July 3rd, 2015
Duratex S.A.
Mr. Flávio Marassi Donatelli
Investor Relations Directors
Ref.: Request of clarification about news broadcasted in the press
Dear Sirs,
The news broadcasted by the newspaper Valor Econômico, from July 3rd 2015, contains,
among other information, that this Company:
 will postpone the beginning of the wood panel plant operations, at Triângulo Mineiro, that
would start operating in 2017, for at least three years;
 is reviewing its strategic plan, in which intended to double its size until 2020;
 in November 2014, started to adopt measures to decrease its variable costs that will
enable the increase of R$ 80 million in cash generation measured by Ebitda in three
We ask, that until July 6th 2015, clarification on the content of the referred news be made, as
well as other information considered important.
In the document to be sent it must be transcript the content of the consult formulated above
before the Company’s answer.
This request falls under the Cooperation Agreement, signed by CVM and BM&FBOVESPA in
December 13th 2011 and its noncompliance can subject the Company to an eventual
punitive fine application by the CVM’s Company Relation Superintendence (SEP), respecting
the arrangement CVM’s nº 452/07 instruction.
Nelson Barroso Ortega
Superintendent of Company’s Follow-up
c.c.: CVM - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários
Mr. Fernando Soares Vieira – Superintendent of Company’s Relation
Mr. Waldir de Jesus Nobre – Superintendent of Market and Intermediaries Relations
São Paulo (SP), July 6th 2015.
BM&FBOVESPA S.A. - Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros
Superintendence of Companies’ Follow-up
At. Sr. Nelson Barroso Ortega
São Paulo (SP)
Ref.: Clarification on broadcasted news by newspaper Valor Econômico from July 3rd 2015
Dear Sirs,
In response to your questions presented in the above Official Letter, follow the requested
in March 2014, Duratex announced the investment in the wood panel plant operation at
Triângulo Mineiro. However, in the 4th quarter 2014 Management Report, the Company
informed that this investment was under revision, due to the deterioration of the
economic scenario. Since the Company has enough capacity to meet current demand,
the beginning of this new plant construction will depend on the recovery of internal
market growth. Even if the market resume the growth observed in the last years, there
will be no necessity to increase capacity for the next 3 years;
(ii) regarding our Strategic Plan, it is under revision, considering the economic scenario. The
growth goals are maintained and will be adjusted to the economy’s behavior, keeping in
mind that the investment described at item (i) is a relevant part of this strategy; and
(iii) as reported in our 1st quarter 2015 Management Report, the Company together with
Falconi Consultancy has started, in November 2014 the Duratex Management System
with focus in reducing the costs with several internal actions. This action plan estimates
to enable the reffered saving accumulated in 3 years, but will also depend on the
economy performance in the next years.
We remain available for any further clarification.
Flavio Marassi Donatelli
Investor Relations Director
c.c.: CVM - Comissão de Valores Mobiliários
Mr. Fernando Soares Vieira – Superintendent of Company’s Relation
Mr. Waldir de Jesus Nobre – Superintendent of Market and Intermediaries Relations

Market Notice