To BM&FBOVESPA S.A. Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange Issuers Oversight Department Attn: Mr. Nelson Barroso Ortega C.c. Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) Mr. Fernando Soares Vieira – Department of Company Relations Mr. Waldir de Jesus Nobre – Department of Market Relations and Intermediates Sirs, We are hereby providing the clarification that Aliansce Shopping Centers S.A. (“Company”) considers applicable to the request for information made in the Letter GAE 0078-12 of January 10, 2012, sent by BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (“Request”), which is transcribed below: “GAE 0078-12 January 10, 2012 Aliansce Shopping Centers S.A. Investor Relations Department Mr. Henrique Christino Cordeiro Guerra Sirs, A news item in the January 10, 2012 edition of Valor Econômico newspaper mentions, among others, that the company’s average net cash in 2012 should be R$ 300 million. We request a clarification on said news item as well as other information deemed important, on or before January 11, 2012. Note that this request is made within the ambit of the Cooperation Agreement entered into between CVM and BM&FBOVESPA on December 13, 2011, and that its non-compliance may subject this company to a fine levied by the Department of Corporate Relations(SEP) of CVM pursuant to CVM Rule 452/07. Sincerely Nelson Barroso Ortega Issuers Oversight Department BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange Phone: +55 (11) 2565-6063 / 2565-7222 C.c. Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) Mr. Fernando Soares Vieira – Department of Corporate Relations Mr. Waldir de Jesus Nobre - Department of Market Relations and Intermediates” Company’s clarifications: Regarding the news item in the January 10, 2012 edition of the Valor Econômico newspaper, (“News”), which reported that the Company’s average net cash in 2012 should be R$300 million, the Company hereby clarifies that this information should not be taken as guidance as it is was merely an example provided in the article. It is merely an expectation that may or may not be achieved, and the projections are identified as hypothetical data that do not constitute a commitment to perform, which should be reasonable and followed by relevant premises and the explanation that they may be influenced by the Company’s Management and are beyond its control, parameters and the methodology adopted, which is not the case here. Moreover, if the Company discloses any guidance; it would do so in accordance with the applicable rules and not through a news report. We hope we have clarified your query. We are available for any further clarifications, if required. Rio de Janeiro, January 11, 2012. Aliansce Shopping Centers S.A. Henrique Christino Cordeiro Guerra Investor Relations Officer