SYLLABUS Programme: Environmental Engineering Title of course unit: Soil Pollution and Decontamination Year: 3 Semester: 2 ECTS credits: 5,0 CNAEF area: 851 Student workload in hours Contact Total 125 Autono- Theoretical Lectures Theoreticalpractical Lectures Laboratory Classes Supervised Field Work Seminars Placements Tutorials mous 15 - 45 - - - - 65 Summary Main sources of soil pollution (agriculture, cattle raising, industry and urban centres); Main types of soil pollutants: organic contaminants and inorganic contaminants (e.g. pesticides and heavy metals); Methods used for soil remediation or decontamination: (1) In-situ decontamination; (2) Ex-situ decontamination: on-site and off-site; and (3) confinement/isolation of the affected area. Course Contents 1. Basic concepts related to soil pollution: The soil and its constitution. Functions and land uses. Main causes and the processes that contribute to the degradation of soil quality (erosion, chemical degradation and physical degradation). Sources of pollution (e.g. urban areas, industrial areas, agriculture and livestock, landfills, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste dumps and hazardous waste) and types of contaminants expected. Soil quality. 2. Agriculture and livestock as a source of soil contamination 2.1. Irrigation water as a source of soil contamination: Irrigation water as a source of soil contamination. The risk of salinity and sodicity. Quality of water for irrigation (conductivity, SAR, etc.). 2.2. The use of effluent as irrigation water: Origins. Characterization. Brief description of procedures for wastewater treatment. Risks of application of effluent to the ground, fertigation, salinity and sodification. Legislation and Regulations regarding the use of treated wastewater for irrigation. 2.3. Applying fertilizer to the soil: The case of phosphorus, nitrogen and nitrates. Typical dose-response curve for the macro, meso and micro-nutrients and toxic trace elements. Risks of soil contamination. Risk of groundwater contamination. Eutrophication. Good Agricultural Practices. 2.4. Organic residues as soils fertilizers 2.4.1. Application of sewage sludge to soil: Origins and treatment. Characterization. Legislation. Assessing the risks associated with its application to soil. Determination of heavy metals in sludge. Adsorption / desorption of metals. Sequential extraction. Characterization of sludge from Portuguese wastewater treatment plants. Página 1 de 3 2.4.2. Application of MSW compost to soil: Origin. Characterization. Recovery. Risks associated with their application to the soil. Potential Guidelines. 2.5. Heavy metals in soils: Main sources of contamination. Behavior of heavy metals in soil and soil-plant system. Determination of heavy metals in soils. Sequential extraction. Bioavailability. Transfer coefficients in soil-plant systems for the different forms of metal in soil. Symptoms of toxicity. 2.6. Application of pesticides aspects of pollution related to their use. Degradation in soil. Toxicity and toxicological classes. Analysis of toxicological effects. Determination of pesticides in soils. 3. Industrial activity as a source of contamination of soil: Main types of industrial waste. The soil and water as the main final destinations. The particular case of mining activity. 5. Soil Decontamination 5.1. Research and contaminated site characterization: A survey history. Standards for soil quality (according to the concept of multifunctionality of the soil or in accordance with usage). Reference levels. Sampling of contaminated soil (particular care in sampling methods depending on the type of contaminant, storage and analysis). Risk analysis. Diagnosis. Prognosis. Selection of remediation methodology. 5.2. Decontamination procedures for inorganic and organic pollutants: On site (in situ) chemical, physical, solidification/stabilization, thermical and biological methods. Off site (ex-situ, on-site and offsite): chemical methods, physical solidification/stabilization/immobilization, thermal, and biological (bioremediation and phytoremediation). Isolation / containment of the affected area. Recommended or required reading Required: Available on-line on the elearning platform or at the ESAB Copy Center: Alvarenga, P. (2010). Manual de Apoio para as Aulas Teóricas de Poluição e Descontaminação de Solos. Escola Superior Agrária de Beja. Beja. Alvarenga, P. (2010). Guia Laboratorial para a Disciplina de Poluição e Descontaminação de Solos. Escola Superior Agrária de Beja. Beja. Recommended: Varennes, A. (2003). Produtividade dos Solos e Ambiente. Escolar Editora. Lisboa. Costa, J.V.B. (1995). Caracterização e Constituição do Solo. 5ª Edição. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa. Pierzynski, G.M., Sims, J.T., and Vance, G.F. (1994). Soils and Environmental Quality. Lewis Publishers. Florida. Quelhas dos Santos, J. (1995). Fertilização e Poluição – Reciclagem Agro-Florestal de Resíduos Orgânicos. Edição de Autor. Lisboa. Alloway, B.J. (Editor) (1995). Heavy Metals in Soils. 2nd Edition. Blackie Academic and Professional. London. Schepart, B.S. (Editor) (1995). Bioremediation of Pollutants in Soil and Water, ASTM. Philadelphia. McBride, M.B. (1994). Environmental Chemistry of Soils. Oxford University Press. International Edition. Kearney, P.C., Roberts, T. (Editors) (1998). Pesticide Remediation in Soils and Water. John Wiley and Sons. International Edition. Wise, D.L., Trantolo, D.J., Cichon, E.J., Inyang, H.I., Stottmeister (Editors) (2000). Remediation Página 2 de 3 Engineering of Contaminated Soils. Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. Leschber, R., Davis, R.D., L’Hermite, P. (Editors) (1985). Chemical Methods for Assessing BioAvailable Metals in Sludges and Soils. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. London. Pinto, P.S.S. (Editor) (1998). Environmental Geotechnics. Volume II – Remediation of Polluted Land and Abandoned Landfills. A.A. Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield. Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course unit, the student should be able to: - Have knowledge on the different sources of soil pollution as well as the different types of pollutants generated by them. To identify the different types of soil decontamination/remediation methods, their application fundamentals and their major advantages and constraints: Constructive techniques versus treatment techniques; In situ versus ex situ techniques; Physical, chemical, solidification/stabilization/immobilization, thermal, and biological techniques. Planned learning activities and teaching methods Expository lectures, practice classes, laboratorial classes, guided study. Contribution to the acquisition and development of specific skills Fundamental: Complementary: Partial: Assessment methods and criteria Laboratorial/Practical evaluation (written reports with discussion of the results obtained in the laboratorial classes): 30%. Theoretical examination (a final exam): 75%. Página 3 de 3