Assessing the diversity of herpetofauna in Gorongosa National Park Author: Francisco Domingos Francisco Valério Macandza TOPICS 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Location of the Study Area 4. Methodology 5. Results 6. Conclusion 7. Recomendations INTRODUCTION • In recent decades, environmental conservation concerns have been the subject of discussion and research worldwide. • They are known in the world about 5,000 species of amphibians and more than 8000 species of reptiles. • Studies of inventorying and distribution of herpetofauna communities of an area is an essential step to the knowledge of their natural heritage. • Allows you to identify threatened populations contributing to the periodization of these areas in allocating conservation efforts OBJECTIVES General Specif To assess the diversity of the herpetological fauna and its distribution in GNP Identify the herpetological species and their abundance in habitats Cheringoma Upland and Chitengo; Compare the richness and diversity of herpetofauna species between habitats and sampling sites; LOCALIZACAO DA AREA DE ESTUDOS • Precipitação média anual 840mm – 2.000mm no Vale do Rift e 1200 a 1300 mm no Planalto de Cheringoma •Vegetação de Cheringoma dominada por floresta de miombo, caracteriza-se pela predominância da espécie arbórea Brachystegia que incluem a Brachystegia longifolia, a Julbernardia globiflora (Mussassa), o Combretum sp., a Terminalia sericea, o Strychnos sp. a Sclerocarya birrea. SELECÇÃO DOS LOCAIS DE AMOSTRAGEM DO ESTUDO DIFERENTES HABITATS DA AREA DE ESTUDOS Pantanoso F Florestado Ribeirinho Lacustre METHODOLOGY Data Colection Demand and direct observation consisted of hiking with an average duration of 8 hrs per day, made by three people who traveled on foot, slowly, systematically searching fauna along three transects: Each transect contained an estimated width of 2m in all visually accessible micro-habitats, in which were recorded occurrences of reptiles and amphibians In the mornings the searches took place from 6:00 to 10:00 and in the afternoon and evening from 17:00 to 21:00 The searches took place in different areas in terms of gradients of moisture Intercept and Fall Trap (IFT) Each consisted of four plastic buckets 50 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter with 4m spacing between them. Each of the 4 buckets composing each trap remained six days making a total of 24 "trapnights". Traps were inspected 2 times a day (morning and late afternoon). RESULTADOS Classe Nr de especies Nr de familia Nr Ordens Anfibios 31 11 1 42 19 3 Repteis In the amphibian class, the family with the largest representation was Hyperolidae, which includes 3 genera and 11 species. As for the conservation status of these species according to the IUCN Red List, 48% are stable, 7% in growing, 16% in decline, 13% is unknown and 16% had not yet been evaluated or cataloged. The most represented was the order Squamata with 10 and; The Colubridae family that has the highest number of genera with a total of 9 and 11 species RESULTADOS – Cont. RESULTADOS 30 S -repteis S - anfibios H - Anfibios H - Anfibios 1.5 25 20 1 15 10 0.5 5 0 Indice de Shannon (H) Numero de especies (S) Numero de espécies e Índice de diversidade por Habitats 0 Florestados Ribeirinhos Pantanosos Lacustres Caracteristicas do habitat RESULTADOS-Cont. 30 S -repteis S - anfibios H - Anfibios H - Anfibios 3 25 2.5 20 2 15 1.5 10 1 5 0.5 0 0 LA-1 LA-2 LA-3 Local de Amostragem LA-4 Indice de Shannon (H) Numero de especies (S) Numero de espécies e índice de diversidade por Locais de Amostragem Algumas das sp identificada Figura A16: Amietophynus maculatus Leptopelis flavomaculatus Atractaspis bibronii Hiperolius argus Pelusius sinuatus Amietophrynus maculatus Chamaleo dilepis CONCLUSIONS • Of the 84 species of amphibians and 280 species of reptiles found in Mozambique, at least 31 amphibian and 42 reptile species occur in GPN: • The Hyperolidae family has the highest taxonomic diversity being distributed in 3 genera and 11 species: • The largest number of species found is in the order Squamata • The greatest number of amphibian species was observed in marshy habitats of each LA: • In Reptilia class, the highest richness of species is found in forested regions RECOMENDATIONS To GPN: • Monitor the diversity and abundance in the studied sites; • Expand the survey in areas not covered in this study; • Strengthen the conservation areas'' hot spot'' in species whose populations tend to decline in the IUCN Red List, such as Delicatus Afrixalus, Arthroleptis enodactyloides, Hyperolius argus, Leptopelis mossambicus and Leptopelis flavomaculatus; To Local Communities: •That they become aware of the need to prevent of watercourses pollution and deforestation. Assessment of genetic variability chanfuta (Afzelia quanzensis Welw.) In Michafutene forest: implications for species conservation programs Militão E., Maquia I., Mazivele M., Chirinzane C., Goulão L. Ribeiro N. e Ribeiro A. FOLLOWING OF THE PRESENTATION GENERAL The Importance of Chanfuta Problem AIMS METHODOLOGY Results and Discussion Content ISSR phenetic analysis CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES GENERAL Conservation of the populations unsustainable use of natural resources non-uniform resource distribution → Forests - vital source for life on earth illegal exploitation, lack of working capital and short cycles of tree felling lack of replacing of felled resources Chanfuta occupies a top place Fabaceae, cesaelpinoideae. Height 4-24 m. Can reachup to 35m. It has great value in construction, handicrafts, firewood, medicine (treatment of gonorrhea, snake bites, visual problems, chest pain), cultural (believed to bring luck), ornamental. Importância da Chanfuta Ambiente Estabilidade dos ecossistemas Madeira para construção (exportação) Socioeconomia Alimentação animal Saúde Cultura Medicina tradicional Adereços Mitos e crenças 4 Problem Michafutene Plantation is one of the few areas of the country with ex situ conservation from an area of 1000 ha with more than 20 species, there were only about 50 ha left largely unknown diversity progressive degradation It is urgent to develop conservation strategies OBJECTIVES General To evaluate the degree of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the existing population of the chanfuta Forest of Michafutene Specif Sampling Develop ISSR molecular markers for this species Characterize diversity of the Michafutene Forest 30 samples taken from 15 plots geographic reference of the áreas through GPS Leaves were preserved in silica Frozen in liquid nitrogen and preserved at -80°C Cont. Extracção e purificação de DNA genómico Selecção de primers ISSR (27 testados, 4 seleccionados). Análise dos primers seleccionados Eletroforese capilar em sequenciador automático Análise fenética 9 RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO a b 0 3 _ P 3 _ 1 3 _ 1 .E 0 2 _ 1 3 0 2 0 5 1 2 H O 0 4 _ P 5 _ 5 9 _ 1 .D 0 7 _ 1 3 0 2 1 2 1 2 O F 8000 1000 900 7000 800 886.60 230.57 6000 700 289.35 886.13 292.13 118.00 600 5000 500 274.70 4000 297.54 286.21 400 75 133.90 350 200 284.44 3000 300 500 248.57 650 1000 876.90 69.86 850 200 896.04 750 255.70 536.83 258.48 71.95 2000 950 876.55 895.46 100 565.99 81.23 1000 50 0 550 79.21 75.43 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 S ize ( n t) 600 700 800 900 1000 Dye Signal Dye Signal 150 200 250 150 200 250 66.26 302.62 541.54 450 350 370.83 550.80 0 0 50 100 300 S ize ( n t) 350 400 450 500 550 600 Exemplo de um padrão de fluorescência gerado por 2 primers nos acessos 13 e 59 10 RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO Conteúdo ISSR Primer ISSR 6 ISSR 18 ISSR 23 ISSR 24 Total Media Sequência (5’-3’) VHV(GT)7 BDB(CA)7 (AC)8YG (GA)8YC NTB 45 34 30 30 139 34.75 NBP 45 33 29 27 134 33.5 P% 100.00 97.06 96.67 90.00 95.93 Y = C + T; B = T + C; D = A + T + G; V = A + C + G; R = A + G Maquia et al. (2013) Anand et al. (2010b) Malice et al. (2007) São adequados para indivíduos cujo genoma é desconhecido, Afzelia quanzensis. 11 Análise fenética Similaridades genéticas variaram de 5.71% a 83.33%. Cada cluster e constituído por indivíduos de diferentes subtalhões Maquia et al. (2013) Acharya et al. (2011) Daima (2008) Willan (1981) 12 Phenetic analysis genetic differentiation(Gst) - 0.5683 estimation of gene flow (Nm)- 0.3799 Shannon index(I) - 0.4289 High degree of genetic diversity among individuals Análise de Componentes Principais 14 Correlação entre as similaridades genéticas e distâncias geográficas MxComp (r) 0.089 (t= 0.876, p= 0.809) Excel (r) 0.137 (t= 10.755, p= 0.598) Bom indicativo de que aquando do estabelecimento da plantação houve uma adequada seleção do material inicial. Não houve nenhuma correlação 15 CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES ISSR Molecular markers were adequate for A. quanzensis. From the agglomerative analysis, it was concluded that the population of A. quanzensis has a high degree of diversity and each block of the forest represents a set of different genotypes. Increase sampling and follow-up for other species. To contribute to the recovery of this area and to the knowledge of the germplasm in Mozambique. genetically characterize the population of chanfuta nationally. Contribute to the design of conservation strategies Engaging people G. Allport, N. Aransay, C. Bento, M. Ngwenyama, M.Taylor Local Empowerment Strengthen and grow a network of people who value wild birds, biodiversity and the wider environment Integrate bird conservation needs into the wider natural resource management for the benefit of both people and biodiversity Formal research links • Collaboration with existing institutions such as UEM and Museu Naturale maximises capacity building Citizen Science • Surveys and monitoring (for key species and IBAs) • SABAP2 • eBird for bird casual and scientific observations (now available in Portuguese) • Success in simple science for wide participation e.g African Wetland Survey, Christmas Bird Count • AACEM focus on citizen science project : “Indian Crow (Corvus splendens) expands its distribution and grows in number in Maputo City. " Carlos M. Bento e Madyo Couto TAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE INDIAN CROW • Classe – Birds • Order – Passerine • Family – Corvidae • Species – Corvus splendens COLONIZAÇÃO E EXPANSÃO PELO MUNDO Durban Cape Town OCORRÊNCIA EM MOÇAMBIQUE Associado aos Portos de Moçambique Província de (nos últimos 15 anos): 1. Nampula Nacala Porto Nacala Beira 2. Sofala (nos últimos 15 anos): Cidade da Beira De Ponta Gea á Macuti (ao longo da mariginal) 3. Maputo • Cidade de Maputo (nos últimos 12 anos): (Sommershield, Zona Militar, Mercado Janet, Centro Cultural Universitário e Praça Robert Mugabe) • Ilha da Inhaca (Por toda a ilha; nos anos 70’s). • Península de Machangulo (nos anos 70’s). • Ilha dos Portugueses (nos anos 70’s). Casos Confirmados Maputo Museu de História Natural - UEM Este é um caso para a Associação dos Municípios! Lixeira do Maputo Aeroporto de Maputo Praia da Costa do Sol LOCAIS DE OCORRÊNCIA DO CORVO INDIANO NA CIDADE DE MAPUTO Museu de História Natural - UEM DISTRIBUIÇÃO ACTUALIZADA DO CORVO Problems caused by the Indian Crow The Noise and Craps in places of rest and food bring environmental problems. Feces spoil houses painting and disfigure statues. Tourism Problems (tourists avoid places with crows) • Spread Diseases such: • • Entamoebas • Giardias • Salmonella • Cholera Vibrios • Damage to electrical cables - causing short circuits because the nests are built on the wires • Occasionally attack people (e.g.: Inhaca Island). • The biggest threat to urban fauna, because they kill native species, as well as small domestic animals (e.g.: Inhaca Island) • Due to the fact that this birds gather in floks in the vicinity of Maputo Airport they may cause serious collisions with aircrafts • Potential carriers of Bird Flu Program for control and eradication of the Indian crow in Mozambique Multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary • Should involve voluntarily all citizen • Transfer the experience to other locations in the country with the same problem. Objetives General Establish a program to control and eradicate the indian crow from Maputo City To convey the experience to other Mozambican cities , also infested by this plague Specific Assess the population of the indian crow distribution and size in Maputo City Promote na awareness campaign Initiate the design and implementation of progrm of control and eradication of the indian crow To make a joint analysis with national maritime authorities so the vessels that berth our ports don’t bring plagues such as this. Material e Métodos Presently the adequate method to eradicate this plague is poisoning and nest destruction.During the campaign the next steps should be taken: An observer volunteer team from UEM and AACEM will visit the several locations of Maputo City to register the occurence of indian crow. During this recognition the precise location where the bird was observed should be recorded, with the help of GPS, such as the activity that it was being performed and the habitat in which he was observed. Common citizen can also participate in this study via SMS or phone call. The coordinating team will open a green line of mobile telephone The different sites where the crow was observed will be compiled into a map, showing the main arteries and sites in Maputo City. Based on this information the area of posible occurence of the indian crow will be marked. This work will responsability of the Museu de História Natural and AACEM. Compiled information will serve as basis to choose the neighborhoods where awareness campaigns and subsequently eradication program will take place. Awareness programs will involve media a lot Creation of a pamphlet about the eradication of the indian crow campaign in Maputo City. During the campaign citizen will learn to distinguish indian from normal crow. As soon as citizen observe na indian crow they should report it to the coordinating team via SMS or phone call For the success of the campaign the city council should collaborate in the protection and proper handling of garbage in the city.