Journal of Vegetation Science && (2014) Patterns of tree diversity and composition in rzea forest Amazonian floodplain paleo-va € ngart, Juan C. Montero, Maria T.F. Piedade Rafael L. Assis, Torbjørn Haugaasen, Jochen Scho & Florian Wittmann Keywords Alluvial dynamism; Amazonia; Floodplain forest; Neotropics; Paleo-varzea; Similarity analysis; Substrate fertility; Tree diversity Abbreviations GNMDS = Global non-metric multidimensional scaling; ANOSIM = Analysis of similarity ISA = Indicator species analysis. Nomenclature The International Plant Names Index (2012), (accessed June 2013) Received 11 December 2013 Accepted 4 August 2014 Co-ordinating Editor: Kerry Woods Assis, R.L. (Corresponding author, [email protected]) & Haugaasen, T. ([email protected]): Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, As 1432, Norway € ngart, J. Assis, R.L. , Scho ([email protected]) & Piedade, M.T.F ([email protected]): ^nia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazo Arau jo 2.936, Manaus-AM, CEP Av. Andre 69.067-375, Brazil Montero, J.C. ([email protected]): Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, Tennenbacherstrasse 4, Freiburg 79106, Germany Wittmann, F. ([email protected]): Biogeochemistry Dep., Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Hahn-Meitner Weg 1, Mainz 55128, Germany Abstract Question: In a recent re-classification of Amazonian floodplain types, a new category was established for paleo-v arzea. Although the geological basis for this classification is sound, a key question is whether it can be supported by botanical criteria, where floodplain paleo-v arzea forests contain distinct tree assemblages compared to other major floodplain types. Location: Central Amazonian floodplains, Brazil. Methods: We used 41 tree inventories from floodplain paleo-varzea, varzea and igap o forests to perform a meta-analysis. Diversity and richness estimators were applied at the level of genus and the examination of floristic composition was performed at family and generic levels. Generic composition across the three floodplain types was investigated using GNMDS and cluster analysis. Similarity coefficients and ANOSIM were applied to quantify floristic resemblance at the generic level between forest types. Indicator species analysis (ISA) was used to identify any indicator genera for the forest types evaluated. Results: Alpha diversity and generic richness in paleo-varzea forest was similar to varzea. Igap o forest was clearly the least diverse. Family composition was similar across the three forest types; Fabaceae was the dominant family on all three floodplains. Pouteria, Licania and Eschweilera presented the highest importance values in paleo-v arzea, but these genera were also important in v arzea and igap o. Nevertheless, ANOSIM analyses show that generic composition differed significantly between the three forest types, and a GNMDS ordination and cluster analysis portrays paleo-v arzea tree composition as intermediate between varzea and igap o. ISA revealed that Euterpe, Dipteryx and Goupia were the most important indicator genera of paleo-v arzea. Conclusions: We conclude that paleo-varzea floodplain tree assemblages are dissimilar to those of v arzea and igap o, but contain components typical of both these floodplain types, explaining their intermediate positioning in our analyses. This floral mix probably allows paleo-v arzea alpha diversity to be similar to that of varzea. Introduction Amazonian floodplains subjected to predictable, long-lasting, monomodal flood pulses extend to an area of ca. 600 000 km2 (Melack & Hess 2010), most of which is covered by forest. Trees are subjected to alternating terrestrial and aquatic phases (flood pulse, sensu Junk et al. 1989) with seasonal inundations of up to 230 daysyr 1. Many physical and ecological processes, such as mineral cycling, decomposition and forest succession, are influenced by the flood pulse, and species inhabiting these environments have developed morpho-anatomical and physiological adaptations to deal with the seasonal flooding (Parolin et al. 2004). Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science 1 rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. Several different forest types are recognized within Amazonian floodplains. An initial classification was based on hydrochemical (Sioli 1956) and floristic (Prance 1979) differences. Floodplain forests along white-water rivers, such as the Amazon mainstem, Purus and Madeira, are known as v arzea forests and cover an area of ca. 275 000 km2 (Irion et al. 2010; Melack & Hess 2010). These rivers carry large amounts of nutrient-rich Tertiary/ Quaternary sediments originating from the Andes or preAndean regions. Due to the seasonal influx of nutrients, white-water floodplains remain exceptionally productive (Junk & Piedade 1993). The high content of suspended sediments induces a highly dynamic system, characterized by intense sedimentation and erosion processes (Wittmann et al. 2004; Peixoto et al. 2009). This alluvial dynamism creates a patchwork of habitats, which together with highly fertile substrates, are thought to be the underlying reasons for varzea forest having the highest tree species richness of any floodplain forest worldwide (Wittmann et al. 2006). Forests inundated on a seasonal basis by either black- or clear-water rivers are collectively known as igap o and cover ca. 180 000 km2 of the Amazon Basin (Melack & Hess 2010). These rivers (e.g. Negro, Tapaj os and Tocantins) originate in Precambrian formations, such as the Guiana Shield and Central Brazilian Shields for black-water and clear-water, respectively (Irion et al. 2010). They carry a reduced load of suspended inorganic elements compared to white-water rivers, and floodplain fertility is therefore much lower than that of the varzea. Furthermore, riverbeds and associated floodplains have low geomorphic dynamics, being relatively stable over several thousands of years (Irion et al. 2010). In addition to varzea and igap o, another floodplain type was later recognized – floodplain paleo-varzea. Floodplain paleo-varzeas were first described by Irion (1976) and have been referred to as Pleistocene varzeas (Irion 1976, 1978; Klammer 1984), abandoned floodplains (Salo et al. 1986) or ancient varzea (Ayres 1993). They are dated to the Mid-/Late Pleistocene when, during periods of higher sea levels, the Amazonian floodplains were much more extensive than today (Irion 1976, 1984; Klammer 1984). During periods of high sea levels, water from the Amazon river system was effectively dammed. Due to the low inclination of the basin, lowlands up to 2500 km from the coast were affected and large areas of the basin were flooded and dominated by freshwater systems rich in Andean sediments (Irion et al. 1995). Paleo-varzea forest is located on alluvial Andean deposits abandoned by white-water rivers. They are flooded by small to intermediate black-water rivers, which transport these once-deposited Andean paleo-sediments (Irion et al. 2010). The surface substrates of paleo-varzea are therefore less fertile than v arzea, but 2 remain more fertile than igap o (Irion 1978; Schubart 1983). Recent estimates indicate that paleo-v arzeas cover at least 125 000 km2, with the largest expanses found in the states of Amazonas and Par a in the Brazilian part of the Amazon (Melack & Hess 2010). Until recently paleov arzea was not recognized as a distinct floodplain type. However, applying the above information to a re-classification of floodplain types in the Amazon, Junk et al. (2011) proposed that floodplain paleo-v arzeas should be classed as a distinct floodplain category. The literature on quantitative floristic inventories of Amazonian floodplain forests is considerable, with several studies available for v arzea (e.g. Ayres 1993; Wittmann et al. 2002; Haugaasen & Peres 2006; Assis & Wittmann 2011), but fewer for igap o (e.g. Ferreira 1997; Ferreira & Prance 1998; Parolin et al. 2004; Montero et al. 2014). Comparative studies in central Amazonian floodplains show that v arzea generally support a higher number of tree species than igap o (Prance 1979; Kubitzki 1989; Wittmann et al. 2010). However, paleo-v arzea tree assemblages are yet to be examined following the new classification. Junk et al. (2011) suggest species composition is intermediate between v arzea and igap o, containing floral components from both floodplain types. However, although the geological basis for a new paleo-v arzea category is sound, no study to date has evaluated the botanical criteria for this floodplain category. In this paper, we examine the tree composition of paleo-v arzea forest to evaluate the botanical characteristics of this category of floodplain forest in the Central Amazon. Our main objective is to investigate patterns of community assembly across three floodplain forest types: igap o, v arzea and paleo-v arzea. We used 41 Amazonian floodplain tree inventories from igap o, v arzea and paleo-v arzea and use these data to address the following questions: (1) does tree alpha diversity in paleo-v arzea differ from v arzea and igap o; (2) which are the most important taxa in each forest type; (3) what is the degree of floristic similarity between forest types; and (4) are there any tree genera characteristic of the different forest types? Methods Data preparation Our database consists of 41 published and unpublished floristic inventories (App. S1) in floodplain forests from seven central Amazonian river basins (Fig. 1). We considered only inventories that met the following criteria: (1) surveyed floodplain forests subjected to predictable, long-lasting, monomodal flood pulses; (2) surveyed late successional stages of floodplain forests (according to Wittmann et al. 2010), in order to decrease the influence of different flooding regimes on floristic similarity between Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. Fig. 1. The Amazon river network derived from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) elevation data at 500-m resolution, showing the selected tree inventories in the Amazonian floodplains. The distribution of major white-water, black-water and paleo-varzea floodplain river basins of the central-western Amazon are highlighted in yellow, black and red, respectively. Names of the major rivers are shown and the numbers refer to inventory plots listed in Appendix S1. plots; (3) provided data on the number of individuals; (4) inventoried trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm; and (5) identified trees at least to genus level. In general, we tried to restrict our analysis to inventories of a minimum size of 1 ha, but two inventories comprising <1 ha (0.75 and 0.8 ha) were included due to the scarcity of data from those regions. Inventories were categorized following the new classification of Junk et al. (2011) as: (1) igap o forest, flooded by nutrient-poor black-water; (2) paleo-varzea forest, located on paleo-varzea substrates and flooded by black-water rivers of intermediate fertility; and (3) varzea forest, flooded by nutrient-rich white-water rivers. Published material on Amazonian geomorphology and hydrology (e.g. Martinelli et al. 1989; Mertes et al. 1996; CPRM 2006; McClain & Naiman 2008) were thoroughly consulted for an accurate classification of the inventories. Due to a large number of morpho-species in the data set (ca. 35%) our analyses are restricted to family and genus levels. Previous studies show that tree community patterns at species and genus levels are very similar (Higgins & Ruokolainen 2004; Coronado et al. 2009). All genus and family names were verified and validated using different sources, such as C.V. Starr Virtual Herbarium (NY) (http://, w3Tropicos ( W3T) and The International Plant Names Index (http:// Unidentified trees and trees with names not mentioned in the consulted herbaria were excluded from the analysis. Statistical analyses The alpha diversity was calculated using Fisher’s alpha coefficient (Fisher et al. 1943) at generic levels, which is relatively insensitive to sample size and is widely applied to data from plot-based floristic inventories (e.g. ter Steege et al. 2000; ter Steege et al. 2003). Differences in alpha diversity between floodplain types were examined with Mann–Whitney U-tests, with a significance level at P < 0.05. To examine the patterns of total genus richness between forest types, we rarefied the number of genera based on the number of individuals, rather than samples, in order to remove the effects of tree density (Gotelli & Colwell 2001). Following Wittmann et al. (2006), we calculated the overall relative importance (ORI) for each family and genus. This is a modification of the importance value index (Curtis & McIntosh 1951) and combines the sum of relative abundance (percentage of total number of trees per Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science 3 rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. plot) and relative frequency of a genus (number of plots in which a given genus or family was recorded). To evaluate patterns of floristic similarity between the three forest types, we performed global non-metric multidimensional scaling (GNMDS; Minchin 1987) and hierarchical clustering analysis with group-average linking (UPGMA). Both analyses were performed using the Lennon dissimilarity index (Lennon et al. 2001). Based on a goodness of fit between the ordination distances and the original dissimilarity distances (Sheppard plot) and GNMDS stress values, the Lennon index performed better than other indices tested (Bray-Curtis, Jaccard, Simpson). The Lennon index is an adjusted form of the Simpson’s index, and appears to perform better for data containing species with few occurrences (Chao et al. 2006). All plots were truncated to a standard of 241 randomly chosen trees (the number of trees contained in the plot with lowest tree density) in order to weight plots equally. Two similarity coefficients were calculated for each forest type: Chao shared estimator (Chen et al. 1995) and Chao–Sørensen abundance-based estimator (Chao et al. 2005). In the Chao shared estimator coefficient, the observed number of shared species is augmented by a correction term based on the relative abundance of the rare species shared. The Chao–Sørensen abundance-based estimator coefficient is based on the probability that two randomly chosen individuals (one from each of two forest types) belong to a genus shared by both forest types. In addition, it estimates the probability of such a genus being present in both forest types but not detected in one or both of these. These approaches substantially reduce the negative bias of traditional similarity indices when working with incomplete sampling of rich communities (Chao et al. 2005). An analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) was performed to examine significant differences in genus composition between the three forest types. This analysis includes a nonparametric permutation test equivalent to an ANOVA for similarity matrices (Clarke 1993), and we used the Lennon similarity index for the analysis. The ANOSIM was calculated based on 5928 randomly chosen tree individuals – the total number of trees from the igap o inventories, which was the lowest across the three floodplain forest types examined. Indicator species analysis (ISA) was used to determine whether a specific genus was a good indicator for one of the three forest types evaluated. For each genus, the analysis provides an indicator value (IndVal; Dufrene & Legendre 1997), which is highest when a genus is present in all plots of one forest type and absent in all plots of the other forest types. Statistical significance was tested using a permutation test with 1000 iterations. 4 Similarity coefficients were computed using EstimateS (v. 7.5; All other analyses were performed in R (v 2.14.1; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, AT), using the packages ‘MASS’ (Venables & Ripley 2002) for GNMDS, ‘indicspecies’ (De C aceres & Legendre 2009) for ISA and ‘vegan’ (Oksanen 2005) for the other analyses. Results Patterns of tree diversity After excluding unidentified trees and trees with names not found in the consulted herbaria, a total of 23 016 individuals were recorded in the 41 inventories (totaling 40.6 ha) belonging to 72 families and 285 genera. Fifteen individuals (0.06% of the total) were identified only to family and were used strictly in the family-level analysis. Table 1 summarizes the information from the 41 inventories according to forest type. Fisher’s alpha coefficients for v arzea were similar to paleo-v arzea and significantly higher than for igap o (Fig. 2). This pattern was also reflected in our rarefaction curves (Fig. 3), where igap o also had the lowest generic richness, whereas generic richness in v arzea and paleov arzea was similar (Fig. 3). Tree assemblage composition The five most common families were Fabaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lecythidaceae, Sapotaceae and Annonaceae. These families combined accounted for 47.9% of all trees recorded and were present among the ten most important families in all forest types (Table 2). Paleo-v arzea shared seven and eight of its ten most important families with igap o and v arzea, respectively. Fabaceae had the highest overall relative importance (ORI) value in all three forest types and was the only family present in all inventories. This family included 17.1% (4064 individuals) of the total number of trees recorded, but was more important in igap o than in paleo-v arzea or v arzea (Table 2). The 23 most common genera accounted for half (50.3%) of all trees. Twenty-two genera were represented by a single individual, while 49 genera were recorded in just one inventory plot. Eschweilera, Hevea, Mabea and PouTable 1. Number of inventories, area sampled, number of individuals, families and genera according to forest type. Forest Type Number of Plots Area (ha) Individuals Families Genera Igapo Paleo-v arzea Varzea Total 10 12 19 41 9.7 12 18.9 40.6 5928 7631 9457 23,016 51 59 61 72 129 215 229 285 Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va Igapó x paleo-várzea Igapó x várzea Paleo-várzea x várzea U = 44 U = 21* U = 95.5 40 20 Fisher’s alpha 60 80 R.L. Assis et al. Paleo-várzea Igapó Várzea Forest type Fig. 2. Box plots of mean (SE) Fisher’s alpha coefficient for each forest type. Mann–Whiney U results are presented in the figure. Asterisks represent significance at P < 0.05. teria were among the most important genera in all forest types (Table 3). The two most important genera in paleov arzea were also found among the two most important genera in igap o (Licania) and varzea (Pouteria). Thirty genera recorded in paleo-varzea were not observed in the other forest types. They represent 10.5% of the total number of genera, and 13.9% of genera sampled in paleo-varzea. Varzea had the highest number of exclusive genera (41.8%) and igap o the lowest (7.75%). Almost one-third of the genera (27.5%) were present in all three floodplain forest types. Inventories were loosely clustered in the GNMDS ordination according to floodplain type: igap o plots were located towards the left side of the ordination diagram, v arzea plots towards the right and paleo-v arzea in an intermediate position (Fig. 4). The results of the cluster analysis echo those of the ordination analysis; Node A of the dendrogram (Fig. 5) embraced eight of the ten igap o forest inventories and Node B contained all except one of the v arzea inventories. Paleo-v arzea inventories were found in both Node A and Node B, but also occupied an entire sub-node (A–I; Fig. 5). The ANOSIM confirmed that genus composition was significantly different between igap o and paleo-v arzea (r = 0.312, P = 0.002), paleo-v arzea and v arzea (r = 0.226, P = 0.003), and igap o and v arzea (r = 0.719, P < 0.001). The similarity coefficients show that paleov arzea is floristically most similar to v arzea, although similarity was only marginally higher compared to igap o for the Chao–Sørensen estimated coefficient (Table 4). The ISA revealed several indicator genera for each forest type (Table 5), but paleo-v arzea had fewer significant indicator genera (six) than igap o (12) and v arzea (19). Four of the indicator genera in paleo-v arzea (Goupia, Couratari, Ecclinusa and Hymenolobium) were unique to this forest type. Discussion Patterns of tree diversity Paleo-v arzea forest had similar levels of alpha diversity and estimated generic richness to v arzea forest, whereas igap o clearly had the lowest diversity. This is consistent with previous studies showing that v arzea forest is consistently 250 Rarefied number of genera 200 150 100 50 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Number of individuals Igapó Paleo-várzea Várzea Fig. 3. Rarefied number of genera (accumulated per 200 individuals) for each forest type. Vertical bars present SE of the mean. Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science 5 rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. Table 2. Ten most important families, listed in descending order of overall relative importance (ORI), in each forest type. Rank Igapo R. Ab. R. Fr. ORI Paleo-v arzea R. Ab. R. Fr. ORI V arzea R. Ab. R. Fr. ORI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fabaceae Lecythidaceae Euphorbiaceae Chrysobalanaceae Sapotaceae Malvaceae Annonaceae Lauraceae Rubiaceae Melastomataceae ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–51 23.98 13.37 10.15 8.14 5.7 4.18 3.57 2.88 3.81 2.8 78.63 21.37 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.78 2.65 3.4 36.36 63.63 27.77 17.16 13.94 11.93 9.48 7.97 7.36 6.67 6.46 6.2 115 85 Fabaceae Sapotaceae Euphorbiaceae Chrysobalanaceae Lecythidaceae Annonaceae Lauraceae Moraceae Myrtaceae Arecaceae ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–59 16.97 10.18 9.03 7.58 7.37 6.08 3.54 3.89 3.36 3.33 71.3 28.7 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 2.73 3.18 2.50 30.7 69.3 20.16 13.37 12.21 10.76 10.55 9.26 6.72 6.62 6.54 5.83 102 98 Fabaceae Euphorbiaceae Annonaceae Malvaceae Sapotaceae Lecythidaceae Myrtaceae Lauraceae Polygonaceae Moraceae ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–61 13.46 8.93 8.46 7.01 5.57 5.05 4.10 3.14 2.62 2.69 61.07 38.93 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.8 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.8 29.28 70.71 16.42 11.89 11.42 9.97 8.53 7.85 7.06 6.1 5.58 5.5 90.35 109.6 R. Ab, Relative abundance, R. Fr, Relative frequency. Table 3. Ten most important genera, listed in descending order of overall relative importance (ORI), in each forest type. Rank Igapo R Ab. R Fr. ORI Paleo-varzea R Ab. R Fr. ORI Varzea R Ab. R Fr. ORI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Licania Gustavia Eschweilera Heterostemon Mabea Hevea Mollia Pouteria Aldina Ocotea ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–129 6.76 6.69 5.92 5.87 4.31 3.82 3.2 2.95 2.91 2.61 45.1 54.9 1.94 1.35 1.94 1.55 1.55 1.94 1.74 1.94 1.74 1.94 17.67 82.33 8.7 8.05 7.86 7.42 5.87 5.77 4.95 4.89 4.66 4.55 62.76 137.24 Pouteria Licania Eschweilera Hevea Mabea Macrolobium Pterocarpus Guatteria Eugenia Euterpe ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–217 6.77 6.20 6.00 3.35 3.46 3.03 2.95 2.64 2.27 2.39 39.1 60.9 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.17 1.4 1.28 1.39 1.17 0.75 6.8 93.2 8.26 7.7 7.5 4.84 4.64 4.42 4.23 4.02 3.45 3.13 52.2 147.8 Pouteria Eschweilera Pterocarpus Mabea Tabebuia Guatteria Hevea Inga Licania Virola ∑ 1–10 ∑ 11–321 4.24 3.56 3.24 2.8 3.13 2.67 2.56 2.17 2.19 2.61 29.22 70.78 1.32 1.17 1.24 1.32 0.95 1.39 1.24 1.39 1.24 0.8 12.1 87.9 5.56 4.74 4.48 4.12 4.1 4.07 3.81 3.56 3.43 3.42 41.4 158.6 Igapó Paleo-várzea Várzea 21 33 2 3 10 8 6 14 1 22 16 9 20 11 31 40 37 4 30 0.0 32 7 25 15 5 35 29 26 –0.1 GNMDS2 0.1 0.2 0.3 R. Ab, Relative abundance; R. Fr, Relative frequency. 24 13 18 –0.2 17 34 27 19 28 –0.3 12 41 38 36 23 39 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 GNMDS1 Fig. 4. GNMDS ordination diagram based on Lennon dissimilarity distances from genus abundance and composition at 41 inventory plots containing 241 randomly chosen tree individuals. Stress = 18.03. 6 more species-rich than igap o forest at the local scale (Prance 1979). Our analyses suggest that these local observations also apply to a regional scale, at least in central Amazonia, since the rarefaction curves (Fig. 3) suggest that our sample is a reasonable representation of expected number of genera for each forest type. However, this pattern may be reversed locally in the eastern part of the Amazon (see Ferreira et al. 2010). Differences in diversity patterns may be influenced by substrate characteristics. Wittmann et al. (2006) attributed higher tree alpha diversity in western Amazonian whitewater floodplains compared to regions further east to higher substrate nutrient levels in the western part of the basin, a pattern also described for non-flooded terra firme forests (ter Steege et al. 2006). It has also been shown that more fertile substrates present higher productivity and, consequently, higher turnover of individuals, which in turn increases tree diversity (Baker et al. 2004). Patterns of tree diversity may also be affected by differences in alluvial processes. For example, the intense alluvial dynamism observed in v arzea floodplains creates a Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. 33 6 7 12 11 21 20 22 16 14 15 4 5 2 10 1 3 8 9 39 26 23 27 28 35 13 18 34 36 17 19 29 24 25 32 30 31 37 40 38 41 Table 5. List of all significant indicator genera for each forest type according to the ISA. Genera are listed in descending order of indicator value (IndVal) within each forest type. I A II III B IV 0.3 Igapó Paleo-várzea Várzea 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Dissimilarity Fig. 5. Dendrogram from cluster analysis with group-average linkage (UPGMA) performed using the Lennon dissimilarity index. Capital letters (A and B) indicate main nodes, and sub-nodes (I-IV) are indicated with grey rectangles. Inventory numbers correspond with those in Table 1. Table 4. Incidence- and abundance-based coefficients of floristic similarity between the three forest types. Cross-Comparison Chao Shared Estimator Chao–Sørensen Estimator 9 Paleo-Varzea Igapo 9 V Igapo arzea Paleo-V arzea 9 Varzea 123.6 101.8 176.8 0.89 0.74 0.94 patchwork of forest at various successional stages, thus increasing beta diversity (Salo et al. 1986; Wittmann et al. 2006). Although we used only late successional forest samples for our study, these plots may have been influenced by the proximity of zones in earlier stages of development by e.g. facilitating seed dispersal into late successional forests. Alternatively, patterns of tree diversity may be associated with the total area covered by each floodplain type as the regional species pool increases with area (Rosenzweig 1995; ter Steege et al. 2000; ter Steege et al. 2003). However, all the above hypotheses fail to explain the high generic richness in paleo-varzea forest. Based on the intermediate substrate fertility, decreased alluvial dynamism and smaller area of this floodplain type, one would expect paleo-varzea to have lower alpha diversity than Igapo Aldina Mollia Heterostemon Ormosia Peltogyne Calyptranthes Pachira Hirtella Sacoglottis Amphirrox Roucheria Lacunaria Paleo-v arzea Euterpe Dipteryx Goupia Couratari Ecclinusa Hymenolobium Varzea Cecropia Pseudobombax Ficus Sapium Crataeva Drypetes Himatanthus Luehea Lecointea Matayba Triplaris Spondias Zanthoxylum Symmeria Lacistema Hura Acacia Couroupita Xylosma IndVal P 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.82 0.8 0.76 0.73 0.7 0.69 0.58 0.55 0.5 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.035 0.025 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.045 0.7 0.61 0.55 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.035 0.035 0.045 0.86 0.84 0.8 0.76 0.69 0.76 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.65 0.65 0.63 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.56 0.56 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.03 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.035 0.025 0.025 v arzea forest. Since paleo-v arzea tree assemblage composition was found to be intermediate between v arzea and igap o (Fig. 4), thereby supporting the prediction of Junk et al. (2011), we hypothesize that the high alpha diversity is maintained due to a mixing of v arzea and igap o floras in this forest type. Tree assemblage composition Many families showed similar levels of importance across all three floodplain forest types. Fabaceae, which is the most important family in most Neotropical forests (e.g. Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science 7 rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. Gentry 1988; Terborgh & Andresen 1998; ter Steege et al. 2013), was also the dominant family in igap o, paleo-v arzea and varzea. However, Fabaceae was much more important in igap o than in the other two forest types. This may partly reflect the lower number of families recorded in this forest type, allowing each family to gain higher dominance. It has also been suggested that legumes are particularly successful on nutrient-poor substrates (e.g. igap o) due to their high seed mass, providing them with an advantage over trees from other families with smaller seeds (Janzen 1974; ter Steege et al. 2006). Other differences at the family level may also reflect edaphic properties. Lecythidaceae has been considered a more characteristic family of poorer substrates such as terra firme (Coronado et al. 2009) and igap o (Mori et al. 2001). This agrees with our data, where Lecythidaceae attained its highest ORI value in igap o. The results at the generic level reflect those at the family level, where many of the most important genera were shared among the three forest types. However, six genera were identified as indicators of paleo-varzea forest (Table 5), and four of these were exclusive to this forest type. We also observe that many genera containing species known to occupy early successional stages of floodplain forest (e.g. Cecropia, Luehea, Pseudobombax, Symmeria and Triplaris; Wittmann et al. 2002, 2004) were among the indicator genera for varzea (Table 5). The presence of these typical pioneer taxa in late successional v arzea forest is probably a result of an elevated number of disturbance events, such as fluvial erosion and gap formation, since the alluvial dynamism in varzea floodplains is much higher compared to the more stable (less sedimentation and erosion) paleo-varzea and igap o (Junk et al. 1989; Wittmann et al. 2004). Another interesting pattern that emerges from our data is that some genera important in varzea have decreased importance (lower ORI value) in paleo-varzea (e.g. Guatteria, Pterocarpus and Virola), whereas some genera important in igap o (e.g. Hevea, Licania and Mabea) were of similar importance in paleo-varzea (Table 3). While the combination of the above results accounts for the intermediate positioning of paleo-varzea forest in the ordination diagram (Fig. 4), the latter observations may suggest that paleo-varzea is gradually gaining species typical of igap o and losing species typical of the more nutrient-rich and dynamic varzea floodplains. This appears consistent with the interpretation that paleo-varzea floodplains are in a transitional phase between varzea and igap o (Salo et al. 1986). However, floristic composition of paleo-varzea forest differed substantially across this ‘transitional’ gradient, and the degree of similarity between paleo-varzea and either igap o or varzea may depend on several factors. First, more recent paleo-varzea may contain higher abundance of 8 common v arzea tree species due to higher substrate fertility, while older and less fertile paleo-v arzea contain floral elements of igap o. This could explain why some paleov arzea sites of the present study were clustered close to igap o sites, while others were more similar to v arzea (Fig. 5) – even though floristic composition of paleov arzea forest was significantly different to v arzea and igap o according to our ANOSIM. Second, paleo-v arzea forest may be more similar to igap o or v arzea forest located nearby due to seed and propagule dispersion. However, an effect of geographic location remains unclear since paleov arzea and v arzea plots in the Japur a basin can be found in different nodes of the cluster analysis. Third, previous studies have shown that flood height and duration influence patterns of floristic composition (e.g. Worbes et al. 1992; Ayres 1993; Wittmann et al. 2002, 2004), and small-scale topographic variation between plots could thus have affected plot distribution in our ordination and cluster analyses despite our focus on late successional forest. In summary, we show that paleo-v arzea floodplain tree assemblages are dissimilar to those of v arzea and igap o, but clearly contain many components typical of both these floodplain types. We also show that diversity in paleov arzea is equal to that of more nutrient-rich v arzea, and this is perhaps due to the coexisting floral components typical of v arzea and igap o. In addition, we hypothesize that paleo-v arzea is in a transitional phase between v arzea and igap o, and that this transition from an active to a paleo floodplain (which includes a reduction in sediment and nutrient input by rivers, and successional dynamics) promotes significant changes in floristic composition. We suggest that the current paleo-v arzea assemblages may progressively become more similar to those of igap o, where tree species typical of v arzea forests will gradually be substituted by species common to igap o. We do, however, recognize that our genus-level analysis is coarse and that a species-level study is necessary to further examine the trends observed in the current study. Until species-level identifications can be significantly improved throughout the basin, such a study will remain difficult. Acknowledgements This research was supported by the INPA/Max Planck Project Manaus, the Brazilian Council of Science and Technology (Universal 479599/2008-4) and PRONEX CNPq FAPEAM, Areas Umidas, MAUA. RLA is supported by a doctoral scholarship from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. We are grateful to Sr. Jos e Ramos at the National Institute for Amazonian Research (INPA) Herbarium for assisting with species identifications. Special thanks to Nat alia Castro, Celso Rabelo Costa, Jos e Lima, Thiago Ilnicki, Jackson de Castro and all the field assistants Journal of Vegetation Science Doi: 10.1111/jvs.12229 © 2014 International Association for Vegetation Science rzea forests Tree diversity and composition in paleo-va R.L. Assis et al. who contributed to the present study. We thank Ethan Householder, James Gilroy, Mark Bush and two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. References Assis, R.L. & Wittmann, F. 2011. 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