APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Please read carefully the instructions bellow to fill the online application form. REGISTERING ONLINE 1. Cre ate an Acco un t: 2. Fill ou t th e r equir ed field s: DO NO T use all capital letters and diacritical markings when answering items, e.g., name, address, etc. It is better to use upper and lower case without diacritical markings, e.g. Jose Maranhao. COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION Preliminary Questions 1. You r a ns wer s to th e Pr elimina ry Que st io ns sh ou ld b e: 1. Brazil; 2. Yes; 2. After answering the Preliminary Questions, you will be redirected to the Home screen. You can start your application by clicking on Application Form. HELPFUL TIPS 3. Oft en spe cific in st ru ction s f or comple ting a ques tion or item is pr ov id ed in the a pplica tion, b ut plea se r ev iew th e followin g impor tan t inf orma tion : You do not need to complete your application at one sitting. You can re-enter at anytime and edit your application. But once you submit your application, you can NO longer make changes to it; All forms in this application are to be completed in English. Items must be answered completely and carefully; - You can copy and paste information into all text boxes; In the text boxes, you must limit your responses to the space provided. Information that exceeds the space provided would not display or print; You can review each page of the application in its PDF format by clicking on the Preview button on the upper right-hand corner. Closing the PDF view will bring you back to your application; Avoid using all capital letters and diacritical markings when answering items, e.g., name, address, etc. It is better to use upper and lower case without diacritical markings; You will create two long essays. On the essay pages, text entered that exceeds the space provided will display and print. However, it is recommended that you try to keep your essays to one and a half pages when possible. APPLICATION FORM ! Family Name/Surname, First, Middle : it is very important that you list your name exactly as it appears (or will appear) on your passport. Do not omit/neglect any of your names. Do not use diacritical markings; Perm anent m ailing address: it is very important that a mailing company can reach the informed address, so please use your address as stated in all your correspondence. e.g.: Rua Getulio Vargas, and not Getulio Vargas Street; APPLICATION FORM Mandatory Documents - Essays There are some ways in which you can create your essays: 1. Yo u c an u ploa d a doc u m ent. While you cannot edit an uploaded document on-line, you can delete your upload, make your corrections in your document off-line, and upload again; or 2 . Yo u c an c om pose you r essay on-line . Please note there is a 40 minutes ‘time out’ function. In other words, you will need to either complete your essay in 40 minutes or periodically save your essay. You will not be able to customize the formatting of your essay; 3 . Yo u c an c opy a nd paste text f rom a nother do c um ent a nd edit onl ine. Again, you will have a 40 minutes “time-out” function. You will not be able to customize the formatting; - You should previ ew all of your essays to make sure the formatting is correct before submitting your application. - When you preview an essay, you m u st u se the “Ba ck ” b row ser b u tton to retu rn to you r essay. Closing out of the HTML preview (i.e. clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner) will exit you from your application, - You should write in English a clear and detailed description of the program you want to pursue. If writing online, pay attention to the formatting information of margins. ! Plagiarism : Material misrepresentation (e.g., plagiarism) at any time during the application or grant period is grounds for selection withdrawal or grant termination, as well as ineligibility for future participation. • Applicants should be aware that plagiarism in applications will not be tolerated. If applicants plagiarize by not properly citing sources in their applications (personal statements, essays, etc.), their applications will be disqualified. • By checking the box, you are indicating that you understand both what actions constitute plagiarism in this application, and the consequences resulting from any plagiarism found in your submission. ESSAY 1: Com pleting the Objectives: essay provides the readers (your home country contact, FLTA Program staff and your future supervisor and other university/college officials) with a picture of you and your career interests. This essay will allow you to: • Emphasize key qualifications, areas of expertise, skills and/or goals Tip: Reflect on your overall qualifications and career goals: In what ways do they fit with the FLTA Program? Help the readers find out about your character/ personality. Tip: Think about making a good first impression; • Appeal to college/university supervisor expectations Consider: What qualifications are most desired by college and university professors in a language teacher/assistant? What other personal qualities do you possess that would make you attractive to them? Think about what role--or roles— you expect to have on campus? Institutions Attended: Please list all post-secondary institutions attended in reverse order (putting the most recently attended first). List all postsecondary institutions attended even those from which you did not obtain a degree. ESSAY 2: Methodologies and techniques: This brief essay should focus on the language you will be teaching in the U.S. (not English). Is a shorter essay, you should take great care with your responses. • This short essay provides an opportunity for you to show your ability to meet the language Teaching Assistant needs of U.S. host institutions. ESSAY 3: This short essay should be your own unique ideas. It is recommended you keep quotations and the use of outside sources to a minimum. However, if you decide to use quotes or information from an outside source, you must include a citation for each one utilized (this refers to websites as well). • This short essay provides another opportunity for you to communicate your understanding of the program’s goals and why you would be an appropriate candidate, List all referees who will submit a letter of reference for you. Although you are listing them here, you must register the same referees at a later stage of your application (Menu 5 > Recommendations). APPLICATION FORM Upload Documents • The upload page can only support one document with a maximum size of 2 MB. If you have multiple documents, please combine them into one and upload as a single entity; • Remember to upload all the documents listed below. 1. Upload diplom a and academ ic transcripts of your undergraduate and/ or post-graduate studies, if applicable, in only one file. At this point the documents can be in Portuguese. 2. Upload you Score Report: Test Scores: upload your TOEFL iBT (score 79 or higher), TOEFL iTP (score 550 or higher) or IELTS (score 6,0 or higher) certificate/score report in only one file; 3. Upload your Official ID: copies of your current passport, CNH or RG. Attention to upload all documents in just one file, otherwise the second file invalidates the first, and so on. 4. Upload your CV: Attach your Curriculum Vitae, maximum of 3 (three) pages. SUPPLEMENTAL FORMS Skip this Page 4. Often specific instructions for each of the Supplemental Forms is provided in the Application, but please review the following important information: - Reference Form: You must not download the PDF, click on the Continue Recommendations button or Go to the Menu 5 > Recommendations; LETTER OF REFERENCE/ RECOMMENDATION Register Referee Letter of Reference/Recom m endation: you must have three letters of reference (or recommendation) submitted on your behalf. Your recommenders must complete your letter of recommendation online and submit electronically. You must register them as follows: STEP 1: Go to the Menu 5 > Recommendations and Register a Recommender STEP 2: Submit Registration LETTER OF REFERENCE/ RECOMMENDATION Complete the online Letter of Recommendation Your recommenders will receive an email with information for them to login and complete online the forms and submit electronically. STEP 1: The referee might submit electronically STEP 2: Find the Applicant STEP 3: To do List STEP 4: Register the Letter of Reference STEP 5: Submit the online letter and confirm electronic signature APPLICATION INSPECTOR View Results 5. Before you can submit your online application electronically, your application will be reviewed for completeness. If there is missing information, you will be prompted to correct by the Application Inspector. SUBMIT APPLICATION Signature 6. After completing your online application and thoroughly reviewing it, you can submit it electronically to the Fulbright Commission. Please note that after submitting your application you will be able to access and print it, as well as the supplemental forms and documents, but you will not be able to make any changes to your application. YOUR APPLICATION PROCESS W ILL ONLY BE CONCLUDED AFTER YOU HAVE SUBM ITED YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION FORM .