UniversidadeN NovadeLisboaa‐Faculdaded deCiênciasSociiaiseHumanass DepºdeeLínguas,CulturaseLiteratuurasModernasSecçãodeEstu udosInglesese eN.Americanoss USINGTHEIN NTERNET TFORLAN NGUAGEENRICHM MENT DA AVIDHAR RDISTY FSCH1 11DECEM MBER20 010 VITY1W WARMERSHARINGWHATWEDO ACTIV In smaall groups, share the e main thi ngs you do on the Internet inn English (i) For pleasure (ii) For finding mateerial for yo our classes (iii) To practisse/check/learn morre about EEnglish. ACTIV VITY2US SINGGOO OGLEBASSICSEAR RCH–CAN NYOUFIN NDIT? A. Here are eeight words. Six of tthem are words. Tw wo are invvented. Which two? hactivist ssnood CAP PTCHA po urblack diingbat nyb bble hove rplane, overclockking ment: Actually seven n are wordds, pourblaack is not! Comm ACTIV VITY3US SINGGOO OGLEFUN NCTIONS SDEFINEANDDEFFINE:WH HAT DOESITMEAN N? Google forr the meanning of the e words, a and some exampless in Now search in G contexxt. Type ee.g. DEFINE hactivistt DEFINEE: hactivist What iis the diffeerence be etween DEEFINE and DEFINE: ACTIV VITY4US SEYOUREYESG GOOGLEIIMAGES Select Images. SSearch for DISC thenn DISK. What differe ences can you see in the imagess (if any)? And haave a lookk at SNOOD. (cf. meeasles v. chicken po ox v. Germ man measle es v. mum mps) VITY5SP PELLINGINGOOG GLE ACTIV Type ccientific w what happ pens? Weell we kno ow but justt to compplete this… … 1 UniversidadeN NovadeLisboaa‐Faculdaded deCiênciasSociiaiseHumanass DepºdeeLínguas,CulturaseLiteratuurasModernasSecçãodeEstu udosInglesese eN.Americanoss ACTIV VITY6US SINGQUO OTATION NMARKS(““) Type ““The”. Now w many hiits do you get? Type e “The tea acher” How w many? Game:: Keep add ding one w word to “TThe teache er”, makin ng a legitim mate senttence as you go along.. See how the numbber of hitss goes dow wn, and seee how lon ng you can maake the seentence an nd still fin d a hit! Comm ment: You jjust prove ed languagge is generative cf C CHOMSKY demolishing SKINNER and BEEHAVIOUR RISM in 19960. VITY7TH HEIMPOR RTANCEOFQUOT TATIONM MARKS ACTIV Type TThe Univerrsity of Lissbon and ““The Univversity of LLisbon” i.ee. with and d withou ut the quo otation maarks. Any ddifference e? Compaare “The U University of Lisbon ” v. “Lisbon Univerrsity” Repeat with “Th he Universsity of Lonndon ” v. ““London U University”” onclusionss? Any co Comm ment: One of the tricckiest deciisions whe en writing g, especial ly techniccal English h, is betweeen “ The A of B” v.. B A . Som metimes both are poossible, sometimes just one. VITY8TH HEUSEO OFTHEASSTERISK*The“UTTERLY AMAZING” ACTIV ACTIV VITY A. What wou uld you pu ut in the space: She e has * going? Now Try ssearching for “She hhas * going” What are the m most popullar hits? u”, “speakk * you”, “say * you””, “tell * yyou”. Find B. Now try ““talk * you exampless of prepossitions andd see how w many DIFFERENT pprepositio ons you can fiind. wn five ad djectives/aadjectival phrases th hat you caan find witth C. Write dow Totally *, absolutely *, utterlly *, comp pletely * 2 UniversidadeN NovadeLisboaa‐Faculdaded deCiênciasSociiaiseHumanass DepºdeeLínguas,CulturaseLiteratuurasModernasSecçãodeEstu udosInglesese eN.Americanoss ACTIV VITY9ST TYLE–NU UMBERS,,TIMES,D DATES,C CURRENC CY, TEMP PERATUR RE What iis the datee today? H How do yoou write itt/teach yo our studennts how to o write it? Aree there maany ways?? One “besst” way? What ttime was tthis sessio on scheduuled for? P Please writte in numbbers. Guess the temperature in n this room m and writte it in numbers. numbers aand symbools the cosst of four‐bedroomeed house in Write down in n end too loong thinking! central Lisbon –– don’t spe om? Write e in numbbers and per… What iis the perccentage of females in this roo Now search for “ENGLISH H STYLE GU UIDE” in G Google and d make suure it is http:///ec.europa.eu/translation/w riting/style_guides//english/sstyle_guide_en.p df http:///ec.europa.eu/translation/ennglish/guid delines/do ocuments/ s/whats_new_st yle_gu uide_en.pd df Comm ment: The EEuropean Union Styyle Guide for English h has madde a lot of changees in this aarea in the e last coupple of years. ACTIV VITY10S STYLENE EWWORD DS Go toh http://styleguide.yaahoo.com//word‐list If we h have lots o of computters, each group will be given n a letter (A A, B and C C…). Go to tthat page and choo ose a wordd you do n not know tthat you liike and waant to share w with other groups. Comm ment: Go to o the # page. What do THEY d do with ºC C ? ACTIV VITY11Y YAHOOLISTOFNEWWOR RDS–FOR RMINGP OSSESSIV VES http:///styleguide.yahoo.ccom/editinng/punctu uate‐proficciently/appostrophes Serious information for ‘ss v. s’ v. s’ss (Oh and d is it 3 CD’s or 3 CD s ?) 3CDss 3 UniversidadeN NovadeLisboaa‐Faculdaded deCiênciasSociiaiseHumanass DepºdeeLínguas,CulturaseLiteratuurasModernasSecçãodeEstu udosInglesese eN.Americanoss ACTIV VITY12STYLEPARAGRA APHS Have yyou ever taught parragraph w riting with h the idea of the “toopic sente ence”? We will look brieefly (togetther to savve you typ ping the links in) at http:///www.nyttimes.com m/2010/122/09/techn nology/09 9net.html??_r=1&nl= =today sheadllines&emcc=a2 http:///www.guaardian.co.uk/media /2010/dec/09/operation‐payyback‐wikkileaks‐ anonymous http:///www.bbcc.co.uk/ne ews/technnology‐119 971259 What d do you no otice about typical pparagraphs/sentencces? Comm ment: Mostt BBC new ws articles just use ssingle senttence paraagraphs m most of the tim me. VITY13W WORDSINUSEG GOOGLET TRENDS ACTIV Go to G Google an nd Type Go oogle Trennds and G Go to the G Google Treends Site. Type u up to five iitems, sep parated byy commas e.g. pupills, studentts Comm ment: This is last beccause I spooke aboutt it last yea ar, but to me it is fascinaating. If yo ou are reading this aand we arre stuck on n an earlieer activity and there aare fifteen n minutes to go, tell me to jump to herre! Try cab b, taxi. Plaay around with the regions off the world, especiaally UK and d the USA. N Notice the words vary from toown to tow wn. Try pupils, studeents. Whaat do you nnotice? uese. Try Wiikileaks. Recession. OR crise i n Portugu And lookk at http://w www.google.org/about/fllutrends/how w.html 4