Antônio Lana da Costa
Single / 42 years-old
[email protected]
Rua Augusto José de Araújo, 10 – Bairro São Gabriel
ZIP Code: 31.980-320 / Belo Horizonte /Minas Gerais / Brazil - (31) 3447-8767 (home)
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Minas Gerais Federal College) – UFMG
Post-graduation/masters degree in Sociology 1997-1999
Dissertation Title: “A QUESTÃO AMBIENTAL NA SOCIOLOGIA: Um estudo
exploratório sobre a unidade entre natureza e sociedade” (“THE ENVIRONMENTAL
MATTER IN SOCIOLOGY: An exploratory study about the unit between nature and
Undergraduate in Social Science 1992-1996
Bachelor’s degree/Teacher’s major – Sociology
Course Final Monograph: “Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente: Marchas da Mudança”
(“Development and Environment: Change Progress”)
Participation in Research Programs
“Belo Horizonte em Tese” (“Belo Horizonte city in thesis”)
Centro de Estudos Urbanos (Center of Urban Studies) – CEURB/UFMG – 1992
“Sindicalismo das Novas Classes Medias” (“New Middle class Syndicalism”) – 1995
Under Orientation of Teacher Solange Simões
Took part in the International Project Global Environmental Survey – GOES through a
Brazil module named GOES Minas, which was a group created inside the Núcleo de
Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre Meio Ambiente e Qualidade de Vida (Center of
Interdisciplinary Studies about Environment and Quality of Life) of UFMG for the
organization of a pre-test and application of a questionnaire from GOES Brazil module,
which had the following scientific committee: Coordinator - Solange Simões/UFMGMichigan; Vice-coordinator - Daniel Hogam/UNICAMP/NEPAM (ABEP); members Elza Berquó/CEBRAP/NEPO; Eduardo Viola/UNB; Pedro Jacobi/CEDEC; Samira
Crespo/ISER; Plínio Dentzien and Ricardo G. Pinto (SENSUS) – 1996.
Professional Experience
Fundação Guimarães Rosa (Guimarães Rosa Institute)
Technical-Researcher 2006-2010
Fundação Guimarães Rosa (Research Center FGR)
Technical-Researcher/Collaborator since 2002-2006
Central de Mídia Comunicação Ltda. (Central de Mídia communication Ltda.)
Research analyst (informal) 2001-2002
Banco Bradesco S/A (Bank Bradesco)
Clerk 1991-1992
Micronal S/A
Office-Boy/Administrative Assistant (1988-1991)
S/A Estado de Minas (Newspaper)
Attendant (1985-1986)
COSTA, Antônio Lana da. Apocalipse: O Fim do Universo e da Terra na Bíblia e na
Ciência. (Apocalypse: The End of The Universe and Earth in the Bible and in Science)
Belo Horizonte: Educação e Cultura, 2009. 473 p.

Antônio Lana da Costa