Import Tutorial - VMware Player
This document provides the necessary guidelines to import a
virtual machine in VMware Player.
Versão 1.0
Import guide to VMware Player.
Pablo Bandeira
Michel Moreira de Andrade
André Sérgio de Santana Cabral (Gerente do Contrato)
André Sérgio de Santana Cabral (Gerente do Contrato)
Guia de instalação do ambiente Citsmart para testes
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1. Objective................................................................................................................ 4 2. Scenario ................................................................................................................ 5 3. Import the Virtual Machine ................................................................................. 5 Guia de instalação do ambiente Citsmart para testes
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List of Images
Image 1 - Path to import a Virtual Machine ......................................................... 5 Image 2 – Path to select the file.ovf in the directory ........................................ 6 Image 3 – Summary Screen of virtual machine ................................................. 7 1. Objective
This document presents a tutorial to import a virtual machine in VMware
Guia de instalação do ambiente Citsmart para testes
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2. Scenario
In this environment, we will use Virtual Machines already created and that are
available in 2 (two) operational systems.
The download links are available at “ ”
1. Import the Virtual Machine
Open the software VMware Player, click in “Open a Virtual Machine”,
according to image 1.
Image 1 - Path to import a Virtual Machine
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Find and select the file (file.ovf ) , which was previously downloaded. Select
the file and click in Import according to image 2.
Image 2 – Path to select the file.ovf in the directory
After opening the selected file, you will see a summary of the information from
the imported virtual machine. The screen with the summary of the virtual machine
can be seen in image 3.
Let´s start the Virtual Machine. Click in “Play virtual machine”.
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Image 3 – Summary Screen of virtual machine
Wait until the end of the operating system boot. Press Alt + F2 to open a
session to authenticate with the username and password below. According to
image 4.
Username: root
Password: citsmart
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Image 4 – User Authentication
Once authenticated in the system, check the automatically assigned IP by
DHCP, to do this use the command "ifconfig", as shown in the images 5 and 6.
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Image 5 – Command to check the IP
Image 6 – IP automatically assigned by DHCP
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With the listed IP from the command above, access Citsmart by the browser
using the "http://IP:8080/citsmart". Below follows an example of an url:
After waiting a few minutes, while the JBOSS is started, a Login
interface of Cistmart will be presented. To change the language simply
click on the flag that is on the right side of the access area. The Login
will be performed with the following username and password. According
to image 7.
Username: admin
Password: password
Image 7 – Login Citsmart Screen
Citsmart is ready to be used.
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Import Tutorial - VMware Player