U NIVERSIDADE T ÉCNICA DE L ISBOA I NSTITUTO S UPERIOR T ÉCNICO Prompt and displaced muon production in Indium-Indium collisions as measured by the NA60 experiment André David Tinoco Mendes (Licenciado) Dissertação submetida para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Física Orientador Co-Orientador Doutor João Carlos Carvalho de Sá Seixas Doutor Carlos Manuel de Assunção Lopes Lourenço Júri Presidente Vogais Reitor da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Doutor Jorge Venceslau Comprido Dias de Deus Doutor Louis Kluberg Doutor João Carlos Carvalho de Sá Seixas Doutor Carlos Manuel de Assunção Lopes Lourenço Doutor Gaspar Pereira Morais Barreira Fevereiro de 2006 Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade Técnica de Lisboa The NA60 Experiment European Organization for Particle Physics Cover figure On the left side, a measurement comparable to previous experiments: dimuon mass. We have data (black squares), Drell-Yan (red up triangles) normalised to NA3 and NA50 measurements (1.0), open charm muon pairs (blue down triangles) normalised to a world average of charm production cross-sections (1.0) and the sum of the last two (green circles). The best description of this distribution in the intermediate mass region (χ2 /ndf=1.8 for 1.2 < Mµµ < 2.7 GeV/c2 ) comes from fixing the Drell-Yan yield to our expectation (allowing for a ±10% variation to account for normalisation errors) and letting the open charm contribution free. We see that the while the high mass region is properly described, the open charm yield would seem to be enhanced by a factor 3.77 ± 0.22 with respect to the world average. On the right side, a measurement unique to NA60: weighted muon offsets with respect to the identified interaction vertex (∆). For events in the intermediate mass region (1.2 < Mµµ < 2.7 GeV/c2 ) we now leave a prompt (red up triangles) contribution and an open charm (blue down triangles) contribution simultaneously free, with a resulting fit χ2 /ndf of 0.9. The prompt yield is found to be 1.91 ± 0.11 higher than the expected Drell-Yan contribution which described the mass spectrum, while open charm is at the same level of p-A dimuon measurements by NA50, namely roughly two times higher than the world average. These results show that a prompt source of dimuons other than Drell-Yan is responsible for the dimuon intermediate mass region excess seen by NA60, NA50 and NA38. U NIVERSIDADE T ÉCNICA DE L ISBOA I NSTITUTO S UPERIOR T ÉCNICO Prompt and displaced muon production in Indium-Indium collisions as measured by the NA60 experiment André David Tinoco Mendes (Licenciado) Dissertação submetida para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Física Orientador Co-Orientador Doutor João Carlos Carvalho de Sá Seixas Doutor Carlos Manuel de Assunção Lopes Lourenço Júri Presidente Vogais Reitor da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Doutor Jorge Venceslau Comprido Dias de Deus Doutor Louis Kluberg Doutor João Carlos Carvalho de Sá Seixas Doutor Carlos Manuel de Assunção Lopes Lourenço Doutor Gaspar Pereira Morais Barreira Fevereiro de 2006