Engineering Desempenho de infraestrutura de WSUD: a influência da variabilidade em projeções de precipitação de alta resolução Felipe Fischmann (UFSC) / Dra. Cintia B. S. Dotto (Monash University) X Encontro Nacional de Águas Urbanas São Paulo/SP 13/11/14 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 Introdução 60 102 50 MUSIC Help § WSUD = Water Sensitive Urban Design (≈ LID) (≥SuDS) 40 I n fi l t r a t i o n m e a s u r e s 217 Infiltration Hydrologic Effectiveness 100 Diretrizes de projeto 90 30 3.6 mm/hr 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 20 10 Curvas de desempenho WSUD 0.1 360 mm/hr 50 40 30 1800 mm/h 3.6 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 3600 mm/h 36 mm/he hydraulic conductivity 20 360 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 1800 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 10 0 0 36 mm/he 60 3600 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 0.2 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 A conceptual diagram the Area infiltration system properties in music below: InfiltrationofBasin (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1ismpresented deep)) 0.6 0.9 1 0.7 Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systems in Melbourne. Infiltration Basin Area (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1 m deep)) Site terrain and soil salinity ENGINEERING PROCEDURES A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), steep terrain and shallow Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systemsDryland in Melbourne. saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropriate. salinity is STORMWATER caused by a combination of factors, including leaching of infiltrated water and salt at ‘break-ofslope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high sodicity is generally not considered to be suited for infiltration as a means of managing urban stormwater. Infiltration into steep terrain can result in the stormwater re-emerging onto the surface at some point downstream.The likelihood of this pathway for infiltrated water depends on the soil structure, with duplex soils and shallow soil over rock being situations where re-emergence of infiltrated water to the surface is most likely to occur. This occurrence does not necessarily preclude infiltrating stormwater, unless leaching of soil salt is associated with this process. The provision for managing this pathway will need to be taken into consideration at the design stage. Site terrain and soil salinity A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), st saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropri caused by a combination of factors, including leaching Melbourne Water (2005)of infiltrated wat WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 2 slope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high so Hydraulic conductivity Field hydraulic conductivity tests must be undertaken to confirm assumptions of soil hydraulic conductivity adopted during the concept design stage. Field soil hydraulic conductivity (Kh) can be determined using the falling head augerhole method of Jonasson (1984). The range of soil hydraulic conductivities typically determined from a 60-minute falling head period is as follows: Sandy soil: K60 = 5 × 10-5 m/s (180 mm/hr) -5 -5 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 Introdução 60 102 50 MUSIC Help § WSUD = Water Sensitive Urban Design (≈ LID) (≥SuDS) 40 I n fi l t r a t i o n m e a s u r e s 217 Infiltration Hydrologic Effectiveness 100 Diretrizes de projeto 90 30 3.6 mm/hr 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 20 36 mm/he 60 50 Faz sentido continuar a utilizar séries temporais passadas? 10 Curvas de desempenho 40 30 3.6 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 36 mm/he hydraulic conductivity 20 360 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity WSUD 0 0.1 1800 mm/h 3600 mm/h 1800 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 10 0 360 mm/hr 3600 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 0.2 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 A conceptual diagram the Area infiltration system properties in music below: InfiltrationofBasin (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1ismpresented deep)) 0.6 0.9 1 0.7 Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systems in Melbourne. Infiltration Basin Area (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1 m deep)) Site terrain and soil salinity ENGINEERING PROCEDURES A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), steep terrain and shallow Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systemsDryland in Melbourne. saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropriate. salinity is STORMWATER caused by a combination of factors, including leaching of infiltrated water and salt at ‘break-ofslope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high sodicity is generally not considered to be suited for infiltration as a means of managing urban stormwater. Infiltration into steep terrain can result in the stormwater re-emerging onto the surface at some point downstream.The likelihood of this pathway for infiltrated water depends on the soil structure, with duplex soils and shallow soil over rock being situations where re-emergence of infiltrated water to the surface is most likely to occur. This occurrence does not necessarily preclude infiltrating stormwater, unless leaching of soil salt is associated with this process. The provision for managing this pathway will need to be taken into consideration at the design stage. Site terrain and soil salinity A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), st saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropri caused by a combination of factors, including leaching Melbourne Water (2005)of infiltrated wat WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 3 slope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high so Hydraulic conductivity Field hydraulic conductivity tests must be undertaken to confirm assumptions of soil hydraulic conductivity adopted during the concept design stage. Field soil hydraulic conductivity (Kh) can be determined using the falling head augerhole method of Jonasson (1984). The range of soil hydraulic conductivities typically determined from a 60-minute falling head period is as follows: Sandy soil: K60 = 5 × 10-5 m/s (180 mm/hr) -5 -5 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 Introdução 60 102 50 MUSIC Help § WSUD = Water Sensitive Urban Design (≈ LID) (≥SuDS) 40 I n fi l t r a t i o n m e a s u r e s 217 Infiltration Hydrologic Effectiveness 100 Diretrizes de projeto 90 30 3.6 mm/hr 80 Hydrologic Effectiveness (%) 70 20 36 mm/he 60 50 Faz sentido continuar a utilizar séries temporais passadas? 10 Curvas de desempenho 40 30 3.6 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 36 mm/he hydraulic conductivity 20 360 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity WSUD 0 0.1 1800 mm/h 3600 mm/h 1800 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 10 0 360 mm/hr 3600 mm/hr hydraulic conductivity 0.2 0 0 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.8 A conceptual diagram the Area infiltration system properties in music below: InfiltrationofBasin (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1ismpresented deep)) 0.6 0.9 1 0.7 Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systems in Melbourne. Infiltration Basin Area (% impervious catchment (assumed to be 1 m deep)) Site terrain and soil salinity ENGINEERING PROCEDURES A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), steep terrain and shallow Figure 11.2 Hydrologic effectiveness of detention storages for infiltration systemsDryland in Melbourne. saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropriate. salinity is STORMWATER caused by a combination of factors, including leaching of infiltrated water and salt at ‘break-ofslope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high sodicity is generally not considered to be suited for infiltration as a means of managing urban stormwater. Infiltration into steep terrain can result in the stormwater re-emerging onto the surface at some point downstream.The likelihood of this pathway for infiltrated water depends on the soil structure, with duplex soils and shallow soil over rock being situations where re-emergence of infiltrated water to the surface is most likely to occur. This occurrence does not necessarily preclude infiltrating stormwater, unless leaching of soil salt is associated with this process. The provision for managing this pathway will need to be taken into consideration at the design stage. Site terrain and soil salinity A combination of poor soil conditions (e.g. sodic and dispersive soils), st saline groundwater can render the use of infiltration systems inappropri caused by a combination of factors, including leaching Melbourne Water (2005)of infiltrated wat WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 4 slope’ terrain and the tunnel erosion of dispersive soils. Soil with high so Hydraulic conductivity Field hydraulic conductivity tests must be undertaken to confirm assumptions of soil hydraulic conductivity adopted during the concept design stage. Field soil hydraulic conductivity (Kh) can be determined using the falling head augerhole method of Jonasson (1984). The range of soil hydraulic conductivities typically determined from a 60-minute falling head period is as follows: Sandy soil: K60 = 5 × 10-5 m/s (180 mm/hr) -5 -5 Objetivos § Realizar um exercício de modelagem para avaliar a sensibilidade de curvas de desempenho a variações entre: Precipitação presente e futura projetada Curvas de desempenho: atenuação de vazão e remoção de poluentes – Localizações Dados presentes Projeções – Séries temporais simulados e futuras e incerteza – incerteza Outros (parâmetros construtivos, de bacia, etc.) Faixa de incerteza (dados futuros) § Propor um método para a integração de incertezas na elaboração de Série temporal curvas de desempenho única (histórica) Faixa de incerteza (dados presentes) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 5 Métodos WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 6 Métodos Creating a Stormwater Treatment Train 103 The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Melbourne Water (2005) FAWB (2009) Conceptual diagram of infiltration system properties. Melbourne Water (2005) Location The location name will be displayed under the infiltration system node icon on the main worksheet. Wetlands Biofilters Hydrologic effectiveness ✓ - TSS removal ✓ ✓ TN removal ✓ ✓ TP removal Infiltration systems Inlet Properties The Inlet Properties define the physical characteristics of the inlet section of the infiltration system. Flow is hydrologically routed through the infiltration system, based on the characteristics defined by the user. ✓ Low Flow Bypass ✓ ✓ All of the stormwater that approaches the infiltration system below the user-defined Low Flow Bypass amount (in units of m3/s) will bypass the system. Any flow above the Low Flow Bypass (subject to the presence of a High Flow Bypass) will enter and be treated by the infiltration system. ✗ High Flow Bypass ✗ When the stormwater inflow rate exceeds the user-defined High Flow Bypass amount (in units of m3/s), only a flow rate equal to the High Flow Bypass (less that specified in any Low Flow Bypass) will enter and be treated by the infiltration system. All of the stormwater flow in excess of the High Flow Bypass amount will bypass the infiltration system and will not be treated. ✗ Tip Box The Low and High Flow Bypasses are assumed to occur simultaneously. So for a Low Flow Bypass of 2m3/s, a High Flow Bypass of 8m3/s, and inflow of 10m3/s: WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 7 Métodos § 2008 – 2009 10.320 estimativas de desempenho § Dados de radar + 3 projeções = 4 séries temporais por local § Resolução temporal: 1 km x 1km § Discretização temporal: 6 min § 3 locais WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 8 Resultados preliminares § Locais distintos § Mesma projeção § Mesmos parâmetros TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 MRO Radar data 0.36 0.5 80 MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 70 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 60 Weribee Radar data 0.36 0.5 50 Weribee Sim 0 0.36 0.5 40 Weribee Sim 1 0.36 0.5 30 Weribee Sim 2 0.36 0.5 Dand. Ranges Radar data 0.36 0.5 20 Dand. Ranges Sim 0 0.36 0.5 10 Dand. Ranges Sim 1 0.36 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dand. Ranges Sim 2 0.36 0.5 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 9 Resultados preliminares § Locais distintos § Mesma projeção § Mesmos parâmetros TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 60 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 50 Weribee Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 Dand. Ranges Sim 1 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 10 Resultados preliminares § Locais distintos § Mesma projeção § Mesmos parâmetros TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 60 45% MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 50 Weribee Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 Dand. Ranges Sim 1 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 11 Resultados preliminares § Mesmo local § Mesmos parâmetros § Séries temporais distintas TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 MRO Radar data 0.36 0.5 80 MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 70 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 60 Weribee Radar data 0.36 0.5 50 Weribee Sim 0 0.36 0.5 40 Weribee Sim 1 0.36 0.5 30 Weribee Sim 2 0.36 0.5 Dand. Ranges Radar data 0.36 0.5 20 Dand. Ranges Sim 0 0.36 0.5 10 Dand. Ranges Sim 1 0.36 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dand. Ranges Sim 2 0.36 0.5 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 12 Resultados preliminares § Mesmo local § Mesmos parâmetros § Séries temporais distintas TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 60 MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 50 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 13 Resultados preliminares § Mesmo local § Mesmos parâmetros § Séries temporais distintas TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 45% 60 MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 50 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 14 Resultados preliminares § Mesmo local § Mesmos parâmetros § Séries temporais distintas TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 MRO Radar data 0.36 0.5 60 MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 50 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 15 Resultados preliminares § Mesmo local § Mesmos parâmetros § Séries temporais distintas TN removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 MRO Radar data 0.36 0.5 60 45% MRO Sim 0 0.36 0.5 50 MRO Sim 1 0.36 0.5 40 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.5 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surface Area (% Catchment’s imperviousness) WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 16 Conclusões e Observações § Método para a geração de curvas de desempenho para diversas configurações (= rápida estimativa preliminar da demanda de área) § Análise e comparação entre: – Localizações – Projeções – Características construtivas, etc. § Resultados (até agora) demonstraram sensibilidade aos parâmetros escolhidos § Procedimento / método para a análise estatística dos resultados § Aplicação a outros sistemas e configurações § Adaptação ao Brasil (?) § Necessidade de dados apropriados: – Alta resolução temporal – Séries temporais mais longas WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 17 Referências § FAWB. Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems. Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration, Monash University. 2009 § INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE. IPCC fifth assessment report climate change 2013. Geneva : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2013. § MANGANGKA, I. R. Role of hydraulic factors in constructed wetland and bioretention basin treatment performance. 2013. (Doctor of Philosophy). Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology. § MELBOURNE WATER. WSUD engineering procedures: stormwater. Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO Publishing, p.2005. § ______. Design, Construction & Maintenance of WSUD. 2010 § Wong, T., et al., MUSIC Version 5.0, Software, 213 pp, MUSIC Development Team, CRC for Catchment Hydrology, Melbourne. 2005 WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 18 Agradecimentos § Profa. Dra. Nádia B. Bonumá § Prof. Dr. César Augusto Pompêo § Profa. Dra. Ana Deletic WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 19 Obrigado Felipe Fischmann [email protected] WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 20 Slides adicionais WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 21 Comparação preliminar de séries temporais WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 22 TP removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 60 45% MRO Radar data 0.036 0.25 50 MRO Radar data 0.036 0.5 40 MRO Radar data 0.036 0.75 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 % Catchment’s imperviousness WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 23 TSS removal efficiency in wetlands (%) 100 90 80 70 60 MRO Sim 2 0.36 0.25 50 Weribee Sim 2 0.36 0.25 40 Dand. Ranges Sim 2 0.36 0.25 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 % Catchment’s imperviousness WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 24 TSS removal efficiency for biofilters (%) 100 90 80 70 60 Dand. Ranges Radar data 0.36 0.3 0.25 50 Dand. Ranges Sim 0 0.36 0.3 0.25 40 Dand. Ranges Sim 1 0.36 0.3 0.25 30 Dand. Ranges Sim 2 0.36 0.3 0.25 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 % Catchment’s imperviousness WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 25 Ilustração do modelo MUSIC WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 26 Modelo de chuva-vazão simplificado adotado no MUSIC WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 27 Escolha de parâmetros de nó de tratamento no MUSIC WSUD infrastructure performance: the influence of variability in high-resolution rainfall projections 13/11/14 28