I Workshop Programa Mudanças Climáticas
São Paulo
May 11 - 12, 2011
social and ecological dimensions of climate change
on the Coast of São Paulo
(FAPESP n.o 2008/58159-7) – 2009-2013
Coordinator: Lúcia da Costa Ferreira
Principal Researchers: Leila da Costa Ferreira; Carlos A. Joly; Roberto do Carmo
Environmental Research Center; Population Studies Center – University of Campinas
Embrapa Satellite Monitoring
Indiana University (USA)
Durhan University (United Kingdom)
Griffith University (Australia)
Associate Faculty Earth System Governance
Federal University of São Carlos
Vale do Paraíba University
Defesa Civil
Mateus Batistella
Marcelo Coutinho Vargas
Cristiana Simão Seixas
Thales Haddad de Andrade
Sônia da Cal Seixas
Marcos Pereira Marinho Aidar
Simone Aparecida Vieira
Jorge Y. Tamashiro
Álvaro de Oliveira D`Antona
Zoraide Amarante Itapura de Miranda
Eduardo Marandola Jr.
Eliane Simões
Humberto Prates da - Fonseca Alves
Gabriela Marques Di Giulio
Ricardo Ojima
Sunil D. Santha
Leonardo Freire de Mello
How demographic and social dynamics
interact with the ecological dynamics
of forest cover to produce a region of high
environmental vulnerability
in a context of global climate change
on Coast of São Paulo, Brazil ?
General Purpose
This project proposes a polycentric and
interdisciplinary approach at various levels with
active oversight of local, regional, and national
stakeholders to addressing the complex problems
of climate change caused by greenhouse gas
1) In view of social and environmental vulnerability,
the dynamic social, political, demographic and
environmental in study area, aiming to identify and
map their key challenges - both from the
standpoint of ecological characterization with a
focus on biodiversity, and also on human
dimensions of sustainability, such as environmental
conflicts in the region, and political-institutional
responses to the problem;
2) In view of social and political adaptations, the patterns of:
land use and land cover;
production and consumption of natural resources; mortality by groups
of cause;
experience of municipal governments in harmonizing economic growth,
social justice and environmental protection at the local level, seeking to
identify them;
conflicts (local, regional and global actors and arenas) concerning the
irregular settlements on the Serra do Mar State Park;
human activities related to urban sprawl and growing infrastructure
needs have already affected adjacent forest areas in terms of floristic
composition, when compared with similar forest in other areas of the
Northern Coast of São Paulo, and whether air pollution and deposition
of nitrogen compounds produced by the Gas Processing Plant under
construction will enhance plants’ growth rate.
1: The growth and morphology of cities and the
vulnerability of their populations, infrastructures
and places (Roberto do Carmo);
2: Global environmental change and public policy at
the local level: risks and alternatives (Leila da
Costa Ferreira);
3: Conflicts between urban expansion and forest
cover and consequences for global environmental
change (Lúcia da Costa Ferreira);
4: Urban expansion and environmental changes on
the Northern Coast of São Paulo State: impacts on
biodiversity (Carlos Joly).
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
A microrregião de Caraguatatuba (área conhecida também por Litoral Norte) é uma das
microregiões do estado de São Paulo
pertence à mesorregião Vale do Paraíba paulista
Está localizada na porção mais ao norte do litoral, fazendo fronteira com o Rio de Janeiro
População estimada [IBGE] em 2006 - 281.532 habitantes
The São Paulo Coast, Brazil summarizes the socioecological dilemmas of contemporary economic
The combined pressures of tourism, industry, oil
extraction transport, challenges to quality of life and
sustainable development are increasingly difficult to
Environmental and climate changes will intensify
these pressures and further limit the margin of
maneuver of planners
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2010)
metodologia comum - particularidades dos grupos de pesquisa - interconnected and
Equipe interdisciplinar
Ciências Sociais e Demografia
Coleta de dados e análise: Situacional - Processual
Multiescalar (tempo, espaço)
Multidimensional (níveis de organização)
Instrumentos de integração
Banco de dados
Programas de tratamento quali – quanti (Nvivo)
Ciências Biológicas e Ecologia Humana
Elaborado por
Allan Yu I. de Mello (2011)
São Sebastião
Campo de Mexilhão (GOMES e MARANHÃO, 2008)
Canteiro de obras da parte marinha do Projeto Mexilhão na Praia das Palmeiras, em Caraguatatuba
Consolidation of data from Census 2000 in a georeferenced database.
Data on notifiable diseases on the basis of DATASUS; Data Transmitted
Diseases Water and Food (TDWF) historical records of the
Epidemiological Surveillance.
Role of Local Governments in Areas with Effects on Climate Change.
Political-institutional strategies (federal/regional and local).
Political-Institutional Structure in Coastal Cities
Environmental legislation in the Coastal Cities
Estimation of human occupation on the shoreline in urban areas in the
North Coast
Survey and identification in the North Coast: social actors and
institutional decision-making arenas, patterns of interaction and action
strategies; main centers of scientific expertise acting in direct and
indirect environmental arenas in the region; patterns of land
management, legal instruments (State Park, National Park, Master Plans
in the city of Ubatuba, integrating factors and disintegration of social
groups in decision making; Civil Associations and executed projects;
thick description of the videos of the public hearing portion of the
Marine Mussel Project; dynamic process of defining environmental risks
and impacts of the Gas Treatment Unit Caraguatatuba.)
Definition of two focus groups to discuss climate change and risks.
Based on census tracts and areas of consideration, we analyzed
the distribution of population, people with incomes of up to two
minimum wages, water and sewer service and garbage collection
to Caraguatatuba and Santos on the coast of São Paulo, also
different types Risk and Vulnerability (landslides, flooding,
shoreline distance).
Obtaining data of the physical environment in institutions such as
IPT and Civil Defense.
Phytosociological inventory and summer sample of tree
ecophysiology parameter in Lowland Tropical Atlantic Moist
Forest in Caraguatatuba.
Definition of indicators and vulnerability maps for coastal areas,
identifying the variables that make up the regional scenario of
urban sprawl and environmental changes.
Masters & PHD dissertations defended: 6
Masters & PHD dissertations in progress: 21
Scholarships abroad: 4
Initiation Scientific in progress: 10
Technical Improvement fellowships: 5
Geographical Database: NEPO (2011)
Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento PAC:
O é um programa do Governo Federal brasileiro que engloba um conjunto de políticas econômicas,
planejadas para os quatro anos seguintes, e que tem como objetivo acelerar o crescimento econômico
do Brasil,
prevendo investimentos até 2010, sendo uma de suas prioridades a infra-estrutura, como portos e
É coordenado pelo Comitê Gestor do PAC (CGPAC), composto pelos ministros da Casa Civil, da Fazenda
e do Planejamento.
Há também o Grupo Executivo do PAC (GEPAC), que busca estabelecer metas e acompanhar a
implementação do PAC.
Muito Obrigada!
Lúcia da Costa Ferreira
[email protected]/[email protected]
Environmental Research Center
State University of Campinas
Rua dos Flamboyants, 155, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, CEP
13083-867, Campinas, SP, Brazil

Lúcia da Costa Ferreira