gerais.” Orientation Internship of the Masters Program of
the Economic Sciences Faculty of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Raquel Braga Rodrigues – “Recursos humanos em saúde: um estudo da rotatividade de médicos
na atenção primária à saúde em Minas Gerais Orientation Internship of the Masters Program of
the Economic Sciences Faculty of the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
João Paulo de Sousa Areosa (2004) – “Uma visão sociológica sobre a actividade profissional num
serviço de imagiologia: um estudo de caso.” Lisbon: ISCTE.
Susana Paula Veiga da Rocha de Oliveira (2005) – “O processo de tomada de decisão e o
planeamento numa instituição do ensino superior: o caso da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. “
Lisbon: ISEG.
Mercedes Moreira Berenger (2007) – “O componente gerencial das organizações em rede no
âmbito local do SUS no Brasil. “Lisbon: ISEG
José João Martins Sampaio (2006) – “A Tomada de Decisão Operacional em Sistemas
Complexos de Trabalho e a Emergência de novas Competências Profissionais. O Caso dos
Serviços de Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo.”
Coordinator for the course of “Information/Documentation: Adding Value Resourse”, realizado pelo
CEDE - Centro de Estudos e Documentação Europeia, ISEG/UTL, 1992/1993.
“Information: Resource as adding value – Information Course/Documentation: Resourse as Adding
Value, no CEDE - Centre of Studies and European Documentation”, ISEG/UTL, in 1992/1993.
“Information Backup – Course of Information/Documentation: Adding Value Resource”, in CEDE Centre of Studies and European Documentation, ISEG/UTL, in 1992/1993.
“Organisational Notions of Space and Administration of Personnel” – Technical Courses of
Documental/Library, at the INETE – Institute for Technical Education, 1990 and 1993.
“Information Defusion” – Technical Courses of Documental/Library, at the INETE – Institute for
Technical Education, 1990 and 1993
Participated in ESA Interim Conference – The Economic Sociology Research Network -“Old
Problems and New Approaches”, realised in Lisbon September 6th-8th of 2006, where presented a
paper titled: “The medical profession and the public: searching for connecting and changing
patterns of trust”.
Participated in the 4th ESA Interim Workshop Research Network Sociology of Professions “Professions, Globalization and the European Project: Shiffting Spheres of Opportunity”, realised in
Bremen (Germany) March 29th - April 1st of 2006, where presented a paper titled: “Changing
patterns of trust in Portuguese society – the medical profession and the public”.
Participated in the 7th Conference of European Sociological Association – Rethinking Inequalities,
realized in Institute of Sociology Nicolaus Copernicus, University of Torun (Torun, Poland),
September 9th-12th of 2005, where presented a paper titled: “The social construction of medical
technocracies: the sociological gaze in the world of liver transplantation”.
Participated in the First CSP Conference on Professionalism, Trust and Competence, realized in
Oslo University College (Oslo-Noruega), from the 17th-19th of June, 2004, where presented a
paper titled: “The construction of trust in medical profession: establishing medical practices and
strategies on liver transplantation”.
Participated in the Workshop “Saúde, Natureza e Peritagens”, realised in ISEG from the 7th- 8th of
June, 2004, where presented a paper titled: “The social construction of medical technocracies:
establishing medical practices and strategies around technology (the case of liver transplantation)”.
Participated in the V Congress Portuguese Sociology – “Sociedades Contemporâneas:
Reflexibilidade e Acção”, organised by the APS at the University of Minho (Braga), from the 12th15th of May, 2004, where presented a paper titled: “As tecnologias médicas na construção de
estratégias entre especialidades: o caso da transplantação hepática”.
Participated in the conference “I Jornadas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde: olhares
sobre as pessoas, a Saúde e a Doença”, realised by the Department of Human and Social
Sciences of the School of Health Technology of Lisbon, in March, 2004.
Participated in ISA RC52 Conference, realised from 13th-15th of September of 2000, in Lisbon,
where presented a paper titled: “Medical technocracies: medical practices and strategies around
Participated in the conference “II Jornadas de Sociologia da Universidade da Beira Interior –
Portugal, um país de ilusões. Que realidades?” – realized in Covilhã, May 4th-7th, 1998, organised
by CESUBI – Sociology Student Council of the University of Beira Interior. In this Conference,
about the H Factor: and how to manage it, made a presentation titled: “A questão da qualificação:
novas tecnologias e sociedade da informação.”
Participated in the “Grande Forum das Ciências Sociais e Políticas”, realised in Lisbon in ISCSP –
School of Social and Political Sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon from April 21st to
the 29th, 1998. In this conference, about New Tecnhonoligies: the demand of their introduction in
people and organisations, made a presetation titled: “As tecnologias da Informação e Sociedade
da Informação: implicações na organização do trabalho.”
Participated in the I Portuguese Congress of Economic Sociology, about Organisations and
Markets, realized in Lisbon in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 4, 5 and 6 of March of 1998,
organised by Socius – Research Centre in Economic Sociology e the Sociology of Organisations,(
ISEG). Made the presentation titled: “A Sociedade da Informação como problemática: um quadro
teórico para o estudo das tecnologias da informação, organização do trabalho e emprego?”
Participated in the VII National Conference about SIOT - Workshop, Labour and Technology: for a
new organisational culture, realised in Lisbon, February 13th and 14th of 1997, organised by the
APSIOT – Portuguese Association for Professionals in Industrial, Organisational and Labour
Sociology. In this conference, made a presentation titled: “A Sociedade da Informação como
problemática teórica para a análise das tecnologias da informação, emprego e organização do
Participated in the research study: “Desenvolvimento Local e Criação de Emprego”, promoted by
LEONARDUS – Association for Co-operation and Development, for the program PESSOA –
Professinal Course and Labour, for the sub-program support to the Course in Human Resources
Mangement (1996/1997).
Participated in the workshop , titled “Entre a Economia e a Sociologia: Teorias e Perspectivas de
Análise” realised in Lisboa, January 26th, 1995, organised by Socius - Research Centre in
Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organizations, ISEG/UTL.
Participated in the 4th National Congress of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists, realised in
Braga, 4-6 of March of 1992.
Participated in the “VIII Jornadas das Bibliotecas Universitárias”, realised at ISEG – School of
Economics and Business Management - 15-16 of June, 1992.
Participated in the I FORUM CD-ROM, Tecnology, Products and Applications in Libraries and
Archive Services realised in Lisbon, 4-5 of December, 1990.
Participated in the Workshop about "The Portuguese Market and Information Services" and in the
"Breefing Meeting about the IMPACT Programme", realised at the Congress Centre of A.I.P., in
Setember de 1989.
Member of the Organising Committee of the I Porguese Congress in Economic Sociology, realised
in Lisbon at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 4, 5 and 6 of March of 1998, organised by
Socius - Research Centre in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organizations, ISEG/UTL.
“Tecnocracias médicas: a construção de práticas e estratégias médicas em torno da tecnologia” In
Socius Working Papers, nº4 of 2000.
Communication presented at ISA RC52 Conference, realised 13-15 of September of 2000, in
Lisbon, titled: “Medical technocracies: medical practices and strategies around technology”, waiting
for the publication in conference’s minutes.
“Tecnologias da informação, emprego e organização do trabalho: a sociedade da informação
como problemática teórica”, publicated at “APSIOT (VII Encontro Nacional) – Formação, Trabalho
e Tecnologia: para uma nova Cultura Organizacional, Lisboa: Celta, 1998.”
“A Sociedade da Informação como problemática: um quadro teórico para o estudo das tecnologias
da informação, organização do trabalho e emprego? Communication presented at the I
Portuguese Congress of Economic Sociology, realized in Lisbon in Calouste Gulbenkian
Foundation, 4, 5 and 6 of March of 1998. Document publicized in the SOCIUS webpage
"Novas tecnologias: novos modelos de organização do trabalho". Document publicised in the
magazine “Organizações e Trabalho” nº 16/17, Dez./Jun. 1996/1997 of APSIOT.
(2006) (with co-authors, Graça Carapinheiro, Noémia Lopes, Felismina Mendes, Amélia Augusto,
Luisa Ferreira da Silva, and Telmo Costa Clamote) – “Sociologia da Saúde. Estudos e
Perspectivas. Pé de Página Editores.”
(2006) – “Da Tecnologia à Tecnocracia. Estratégias de poder médico no limiar das fronteiras entre
especialidades: o caso da transplantação hepática”. In Graça Carapinheiro (org.) - Sociologia da
Saúde. Estudos e Perspectivas. Pé de Página Editores.”
PhD Dissertation (2004) – “A Construção Social de Tecnocracias Médicas: o olhar da sociologia
no mundo da transplantação hepática.”
Masters Dissertation (1995) – “A sociedade da informação como problemática: tecnologias da
informação, organização do trabalho e emprego.”
Participated in the project "Trust and Society: Social Constrution of Trust in Portugal",
Socius/ISEG. Project financed by FCT, aprooved in January of 2003.
Participated in the project: Local Development and Job Criation, promoted by LEONARDUS –
Association for Co-operation and Developement, in the Programme PESSOA - Professinal Course
and Labour, for the sub-program support to the Course in Human Resources Mangement
Colaborated in the Project PEABMAM (Research Project in Arqueology of the “Baixo Mondego
and Alto Mondego”) of the UNIARCH (Arqueology Union of the History Centre of the School of
Letters of Lisbon), 1984-1986.
Member of the Sociology of Professions Research Network of ESA (European
Sociological Association), since 2004.

Helena Maria Rocha Serra