CONFERENCE PROGRAM OTC BRASIL 2015 AN EVENT ORGANIZED BY IBP AND OTC UM EVENTO ORGANIZADO POR IBP E OTC THE ATLANTIC: FROM EAST TO WEST–AN OCEAN OF INNOVATION O ATLÂNTICO: DE LESTE A OESTE–UM OCEANO DE INOVAÇÕES 27–29 October 2015 | Riocentro Exhibition and Convention Center Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência OTC Organizations Sponsoring Organizations ® American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ASME International Petroleum Technology Institute (ASME-IPTI) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Oceanic and Engineering Society (IEEE-OES) Marine Technology Society (MTS) Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Regional Sponsoring Organization Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) Endorsing Organizations International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Supporting Organizations Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association (PESA) About the Offshore Technology Conference The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Founded in 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with the Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil, and OTC Asia. Brazilian Association of E&P Services Companies (ABESPetro) International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) Sobre a Offshore Technology Conference A Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) é o lugar onde profissionais do setor de energia se reúnem para trocar idéias e opiniões para o avanço do conhecimento científico e técnico para recursos offshore e as questões ambientais. Fundada em 1969, a principal conferência da OTC é realizada anualmente em Houston. A OTC ampliou tecnicamente e globalmente com o Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil e OTC Asia. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Thank you to our sponsors! (as of 15 October 2015) Master Diamond Emerald & Bronze Emerald Gold Silver Bronze Copper Aluminum Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 1 Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Welcome Message :: Mensagem de Boas-Vindas Welcome to OTC Brasil 2015 where the brightest minds in offshore exploration and production are taking part in a tradition of technical excellence. Themed “The Atlantic: From East to West—An Ocean of Innovation,” OTC Brasil is the ideal venue to get up to date on the current progress and future challenges in the Brazilian offshore industry Bem-vindo à OTC Brasil 2015, onde as mentes mais brilhantes da exploração e produção offshore participam de uma tradição de excelência técnica. Com o tema “O Atlântico: de Leste a Oeste - Um Oceano de Inovações”, a OTC Brasil é a plataforma perfeita para se atualizar sobre o cenário e os futuros desafios da indústria offshore brasileira. Modeled after the prestigious Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) Awards, we will honor the first recipients of the OTC Brasil Spotlight on New TechnologySM and the Distinguished Achievement Awards. Join us to congratulate these recipients during the awards luncheon on Wednesday presented by Solange da Silva Guedes, Petrobras E&P Director. A exemplo dos reconhecidos prêmios da Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), este ano serão entregues pela primeira vez na OTC Brasil, o Spotlight on New TechnologySM e o Distinguished Achievement Awards. Venha homenagear seus vencedores e participar conosco da cerimônia de premiação que acontecerá na quarta-feira, 28, durante o almoço que terá como palestrante Solange Guedes, Diretora de Exploração e Produção da Petrobras. This year’s technical program includes more than 220 papers, 39 technical sessions, 29 invited technical presentations, 12 panel sessions, and 4 topical luncheons. Key industry leaders from around the globe will share their perspectives and forecasts on investment in the Brazilian market. OTC Brasil continues an OTC tradition of focusing on innovative technologies and practices that improve safety, production and efficiency. Pre-salt reservoirs, addressing challenges in drilling, completion, and subsea processing are just a few of the topics to be discussed during the conference. Please set aside time to visit the exhibition that showcases the latest technologies and equipment. We would like to thank our sponsors and exhibitors for their participation. Without their generosity and support, this conference would not be possible. Enjoy the conference and the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro! Este ano o programa técnico apresentará mais de 220 trabalhos técnicos, 39 sessões técnicas, 29 apresentações técnicas convidadas, 12 sessões-painéis e 4 almoçospalestras. Os principais líderes mundiais da indústria offshore de petróleo e gás irão debater soluções e investimentos para o mercado nacional. A OTC Brasil mantém a tradição da OTC de manter seu foco em práticas tecnológicas inovadoras e no aperfeiçoamento da produção, eficiência e segurança. Reservatórios do pré-sal, desafios da perfuração e completação, e processos submarinos são alguns dos assuntos que serão debatidos durante a conferência. Reserve um pouco do seu tempo para visitar a exposição e conhecer as últimas tecnologias e equipamentos do setor. Agradecemos aos nossos patrocinadores e expositores por sua participação e apoio, o que possibilitou a organização deste evento. Aproveite a OTC Brasil e a nossa cidade maravilhosa! Sincerely :: Atenciosamente, João Carlos de Luca, Barra Energia OTC Brasil Oversight Committee Chairman Presidente do Comitê Consultivo 2 Orlando Ribeiro Petrobras OTC Brasil Program Committee Chairman Presidente do Comitê Técnico Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Table of Contents :: Programa Resumido Conference Information :: Informações sobre a Conferência General Information :: Informações Gerais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8 Transportation and Parking :: Transporte e Estacionamento . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8 Hotel Shuttle Schedule :: Rotas de Ônibus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 8 Policies and Procedures :: Políticas e Procedimentos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, 10 Special Events :: Eventos Especiais . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–13 Technical Program :: Programa Técnico Tuesday, 27 October :: Terça–feira, 27 de outubro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14–19 Wednesday, 28 October :: Quarta–feira, 28 de outubro . . . . . . . . . . . 20–25 Thursday, 29 October :: Quinta–feira, 29 de outubro . . . . . . . . . . . . 26–31 OTC Leadership :: Liderança da OTC Board of Directors :: Conselho de Administração . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Sponsoring Organizations :: Organizações Patrocinadoras . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Endorsing Organizations :: Organizações de Apoio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Oversight Committee :: Comitê Consultivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Program Committee :: Comitê Técnico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34–35 Exhibitors :: Exposição Floor Plans :: Plantas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Exhibitor Index :: Índice de Expositores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39–41 Exhibitor List :: Lista de Expositores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–68 Advertiser Index :: Índice de Anunciantes Oil States Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 OneSubsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sea Trucks Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dale Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cameron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chemtech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 JDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ExxonMobil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 B&T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Rio Oil & Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Halliburton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC 4 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Schedule of Events :: Programa Resumido Publication Bins :: Área de Publicações Tuesday, 27 October :: Terça-feira, 27 de outubro 0800–1700 Registration :: Credenciamento Pavilion 1 0930–1200 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor 1215–1345 Topical Luncheon :: Almoço-palestra Pavilion 5, Room 203 ABC 1200–2000 Exhibition and University R&D Showcase :: Exposição de P&D Pavilion 3 1400–1630 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd floor Wednesday, 28 October / Quarta-feira, 28 de outubro 0800–1700 Registration :: Credenciamento Pavilion 1 0930–1200 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd floor 1000–1700 Professional of the Future :: Profissional do Futuro Pavilion 5, Room 103 1200–2000 Exhibition and University R&D Showcase :: Exposição de P&D Pavilion 3 1215–1345 Topical Luncheons and Distinguished Award Ceremony :: Almoço-palestra com premiação Pavilion 5, Rooms 203 ABC 1400–1630 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd floor 1400–1700 Professional Societies Leadership Summit :: Encontro de Líderes das organizações OTC Pavilion 5, Room 212 1600–1700 Spotlight On New TechnologySM Award :: Premiação “Spotlight on New TechnologySM” Pavilion 3, Booth K5 OTC Brasil publication bins are located in the hall between Pavilions 3 and 5 and inside Pavilion 5. Attendees can pick up complimentary issues of the following publications: A área de publicações da OTC Brasil está localizada no hall entre os Pavilhões 3 e 5 e no Pavilhão 5. Os participantes estão convidados a retirar exemplares gratuitos das seguintes publicações: GÁS Thursday, 29 October / Quinta-feira, 29 de outubro 0800–1700 Registration :: Credenciamiento Pavilion 1 0930–1200 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd floor 1000–1700 Professional of the Future :: Profissional do Futuro Pavilion 5, Room 103 1200–2000 Exhibition and University R&D Showcase :: Exposição de P&D Pavilion 3 1215–1345 Topical Luncheons :: Almoços-palestra Pavilion 5, Rooms 203 ABC and 204 AB 1400–1630 Technical Sessions :: Sessões técnicas Pavilion 5, 2nd floor All events in conjunction with OTC Brasil 2015 will be held at the Riocentro in Rio de Janeiro, unless noted otherwise above. Todos os eventos da OTC Brasil 2015 serão realizados no Riocentro, Rio de Janeiro, salvo quaisquer alterações informadas previamente. OIL I GAS I BIOFUELS Get a copy of the official OTC Brasil show daily, produced daily by Upstream. Pegue também uma cópia do jornal diário oficial da OTC Brasil, produzido diariamente pela Upstream. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 5 Conference Information General Information Currency Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Room 205 The Brazilian currency is the Real (R$); there are 100 centavos in one Real. Coins issued by the government are bronze-colored for 1 and 5 centavos, silver for 10, 25 and 50 centavos, or a nickel and bronze coin for R$1,00. Notes are in the denominations R$2, R$5, R$10, R$20, R$50, R$100. The Speaker Check-In Room is in Pavilion 5, 2nd Floor, Room 205. Tuesday, 27 October . . . . . . . . . 0830–1700 Wednesday, 28 October . . . . . . . 0830–1700 Thursday, 29 October . . . . . . . . 0830–1700 Exhibition Services All presenting authors and session chairmen should report to the Speaker Check-In Room 30 minutes prior to their session. Audiovisual equipment is available for speakers to preview their presentations. Exhibition services are available in the CAEx located at Pavilion 3, Mezzanine 2 for any questions or concerns regarding your exhibition booth. Proceedings Food and beverages will be available for purchase on-site in: Full conference attendees will receive instructions on how to download the event proceedings with their badge. Proceedings are also available for purchase on-site in Pavilion 1 at the Registration desk. Cost is USD 110 for members and USD 150 for nonmembers. Food and Beverages •Cafeteria in Pavilion 3 •Food square in the passway, next to Pavilion 3 Lost and Found To purchase proceedings from previous OTCs, email [email protected] or call +1.972.952.9494. Lost and Found is located in Pavilion 1, near to the Luggage Check, and is open during conference hours. Conference Survey Luggage Check A questionnaire will be distributed on Thursday. Please take the time to fill out the survey as your opinion helps us continue to grow and make the next event even better. City Tours Information OTC Brasil, through its travel partner Follow Up Tours, is offering pre- and post-show tours of Brazil. They are also offering local tours during the show for guests and spouses. Follow Up Tours will be operating a desk in Pavilion 5. A luggage check will be available free of charge in the registration area of Pavilion 1. Smoking Policy The Riocentro is a nonsmoking facility. Smoking is prohibited in all areas except in designated smoking areas. Delegates with Disabilities We take pride in ensuring that our meetings and events are accessible to all attendees with special needs. All meeting rooms are wheelchair accessible. Consent to Use of Photographic Images Attendance at or participation in OTC Brasil and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to OTC’s use and distribution of the registrant’s image or voice in promoting future OTC events in any way OTC deems appropriate. Mobile/Cell Phone Policy As a courtesy to the speakers and your fellow attendees, please turn off all mobile phones during meetings and sessions. Members of the working press are invited to use the facilities in the OTC Brasil Press Room. Members of the press are required to report to the Press Room to obtain permission for photography and videography. Press Registration and Badge Pick-Up Hours Pavilion 1 – Event Entrance 0800–1700 Tuesday, 27 October and Wednesday, 28 October 0800–1500 Thursday, 29 October Press Work Room Hours 0830–1800 Tuesday, 27 October and Wednesday, 28 October 0830–1800 Thursday, 29 October Hotel Shuttle Service Exhibitors may purchase a 3-day ticket for a special condition. Prices are subject to changes by Riocentro without prior notice. OTC Brasil will offer complimentary shuttle service to/from hotels and Riocentro. The buses pick up in front of Pavilion 1. For details, visit The taxis pick up in front of Pavilion 1. 27–29 October, 7:30/11:00/15:00 OTC Brasil Hotels to Riocentro Convention Center Emergency Phone Numbers 27–29 October, 13:00/17:00/21:00 Riocentro Convention Center to OTC Brasil hotels 6 Alcohol Policy We recognize the legitimate serving of alcoholic beverages in the process of conducting business and social activities. We also recognize that the use and consumption of alcohol carries with it the requirement for all attendees to consume those beverages responsibly. We strongly oppose the abuse and misuse of alcohol. Pavilion 5, Ground Floor, Room 105 Press Room Parking at Riocentro Riocentro . . . . . . . . . . . . +55 21 3035 9399 Police . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 SAMU (Medical Emergency . . . . . . . . . . 192 DEAT (Tourist Police) . . . +55 21 2332-2924 Attendee Qualifications All delegates and exhibitors are required to wear their OTC Brasil name badge and badge holder at all times. Use of a badge by a person not named on the badge is grounds for confiscation. If you lose your conference badge, please return to Registration to obtain a replacement. No one under 18 years of age will be admitted to OTC Brasil. Photography Policy All OTC Brasil sessions are protected by international copyright laws. Photography and video/audio recording of any kind are strictly prohibited in the sessions and throughout the exhibition area. Transportation and Parking Taxi Cabs Informações sobre a Conferência Policies and Procedures OTC Brasil Headquarters Speaker Check-In Room | Safety One of the key components to the success of OTC Brasil is the safety of our delegates, exhibitors, and presenters. When traveling, as in any major city, take certain precautions. Always keep your valuables such as jewelry, airline tickets, money, and any important documents, out of sight and safely stored in a hotel safety deposit box. In the event of a lost or stolen room key, notify hotel management as soon as possible. Travel in a group and plan your itinerary before leaving the hotel to ensure you arrive to your destination smoothly. Due to the popularity of some session topics, it is possible for overcrowding to occur in a session or meeting room. Should this occur, we must comply with the Fire Commander’s policies regarding room capacity and limit admittance to a room that is at capacity. Please make plans to arrive early for sessions that you have a strong interest in attending. In the event of an emergency at Riocentro, OTC Brasil staff and/or the convention center staff will provide conference delegates with any necessary information and instructions. An emergency procedures video is presented before each session with details for escape routes. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site EXPLORE THE WORLD’S OFFSHORE DE V ELOPMENTS AND SHARE A LIFE TI ME OF LE A R N ING WITH YOUR PE ERS. OTC offers these upcoming events tailored to your unique technical and regional needs: OTC Asia 22–25 March 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Offshore Technology Conference 2-5 May 2016, Houston, Texas, USA Stay an extra day for d5: The Next Big Thing event on 6 May Arctic Technology Conference 24–26 October 2016 St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada OTC Brasil 24–26 October 2017 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Visit the OTC events booth H3 inside Pavilion 3 to learn more. Conference Information Informações Gerais Informações sobre E xcursões Pavilhão 5, 2º andar, Sala 205 A OTC Brasil, através de seu parceiro de viagens, a Follow Up Tours, está oferecendo excursões pelo Brasil antes e após o evento. Eles também oferecem excursões locais para os hóspedes e seus cônjuges. A Follow Up Tours terá um balcão de atendimento Pavilhão 5. Pavilhão 5, 2º andar, Sala 205 Terça-feira, 27 de outubro . . . . . 0830–1700 Quarta-feira, 28 de outubro . . . . 0830–1700 Quinta-feira, 29 de outubro . . . . 0830–1700 Todos os autores apresentadores e presidentes de sessões devem comparecer à Sala de Check In do Palestrante antes de suas apresentações. Equipamentos audiovisuais estarão disponíveis para os palestrantes, a fim de visualizar as suas apresentações com antecedência. Centros de Atendimento ao Expositor Proceedings Comidas e bebidas estarão disponíveis para compra no local na: Os participantes da conferência receberão um ticket para retirada de seu anais, esse junto com seu crachá informações adicionais sobre como baixar os proceedings a partir do website do evento. Os proceedings também estarão disponíveis para compra no Pavilhão 1, no balcão de registros. Custarão USD 110 para membros e USD 150 para não membros. Para a compra dos proceedings das OTCs anteriores, mande um e-mail para [email protected] ou telefone: +1.972.952.9494. Pesquisa da Conferência Um questionário será distribuído na quinta-feira. Por favor reserve um pouco do seu tempo para responder essa pesquisa. Sua opinião nos ajuda muito a tornar o próximo evento ainda melhor. O atendimento aos expositores está disponível no CAEX, localizado no Pavilhão 3, Mezanino 2, para quaisquer perguntas ou questões relativas ao seu estande de exposição. Comidas e Bebidas •Cafeteria do Pavilhão 3 •Praça de alimentação na passagem externa, próximo ao Pavilhão 3 Achados e Perdidos O setor de achados e perdidos está localizado no Guarda Volumes, localizado no Pavilhão 1. Guarda Volumes Haverá um local para guarda de volumes, sem custo, no Pavilhão 1. Sala de Imprensa Pavilhão 5, Térreo, Sala 105 Os jornalistas estão convidados a usar as instalações na Sala de Imprensa da OTC. Translado de/para o Hotel A OTC Brasil oferecerá translado gratuito de/ para os hotéis e o Riocentro. O embarque nos ônibus ocorre em frente ao Pavilhão 1 do Riocentro. Para mais informações, visite 8 Participantes com Necessidades Especiais Nos orgulhamos de poder garantir que as nossas reuniões e eventos sejam acessíveis a todos os participantes com necessidades especiais. Todas as salas para reuniões têm acessos para cadeiras de rodas. Permissão para Uso de Fotografias A presença ou a participação do credenciado na OTC Brasil e outras atividades constitui desde já uma permissão de uso e distribuição, pela OTC, de sua imagem ou voz na promoção de futuros eventos da OTC de qualquer maneira que a OTC julgar adequada. Uso de Telefones Celulares Como forma de cortesia para com os palestrantes bem como os outros colegas participantes, pedimos que desliguem todos os telefones celulares durante as reuniões e as sessões. Os profissionais de imprensa precisam se dirigir à Sala de Imprensa para obter permissão para tirar fotografias e criar vídeos. Os expositores poderão comprar um bilhete com validade de 3 dias por um preço especial. Os valores estão sujeitos a mudanças pelo Riocentro sem aviso prévio. Riocentro . . . . . . . . . . . . +55 21 3035 9399 Polícia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Bombeiros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 SAMU (Emergência Médica) . . . . . . . . . . 192 DEAT (Delegacia de Atendimento ao Turista) . . . . . . . . . . . . +55 21 2332-2924 Fumo Não é permitido fumar no Riocentro. O fumo é proibido em todas as áreas, exceto nas áreas designadas para fumantes. 0800–1700 27 e 28 de outubro 0800–1500 29 de outubro Estacionamento no Riocentro Telefones de Emergência Consumo de Álcool Reconhecemos ser legítimo servir bebidas alcoólicas no curso normal da condução de negócios e durante atividades sociais. Também reconhecemos que o uso e o consumo de álcool resulta na exigência de que todos os participantes consumam tais bebidas com responsabilidade. Somos totalmente contra o abuso e o mau uso de bebidas alcoólicas. Credenciamento e Retirada de Crachás de Imprensa Pavilhão 1 – Entrada do evento Transporte e Estacionamento O embarque nos táxis ocorre em frente ao Pavilhão 1 do Riocentro. Qualificações dos Participantes Todos os delegados e expositores devem sempre exibir seus portas-crachá com a identificação da OTC Brasil. O uso de um crachá por uma pessoa cujo nome não corresponde ao do crachá constitui razão suficiente para seu confisco. Caso você perca o crachá da conferência, volte para a área de Credenciamento para obter um novo. É proibida a presença de pessoas menores de 18 anos na OTC Brasil. Política sobre Fotografias Todas as sessões da OTC Brasil são protegidas por leis internacionais de direitos autorais. Fotografias e a gravação de vídeo/áudio de qualquer espécie são estritamente proibidas nas sessões e em toda a área de exposição. Horário de Funcionamento da Sala de Imprensa 0830–1800 27 e 28 de outubro 0830–1800 29 de outubro Táxis Informações sobre a Conferência Políticas e Procedimentos Escritório Central da OTC Brasil Sala de Check In do Palestrante | 27–29 outubro, 7:30/11:00/15:00 Dos hotéis da OTC Brasil ao Centro de Convenções Riocentro. 27–29 outubro, 13:00/17:00/21:00 Do Centro de Convenções Riocentro para os hotéis da OTC Brasil Segurança Um dos componentes-chave do sucesso da OTC Brasil é a segurança de seus delegados, expositores e apresentadores. Ao viajar, assim como em qualquer cidade grande, tome algumas precauções. Mantenha sempre os seus itens de valor tais como joias, passagens aéreas, dinheiro, e qualquer documento importante fora da vista e guardado com segurança em um cofre de hotel. No caso de perda da chave do quarto, avise a gerência do hotel assim que for possível. Viaje em grupos e planeje o seu itinerário antes de deixar o hotel, para garantir uma chegada tranquila ao seu destino. Devido à popularidade de algumas sessões, é possível que ocorra superlotação em uma sessão ou sala de reunião. Caso isso ocorra, teremos que observar os procedimentos da Brigada de Incêndio com relação à capacidade da sala e limitar o acesso a uma sala que esteja no máximo de sua capacidade. É recomendável se planejar para chegar mais cedo para as sessões nas quais você tenha grande interesse de assistir. No caso de uma emergência no Riocentro, o pessoal da OTC Brasil e/ou do centro de convenções fornecerá todas as informações e instruções necessárias aos delegados da conferência. Um vídeo sobre procedimentos de emergência é apresentado antes de cada sessão, com detalhes sobre rotas de fuga. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site OPTIMIZE FROM PORE TO PROCESS TM A unique approach for optimized production and increased recovery AD01925OSS INTEGRATE End-to-end solutions from reservoir to surface COLLABORATE Early engagement to anticipate challenges and improve decisions ENGINEER Optimal system architecture to increase life-of-field production CONTROL Continuous monitoring to manage changing reservoir conditions BOOST Production with scalable processing solutions ENHANCE Financial return over the life of the field LEARN more about our unique, unrivaled approach at Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Special Events Professional of the Future Program Wednesday, 28 October :: Thursday, 29 October 1000-1700 :: Pavilion 5, Room 103 Under the theme “Oil talks: a chat on energy, career, crisis and opportunities,” each session will present four lectures in which the speakers share their career stories and topics related to the E&P value chain. ACTIVITY SCHEDULE–WEDNESDAY, 28 OCTOBER SESSION 1 - 1000–1200 Industry Overview Jorge Camargo, IBP Career Paths Ivan Almeida, ExxonMobil How To Increase Your Chances Of Joining The Industry In Times Of Crisis Alessandra Simões, Uphill SESSION 2 - 1500–1700 Professional Societies Leadership Summit Wednesday, 28 October :: 1400–1700 :: Pavilion 5, Room 212 In conjunction with the OTC Brasil 2015 general program, OTC is organizing the Leadership Summit for international and Brazilian professional societies to share ideas and initiatives to foster greater collaboration and interaction between these societies. It is an opportunity for leaders to participate in a very interesting panel session discussion on “The Role of Professional Societies in Disseminating Knowledge and Technology.” Chair Paulo Johann Petrobras ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 1400-1410 How To Increase Your Chances Of Joining The Industry In Times Of Crisis Renata Nahon, Subsea 7 Vision of Integrating Multidisciplinary Technologies in the Role of Professional Societies Jorge Camargo, IBP 1425-1440 Professional Associations are recognized agents of knowledge management. As megaprojects like the Libra in the Brazilian Pre-Salt could be benefited from the actions of these entities? Anelise Lara, E&P Executive Manager for Libra PSC, Petrobras ACTIVITY SCHEDULE–THURSDAY, 29 OCTOBER SESSION 1 - 1000 - 1700 Opening Remarks 1410-1425 Industry Overview Murilo Marroquim, Novapetróleo Career Paths Nina Fernández, IBP Co-Chair Fernando Frimm, GustoMSC US Inc. 1440-1610 Industry Overview Milton Costa Filho, IBP Career Paths Victor Alves, FMC Technologies How To Increase Your Chances Of Joining The Industry In Times Of Crisis Tiago Chaves, Brunel 1610–1650 Vision of Integrating Multidisciplinary Technologies in the Role of Professional Societies 1440-1455 Joe Paviglianiti ASME 1455–1510 Tom Chase ASCE 1510–1525 Jorge D. Hildenbrand SBGf 1252–1540 Agenor Junqueira SOBENA 1540–1555 John Bradford SEG 1555–1610 Janeen Judah SPE Questions and Answers Session Following the panel session, a cocktail reception will be held for all summit attendees in Room 206, Pavilion 5. 10 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site University R&D Showcase The University R&D Showcase provides universities the opportunity to share with attendees their current and planned R&D projects that are relevant to offshore technology. Participating universities will showcase their R&D projects during one of the three days of the conference. Tuesday, 27 October 1200-2000 •Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense •Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina •SENAI CIMATEC •Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana - UTFPR •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Wednesday, 28 October 1200-2000 •Pontifícia Universidade Católica / PUC-Rio •Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo •Universidade Federal da Bahia •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Thursday, 29 October 1200-2000 •Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (IPR/PUCRS) •Universidade Federal do Ceará •Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul •Universidade de São Paulo •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Delivering the difference JASCON 28 | DP3 Accommodation and Hook-Up vessel Versatile solutions for the Oil and Gas industry Our multipurpose DP3 Construction and Accommodation fleet SURF INSTALLATION ACCOMMODATION HOOK-UP AND COMMISSIONING PIPELAY HEAVY LIFT DECOMMISSIONING MARINE SUPPORT Visit us at the Holland Pavilion, booth # D1 | Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Eventos Especiais Programa Profissional do Futuro Quarta-feira, 28 de outubro :: Quinta-feira, 29 de outubro 1000–1700 :: Pavilion 5, Room 103 Sob a temática “Conversas petroleiras: um bate-papo sobre energia, carreiras, crises e oportunidades,” o programa foi reformulado e contará com formato inovador: um bate-papo descontraído entre executivos, futuros líderes do setor, especialistas em carreira e estudantes. CRONOGRAMA DE ATIVIDADES– QUARTA-FEIRA, 28 DE OUTUBRO SESSÃO 1 - 1000–1200 Panorama da Indústria Jorge Camargo (Presidente do IBP) Caminhos de Carreira Ivan Almeida (Gerente de Operações da ExxonMobil) Como Aumentar Suas Chances de Ingressar na Indústria em Tempos de Crise Alessandra Simões (Uphill) SESSÃO 2 - 1500–1700 Encontro das Lideranças de Associações Profissionais Quarta-feira, 28 de outubro :: 1400–1700 :: Pavilhão 5, Sala 212 Junto ao programa geral da OTC Brasil 2015, a OTC está organizando a Conferência de Líderes das sociedades profissionais brasileiras com o objetivo de compartilharem suas ideias e atividades e promoverem uma maior interação entre elas. É uma oportunidade para os líderes participarem de uma importante discussão durante o painel “O papel das sociedades profissionais na transmissão do conhecimento e da tecnologia.” Chair Paulo Johann Petrobras CRONOGRAMA DAS SESSÕES 1400-1415 Vision of Integrating Multidisciplinary Technologies in the Role of Professional Societies Jorge Camargo, IBP 1425-1440 Professional Associations are recognized agents of knowledge management. As megaprojects like the Libra in the Brazilian Pre-Salt could be benefited from the actions of these entities? Anelise Lara, E&P Executive Manager for Libra PSC, Petrobras Como Aumentar Suas Chances de Ingressar na Indústria em Tempos de Crise Renata Nahon (Coordenadora de Recursos Humanos da Subsea 7) CRONOGRAMA DE ATIVIDADES–QUINTA-FEIRA, 29 DE OUTUBRO Introdução 1405-1425 Panorama da Indústria Murilo Marroquim (Diretor da Novapetróleo) Caminhos de Carreira Nina Fernandéz, IBP Co-Chair Fernando Frimm, GustoMSC US Inc. 1440-1610 Vision of Integrating Multidisciplinary Technologies in the Role of Professional Societies SESSION 1 - 1000 - 1700 Panorama da Indústria Milton Costa Filho (Secretário Geral do IBP) Caminhos de Carreira Victor Alves (Coordenador de Contratos FMC Technologies) Como Aumentar Suas Chances de Ingressar na Indústria em Tempos de Crise Tiago Chaves (Headhunter e Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios – Brunel) 1610–1650 1440-1455 Joe Paviglianiti ASME 1455–1510 Tom Chase ASCE 1510–1525 Jorge D. Hildenbrand SBGf 1252–1540 Agenor Junqueira SOBENA 1540–1555 John Bradford SEG 1555–1610 Janeen Judah SPE Perguntas e Respostas Após a sessão de painel, um coquetel será realizado para todos os participantes do encontro, Pavilhão 5, Sala 206. 12 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Mostra de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Técnico Acadêmico A Mostra de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Técnico Acadêmico da OTC Brasil proporcionará às universidades a oportunidade de compartilharem com os participantes seus projetos acadêmicos que são relevantes para a tecnologia offshore. Estes serão apresentados durante os três dias da conferência. Terça-feira, 27 de outubro 1200-2000 •Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense •Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina •SENAI CIMATEC •Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana - UTFPR •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Quarta-feira, 28 de outubro 1200-2000 •Pontifícia Universidade Católica / PUC-Rio •Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo •Universidade Federal da Bahia •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Quinta-feira, 29 de outubro 1200-2000 •Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (IPR/PUCRS) •Universidade Federal do Ceará •Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul •Universidade de São Paulo •Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Technical Program Technical Program –Tuesday, 27 October Programa Técnico– terça-feira, 27 de outubro 0930–1200 | Room 201 A | Programa Técnico (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) 01 Deepwater Drilling Operation 0930–1200 | Room 202 C 02 An International Oil Company’s (IOC) Deepwater Portfolio Development in Brasil (continued) Session Chairperson(s): Eduardo Albino, Labmar Carlos Pedroso, Queiroz Galvao Exploration & Production SA 093026284 111026157 Successful Application of Drilling Optimization Methodology and Integrated Solutions in a Pre-Salt Well Bijupira’ & Salema: An Innovative Integrated Approach to Subsea Field Re-Development M. Pinheiro, R. Carneiro, A.P. Lima, Halliburton O. Herdocia, K. Delescen, Shell; A. Sbordone, L. Cribley, FTO Services; B.G. Garcia, L. Felipe, FMC Technologies; R. Lacourt, H. Nunes, Edison Chouest Offshore 095526181 High Pressure Deepwater Grip & Seal Connectors for Capping Stack Applications on Tension Leg Platforms 1135IP Life of Field Seismic N. Smith, J. Charalambides, Oceaneering International, Inc. G. Buksh, Shell 102026308 AlternateIP Field Results of the First Brazilian Pre-Salt MultiFractured Sub-Horizontal Well WIPPS: Water Injection Pressure Protection System D. Hugg, Shell C.T. Azevedo, L.F. Neumann, N.J. Denadai, C.M. Chagas, Petrobras 104526067 Unique Hybrid Drill Bit with Novel PDC Cutters Improves Performance in Ultra-Deepwater Brazil Pre-Salt Application 0930–1200 | Room 204 A G.D. Oliveira, M.P. Freesz, K.T. Izbinski, F. Valbuena, Baker Hughes; D.J. Carvalho, A. Alonso, Petrobras Advances in Computational Models Applied to Production Technology 111026162 Alternative Technologies in Drill-In Fluids for Depleted Reservoirs I. Gianoglio, J. Luzardo, Halliburton; P. Derks, Statoil; A. Perez Gramatges, R. Nascimento, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; E.P. Oliveira, F. Sbaglia, Halliburton; R. Valle, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; K. Inderberg, Statoil 1135IP Drilling the Undrillable: Atlanta Field Heavy Oil in Ultra Deep Water M. Rausis, QGEP 0930–1200 | Room 202 C 02 An International Oil Company’s (IOC) Deepwater Portfolio Development in Brasil Session Chairperson(s): Richard Broderick, Shell Marco Almeida, COPPE – UFRJ 093026213 An International Oil Company’s (IOC) Development Projects Overview C.E. Valente, Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda 095526152 The Contribution From an Operator’s Global Subsea Hardware Standardization Program to 10K Subsea Hardware and Controls on Parque das Conchas (BC-10) T.F. Carvalho, L. Olijnik, R.J. Broderick, Shell; A. Labes, FMC Technologies 102026131 BC-10 Subsea Production System Integrated Approach K. Delescen, M. Nicholson, L. Olijnik, Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda; W. Ortiz, FMC Technologies; A. Maia, C-Innovation; R. Lacourt, H. Nunes, Edison Chouest Offshore 104526126 Benefits of Standardization and Replication in the Bijupira & Salema Redevelopment Project Subsea Tree Design O.G. Herdocia, K. Delescen, L. Rueda, Shell; T.F. Carvalho, Shell Brazil E&P 03 With computing power increasing exponentially every year, increasingly more complex problems can be routinely tackled with a standard workstation in a reasonable period of time: from molecular simulations to predict phase behavior, to better resolution of flow through porous media, and finally, to a better integration of the different scales of fluid flow (molecular, pore-scale, macro-scale in tubing). Are we fully profiting from this capacity? This session will provide an overview and examples of practical applications of advanced computational methods to the current grand challenges in production technology. Session Chairperson(s): Joao Carneiro, SINTEF Erich Muller, Imperial College London 093026155 Coarse-Grained Models for Crude Oils: A Direct Link Between Equations of State and Molecular Simulations E.A. Muller, C. Herdes, Imperial College London; T.S. Totton, BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd. 095526192 Characterization and Adsorption Investigations of the Nanostructure of Gas Shales R. Holmes, E. Rupp, V. Vishal, J. Wilcox, Stanford University 102026241 Exploring the Potentialities of Nanoscience to Enhanced Oil Recovery Process: A Multiscale Computational Approach A.O. Pereira, Universidade Federal do ABC; C.R. Miranda, Universidade de São Paulo 104526326 Overview of CFD Multiphase Flow Simulation Tools for Subsea Oil and Gas System Design, Optimization and Operation E. Gharaibah, GE Oil & Gas; A. Read, CD-Adapco; G. Scheuerer, ANSYS Germany 111026303 CFD Simulations of Multiphase Flows Containing Large Scale Interfaces and Dispersed Phases With Selected Production Technology Applications S.T. Johansen, S. Mo, E. Meese, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry; J.S. Oliveira, J.R. Reyes, J.N. Carneiro, SINTEF Brasil 1135IP Simulation of the Dissociation of a Hidrate Plug in Horizontal Lines C. Fonte, ESSS Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 14 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 0930–1200 | Room 208 04 0930–1200 | Room 210 Drilling Miscellaneous Subsea Systems Session Chairperson(s): Antonio Lage, Petrobras Andre Naslausky, Schlumberger 093026156 Session Chairperson(s): Howard Painter, Teledyne Oil & Gas Robert Voss, GE Oil & Gas 093026170 A. Sbordone, B. Morrison, O. Karlsen, V. Sten-Halvorsen, FTO Services; B. Neumann, O. Bjerkvik, FMC Technologies H.E. Parente, Siemens Subsea 095526302 Real Time Radius of Curvature Measurement During DVC Operations Based on Flexible Pipe 3D Reconstruction Riserless Light Well Intervention: Taking the North Sea Experience to Deeper Water and Higher Efficiency 05 An Integrated Power Solution for Enabling Large-Scale Subsea Processing: A Base Case for Subsea Standalone Variable Speed Drive in Brazil 095526286 Finding the Breakeven Point of Diamond Impregnated Bit Wear in Turbodrill Applications I.H. Santos, E. Vardaro, E. Goes, V.S. Lopes, A. Vaillant, A. Palmeiro, Petrobras; J. Kelner, V.M. Cesar, S. Pessoa, B. Reis, UFPE M. Fierro Herrera, N.N. Atencio Carrillo, Schlumberger; R. Solano, Pemex; R. Varela, F. Iturrizaga Vertiz, L. Toribio Hernandez, A. Tufano, F. Guzman Rangel, Schlumberger 102026228 102026287 Experimental Evaluation of Pure In-Line Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV-X) in Subsea Jumper Subject to Ocean Current Fluid Conditioning Technology Reduces Days to Target Depth J. Woolums, D. Herrington, A. Coit, J.W. Sherman, E. Scott, NOV; G. Szutiak, Vitol Resources M. Mobasheramini, A. Fernandes, COPPE - UFRJ 104526199 104526173 Large Bore, Extreme Conditions Horizontal Deepwater Connection System Riserless Drilling Technique for Maximizing Bore Hole Stability: Dynamic Kill Drilling Application in Offshore Brazil D. Watkins, J. Charalambides, Oceaneering International, Inc. W.S. Pessanha, M.I. Barbosa, A.A. Miranda, Baker Hughes 111026166 111026245 B. Sommer, T. Voelkel, S. Dvergsnes, OneSubsea Using a Unified Controls System for Production and Pump Controls Ultra-Deepwater Blowout Well Control and Abandonment Operations Through Relief Well Under Capping and Containment Scenario After Worst Case Discharge 113526065 Applying Subsea Boosting and Separation Technologies for Deepwater Operations F.d. Terra, A.C. Lage, T.S. Hoshina, Petrobras; Z. Yuan, D. Bueno, Schlumberger X. Wu, F. Babatola, The University of Oklahoma; L. Jiang, Rhombus Energy Solutions; B.T. Tolbert, University of Oklahoma 113526182 Improving BOP Reliability Through an Integrated Management Approach on du in in en ain ro ta in nm ce Pro ra on Ult ad r& T PH De Pu ep m wa pin te g Lo Ero g rin ea Sh UNCONVENTIONAL si s Ca -D pa ee cit y pw ate r Arc tic Ge Su M En bse vi a Co oth g t ss n-B itio nd al erm Pro g ase d cti M Sp on ac e ito & rin g W eig ht Co En nst ha ra nc in ed ts Re co ve ry F. Martins, J. Bittencourt, M.S. Santos, T.M. Amato, Queiroz Galvao Oleo e Gas & HT HP r W ate d ce du ure gy lo no ch ENA HYDROCARBON PROCESSING nc ie B LIN G T E C H N O L O GIE LIFE- ic l Eff ova O F-FIE LD S E R VIC E Sa fe ty & m Re 2 CO D De ehyd sa ra ltin tio g n& y Hig h Pre ss H Fo ydra rm te ati on Te ct pa m Co Pro C Ava ontr ila ol S bil ys ity tem ie ic Eff st Co Ho rizo nta lD rill nc in y g Ult ra -H EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS Levar petróleo ao mercado abrange muitas disciplinas altamente técnicas – perfuração, produção, armazenagem, transporte, processamento, separação, refino – do espaço poroso até à distribuição. Na Cameron, chamamos isso de "trajetória do petróleo", uma história de tecnologias complexas e desafios que exigem uma “expertise” tão vasta que poucas empresas podem fornecê-la. S S OFFSHORE CRIAR VALOR NA TRAJETÓRIA DO PETRÓLEO. A Cameron tem uma abordagem única e anos de experiência para negociar a trajetória do petróleo do início ao fim. Nossa experiência e ampla base tecnológica nos permite entender as idas e voltas dessa trajetória melhor do que qualquer outra empresa. Trabalhamos em parceria com nossos clientes para enfrentar desafios e ampliar os resultados. Acesse e siga essa trajetória conosco. AD01972CAM PT-BRZ INVENTANDO. COLABORANDO. LIDERANDO. Technical Program 06 0930–1200 | Room 211 | Programa Técnico 0930–1200 | Room 202 A/B SE02 Panel: New Oil in Old Offshore Fields – Enhancing Oil Recovery Through Improved Reservoir Imaging and Management in Declining Oil Fields Pre-Salt Developments Session Chairperson(s): Bruno Moczydlower, Petrobras Celso Branco, Petrobras 093026320 Sapinhoá Field, Santos Basin Pre-Salt: From Conceptual Design to Project Execution and Results Session Chairperson(s): Priscila Moczydlower, Petrobras S.A. J.T. Naveiro, D. Haimson, Petrobras 095526164 Performance Analysis and Comparison of Membrane Permeation Versus Supersonic Separators for CO2 Removal From a Plausible Natural Gas of Libra Field, Brazil L.O. Arinelli, J.L. de Medeiros, O.Q. Araújo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 102026190 Economic Viability of E&P Projects Under Production Share Agreement: Libra Field Case Study in Presalt R.R. Motta, L.Q. Caldas, N.B. Amaral, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ Panelists: 4D Seismic for Improved Oil Recovery Paulo Johann, Petrobras Managing Mature Offshore Fields Igor Kirsten, Royal Dutch/Shell Group Technologies for Extending the Life of Offshore Fields Michael Bittar, Halliburton IOR - Every Single Day Thom Van Der Heijden, Statoil ASA 104526066 Risk Assessment Methodologies Applied to Exploration and Production of Brazilian Pre-Salt Layer 0930–1200 | Room 209 K.F. De Souza, D. Werneck, Bureau Veritas SE03 Panel: Offshore Safety 111026314 Cementing in Front of Saline Zone and Carbonate Reservoir with Presence of CO2 Session Chairperson(s): Henrique Paula, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) A. Gregatti, G. Carvalho, Schlumberger; T. Piedade, G. Campos, Petrobras Key Note Topic: Safety & Environmental Safeguards Implemented Since Macondo Incident in the US Gulf of Mexico 1135-null- Technologies To Increase Both Industrial and Power Generation Availability of the Brazilian Pre-Salt Natural Gas Lars Herbst, Regional Director, Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement A.C. Correa, Pré-Sal Petróleo S. A. - PPSA Cristiano Salgado, Safety Manager, Statoil Brasil The Importance of Building a Local Safety Culture Early Detection of Offshore Oil Spills on the Water Surface 0930–1200 | Room 201 B/C Panel: R&D Environment in the Eyes of the Industry Session Chairperson(s): Eduardo Santos, Petrobras Daniel Merino-Garcia, Repsol Sinopec Brasil SA Panelists: Tathiany Moreira, ANP Eduardo Santos, Petrobras Joao Mariano, Shell Fabiano Lobato, Statoil do Brasil Pedro Martinez, Repsol Sinopec Pedro Chira, Halliburton Fernando Rizzo, INT SE01 Antonio Pérez Lepe, Senior Researcher, Repsol Fire Behavior or Absenteeism Management Paulo Correia, QHSE Director, Subsea7 Process Safety Culture - How Do We Improve? Caroline Amblard, HSE/SD Manager, Shell Brazil The Evolution of Offshore Safety in Brazil and International Benchmarking Luiz Fernando Oliveira, Research and Development Manager, DNV Implementation of Process Safety Metrics for Wells and Drilling Operations by an Operator Felipe Augusto Carvalho, Petrobras Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 16 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Technical Program –Tuesday, 27 October, 1215–1630 Programa Técnico– terça-feira, 27 de outubro, 1215–1630 1215–1345 | Room 203 ABC SE04 Topical Luncheon: Oil & Gas Megaprojects (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) 08 1400–1630 | Room 202 C Gas Monetization Challenges in Deepwater Session Chairperson(s): Carlos Saavedra, Saavco International Inc. Fabio Passarelli, Petrobras 1400IP SPECI A L E V EN T T ICK E T R EQUIR ED. T ICK E T S SOL D ON SIT E. IPA vision on industry latest outcomes Session Chairperson(s): Claudio Vianna, Petrobras Gas Export Projects for Pre-Salt Fields - An Operator View Speaker 142526158 M. Bicalho, Petrobras Gas Pretreatment Considerations for Floating LNG Dr. Ed Merrow, President, Independent Project Analysis, Inc. (IPA) S. Tierling, KBR 145026098 1400–1630 | Room 201 A 07 Well Integrity Session Chairperson(s): Emerson Rodrigues, Schlumberger Luiz Rocha, Petrobras S.A. 140026122 GTL FPSO & Modular GTL as Potential Solutions for Developing Offshore Oil & Gas Fields H. Kwon, D. Choi, Y. Moon, S. Ahn, N. Jang, H. Lim, W. Kim, DSME; D. Denholm, T. Park, RES Group Inc. 151526313 Gas-to-Liquid Technology Offshore T. Claridge, Haldor Topsoe A/S World’s First: Annular Barrier Installed in a Subsea, Deepwater Well Without the Use of Cement 1540IP C.C. Jacinto, L. Nardi, M.F. Da Silva, M. Marques, P. Esteves Aranha, Petrobras; P. Maciel, R. Reves Vasques, Welltec F. Sobrinho, ABB 142526290 Offshore GTL Modular Solution for Associated Gas With High CO2 Content - An Operator View Wellbore Stability Model for Standalone Liner Completed Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs Subjected to Acidizing Jobs - I. Dissolution-Induced Mechanical Weakening Model E.S. Raggio Santos, F.H. Ferreira, Petrobras 145026280 Wellbore Stability Model for Standalone Liner Completed Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs Subjected to Acidizing Jobs - II. Wellbore Stability Simulator Gas to Wire Transmission Using VSC HVDC 1605IP A. Bidart, Petrobras 1605IP Overview of Gas Monetization in Deepwater C. Saavedra, Saavco International Inc. E.S. Raggio Santos, F.H. Ferreira, Petrobras 151526092 1400–1630 | Room 204 A R. Samuel, Halliburton; H. Wang, The University of Texas at Austin Flow Assurance and Operations Optimized Centralizer Placement for Pre-Salt Formation 154026310 Design Procedure for Cementing Intercalated Salt Zones S. Jandhyala, K. Ravi, Halliburton; J. Anjos, Petrobras 160526294 APB Mitigation Techniques and Design Procedure H.L. Santos, J.S. Rocha, M.V. Ferreira, V. Lima, C.O. Souza, A. Borges, E.C. Silva, Petrobras 09 Session Chairperson(s): Marcelo Goncalves, Petrobras Ricardo Camargo, Petrobras 140026070 A Study on Phase Behavior and its Application to Cryogenic Technologies for Treatment of High CO2 Gas Fields D. Turunawarasu, R. Mohd Norpiah, A. Pottayil, CALSEP A/S 142526135 Offshore Monoethylene Glycol Recovery Units: The Importance of Choice of MEG State in the Reference Environment for Effective Exergy Analysis A.M. Teixeira, J. de Medeiros, O.Q. Araújo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 145026114 Optimizing CO2-EOR Operations by Improved Conditioning of Reservoir Models to Time-Lapse Seismic Data O. Leeuwenburgh, S. Meekes, C. Hofstee, A.G. Chitu, TNO 151526246 Critical Equipment Monitoring in Production Platforms M.M. Campos, R. Grizante, L. Junior, T. Rosa, B. Crippa, S. Santos, M.M. Machado, F. Ribeiro, C. Azevedo, L. Cavadas, S. Oliveira, Petrobras 154026183 Deepwater Sand Control Technologies Applied for Oil Reserve Estimations: Gulf of Mexico Case History A. Cuessy, O. Davila, Halliburton; J. Martinez, J. Zepeda, PEMEX 160526209 Proactive and Reactive Strategies for Optimal Operational Design: An Application in Smart Wells A.A. Abreu, PUC-Rio; R. Booth, A.C. Bertolini, M. Prange, W.J. Bailey, Schlumberger; G.N. Teixeira, A.A. Emerick, Petrobras; M.C. Pacheco, PUC-Rio Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 17 Technical Program 1400–1630 | Room 208 10 Programa Técnico 1400–1630 | Room 210 Geophysics and Exploration Studies Pipelines and Flowlines Session Chairperson(s): Elen de Alencar, Schlumberger Pedro Veliz, P&K Projetos e Consultoria Ltda 140026134 Session Chairperson(s): Andre Luiz Massa, Genesis Gustavo Adolfo Freitas, Petrobras 140026169 Re-Interpretation of an Ultra-Deep Seismic Section in the Pará-Maranhão Basin - Implications for the Petroleum Potential of The Ultra-Deep Waters | 12 Subsea Pipeline Vibration Dampers: Mitigation of Vortex Induced Vibrations G. Hahn, C. Masson, RiserTec; M.A. Norris, S.L. Williams, Lord Corporation P.V. Zalán, ZAG Consultoria em Exploração Petroleo 142526084 From Design, Installation and Commisioning of an Electrically Trace Heated Integrated Production Bundle 142526145 Prospective Drift and Rift Plays in Ceará Basin, Brazilian Equatorial Margin - The Awakening of a Giant? C. Quenot, C. Carvalho, D. Hanonge, F. Fontes, I. Beça, S. Knapp, Technip; D.S. Condessa, G.S. Damno, W.P. Gonçalves, Petrobras A. Belopolsky, T. Garwood, G. Beckmann, P. Fish, O. Cheshire, N. Crabtree, M. Sanders, Premier Oil; R.F. Ballesteros Gomez, A. Dominguez Pfeffer, A. Garcia Hourcade, D. Martin Badajoz, CEPSA 145026100 A New Method of Producing Mechanically Lined Pipe Including Large Diameters 145026259 CSEM in Proximity of Subsea Infrastructure - A Reservoir Sensitivity Study G. Heigl, V. Pavlyk, I. Aretov, S. McCann, Eisenbau Kraemer GmbH H.T. Pedersen, O.J. Birkeland, EMGS 1515IP 151526101 Value Engineering for Pipeline Lateral Buckling and Walking Pre-Salt Limestone Plays in Campos and Santos Basins, Brazil: Additional Potential Identified J.L. Upchurch, Genesis 1540IP S.D. Kattah, PGS Transient Flow Analysis in a Pipeline Using Different Numerical Methods 1540IP R.I. Tsukada, DPR Engenharia Recent Advances in Computational Geophysics for Seismic Interpretation and Reservoir Characterization 1605IP First Pre-Salt SLWRs: Challenges and Lessons Learned P. Cruz e Silva, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro R. Studzinski Perotto, Petrobras 1605IP Multi-Sensor Inversion using 3-D Acoustic and Induction Logs V. Simões, Schlumberger 1400–1630 | Room 209 1400–1630 | Room 211 11 Regulatory and Applications Session Chairperson(s): Marco Almeida, COPPE - UFRJ Adriana Botto, Wood Group Integrity Management 140026339 The Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Blends Using Brasil’s Proposed Offshore Drilling Regulations B. Lee, D. Brown, Shell Global Solutions; M. Spence, Belgian Shell S.A.; G. Whale, Shell International Logistics and Supply Chain Session Chairperson(s): Ederson Goncalves, Petrobras Plinio Marcos Bicego, Schlumberger 140026274 Applying Big Data Analytics to Logistics Processes of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Through a Hybrid Modeling and Simulation Approach C.J. Sousa, I.H. Santos, V.T. Almeida, A.R. Almeida, G.M. Silva, Petrobras; A.E. Ciarlini, A. Prado, R. Senra, V. Gottin, EMC Brazil R&D Center; A. Bhaya, T. Calmon, L. Ferreira, COPPE UFRJ 142526226 142526295 Logistic Response Coefficient to Spill Due to the Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas Regulatory Environment and Endogenous Technological Development in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry in Brazil O.A. Pessoa, R.N. Junior, R.J. Alves, C.E. de Andrade, A.M. Dias, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina L. Mancini, Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) 145026197 145026174 Walk To Work Offshore Using Motion Compensated Gangways Reserves Certification: The Actual Scenario of the Largest World Oil Producer Countries and Colombia D.C. Salzmann, J.A. Prezzi, S.t. Haaf, S. Groenteman, Ampelmann Operations B.V. R.J. Câmara, Universidade Federal da Bahia - Programa de Enhenharia Industrial (PEI); L.F. Carvalho, Universidade Federal da Bahia; G.A. Camara, Camara Consultoria Em Projetos Ltda; P.S. Rocha, Universidade Salvador Analysis of Moored Tankers as a Diesel Hub 151526124 Ecological Prototype Vessel on Reduced Scale Using the Arduino Platform To Remove Floating Solid Wastes That Pollute the Surface of the Fundao Island Canal A.R. Neto, S.P. Villarreal, National Service for Industrial Training - SENAI / FIRJAN; L. Landau, Laboratory for Computational Methods in Engineering - LAMCE/COPPE/ UFRJ 13 151526212 M.D. Ferreira, A. Azevedo, Petrobras 154026151 Regulatory Approaches for Safety of Personnel Transfer Baskets H.M. Paula, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 160526297 Logistics Planning for Critical Cargos Related to Hydrogen Sulfide Removal Processes in Pre-Salt Basin Fields V.A. Silva, D.A. Liang, D. Yuba, R. Rossetto, S. Kovalski, Petrobras 154026090 Evaluation of New Technological Routes to Waste Treatment Generated on Oil Platform: Waste-to-Energy I.B. Scorzelli, C.P. Costa, P.R. Furio, Industrial Federation of Rio de Janeiro - FIRJAN 160526270 A Case Study on the Implementation of an Acoustic Automatic Leak Detection Sonar (ALDS) in GoM and its Application to Current and Future Brazilian Fields G. Brown, S. Fasham, P. Tomlinson, Sonardyne International Ltd; R. Crook, Sonardyne Wavefront Ltd Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 18 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 1400–1630 | Room 201 B/C Panel: Produced Water Reinjection Session Chairperson(s): Giovani Nunes, Petrobras Advances in Produced Water Injection Giovani Nunes, Petrobras Produced Water Reinjection in P-57 - Jubarte Field Lucas Pavan Barros, Petrobras Advances in Produced Water Reinjection Inae Almeida, Statoil Produced Water Reinjection Peregrino Field Inae Almeida, Statoil Reservoir Aspects of Produced Water Re-Injection in Brazil Antonio Luiz Serra De Souza, Petroleos Brasileiro S.A. SE05 1400–1630 | Room 202 A/B SE06 Panel: Public Policies and R&D for the Oil and Gas Sector Session Chairperson(s): Milton Costa Filho, IBP Jose Carlos Pinto, COPPE-UFRJ 0200 Opening Remarks Marcelo Haddad, CEO - Rio Negócios; Joe Fowler, Chairman - Offshore Technology Conference 0220 What Are the Current Key Discussions in Norway, The United States and Brazil? Bjorn Leroen, Oil and Gas Expert - Stavanger, Norway; Marcelo Mafra, Executive Manager Superintendent - Operational Security & Environment, ANP 0320 Networking Break 0340 R&D Applied to O&G: What do Key Brazilian Players Think? Segen Estefen, Professor - COPPE (Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering) at UFRJ; Marcelo Gatass, Director - Tecgraph Lab at PUC-Rio; Kazuo Nishimoto, Head of Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Director of Numerical Offshore Tank Center of USP; Carlos Camerini, Superintendent - ONIP (National Organization of Petroleum Industries) Technical Program Technical Program –Wednesday, 28 October, 0930–1200 Programa Técnico– quarta-feira, 28 de outubro, 0930–1200 0930–1200 | Room 201 A 14 Advanced Reservoir Geophysical Technologies for Presalt | Programa Técnico (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) 0930–1200 | Room 204 A 16 Nanotechnology The impact of nanotechnology in many sectors of the Oil and Gas industry has been increasingly felt over the past few years: from reservoir characterization to new technologies for drilling and well construction, to production enhancement. This session will focus on the latest developments and applications of nanotechnology in areas of significant impact on field productivity and recovery. Session Chairperson(s): Paulo Johann, Petrobras João Tadeu Vidal, CGG Everything Matters For Reliable Reservoir Characterization Diana Sineva, Repsol Sinopec Recent Highlights From Imaging Brazil’s Pre-Salt Reservoirs Session Chairperson(s): Othon Monteiro, Baker Hughes Inc Rita Wagner, Petrobras Huub Douma, CGG Imaging Pre-Salt Carbonates in Offshore Brazil: Solutions from Processing to Acquisition 093026068 Peng Wang, Shell Wettability Alteration of Heavy-Oil/Bitumen Containing Carbonates Using Solvents, High pH Solutions and Nano/Ionic Liquids The Future of 4D Reservoir Monitoring Didier Lecerf N. Cao, M. Almojtaba, T. Babadagli, University of Alberta Time-Lapse (4D) Seismic at Brazilian Presalt Carbonates: Where Are We? 095526083 Enhancing Bitumen Flotation With Colloidal Nanoparticles Paulo Johann, Petrobras O.V. Kuznetsov, R. Suresh, D.K. Agrawal, O.A. Mazyar, X. Feng, J. Behles, V.N. Khabashesku, Baker Hughes A Comparison Between Time Domain and Depth Domain Inversion to Acoustic Impedance 102026283 John Mathewson, Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization With Use of Nanosensors P.S. Pino Veliz, P.E. Kong, PEK Teknep Overseas Engenharia S. A. 1930–1200 | Room 202 C 15 Flow Assurance Challenges in Subsea Factory Subsea processing (SSP) allows for longer distances to the receiving facilities. It is certainly one of the main targets for efficient deepwater oil production. Additionally, SSP is an enabler for increased recovery factor by reducing the abandonment pressure, which implies that wellhead pressures and temperatures will be lower than typically assumed. Increasing the size of the pressure-temperature envelope for operation subsea may pose challenges related to Flow Assurance (solid presence, flow instabilities, etc). This session will discuss the Flow Assurance constraints for the design and operation of subsea processing units. Session Chairperson(s): Daniel Merino-Garcia, Repsol Sinopec Brasil SA Marcelo Goncalves, Petrobras 093026106 Phase Behavior of CO2-Rich Live Oil Samples From High Pressure Reservoirs F.M. Cardoso, C.C. Viegas, F. Fleming, R.S. Freitas, A.J. Vieira, Petrobras; P.T. Rosa, UNICAMP; H. Carrier, J. Daridon, LFC-R/UPPA 095526069 Subsea Separation Behavior of a Brazilian Crude Oil: Experiment and Simulation C. Noik, S. Muller, IFPEN; O. Karnitz Jr, J. Ramalho, Petrobras; A. Steinhauser, E. Grave, ExxonMobil 102026291 Rigorous Integrated Production Modelling of Cold Flow Technologies M.J. Watson, A. Speranza, KBC Advanced Technologies Ltd; M. LaCombe, KBC Advanced Technologies Inc. 104526220 BC-10-Optimizing Subsea Production N. Sleight, N. Oliveira, Shell Petroleo Brasil Ltda. 111026107 Flow Assurance as a Show Stopper for Subsea Factory - Use of Subsea Separation for Mitigation and Elimination of Risks 104526282 Developing A High-Strength, Lightweight Material Using NanoCoated, Smart Materials for Oilfield Applications N. Carrejo, O.R. Espinoza, H. Wibowo, S. Gaudette, Baker Hughes Inc 1110 IP Nanotechnology Initiatives for EOR L. Silva Almeida, Petrobras 1135 IP Nanoparticles for Treatment of Produced Water S.H. Toma, Universidade de Sao Paulo 0930–1200 | Room 208 17 Mooring Systems Session Chairperson(s): Cesar Jose Del Vecchio, Stress Engineering Services Inc. Ronaldo Rossi, Petrobras 093026146 Technology Qualification of Tendon Connectors for Deep and Ultra Deep Water Application L. D`Angelo Aguiar, M. Viteri, DNV Inc.; R. Bradberry, R. Grimont, Hutchinson 095526264 Chain FEARS JIP: Finite Element Analysis of Residual Strength of Degraded Chains J. Rosen, G. Farrow, A.E. Potts, C. Galtry, W. Swedosh, D. Washington, A. Tovar Rodriguez, AMOG Consulting 102026178 An Improvement of a Semi-Coupled Analysis for a Turret Moored FPSO in Deep Water Z. Xu, K. Anderson, Wood Group Kenny 104526224 Development of Ultra-Deep Water FPSO Mooring Ropes Using High Modulus/ High Tenacity Polyester Yarn M.B. Bastos, MBB Enterprises, Inc.; L. Haach, Lankhorst Euronete Brasil; E.B. Fernandes, Unisinos M. Tienhaara, Sulzer Chemtech 113526242 Rheological and Thermal Behavior of Water-Waxy Crude Oil Emulsions and Model Oil Systems T.O. Marinho, M.N. de Souza, C.N. Barbato, EQ/UFRJ; M.C. Khalil, CENPES/Petrobras Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 20 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 0930–1200 | Room 209 18 0930–1200 | Room 210 19 Policy / Local Content Production Optimization Session Chairperson(s): Ricardo Santos, Schlumberger 093026234 The optimal level of production from a field is influenced by a large number of distinct factors over the life of a field, and it is always a challenge for producers. Each field provides unique challenges based on reservoirs characteristics, completions architecture, flowlines, and topside process facilities. More recently, several new regions are being explored and developed, which would utilize the lessons learned from the regions that have been developed over past decades and will also have new challenges of their own. The alternative ways to enable production optimization include analytical techniques to support decisions, instrumentation, control systems and equipment asset management, improved flow assurance measures, simulators, and training approaches. These play a significant role and need to be evaluated jointly or individually for reducing the production costs and increasing the overall production. This session is focused on presentation of the alternative means for achieving production optimization from brownfields and for use in decisions for development of new fields. R&D in Focus - Using and Improving Brazilian Framework in Light of the Alien Experience V.C. Cavalcanti, F. Gaspar, Shell 095526296 Tax Benefits for Technological Innovation To Protect the Environment in the Corporate Income Tax: Reform Proposal for Brazil Based on the Spanish Experience R.P. Barreto, Universidad Complutense de Madrid 102026208 Fulfilling Local Content Requirements Within the First Six Months of Country Operation: A Case Study S. MacDonald, B. Shah, C. Almeida, E. Daher, United Safety Session Chairperson(s): Hoss Shariat, KBR Marco Pellicer, Schlumberger 093026337 Results of Real-Time Production Optimization of a Maturing North Sea Gas Asset With Production Constraints R.V. Linden, J.D. Boer, W. Renes, TNO 095526250 Flow Assurance Aspects and Optimization of Subsea Choke Valve - Sand Management and Erosion E. Gharaibah, Y. Zhang, GE Oil & Gas Serviço de instalação e manutenção de cabos umbilicais e cabos submarinos. A JDR fornece apoio marítimo desde o projeto até o comissionamento final no local, maximizando os investimentos e reduzindo custos. WWW.JDRGLOBAL.COM UNITED KINGDOM • UNITED STATES • THAILAND SINGAPORE • WEST AFRICA • GERMANY • BRASIL Technical Program 0930–1200 | Room 210 19 Production Optimization (continued) | Programa Técnico 0930–1200 | Room 201 B/C SE07 Panel: DeepStar Global Offshore Research Consortium–Selected Floating System and Riser Technologies 095526250 Flow Assurance Aspects and Optimization of Subsea Choke Valve - Sand Management and Erosion Session Chairperson(s): Rajiv Aggarwal, Consultant Joe Fowler, Stress E. Gharaibah, Y. Zhang, GE Oil & Gas 102026268 Deep Water Intervention and Field Optimization by Application of the CRUSH Model Overview of DeepStar Projects - Accomplishments O.O. Ajimoko, Rhetort Ltd Greg Kusinski, Chevron and Joe Fowler, Stress 104526243 Cost Effective Dry Tree Alternatives for 4 to 6 Wells Anti-Slug Advanced Control for Offshore Production Platforms Rajiv Aggarwal, Consultant M.M. Campos, O. Meien, S. Neto, A.S. Stender, T. Takahashi, F. Ashikawa, Petrobras 111026110 Mooring System - Integrity Management and Chain Corrosion Andrew Kilner, AMOG Consulting Simplified Model for Control of Severe Slugging in S-shaped Risers BSR - Buoy Supporting Risers R.H. Nemoto, S. Abrol, G. Becquin, GE Global Research Ricardo Franciss, Petrobras High Strength Mechanically Connected Steel Riser 0930–1200 | Room 211 20 David Barnes, GMC Brown Fields HP Flexible Flowline for UDW Session Chairperson(s): Andre Luiz Massa, Genesis Jose Donoso Chumillas, Schlumberger 093026244 New Generation Computational Approaches for Flexible Risers and Umbilicals The Extension of the Fatigue Design Life of Fixed Oil Platforms in Brownfields by Easy Model Refinements G.C. Fernandes, R.P. Da Silva, M.V. Ribeiro, Genesis; L.A. Siqueira, Petrobras 095526159 Offshore Fixed Platforms Decommissioning: Mapping of the Future Demand in the Brazilian Context F. Mimmi, R. Dalvi Nunes, M. da Silva, Genesis; G. Lobo de Souza, Petrobras 102026298 Data Envelopment Analysis of Navigation Records Improve Ship Fleet Management M.A. Fun-Sang Cepeda, J. Caprace, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ 104526221 Evaluation of Local Joint Flexibility Effects in Fixed Oil Platforms J.L. Martins, R.P. da Silva, Genesis 111026148 Peter Kirton and Upul Fernando, GE Jim Yu, INTECSEA 0930–1200 | Room 202 A/B SE08 Panel: Cost Reduction Opportunities for Deepwater Wells Session Chairperson(s): Jackson Farias, Petrobras Shiniti Ohara, Barra Energia Oil & Gas Speakers David Richardson, Transocean Offshore Inc. Andre Naslausky, Schlumberger Mauro Nunes, Halliburton Augusto Hougaz, Petrobras Arno Van Den Haak, Shell Miguel Mollinedo, BG Monitoring and Optimizing a Brown Offshore Oilfield With an Integrated Asset Modeling Study F. Garcia Ruiz, G. Ponce, Repsol Sinopec; M.C. Costa da Silva, R.E. Sauve, J. Rojas Mora, Schlumberger 1135IP Discussing Life Extension of Offshore Production Installations in Brazil C.P. Morais, ANP Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 22 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Technical Program –Wednesday, 28 October, 1215–1630 Programa Técnico– quarta-feira, 28 de outubro, 1215–1630 1215–1345 | Room 203 ABC SE09 (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) Distinguished Achievement Awards Luncheon 21 Ocean Monitoring During this luncheon the Distinguished Achievement Award Winners will be recognized followed by a keynote presentation. Session Chairperson(s): Elizabeth Creed, Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc. Andre Mendes, Petrobras 140026200 Session Chairperson(s): Fernando Frimm, GustoMSC Inc. Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals: Antônio Carlos Capeleiro Pinto, Petrobras Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies: Subsea7 Buoy Supporting Risers (BSR) Keynote Presenter: Solange da Silva Guedes, Exploration and Production Director, Petrobras Development of the Brazilian Pre-Salt and the Technological Innovations in Ultra Deepwater Projects at Petrobras 21 1400–1630 | Room 201 A Design Process and Validation of an Autonomous Surface Vehicle for the Offshore Industry R. Coelho, R. Daltry, ASV; E. Lachaud, I. Miller, Technip 142526276 Managing Risk and Cost Using Autonomous Marine Vehicles C. Tichatschke, Total Uruguay; S. Pai, Liquid Robotics Oil and Gas, A joint venture with Schlumberger 145026328 Advancements in Commercial Sensor Packages for Underwater Gliders E. Creed, R. Patterson, Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc. 151526207 OTC Brasil Distinguished Achievement Award for Individuals Eco-Engineering Opportunities for Offshore Marine Infrastructure Projects Antônio Carlos Capeleiro Pinto, Petrobras, will be honored for his contributions to the technical development and management of deep and ultradeep water oil fields. With a career of excellence since 1983, Antonio’s achievements include the development plan of Marlim field and heavy oil reservoirs located in offshore environments. Since 2007 he has been in charge of the design of the production development projects for the ultra-deep water pre-salt carbonate reservoirs in Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. He is considered as a technical and professional reference by his managers and peers. Brazilian Metocean Buoy (BMO-BR) for Offshore Applications Antonio holds a MSc degree in petroleum engineering and has taught reservoir engineering classes and lectures to Petrobras´ employees and Brazilian university students. He is the author of several pioneering technical papers for OTC and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). In 2008 he was nominated, by the SPE Brazil Section, as the Oil and Gas Professional of the year, in the Technical Excellence Category. OTC Brasil Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies Subsea7 Buoy Supporting Risers (BSR) will be recognized for developing an innovative deepwater riser system from concept to full production. Innovative technologies in the upstream sector are frequently driven by the need to access and produce from reservoirs on challenging frontiers. The Sapinhoá and Lula NE are peculiar field developments where the innovative BSR concept for their risers’ system, at water depth in excess of 2000m, are paramount examples on how the early engagement of industry players, in the format of a design competition, combining a set of various new incremental technologies, resulted in a unique innovation that enables operators and partners to grant a total of 240,000 bopd production from the two fields. D. Rijks, S. Aarninkhof, A. van Spreeken, E. Legierse, Boskalis 1540IP A.L. Mendes, Petrobras 1605IP Metocean Monitoring Using Unmanned Vehicles at Santos Basin L.A. Guerra, Petrobras 22 1400–1630 | Room 202 C Field Development and Integrated Operations Session Chairperson(s): Remo Machado Filho, Consultant Robert Voss, GE Oil & Gas 140026309 Reservoir-Schedule Coupled Uncertainty Analysis for PD Projects: Optimization Opportunities and Improvements for More Robust Production Forecasts V.C. Silva, J.W. Pinto, Petrobras 142526137 A Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Extreme Events Based on Discrete Event Simulation for FPSO Operations S.K. Chandrasekaran, T. Carrico, SBM Offshore USA 145026304 All Data Becomes Big When You Fail To Learn From It H. Snøtun, Well Design Online; P. Mathisen, AGR Software 151526345 A Model for the Valuation of an Inspection Program in Offshore Oil Production Facility G.A. Costa Lima, A.M. Teodoro Filho, AREMAS 154026336 A Model for the Valuation of an Inspection Program in Offshore Oil Production Facility G.A. Costa Lima, A.M. Teodoro Filho, AREMAS 1605IP Structured Subsea Manifold Design Allows Adaptability to Multiple Deepwater Applications M. Brandao, GE Oil & Gas Since 2010, the successful completion of the BSR system created an innovative solution for deepwater production risers, overcoming several technological, construction and production challenges and Subsea7 has been enabling an operator to effectively use the BSR system in the Sapinhoá-Lula NE fields. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 23 Technical Program 1400–1630 | Room 204 A 23 Material Performance I (Polymers and Coatings) | Programa Técnico 1400–1630 | Room 209 25 Structure and Mooring Integrity This will address latest developments and characterization of high strength pipes, including properties, hydrogen induced cracking, sulphide stress corrosion cracking (sour service), welding and inspection, corrosion resistance and deep water application. Characterization of polymers and coatings in different applications will also be presented and discussed. Session Chairperson(s): Pascoal Bordignon, Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração, CBMM Teresa Perez, Tenaris 140026150 Session Chairperson(s): Rajiv Aggarwal, Consultant Luis Henrique Moraes Alves, Petrobras 140026211 Study of Progressive Collapse of a Flare Boom Structure B. Nabuco, F. Castanheira, DNV GL Group 142526229 Hybrid Cellular Tendon Design for TLP in Ultra-Deep Water Z.J. Yu, C. Wu, H. Heidari, R. Zhao, INTECSEA WorleyParsons Group 145026264 Chain FEARS JIP: Finite Element Analysis of Residual Strength of Degraded Chains Internal Lining of Carbon Steel Flowlines With a Plastic Liner Based on a Fluorinated Polymer - Introduction of the Concept and Evidences on Capex and Opex Reductions J. Rosen, G. Farrow, A.E. Potts, C. Galtry, W. Swedosh, D. Washington, A. Tovar Rodriguez, AMOG Consulting N. Messina, M. Colladon, P. Fossati, Solvay Specialty Polymers; C. Meynet, Wood Group Kenny 151526257 142526147 A.A. Kilner, D.G. Washington, C. Carra, A.E. Potts, AMOG Consulting Improvements in the Practices for Mooring Integrity Management Hardness and Characterization of Coatings Employed in Subsea Equipments A.C. Rovani, G. Pintaude, F. Kouketsu, C.H. Da Silva, Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) 154026202 Classification Society Studies on FPSO Life Extension Requirements C.L. Machado, J. Wu, W. Huang, ABS 145026307 1605IP The Evolution and Application Development of HighPerformance, Thin-Film, Dry-Lubricant Coatings Fatigue Damage Assessment of FPSO Modules D.R. Cueva, Oceanica G.B. Pernice, Whitford Corporation 1515 26334 Design of Chamber with Carbon Nanotubes for Deep Water Installations 1400–1630 | Room 210 P.S. Veliz, P.E. Kong, PEK Teknep Overseas Engenharia S. A. 1540IP Innovations for Topsides J. Ramos, Petrobras Cenpes This session focuses on the topside processing design aspects of the deepwater production facilities. It includes introduction of innovative process and technology developments, experiences, and lessons learned sharing for topside facilities. Nondestructive Evaluation of Piping Systems Using Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastics 1400–1630 | Room 208 24 Multiphase Flow Session Chairperson(s): Rigoberto Morales, UTFPR-Parana Paulo Ribeiro, Universidade Estadual De Campinas 140026121 Inlet Effects on Flow Regimes in Downwards Inclined Pipes M. Diaz, O.J. Nydal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 142526167 Two-Way Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Flexible Pipe Conveying Gas-Liquid Slug Flow Session Chairperson(s): Caroline Nesi, Independent Consultant Hoss Shariat, KBR 140026091 Meeting the Challenges of Power Generation on Offshore Heavy Oilfields M. Welch, S. Larsson, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery 142526225 Challenges in Offshore Natural Gas Processing A.M. Bidart, D.C. Melo, F.M. Passarelli, J.F. Nascimento, J.P. Silva, L.D. Andrade, L.S. Pereira, L.R. Tapajoz, W.M. Grava, Petrobras 145026347 J. Vieiro, E.I. Ita, O.J. Nydal, Norwegian University of Science & Technology The Impact of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen in Fuel Gas on Gas Turbine Operation 145026189 M. Welch, B. Igoe, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Hydrate Formation in Condensate and Mineral Oil Systems E.O. Straume, Federal University of Technology - Paraná; D. Merino-Garcia, Repsol Sinopec Brasil SA; A.K. Sum, Colorado School of Mines; R.E. Morales, Federal University of Technology - Paraná 151526176 Characteristics of Gas/Water/Viscous Oil in Stratified-Annular Horizontal Pipe Flows A. Shmueli, T.E. Unander, SINTEF Petroleum AS; O.J. Nydal, Norwegian University of Science & Technology 154026231 Numerical Simulations of High CO2 Content Flows in Production Wells, Flowlines and Risers J.N. Carneiro, M.A. Pasqualette, J.R. Reyes, SINTEF; E. Krogh, SINTEF Petroleum Research; S.T. Johansen, SINTEF; J.P. Ciambelli, H. Rodrigues, R. Fonseca Jr., Petrobras - CENPES 26 151526271 Sales Gas Production Challenges in an Ultradeep Water Field S. Orreindy, L.F. Batalla Toro, G. Superchi, Repsol Sinopec Brasil 154026277 Offshore Waste Water Management System Reduces Operating Costs M. Usher, D. Herrington, M. Kozikowski, E. Scott, NOV 160526348 2-Pronge Approach for Improved Operating Range of Electrostatic Crude Oil Treaters E.L. Sellman, S. Mandewalkar, Cameron Process Systems Alternate26075 Produced Water Management - The Challenges Faced G.D. Ariaratnam, N. Bhola, N. Roth, Jorin Limited 160526299 The Influence of Compressibility and Shrinkage in the Startup of a Flow of Gelled Waxy Crudes in Pipelines C.V. Geest, V.C. Guersoni, UNICAMP; D. Merino-Garcia, Repsol Sinopec Brasil SA; A.C. Bannwart, UNICAMP Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 24 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 1400–1630 | Room 211 27 1400–1630 | Room 201 B/C Reservoir Characterization Panel: Pre-Salt – The First 1MMBOEPD Session Chairperson(s): Carlos Bruhn, Petrobras Santiago Colacelli, Schlumberger 140026315 Session Chairperson(s): Luiz Levy, Petrobras Stephen Balint, Shell The Importance of Extra-Deep Azimuthal Resistivity in Reservoir Development: An Update on Recent Field Experiences R.M. Tilsley-Baker, A. Hartmann, M.V. Sviridov, O. Sanabria, J. Skillings, Baker Hughes; M. Kjolleberg, J.E. Barbosa, L. Loures, P. Swalf Pearson, B. Morani, Statoil Brasil 142526217 A Low Field NMR Investigation on Rock Wettability by Formulations Used for Enhanced Oil Recovery R.D. Ungarato, E. Sabadini, W. Loh, UNICAMP 145026144 Mass Transfer Parameters in Miscible Flows Across Carbonates Using Computed Tomography Brazilian Pre-Salt: An Impressive Jouney From Plans and Challenges to Concrete Results Celso Branco, Petrobras Broad Strategy To Face With Complex Reservoirs: Expressive Results of Production in Pre-Salt Area, Offshore Brazil Marcelo Salomao, Petrobras Santos Basin Pre-Salt Well Construction History Renato Pinheiro, Petrobras Subsea Solutions in the Pre-Salt Development Projects Cezar Paulo, Petrobras Offshore Production Units for Pre-Salt Projects J.A. Vidal Vargas, O.V. Trevisan, Universidade Estadual de Campinas Ana Maria Andrade, Petrobras 151526143 Developing Mega Projects Simultaneously: The Brazilian Pre-Salt Case Comparative Geostatistical Simulation of Formation Permeability through Bayesian and Conventional Kriging Approaches SE10 Flavio Vianna Filho, Petrobras W.J. Al-Mudhafar, Louisiana State University; W.G. da Silva, COPPE / UFRJ 154026206 Virtual Core: State-of-the-Art Wireline Technologies To Provide a Viable Substitute for Whole Conventional Coring E. Bize, Schlumberger; A. Tisi, Karoon; R.J. Laronga, N. Forest, Schlumberger 160526338 Magnetic Resonance NMR Approach for Permeability Estimation in Carbonate Rocks W. Trevizan, B. Coutinho, P. Netto, E. Gorceix, Petrobras; P. Ramos, Observatorio Nacional; J. Salazar, M.A. Bressan, Baker Hughes 1400–1630 | Room 202 A/B SE11 Panel: Decommissioning: Safe and Cost Effective Solutions Decommissioning is a new activity in Brazil, although, it is gaining momentum, as several offshore fields are in a mature phase and for redevelopment as well as for abandonment, they will require decommissioning of production systems in operation for several years. Even in other areas in the world where decommissioning is happening for some time, the wide variety of operations and scenarios impedes the determination of patterns of operation, contract models and regulatory issues. This panel aims to promote the discussion of these aspects, presenting the panelists previous experience in this activity, as well as their vision for the Brazilian scenario. Session Chairperson(s): Mauricio Werneck, Petrobras Panelists: David Carr, Vice President, Schlumberger - Helix Jorn Tore Giskemo, Global Engineering and Operations Manager for Integrated Well Interventions , Halliburton Oswaldo Netto, Intermoor Alan Doory , Installation Operations Manager, Technip Ivan Cruz, Senior Technology Manager, Subsea 7 Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 25 Technical Program Technical Program –Thursday, 29 October, 0930–1200 Programa Técnico–quinta-feira, 29 de outubro, 0930–1200 0930–1200 | Room 201 A 28 Project and Portfolio Management | Programa Técnico (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) 0930–1200 | Room 202 C 29 Advanced Drilling and Completion Fluids Challenges for Deepwater Offshore Brasil (continued.) Session Chairperson(s): Robert Voss, GE Oil & Gas Thiago Palmeira Carvalho, Shell International E&P Co. 093026163 104526344 Intellectual Property and Confidential Management of Technical information, To Increase Competitiviveness in an Exploration and Production Company Advanced Microemulsion Cleaner Fluid Applications in Deepwater Wells J.D. Prado Valencia, Pemex Exploración y Produccion 111026165 L. Quintero, W.D. Passanha, Baker Hughes; E. Aubry, H. Poitrenaud, Total S.A Novelties on Non-Emulsifiers For Completion Brines: Adapting Chemicals to Brazilian Oilfield Challenges 095526140 Understanding Complexity and Uncertainty in E&P Mega Projects: The Need for a New Managerial Approach O.C. Poltronieri, P. de Jesus Cunha Filho, G.B. Fonseca, Oxiteno SA B. Asrilhant, Petrobras; T.T. Beyda, E Y 102026230 Economic Viability to Trigger the Development of Marginal Fields Offshore in the Gulf of Mexico 0930–1200 | Room 208 Reservoir Engineering I O.D. Xochipa López, S. Galicia, Pemex; A. Aramayo, Mckinsey Session Chairperson(s): Raphael Vieira, Petrobras Lideniro Alegre, Nalco Champion 093026232 104526104 A Data Mining Approach to Model Portfolios Oil Assets at High Risk R.J. Cervantes Bravo, E. Fernández, E. Jimenez Nieves, Universidad de Buenos Aires; G. Suma, Universidad Austral From Nanoscale Wetting Towards Enhanced Oil Recovery 111026160 Analysis of Investment in Downstream Under the ProductionSharing Agreement - a Case Study: Libra, Brazil, 2014 R. Giro, P. Bryant, R.R. Del Grande, M. Engel, M.B. Steiner, IBM Research R.D. Motta, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; R.L. de Araújo, Petrobras Optimization of Reservoir Development Plan Using the System OCTOPUS 095526266 R. Lima, A.A. Abreu, M.C. Pacheco, Puc-Rio 1135 26275 Big Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance Modeling: Challenges and Opportunities 102026253 I.H. Santos, M. Marcondes Machado, E. Russo, D.M. Manguinho, V.T. de Almeida, R.C. Wo, M. Bahia, D.J. Constantino, Petrobras; D. Salomone, M.L. Pesce, C. Souza, A.C. Oliveira, EMC - Brazil Research Center; A. Lima, J. Gois, L.G. Tavares, T. Prego, S. Netto, E. Silva, PEE-COPPE / UFRJ R. Ramanathan, A. Shehata, H.A. Nasr-El-Din, Texas A&M University 0930–1200 | Room 202 C 30 29 Water Alternating CO2 Injection Process - Does Modifying The Salinity of Injected Brine Improve Oil Recovery? 104526073 Bitumen Recovery From Carbonates by Modified SOSFR (Steam-Over-Solvent Injection in Fractured Reservoir) Method Using Wettability Alteration Chemicals M. Mohammed, T. Babadagli, University of Alberta Advanced Drilling and Completion Fluids Challenges for Deepwater Offshore Brasil 111026119 This session highlights advances in technologies related to environmentally-compliant drilling fluids for deep-water, high density non-aqueous fluids, prevention of loss circulation, microemulsions for wellbore cleanup, and innovative technology for cleaning drilling cuttings. The papers in this session present a balance between experimental work and case studies. 113526080 Material Balance and Image Processing for Polymer Hele-Shaw Flooding A.N. Meza, R.Z. Moreno, Unicamp The Thermal Recovery Methods and Technical Limits of Bohai Offshore Heavy Oil Reservoirs: A Case Study X. Dong, China University of Petroleum-Beijing; University of Calgary; H. Liu, J. Hou, China University of Petroleum-Beijing; T. Zhang, J. Zhan, Z. Chen, University of Calgary; C. Hong, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Session Chairperson(s): Rui Passarelli, Petrobras Lirio Quintero, Baker Hughes Inc 093026188 Alternative Lost Circulation Material for Depleted Reservoirs J. Luzardo, E.P. Oliveira, Halliburton; P. Derks, Statoil; R. Vega Nascimento, A. Perez Gramatges, R. Valle, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; I. Gianoglio, F. Sbaglia, Halliburton; K. Inderberg, Statoil 095526335 Decontamination of Drilled Cuttings by a Semiindustrial Continuous Microwave Dryer I. Petri, C.H. Ataide, C. Duarte, Federal University of Uberlândia; R. Toledo, A. Morais, INNOVARE; C. Panisset, C.M. De Sa, A.L. Martins, Petrobras 102026322 New Approach on Drilling Fluids Technology To Improve Drilling Performance R.F. Lomba, W. Cardoso Jr, C. Marques de Sá, A.R. d’Almeida, Petrobras Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 26 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Technical Program 0930–1200 | Room 209 31 Material Performance II (Steel and Weld) This will address latest developments and characterization of high strength pipes, including properties, hydrogen induced cracking, sulphide stress corrosion cracking (sour service), welding and inspection, corrosion resistance and deep water application. Characterization of polymers and coatings in different applications will also be presented and discussed. Session Chairperson(s): Pascoal Bordignon, Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração, CBMM Riad Asfahani, U.S. Steel Corp. 093026306 | Programa Técnico 0930–1200 | Room 201 B/C SE12 Panel: Pushing FPUs Boundaries From a Technical and Operational Perspective Session Chairperson(s): Vincius Matos, Petrobras Jose Ferrari, BG Group Design and Operation of Large Floating Hulls Andy Stephens, Shell An Operator Experience of Large Capacity Offshore Production Units in West Africa: How this Experience of Large Capacity FPSOs Could be Used To Develop Large Deep Offshore Presalt Fields in Brazil Daniel Picard, Total Advanced Microstructural Characterization of a X-70 Microalloyed Steel for the Oil and Gas Industry Hull Options Evaluation for High Capacity Production FPSO in Ultra Deep Water Locations I. Berlanga, R. Bruna, Ternium; T. Perez, Tenaris; I. Garcia, University of Pittsburg Fabio Telles de Menezes, Petrobras 095526105 Wet Tree Spar with Storage Option for Offshore Brazil Failure Investigation of a High Strength Low Alloy Steel Threaded Connection in a High CO2 Oil and Gas Field Anil Sablok, Technip B.D. Craig, Stress Engineering Services; R. Thodla, DNV-GL; M. Paes, G. Donato, Petrobras; K. Flesner, Stress Engineering Services Classification Approach to Unique Mega FPUs Leile Froufe, ABS 102026103 Bridging Gaps for Floating Offshore Structures: Between Research and Application, Between Engineering and Operation A Review of Fitness-For-Service and Life Extension Assessment Methodologies Relating to Corrosion Features in Fatigue Sensitive Risers and Pipelines Bas Buchner, MARIN C. Masson, RiserTec, Inc.; J. Lou, K. Saranyasoontorn, A.S. Jesudasen, W. Zeng, BP; L. Wang, G. Hahn, RiserTec, Inc. 104526194 0930–1200 | Room 202 A/B Influence of the Gas Protection Composition on Dilution of AISI 4130 80K Material Overlaid with 625 Alloy by Hot Twin Wire GTAW Process SE13 Panel: Making Subsea Process Happen: Echoes from Subsea Processing Workshop M.A. Deitos Filho, UTFPR; O. Maranho, A. Gandelman, A. Beltrao Santana, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Session Chairperson(s): Alex Dal Pont, Petrobras Magnus Bernt, Statoil 111026177 Development of Rolled H-shape Steels for Low Temperature Applications H. Ito, K. Ichikawa, M. Fujioka, H. Sugiyama, K. Mitsuyasu, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Subsea Power - State of the Art and the Journey Ahead Kristin Elgsaas, GE Oil & Gas 113526204 System To Telemeasure the Cathodic Protection Potentials Using Fixed Reference Electrodes in Petroleum Platforms Subsea Sea Water Treatment and Injection Business Case: Identifying the Right Technology M.A. Bustamante, A.J. Baca, Petroleos Mexicanos Jerome Anfray, Total CompactSep - Inline System for Subsea Separation and Boosting 0930–1200 | Room 210 32 Risers Session Chairperson(s): Rajiv Aggarwal, Consultant 093026330 Leandro Pereira, Statoil Current Status of Industry Standardisation and a Suggested Operator Led Approach To Achieve Greater Industry Alignment Michael Sequeira, OTM Consulting Ltd The Buoy Supporting Risers (BSR) System: A Novel Riser Solution for Ultra-Deep Water Subsea Developments in Harsh Environments I.C. Cruz, C. Claro, D. Sahonero, L. Otani, J. Pagot, Subsea 7 095526346 Singing Mitigation in Corrugated Risers by Liquid Injection J. Golliard, S. Belfroid, TNO; K. Lunde, Statoil ASA 102026319 Pipe-in-Pipe Riser Solution for FPSO’s Offshore Brazil R. Daly, T. Carvalho Saraiva, Repsol Sinopec Brasil; S. Bhat, J. Dong, A.M. Mansour, INTECSEA, WorleyParsons Group 104526078 Cost of the Unknown: A Case Study of Riser Integrity Management in and out of the Design Phase A. Botto, J. Soto Perdomo, C. Fan, J. Strouse, Wood Group Kenny 111026332 The Buoy Supporting Risers (BSR) System: Steel Catenary Risers (SCRs) From Design to Installation of the First Reel CRA Lined Pipes J. Gouveia, D. Sriskandarajah, D.N. Karunakaran, D. Manso, M. Chiodo, R. Maneschy, J. Pedrosa, I.C. Cruz, Subsea7 113526267 Evaluation of Clash Energy In Long Risers E.C. Galgoul, A.L. Massa, Genesis Oil and Gas 28 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Technical Program –Thursday, 29 October, 1215–1630 Programa Técnico–quinta-feira, 29 de outubro, 1215–1630 1215–1345 | Room 203 ABC SE14 Topical Luncheon: Oil Price Scenarios Perspectives: Global Oil and Gas Industry and What it Means for Brazil (as of 19 October 2015) | (atualizado em 19 de outubro de 2015) 34 1400–1630 | Room 202 A/B Subsea Processing Innovations Session Chairperson(s): Luis Batalla Toro, Repsol S.A. Thiago Palmeira Carvalho, Shell International E&P Co. 140026129 SPECI A L E V EN T T ICK E T R EQUIR ED. T ICK E T S SOL D ON SIT E. A New Boosting Concept: Pumps Installed Inside Production Risers in FPSO During this topical luncheon our keynote presenter will discuss the Oil Price Scenarios Perspectives R. Rodrigues, B.P. Foresti, T.S. Vieira, A.B. Franca, Petrobras Session Chairperson(s): Fernando Frimm, GustoMSC Inc. G.O. Homstvedt, Aker Solutions; R. Pessoa, L.N. Portman, X. Wang, Baker Hughes Inc; J.A. Gonzalez, M. Maldaner, J.M. Margulis, Aker Solutions 142526141 Step-Change Seabed ESP Boosting Speaker Atul Arya, Head of Energy Insight, Senior Vice President, IHS Energy 145026316 Variable Rotoconverter for Subsea Processing Applications T. Normann, L. Lien, M. Gabelloni, L. Mueller, Aker Solutions; C. Pauchon, J. Pimentel, Total 1215–1345 | Room 203 ABC SE15 V.P. Esteves, B.d. Wanke, C.R. D’Avila, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; C.S. de Mello, W.M. Grava, Petrobras; S. McLean, Ocean Networks Canada SPECI A L E V EN T T ICK E T R EQUIR ED. T ICK E T S SOL D ON SIT E. 154026125 With two out of five bidding processes already finished in Mexico’s Round One. The opportunity to go to Mexico and invest in this promising geological basins is still huge. There are clear indications that fiscal regime as well as legal framework has been built in the first two bidding calls, and industry players are still expecting the “cherry on the cake”. The strategy behind this one of a kind block offers are at SENER, SHCP and CNH. Let’s take a look from the operator’s perspective Session Chairperson(s): Márcio Félix Carvalho Bezerra, Petrobras MOBO ESP Interventions A.D. Urban, Shell; N. Boechat, S. Haaheim, N. Sleight, I.V. Debacker, Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda; R. Rivera, Shell Exploration & Production 160526138 Simplified Hydraulic Design Methodology for a Subsea Inline Oil-Water Pipe Separator M.E. Stanko, M. Golan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 35 1400–1630 | Room 202 C Panel: High Strength Steels for Sour Crude Oil and Gas Environments Speaker Dr. Lucias Macias Chapa, Vice-Presidente de Alianças Estratégicas, PEMEX Exploration and Production 1400–1630 | Room 201 A 151526210 Technology Evaluation System for Detection of CO2 and CH4 in Deepwater Fields Topical Luncheon: Upstream Business in Mexico, Find the Opportunities 33 Session Chairperson(s): Pascoal Bordignon, Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração, CBMM Riad Asfahani, U.S. Steel Corp. 1400 Completion Key Parameters to be Considered for High Wall Thick DSAW Line Pipe for Sour Service Application Session Chairperson(s): Benjamin Plavnik, Consultant Carlos Pedroso, Queiroz Galvao Exploration & Production SA 140026185 T.S. Kathayat, Welspun Corp Ltd. Sanding Onset Prediction on a Ultra-Deepwater Well Using a Probabilistic Approach: From Lab to Field F.H. Ferreira, E.S. Raggio Santos, D.F. Rossi, A.M. Borba, Petrobras 142526097 A Journey to Multi-Functionality - From Customized to Independent Well Access System D. Klever, E. Halvorsen, FMC Technologies 145026331 Fully Acoustic Telemetry System Improves Cost Efficiency and Safety in DSTs for Deepwater D. Wakabayashi, F. Dias, F. Marcancola, Halliburton 151526076 LiuHua Oil/Gas Project: First Self-Developed Completion Campaign Using Subsea Horizontal Trees in South China Sea Z. Cheng, CNOOC Ener Tech-Drilling &Production Co.; K. Cheng, W. Wu, PetroChanel Inc.; X. Yang, CNOOC Engineering Technology Department; X. Mou, Z. Sun, CNOOC Ener Tech-Drilling &Production Co. 1425 Development of Technology for Production of HIC Resistant Slabs for Sour Service Applications at Steelplant in Mexico A.K. De, ArcelorMittal 1450 Niobium Microalloyed High Strength Steels for Sour Crude Oil and Gas Environments R. Egger, Voestalpine 1515 Challenges in the Development of High Mechanical Resistance Line Pipes for Sour Environments. Metallurgical Tools to Get the Targets T. Perez, Tenaris 1540 Development of C125 Steel Casing for Mildly Sour Crude Oil and Gas Environments R. Asfahani, U.S. Steel Corp. 1605 Recent Developments in Steels for Challenging Offshore Conditions D. Héritier, ArcelorMittal 154026223 Experimental Perforating Test and Damage Zone Characterization A.C. Soares, R. Surmas, Petrobras; L.A. Silva, A. Ferreira, Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME; J.T. Hardesty, GEODynamics Inc. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 29 Technical Program 1400–1630 | Room 208 36 | Programa Técnico 1400–1630 | Room 210 Emerging Drilling Technologies FPUs Design, Construction and Installation Session Chairperson(s): Felipe Freitas, Stress Engineering Services Inc Andre Naslausky, Schlumberger 140026218 Session Chairperson(s): Paulo Videiro, Petrobras Alexandre Simos, USP 140026153 A Simulation Model for Electromagnectic Wave Propagation Within Production Pipes of Oil Wells 38 The Development of the ULFPSO Concept Design A.C. De Oliveira, E.M. Vilamea, Petrobras A.A. Cunha, M.C. Pacheco, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 142526116 Magellan Class Drillship: Designing the Rig of the Future 142526227 Practical MPD Deployment Considerations for Floating Drilling S. Hendriks, L. Claassen, D. Chalkias, GustoMSC J.W. Bruton, J. Lin, H.N. Patel, American Bureau of Shipping 145026237 A New Methodology for the KG Estimation of a Semisubmersible in Service 145026187 Seafloor Drill Technology - Bearing Capacity and Breakout Force Analysis A.G. Cooper, K. Gan, S.D. Hoare, Fugro I.N. Porciuncula, Petrobras; P.T. Esperança, C.A. Castillo, COPPE - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 151526118 151526203 A. Veltman, Piak Electronic Design B.V.; I. Stulemeijer, A. Catena Ortega, Electroproject Aandrijftechniek T.P. Rocha, R. Dotta, D.P. Vieira, P.C. De Mello, E. Malta, K. Nishimoto, University of Sao Paulo 154026321 154026127 N. Carrejo, C.E. Mann, H. Wibowo, S. Gaudette, Baker Hughes Inc K. Maeda, National Maritime Research Institute; T. Ohmura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd; H. Harada, J-DeEP; H. Miyabe, Y. Sezaki, Japan Marine United Corporation; S. Takeda, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd Experimental Investigation on the Influence of Liquid Cargo in Floating Vessels Motions Identification While Drilling of Drill-String Dynamic Model for Diagnostics and Optimization Feasibility Study on Logistics Hub for Passengers in Offshore Brazil Developing Corrosion and Erosion Resistant Technology for Sand Control in Oilfield Applications 160526064 Software Quality Standards for the Offshore Industry D.N. Card, DNV GL Approval Centre Korea 1400–1630 | Room 211 1400–1630 | Room 204 A 37 EOR This session offers a balance between experimental work and field experience in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) in the offshore environment. Advances and highlights of various recovery methods are shared in these outstanding and selected studies. The session also includes a discussion about the influence of the treatment chemistry on the produced fluids from the oil recovery methods. Session Chairperson(s): Lirio Quintero, Baker Hughes Inc; Manoel Farias, Shell 140026079 Flow of Complex Fluids Through Porous Media: Application in Oil Recovery Reservoir Engineering II Session Chairperson(s): Daniel Miranda, Petrobras Adolpho Souza, Schlumberger 140026205 R&D in Reservoir Geomechanics in Brazil: Perspectives and Challenges A. Serra De Souza, F.O. Falcao, Petrobras 142526112 Truncated Multi-Gaussian Pore-Throat-Size Decomposition and a New Universal J-Function for Rock Characterization of Complex Carbonate Reservoirs F.C. Ferreira, R. Booth, R. Oliveira, A. Boyd, N. Bize-Forest, H. Wahanik, Schlumberger 145026139 M.S. Carvalho, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Productivity Index Dynamics: Coupling the Material Balance Equation With the Deconvolved Pressure Response 142526123 L.K. Kubota, Petrobras Offshore Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery R. Reksidler, R.M. Vieira, A. Orlando Junior, B.d. Costa, L.d. Pereira, Petrobras 145026293 39 151526161 Optimizing Recovery by Integrating an Advanced Reservoir Simulation Approach Into the Drilling of Horizontal Wells Considerations of Adjusted Brine Chemistry for Waterflooding in Offshore Environments D.C. Salim, Schlumberger; P. Couto, J. Alves, Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro; E.S. Freitas, S.A. Haq, J. Denichou, Schlumberger V. Alvarado, G. Garcia-Olvera, University of Wyoming; E.J. Manrique, MI3 Petroleum Engineering 154026305 1515IP The Use and Potential of SmartWater From an Operator Perspective A Methodology To Incorporate the Phase Equilibrium Kinetics in a Compositional Reservoir Simulator L. Schmall, V.D. Rios, A.G. Lins Jr, T.D. Serafini De Oliveira, Petrobras L. Berni, Petrobras 1540IP Aspects of CO2 Injection and In-Situ Combustion O.V. Trevisan, Universidade Estadual De Campinas 1605IP Viscoelastic Surfactant Systems from Brazilian Vegetable Oils for EOR Applications J.D. Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro Please note: The technical program is only available in English. Technical sessions are located on the 2nd floor of Pavilion 5. 30 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 1400–1630 | Room 201 B/C Panel: Libra and the Next Generation of Pre-Salt Projects Session Chairperson(s): Daniel Picard, Total He Baosheng, CNOOC Libra Project Overview Anelise Lara, Petrobras Reservoir Challenges and De-Risking Strategy Bruno Moczydlower, Petrobras Well Design: Incorporating Lessons Learned and New Alternatives Paulo Rovina, Petrobras Subsea Design Alternatives Ricardo Toneto, Petrobras Next Generation of Floating Units : handling high GOR & CO2 Fabio Queiroz, Petrobras Libra Technology - Challenges and Opportunities Keith Lewis, Shell Closing Remarks Julio Gontijo, PPSA SE16 Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Board of Directors :: Conselho de Administração Chairman, Joe Fowler Vice Chairman, Wafik Beydoun Stress Engineering Services Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) American Society of Mechanical Engineers Society of Exploration Geophysicists Claude Brancart Norman Carnahan Blue Sea Corporation Carnahan Corporation João de Luca Barra Energia Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Ocean Engineering Society American Institute of Chemical Engineers Brazilian Institute of Petroleum, Gas & Biofuels (IBP) Eric Foell John Gremp Paul Jones EJF Consulting FMC Technologies Chevron ETC Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Petroleum Equipment & Services Association Society of Petroleum Engineers Mark Kalman Steve Leverette Brian Miller DeepFlex SBM Offshore Shell The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers Moe Plaisance Chuck Richards Cindy Yeilding Retired CA Richards & Assoc., Inc. BP International Association of Drilling Contractors Marine Technology Society American Association of Petroleum Geologists 32 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site 2015 Sponsoring Organizations :: Organizações Patrocinadoras 2015 John R. Hogg, Chairman Julio Guerrero, President John Marsden, President Cheryl Teich, President Rene Garello, IEEE-OES President Joe Comer, President Garry W. Warren, President Oceanic and Engineering Society (IEEE-OES) Ray Toll, President Helge Hove Haldorsen, President American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) Robert D. Stevens, President American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration Inc (SME) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Marine Technology Society (MTS) Hani Henein, President The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Dr. John Bradford, President Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) 2015 Regional Sponsoring Organization | Organização Patrocinadora Regional 2015 João Carlos de Luca, President Brazilian Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Institute (IBP) 2015 Endorsing Organizations | Organizações de Apoio 2015 Ed Jacob, Chairman International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Gary Halverson, Chairman Petroleum Equipment & Services Association (PESA) Motores | Automação | Energia | Transmissão & Distribuição | Tintas SoluçõES em Petróleo & Gás Conte Com a WEG. A WEG oferece a maior rede de assistência técnica para a indústria de Petróleo & Gás, além de aliar a experiência de uma empresa de ponta com a tecnologia 100% nacional, capaz de entender e propor soluções para suas necessidades. Proximidade e disponibilidade. Isto é WEG. Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência OTC Brasil Commitees :: Comitês João Carlos de Luca, Barra Energia General Chairman | Presidente Oversight Committee | Comitê Consultivo Committee Chair: João Carlos de Luca Fernando Frimm Ricardo Juiniti Shiniti Ohara Norman Carnahan Gamal Hassan Felipe Lamego Neil Piggott Paulo Couto Paulo Johann Carlos Mastrangelo Andy Seymour Barra Energia Carnahan Corporation FMC Technologies GustoMSC US Inc. ADIG Petrobras OGPar Barra Energia DeepFlex Inc. BP Brasil SBM Offshore Frugo Brasil Program Committee | Comitê Tecnico Orlando Ribeiro, Petrobras Fernando Frimm, GustoMSC Program Committee Chair :: Presidente Program Committee Vice Chair :: Vice-Presidente AAPG Subcommittee Sylvia Couto dos Anjos Petrobras, Chair AICHE Subcommittee Hoss Shariat Carlos A. Salamanca Rigoberto Morales Eliabe Moura Daniel Merino Garcia Watson Loh Alvaro Magalhães Lirio Quintero Othon R. Monteiro Luis F. Batalla Toro Carlos Saavedra Norman Carnahan Marcelo Gonçalves Caroline Maia João Carneiro Pascoal Bordignon John Speer Felipe Freitas Dominique Smith Paulo Mauricio Videiros Peter Simpson David Greene Rodrigo Fernandes Paulo Ribas Vitor Maciel Bobby Voss Remo Zauli Machado Filho Luiz Carlos De Albuquerque Mike Freeman Rajiv Aggarwal Armando Rebello Diogo Negrao Mohamed A.El-Reedy João Melo Adriana Botto Colin Duffett Jennifer Bell David F. Renzi Fabio Tanaka Jim Wodehouse KBR, Chair Repsol Sinopec Brasil, Vice Chair Baker Hughes Petrobras National Oilwell Varco UNICAMP Repsol Sinopec Brasil Statoil ASA Universidade Tecnologica Federal de Paraná Petrobras Granherne Baker Hughes Baker Hughes Carnahan Corporation Instituto SINTEF do Brasil AIME Subcommittee Riad Asfahani United States Steel Corporation, Chair CBMM Consultant, Vice-Chair Colorado School of Mines ASCE Subcommittee Stress Engineering Services, Inc., Chair Shell, Vice-Chair Odebrecht Moffatt & Nichol Petrobras SBM 2H Petrobras ASME-IPTI Subcommittee GE Oil & Gas, Chair Consultant, Vice Chair Oceaneering International Service Ltd. Stress Engineering 34 Petrobras Stress Subsea, Inc. Wood Group WGIM GE Oil & Gas SLB Bits Brasil Lloyds Register Energy MCS Kenny MISwaco SLB Consultant ASME PD WaterStandard Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site IBP Subcommittee Felipe Rego Jorge H B Sampaio Jr. Shiniti Ohara Paulo Couto Petrobras, Chair BG Group Barra Energia, Vice Chair Paulo Ribeiro UNICAMP Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro IEEE-OES Subcommittee Elizabeth Creed Gerardo Acosta Jean-Pierre Hermand Thiago Palmeira Freire de Carvalho Cinthya Lopes Luiz Antoniutti Neto Lucas Pires Marco de Almeida Carlos França Rene Thiago C. Orlowski Joseph Abbey Julio Ribeiro Diego Tavares Bonfim Howard Painter Kongsberg Underwater Technology, Inc., Chair UniCen, Vice Chair Université Libre de Bruxelles MTS Subcommittee Shell Brasil Petróleo Ltda., MTS Chair COPPE/UFRJ, Vice Chair Kongsberg Maritime AS Universidade de São Paulo Oceaneering Brasil Transas Americas Inc. Fugro In Situ Geotecnia Petrobras Shell Brasil Petroleo Ltda. ConsultantSEG Subcommittee Teledyne Oil and Gas SEG Subcommittee Paulo Johann Hamish Macintyre Petrobras, Chair BG Brasil, Vice Chair SME Subcommittee Pedro Pino Véliz André César Zingano Rodrigo Cordova Murilo Medeiros Elpídio Reis Alexandre Gregorieff Peter Seidl Leandro Fagundes Marco Cesar Bonatto Milton Correa Carriconde Gabriel Bastias Alexandre de Souza Carlos Camerini ONIP Department of Chemistry - Pontificia Universidade Catolica Vinicius Matos Kazuo Nishimoto Mauro Costa de Oliveira Celia Ximenes Sidney Bereicoa Paulo de Tarso José Ferrari Bruno Moczydlower Amadeu K. Sum Pedro Trindade Eduardo Albino Andre Bertolini Fabricio Clemente PEK Teknep Overseas Engenharia Ltda, Chair Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Giorgio de Tomi University of Sao Paulo, Vice Chair Joao Felipe Coimbra Leite Costa Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Renato Aurélio Petter U3O8 Corp P&D Consultores Consultant Consultant Geossistemas Andina Engenharia Copelmi Mineração Serra Grande Consultores U3O8 Corp BG Group Institute Of Chemistry - Federal University Of Rio de Janeiro Tommasso del Rosso Physics Department - Pontificia Universidade Catolica Omar Pandoli SNAME Subcommittee Petrobras, Chair USP ABS Americas, Vice Chair UFRJ/COPPE Petrobras Chevron BG SPE Subcommittee Petrobras, Chair Colorado School of Mines Schlumberger, Vice Chair Schlumberger Weatherford Weatherford TMS Subcommittee Carlos Moreira Genesis Oil & Gas/Technip, Chair Felipe Lamego DeepFlex Inc., Vice Chair Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 35 Conference Information | Informações sobre a Conferência Spotlight on New Technology Winners CONGR ATUL ATIONS TO THE 2015 AWA RD RECIPIENT! Congratulations to FMC Technologies, the first winner of the OTC Brasil 2015 Spotlight on New TechnologySM Award. This award, modeled after the same award at OTC, was launched this year for OTC Brasil to recognize the latest and most advanced technologies leading Brazil’s offshore energy industry. Attend the awards ceremony at 1600 hours, 28 October at Pavillion 3 in Riocentro. BOOTH F9 Shape Memory Alloy Fittings in Subsea Equipment FMC Technologies in Brazil developed a novel technology to replace orbital welding processes used to connect hydraulic tubing. It is based on Shaped Memory Alloy, (Nickel/ Titanium) which changes phases with temperature, enabling changes in shape and size. Applying this material in subsea environment required years of research and innovative ways to avoid issues such as corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Photo courtesy of FMC Technologies. 36 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Exhibitors | Exposição Pavilion 1 Floor Plan :: Planta Baixa Pavilhão 1 ACESSO AO PAVILHÃO 2 Depósito Riocentro Jardim Desce ÁREA RESTRITA AO RIOCENTRO ÁREA RESTRITA AO RIOCENTRO Projeção da Estrutura de Alumínio Projeção da laje HIDR HIDR COPA APOIO / STAFF NOVAS INSCRIÇÕES BANCO BALCÃO PrÉ INSCRITOS BALCÃO BALCÃO BALCÃO SECRETARIA/ CREDENCIAMENTO Registration Desk PRAÇA 16.0 PR DO OF IS FU SI TU ON RO AI m sta Afa IMPRENSA PrÉ INSCRITOS EXPOSIÇÃO NOVAS INSCRIÇÕES EXPOSIÇÃO FECHAMENTO PA PA INE 8.3 TRO L 0m CI N FECHAMENTO AD AUTO-ATENDIMENTO CREDENCIAMENTO S Projeção da Estrutura de Alumínio BALCÃO SECR. EXPOSIÇÃO CAEX A EL IN IN C PA TRO A m P 30 8. Sobe FECHAMENTO BALCÃO R DO PETROBRAS FECHAMENTO Entrada Fechamento CONTROLE DE ACESSO PASSARELA SPEAKERS COMITÊ SECR. EXPOSIÇÃO R HID 25 X 20 500m² Bo LEAD ar ER d OT SH C IP - IB P CAIXA ELETRÔNICO GUARDA VOLUMES SEG ANP IBP ENTRANCE DEPÓSITO ENTRADA AUTOMAÇÃO PROJEÇÃO PAVTO. SUPERIOR PROJEÇÃO COBERTURA CONTABILIDADE PROJEÇÃO PAVTO. SUPERIOR PÓRTICO DE ENTRADA HIDR agencia de viagens PETROBRAS to en INOVAR OR Afastamento Obrigatório APOIO / STAFF ór at rig Ob io HIDR HIDR HIDR ÁREA RESTRITA AO RIOCENTRO Pavilion 3 Floor Plan :: Planta Baixa Pavilhão 3 2.0 K20 K26 K28 MALAYSIA PAVILION K34 K32 HIDR DE P. SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA K36 K40 DEPÓSITO 4 S = 674.00m² P.D. = 10m PISO = ASFALTO K23a K21 K19 J14 K46 J9 J7 J11 FRENCH PAVILION HIDR J9a 4.00m K23 J13 J15 J17 RODADA DE NEGÓCIOS J19 3.0 I16 ACESSO TÚNEL K17 K11+K15 SPOTLIGHT AWARDS HIDR K5 J5 I SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA PROJ. DO MEZZANINO 3.0 J S PROJ. DO MEZZANINO 3.0 ENTRADA K MAIN ENTRANCE SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA PROJ. DO MEZZANINO K16 K2 Q EL UA ÉT D RIC RO OS S SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA PROJ. DO MEZZANINO HIDR S DE P. Q EL UA ÉT D RIC RO OS S SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA HIDR BALCÃO ESTACIONAMENTO APOIO RIOCENTRO D I1 I11 H2 I11a I15 I13 I17 EMBRATEL 122.81m² G3 G1a R&D SHOWCASE G5 SUBESTAÇÃO 4.00m G25 HIDR I9 G1 DEPÓSITO 3 S = 582.00m² P.D. = 10m PISO = ASFALTO H5a USA PAVILION F9 4.50 G15 F18 G21 GERMAN PAVILION 12X10 120m² 12X25 300m² SERVIÇO S = 417.10m² P.D. = 10m PISO = ASFALTO 9,6X10 96m² 4.00m 3.0 F1 F3 F11 E4 F13 F15 F17 F19 VESTIÁRIOS M E F LOUNGE 222.22m² F17a F1a D DEPÓSITO RIOCENTRO 331m² 3.0 E19a E17 HIDR S DE P Q EL UA ÉT D RIC RO OS S PROJ. DO MEZZANINO SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA D15b D13a D15c D15d D17 D21e D21c D21f D21d Ar Cond icionado SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA D31a SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA SALA 1 C17 C27 C29 SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA C33 APOIO RIOCENTRO 395m² PD = 4.00m C35 PAVILHÃO START UPS PROJ. DO MEZZANINO S SALA 2 SALA 3 PROJ. DO MEZZANINO HIDR C9 C11 C13 C7 D13 RIO A CEPOIO NT RO D11 Q EL UA ÉT D RIC RO OS S C5 PROJ. DO MEZZANINO LOJA E15 E19 HIDR D5 NETHERLANDS PAVILION C1 SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA E13 CHINESE PAVILION D1 ENTRADA MAIN ENTRANCE C E11 3.0 D 10X8 80m² ACESSO TÚNEL ITALIAN PAVILION E5b SALA DE SOM E9 E7 APOIO RIOCENTRO E5a HIDR SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA SAÍDA DE EMERGÊNCIA SALA VIP SALA 4 APOIO RIOCENTRO BALCÃO ESTACIONAMENTO VENT. TÚNEL E SALA DE T.I. DEPÓSITO RIOCENTRO F H21 VÃO LIVRE 7.80 X 6.90 (LXH) H5 H15 H13 5.0 HIDR AFASTAMENTO OBRIGATÓRIO TELEMAR 51.66m² G IBP HIDR H3 H1a TELEMAR 218.75m² OTC H3a HIDR H1 H3b ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION 3.0 H I15a 38 LANCHONETE Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site Exhibitor Index :: Índice de Expositores ABESPETRO - ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS EMPRESAS DE SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION CHINA INNOVATION EXHIBITION CO.,LTD . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9 a ABS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – J5 CHINA PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (SINOPEC TECH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS – ANP . . . . . . Pav 1 CHINA STATE SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION . . . . . . Pav 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a AERNNOVA ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 CHUKAR WATERJET INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15c AIR FRANCE - KLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15b CLASSNK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C1 ALE HEAVYLIFT BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – C9 CNPC GREATWALL DRILLING COMPANY, LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – G1a ALEWIJNSE MARINE SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 COMIMSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K34 ALPINA AMBIENTAL S/A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J15 COMPANHIA DOCAS DO ESPÍRITO SANTO – CODESA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – H2 GERMAN PAVILION / NETHERLANDS PAVILION ALPINA BRIGGS DEFESA AMBIENTAL S/A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J15 COSL DRILLING BRASIL LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K23a AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS - AAPG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 COSTAGILLE IMMIGRATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K20 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS - AICHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 CROSS FREIGHT INTERNATIONALE SPEDITIONSGES. MBH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE - API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C27 DAMEN SHIPYARDS GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 DINGXIANG COUNTY YIXIN FLANGES CO.,LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D13a AMETEK DO BRASIL LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – J14 DNV GL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K17 ANCOFERWALDRAM STEELPLATES (AWS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 DORIS ENGENHARIA LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9 ASME – AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ECOM INSTRUMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 AWS SCHÄFER TECHNOLOGIE GMBH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 EMBRAPII-COPPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F18 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION NETHERLANDS PAVILION ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION GERMAN PAVILION BALMORAL OFFSHORE ENGINEERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D17 GERMAN PAVILION NETHERLANDS PAVILION FRENCH PAVILION GERMAN PAVILION ENEROIL OFFSHORE DRILLING LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – H1a BAMBU SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO E GÁS LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K23a ENGEPRED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 BARRA ENERGIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F11 ESTALEIRO BRASA LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J13 BARTEC (GRUPO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 EVONIK INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J17 GERMAN PAVILION BARTEC DO BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 GERMAN PAVILION BEIJING FISHERMETER INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD. . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 BIERENS: PASSION FOR GEARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION GERMAN PAVILION EXPRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I9a FEDERAL-MOGUL DEVA GMBH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G25 FERROSTAAL INDUSTRIEANLAGEN ÓLEO E GÁS DO BRASIL - FIAB . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 CÂMARA DE COMÉRCIO E INDÚSTRIA BRASIL - ALEMANHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 FLUTROL COMÉRCIO E CONTROLE DE FLUÍDOS LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D11 CÂMARA ÍTALO-BRASILEIRA DE COMÉRCIO E INDÚSTRIA RJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E7 FMC TECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F9 CD-ADAPCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C11 FORSYS SUBSEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E4 Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado GERMAN PAVILION ITALIAN PAVILION 39 Exhibitors | Exposição Exhibitor Index (continued) :: Índice de Expositores (continued) FRANK’S INTERNATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I17 KONGSBERG OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E11 FUGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J19 LANKHORST EURONETE BRASIL IND E COM LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D5 GAIA - DRILLMEC, ENTAGRAL, HEATRIC E HORTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F13 LLOYD’S REGISTER ENERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I15 GARDLINE MARINE SCIENCES DO BRASIL S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E17 LUOYANG DEPING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E9 GENESIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E4 M&O PARTNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K21 GEOLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E7 ITALIAN PAVILIONý MAGNETROL INTERNATIONAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I11 GEP-AFTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9 MAGRAL EQUIPAMENTOS HIDRÁULICOS E PNEUMÁTICOS LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D31 GUSTOMSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C7 MAINTENANCE NETWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I15a FRENCH PAVILION HELON EXPLOSION-PROOF ELECTRIC CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E9 HERRENKNECHT VERTICAL GMBH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C13 HEXAGON | SISGRAPH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K36 HONGQI INSTRUMENT (CHANGXING) CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D13a HUISMAN EQUIPMENT BV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION HUTCHINSON - TECHLAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9 FRENCH PAVILION HYTORC-RIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D31a IBP – INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE PETRÓLEO, GÁS E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS . . . . . . Pav 3 - H3a IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION IHC OFFSHORE & MARINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – F17 IMECA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9 FRENCH PAVILION INFINITY MARINE BRASIL INSTALAÇÕES NAVAIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C29 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DRILLING CONTRACTORS - IADC . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION IRO - DUTCH SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION JUMBO OFFSHORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION KALLMAN WORLDWIDE INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H5 + H5b KEPPEL FELS BRASIL S/A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – K11+K15 KOBELCO MACHINERY DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS EMPRESARIAIS LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – K32 KONGSBERG MARITIME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E11 40 MALAYSIA TRADE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MATRADE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – K26 MTS - MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K23 NETHERLANDS MARITIME TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION NEWPARK DRILLING FLUIDS DO BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E7 ITALIAN PAVILION NUCLEBRÁS EQUIPAMENTOS PESADOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F3 OCEAN NETWORKS CANADA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C17 OCEANEERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I13 www.oceaneering/brasil OCEANPACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E17 OTC – OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H3b OXITENO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H21 PALM TECNOLOGIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K40 PARKLANDCHEM CO.,LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a PETREC - PETRÓLEO TECNOLOGIA E PESQUISA LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D13 PRUMO LOGISTICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I11a QIUBAO VALVE CO.,LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 RADIX ENGENHARIA E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SOFTWARE LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – F15 RENHE GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E9 REVISTA TN PETRÓLEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – K19a Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site ROYAL IHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F17 TELEDYNE ÓLEO E GÁS (TELEDYNE ODI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F17a RUBBERATKINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K28 TENARIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H15 SALTEL INDUSTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9 FRENCH PAVILION TIGER RENTANK DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS PARA LOGÍSTICA OFFSHORE Pav 3 - H5 + H5b SAMI DO BRASIL INSTRUMENTAÇÃO LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - F1a TKF CABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 SANDVIK MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY DO BRASIL S/A - IND E COM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J7 TNO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E19 SBGF – BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 TOP TUNGSTEN (HONGKONG) NEW MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E9 SEA TRUCKS GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 TRUMPF MÁQUINAS INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 SECRETARIA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO, ENERGIA, INDÚSTRIA E SERVIÇOS - SEDEIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – H3 TUBE-MAC DO BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – G1 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION NETHERLANDS PAVILION NETHERLANDS PAVILION GERMAN PAVILION / UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H5 + H5b SHANDONG KERUI PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO., LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a UNITED SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E5b SHANXI TOP INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 USIDRILLER USINAGEM E CALDEIRARIA OFFSHORE E ONSHORE LTDA. . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 SICHUAN CHUANSHI DIAMOND BIT CO., LTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E9 GERMAN PAVILION VALUE 2004 COMERCIAL E EQUIPAMENTOS DE PETRÓLEO LTDA. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - C33 SISTEMA FIRJAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – G15 VAN HECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 SIVAM SRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D21f SNAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS - SEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS - SPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – I9 ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION SONARDYNE BRASIL LTDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K16 NETHERLANDS PAVILION VAN OORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D1 NETHERLANDS PAVILION VULKAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - G21 GERMAN PAVILION WIRECO WORLD GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - D5 WITT O’BRIEN’S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E17 WORLDWIDE OILFIELD MACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H5 + H5b SPECIAL PIPING MATERIALS DO BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E19a WUXI KIPOR POWER CO.,LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - J9a STRESS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - I16 YANGQUAN XINGTAO FRACTURING PROPPANT CO;LTD . . . . Pav 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 SUBSEA SOLUTIONS BRASIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - H1 TECHINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – H15 YANTAI CIMC RAFFLES OFFSHORE LIMITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 – E15 YOKE INDUSTRIAL CORP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - K2 TECHNIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pav 3 - E4 Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 41 Exhibitors | Exposição Exhibitors :: Exposição ABESPETRO - ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DAS EMPRESAS DE SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO Av. Almirante Barroso, 52 – 21 Andar 20031-918 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil Tel.: (21) 2532 -5704 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION ABESPetro (Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Serviços de Petróleo) é uma associação civil sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 2004 e constituída por cerca de 50 das principais empresas prestadoras de serviços e fornecedoras de equipamentos para o setor de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás. ABESPetro (Brazilian Association of Oil Services Companies) is a non-profit civil association, founded in 2004 and composed by about 50 of the leading service providers and equipment suppliers to exploration and production of oil and gas industry. ABS Pavilhão 3 – J5 AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRÓLEO, GÁS NATURAL E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS – ANP Av. Rio Branco, 65 – Centro - 21º Andar 20090-004 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 21 2112-8303 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 1 A ANP é o órgão regulador das atividades que integram as indústrias do petróleo, gás natural e bicombustíveis no Brasil. A Agência tem como finalidades: regular as indústrias, estabelecendo regras por meio de portarias, instruções normativas e resoluções; promover licitações e firmar contratos em nome da União para as atividades de exploração, desenvolvimento e produção de óleo e gás; e fiscalizar as atividades das indústrias reguladas no setor. The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) is the regulatory body for activities that integrate the oil, natural gas and biofuels industries in Brazil. Its purposes are to regulate (establishing the rules for the industry), to contract (organizing auctions, signing contracts on behalf of the Brazilian State with the concessionaires, and granting permits for the activities of regulated companies) and to supervise the oil, gas and biofuels sector. (as of 15 October 2015 | atualizada em 15 de outubro de 2015) AERNNOVA ENGINEERING ALE HEAVYLIFT BRASIL Av. Dr. Sebastião Humberto da Cunha Pontes, 4810 São Jose dos Campos - SP - Brasil Tel.: +55 12 3932 8200 Fax: +55 12 3932 8200 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Aernnova Engenharia é uma fornecedora global dos Serviços de Engenharia e Gestão EPCM. Especializada em estruturas leves metálicas e de compósitos, também oferecemos Engenharia de Sistemas, Engenharia Elétrica e Design de Interiores.Simulação high-end em 3D, Gerenciamento de Projetos e Engenharia Comercial ajudam nossos clientes a aplicar soluções de design-to-cost dentro do prazo. Clientes de vários segmentos do mercado de tecnologia confiam na Aernnova como uma parceira eficiente e inovadora. Aernnova Engineering is a fully certified, global TIER1 supplier of full-scale Engineering Services and related EPCM Management, including LightWeight Structures, Metallic and Composite; Systems Engineering; Electric Engineering and Interiors. High-end 3D simulation, Project Management and Commercial Engineering help our customers to apply design-to-cost solutions in time and budget. Customers from various technology market segments trust in Aernnova as their efficient and innovative Service Partner. AIR FRANCE - KLM Avenida Chedid Jafet, 222 - Bloco B 04551065 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: 55 11 3049 0000 Fax: 55 11 3049 0000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15b GRUPO AIR FRANCE KLM NO BRASIL: O Grupo AIR FRANCE KLM é um dos líderes na aviação comercial mundial, oferecendo 42 voos semanais entre o Brasil e a Europa e, de lá, para mais de 1.000 destinos no mundo com seus parceiros da Aliança Sky Team. Flying Blue Petroleum: produto dedicado exclusivamente aos profissionais da indústria de Petróleo e Gás. Com o cartão Flying Blue Petroleum, os clientes desfrutam de benefícios, como prioridades no check-in, acesso as salas VIP de diversos aeroportos do mundo e muito mais. Para se inscrever, basta acessar www. na seção Flying Blue Petroleum. Pavilhão 3 – C9 ALEWIJNSE MARINE SYSTEMS V.d. Giessenweg 51 2921 LP - Krimpen a/d IJssel - Zuid Holland Países Baixos Tel.: +31180460555 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 Alewijnse, um grupo de empresas fundado há mais de 125 anos na Holanda, desenvolveu-se até se tornar um dos mais importantes players do mercado de fornecimento de sistemas elétricos para o setor marítimo. Como parte deste conglomerado, a Alewijnse emprega mas de 1300 especialistas na área e detém uma longa tradição em tecnologia marítima. Como integrador de sistemas completos de tubulação, fornecemos soluções inovadoras em engenharia elétrica e em Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação no mais amplo sentido da palavra. NOSSOS MERCADOS:-Offshore & TransporteTransporte marítimo de curta distância-Transporte flvial-Dragagem -Frota-Iatismo-Rebocadores & embarcações de serviço Alewijnse is an independent and dedicated family business that operates at an international scale and is a leader in the electro-technical market. Our company is a system integrator that employs 1300 people who work for our firms worldwide.We actively participate in the maritime sector and in commercial and industrial construction. Our systems are a reflection of our expertise and demonstrate the results of both an ambitious company and committed employee. Our solutions: Vessel Automation Systems, Integrated Bridge Systems, Entertainment & Convenience Systems, ICT Solutions, Electric Propulsion & Energy Generation, Switchboards, Operating Consoles, Distribution & Control Panels. GROUP AIR FRANCE KLM BRAZILAIR FRANCE KLM, leading group in the air transport industry, offers 42 weekly flights from Brazil to Europe and, from there, to more than 1.000 destinations in partnership with the member of Sky Team alliance.Flying Blue Petroleum is an exclusive AIR FRANCE and KLM service for oil and gas industry professionals. Flying Blue Petroleum gives access to exclusive services and benefits - priority check-in, access to VIP lounges of various airports in the world and more. To enroll, you just have to click on, section Flying Blue. 42 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site ALPINA AMBIENTAL S/A ALPINA BRIGGS DEFESA AMBIENTAL S/A Av. Jabaquara, 3060, 3º Andar - Mirandópolis 04046-500 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: 55 11 4059-9999 Fax: 55 11 4059 9956 e-mail: [email protected] Av. Jabaquara, 3060, 3º Andar - Mirandópolis 04046-500 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: 55 11 4059-9999 Fax: 55 11 4059 9956 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - J15 Pavilhão 3 - J15 Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION A Alpina Ambiental oferece ao mercado há mais de 30 anos equipamentos para o combate à poluição por hidrocarbonetos e produtos perigosos, entre eles: barreiras de contenção, recolhedores de óleo (skimmers), motobombas de transferência, tanques de emergência, separadores de água e óleo, absorvedores sintéticos e orgânicos, entre outros.A empresa possui cooperação técnica internacional com empresas referência no cenário mundial de oil spill reponse, é membro do PEI (Petroleum Equipment Institute), que certifica seus produtos em um nível de qualidade internacional, e possui certificação ISO 9001:2008. Com mais de 60 bases no Brasil e no exterior, a Alpina Briggs é especializada no atendimentode vazamento de óleo e produtos perigosos. Suas unidades operam 24 horas, sete dias porsemana.Com equipes altamente treinadas, desenvolve também estudos técnicos ambientais e plano deemergência individual (PEI). Possui estruturas próprias de logística e manutenção, ministratreinamentos certificados pelo The Nautical Institute, padrão IMO (International MaritimeOrganization), MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency), incluindo o curso de AgentesAmbientais Voluntários e ICS (Incident Command System). A empresa possui certificações ISCO(International Spill Control Organization), ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 e OHSAS18001:2007. As the world’s premier professional association for explorationists, AAPG is about the science of petroleum geology. Since its founding in 1917, the American Association of Petroleum Geologists has been a pillar of the worldwide scientific community. The original purpose of AAPG, to foster scientific research, to advance the science of geology, to promote technology, and to inspire high professional conduct, still guides the Association today. AAPG provides publications, conferences, and educational opportunities to geoscientists and disseminates the most current geological information available to the general public. For over 30 years, Alpina Ambiental has supplied equipment for oil and chemical spill response, such as: containment booms, oil skimmers, transfer motor pumps, emergency tanks, oil/water separators, synthetic and organic absorbents and others.Alpina Ambiental has international technical cooperation agreements with world class oil spill response companies, is a member of the PEI (Petroleum Equipment Institute), which internationally certifies company products, also having ISO 9001:2008 certification. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado Alpina Briggs has over 60 bases in Brazil and abroad specialised in oil and chemical spillresponse, operating 24/7 with a highly qualified body of professionals who competentlyproduce technical studies on the environment and individual emergency plans (PEI). Thecompany has in house logistics and maintenance structures, and also teaches IMO standards(International Maritime Organisation) training courses certified by The Nautical Institute andthe MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency), it also teaches the Environmental VolunteerAgents Course and ICS (Incident Command System). Alpina Briggs is certified by ISCO(International Spill Control Organisation), ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS18001:2007. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS - AAPG 1444 South Boulder 74119 – Tulsa – OK - USA Tel.: 918-560-2617 e-mail: [email protected] AAPG’s membership is made up of more than 40,000 members in 129 countries in the upstream energy industry who collaborate – and compete – to provide the means for humankind to thrive. AAPG provides the network of communications that allow those professionals to succeed. AAPG has offices in London, Dubai, Singapore, Bogotá, Lagos and Washington, DC. Included among its membership are geologists, geophysicists, CEOs, managers, consultants, students, and professors. AAPG has nearly 100 Affiliated Societies spanning the globe. Also, there are eleven national or international organizations which hold Associated status with AAPG. 43 Exhibitors | Exposição AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS - AICHE 120 Wall Street, 23rd Floor 10005-4020 - New York – NY - USA Tel.: +1 203.702.7660 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION AIChE é o endereço global dos profissionais de engenharia química, com aproximadamente 50.000 membros em mais de 100 países, oferecendo recursos técnicos e educacionais para assistir engenheiros químicos em indústrias de processamento e em áreas emergentes (biotecnologia, água e produção inteligente). A AIChE Academy é nossa área de excelência para o treinamento e a educação profissional de engenheiros químicos globalmente. Temos cursos, seminários virtuais, palestras de conferências e mais na AIChE, CCPS, SBE, IfS e ISWS. AIChE, o Centro de Segurança em Processos Químicos, identifica e trata de necessidades de segurança nos processos das indústrias química, farmacêutica e petrolífera. AIChE is the global home of chemical engineering professionals, with nearly 50,000 members in more than 100 countries, offering technical and educational resources to support chemical engineers in process industries and emerging areas, such as bio-technology, water and SMART manufacturing. AIChE Academy is your definitive source for chemical engineering training and professional education worldwide. You’ll find courses, webinars, conference presentations and more from AIChE, CCPS, SBE, IfS, and ISWS. AIChE’s corporate membership organization, the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), identifies and addresses process safety needs within the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE - API AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS - ASCE AMETEK DO BRASIL LTDA. 1801 Alexander Bell Drive 20191 - Reston - Virginia - USA Tel.: 1-703-295-6000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION A Sociedade Americana de Engenheiros Civis (ASCE) representa mais de 146 mil membros da profissão de engenharia civil em 174 países. Fundada em 1852, ASCE está na vanguarda de uma profissão que os planos, projetos, construções, e opera motor econômico e social da sociedade - o ambiente construído - ao mesmo tempo proteger proteção e restauração do meio ambiente natural. Através do conhecimento das TIC membros ativos, ASCE é um fornecedor líder de conferências técnicas e profissionais e de educação continuada, a maior editora do mundo com o conteúdo de engenharia civil, e uma fonte autorizada para códigos e normas proteger esse público. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) represents more than 146,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 174 countries. . Founded in 1852, ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment. Through the expertise of its active membership, ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public. Pavilhão 3 – J14 ANCOFERWALDRAM STEELPLATES (AWS) P.O. Box 190 4900 AD - Oosterhout - Noord-Brabant - Países Baixos Tel.: +31162491500 Fax: +31162429806 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 AncoferWaldram Steelplates (AWS), estoquista especializado em chapas grossas de aço carbono e peças perfiladas por mais de 40 anos, está expandindo sua presença no Brasil e América do Sul.Estoque de qualidade. Origem Dillinger HütteA combinação de mais de 40.000 toneladas de chapas de aço e sua sofisticada usina de perfis traz vantagem à AWS pela experiência, produtos e serviço ao cliente.Produtos:Certificações 3.2 DNV ou Lloyd’ Register para chapas para ambiente Offshore, de grãos finos de alta resistência, de grãos finos para construção, aços para construção naval, vasos de pressão, estruturais. Exclusivos mundialmente em aços HIC-resistant DICREST. AncoferWaldram Steelplates (AWS), a specialized stockholder of heavy carbon steel plates and profiled parts for more than 40 years now, is expanding its presence in Brazil and South America. Quality plates from stock. Dillinger Hütte originThe combination of over 40,000 tons of quality steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.Delivery program:3.2 DNV or Lloyd’s Register certified plates like Offshore grades, High strength fine grained plates, Fine grained construction plates, Shipbuilding grades, Structural grades, Pressure vessel grades, Exclusive worldwide HIC-resistant DICREST stockholder. 1220 L Street NW 20005 - Washington - DC - USA Tel.: 202-682-8000 Fax: 202-682-8000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - C27 O American Petroleum Institute (API) é a principal associação especializada que dá suporte à indústria de petróleo e gás natural em todo o mundo. Normas e publicações técnicas do API ajudam engenheiros a projetar, operar e manter sistemas eficientes e confiáveis, bem como a acompanhar os avanços tecnológicos da indústria de petróleo e gás natural. Os Programas de Certificação do API são baseados em tais normas, certificando inspetores, sistemas de gestão, equipamentos e lubrificantes utilizados diariamente nas operações de exploração, perfuração, produção e refino de petróleo e gás natural. The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the primary trade association serving the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. API’s technical standards and publications help engineers design, operate, and maintain efficient and reliable systems and keep abreast of technological advances in the oil and natural gas industry. API also offers training programs to ensure professionalism, competence, and product quality. 44 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site ANCOFERWALDRAM STEELPLATES (AWS) AWS SCHÄFER TECHNOLOGIE GMBH BAMBU SERVIÇOS DE PETRÓLEO E GÁS LTDA. P.O. Box 190 4900 AD - Oosterhout - Noord-Brabant - Países Baixos Tel.: +31162491500 Fax: +31162429806 e-mail: [email protected] Oberhausener Str. 8 57234 - Wilnsdorf - Wilnsdorf - Alemanha Tel.: +490273987003-27 Fax: +490273987003-11 e-mail: [email protected] Praça Floriano, 55 – Sala 1205 20.031-050 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil Tel.: +55 21 3520 6001 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 AncoferWaldram Steelplates (AWS), estoquista especializado em chapas grossas de aço carbono e peças perfiladas por mais de 40 anos, está expandindo sua presença no Brasil e América do Sul.Estoque de qualidade. Origem Dillinger HütteA combinação de mais de 40.000 toneladas de chapas de aço e sua sofisticada usina de perfis traz vantagem à AWS pela experiência, produtos e serviço ao cliente.Produtos:Certificações 3.2 DNV ou Lloyd’ Register para chapas para ambiente Offshore, de grãos finos de alta resistência, de grãos finos para construção, aços para construção naval, vasos de pressão, estruturais. Exclusivos mundialmente em aços HIC-resistant DICREST. AncoferWaldram Steelplates (AWS), a specialized stockholder of heavy carbon steel plates and profiled parts for more than 40 years now, is expanding its presence in Brazil and South America. Quality plates from stock. Dillinger Hütte originThe combination of over 40,000 tons of quality steel plates plus the sophisticated profiling plant gives AWS a decisive lead in experience, product range and customer service.Delivery program:3.2 DNV or Lloyd’s Register certified plates like Offshore grades, High strength fine grained plates, Fine grained construction plates, Shipbuilding grades, Structural grades, Pressure vessel grades, Exclusive worldwide HIC-resistant DICREST stockholder. ASME – AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 11757 Katy Freeway Suite 380 77079 – Houston – TX - USA Tel.: 281-493-3491 Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION ASME helps the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME is a not-for-profit professional organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing and skill development across all engineering disciplines, while promoting the vital role of the engineer in society. ASME codes and standards, publications, conferences, continuing education and professional development programs provide a foundation for advancing technical knowledge and a safer world. For more information visit Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado Pavilhão 3 - G21 AWS Schäfer Technologie GmbH é especialista em máquinas de formação e fabricação de tubos a mais de 50 anos. Somos uma empresa familiar em sua terceira geração, que fornece máquinas para clientes em todo o mundo na indústria de petróleo e gás, construção de usinas, container, gasoduto, setor automotivo e indústria petroquímica.AWS Schäfer Technologie GmbH é uma empresa familiar de engenharia mecânica em sua terceira geração com uma longa tradição. Nossa fábrica em Wilnsdorf, Alemanha, produz máquinas de formação e fabricação de tubos com alta qualidade e uma longa durabilidade. AWS Schäfer Technologie GmbH has been your specialist for pipe-forming and pipe-manufacturing machines for more than 50 years. Our family-owned company, now in its third generation, supplies machines to customers all over the world in the oil and gas industry, power plant construction, the container and pipeline business, the automotive sector and the petrochemical industry. AWS Schäfer Technologie GmbH, a third-generation family-owned mechanical engineering company, has traditions going back a long way. Our factory in Wilnsdorf, Germany, produces high-quality pipe-forming and pipe-manufacturing machines that have given customers trouble-free use for decades. Pavilhão 3 – K23a A Bambu Serviços de Petróleo e Gás foi criada com o objetivo de prover consultoria e assessoria altamente especializadas e prestação de serviços ao mercado em assuntos relacionados a petróleo e gás. A Bambu é uma das únicas empresas de seu segmento com expertise adquirida in loco, ou seja, no gerenciamento da construção, na operação de sondas de perfuração, unidades de produção offshore e estruturação de operações financeiras. Bambu SPG was created with view to rendering highly specialized oil and gas advisory services. Bambu SPG is one of the few companies with expertise acquired in situ, i.e., in managing the construction and, operating the drill rigs, the offshore production units and in the structuring of often complex financial transactions. BARRA ENERGIA Av. Embaixador Abelardo Bueno, 199 sala 203 – Jacarepaguá -Condomínio do Ed. Office Park Center 22.775-022 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (21) 3037-2772 Fax: (21) 3037-2775 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F11 BALMORAL OFFSHORE ENGINEERING Balmoral Park, Loirston AB12 3GY - Aberdeen - Aberdeenshire - UK Tel.: +44 1224 859000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D17 A BOE, Balmoral Offshore Engineering, tem feito um investimento significativo na tecnologia necessária para produzir o que se acredita serem os maiores bend stiffeners já fabricados no mundo. A capacidade de produção adicional permite que a empresa produza bend stiffeners superiores a 15m de comprimento , com diâmetros de base superiores a 2m.Um aspecto fundamental do investimento da BOE no programa de desenvolvimento de bend stiffeners (enrigecedores de curvatura) e bend restrictors (restritores de curvatura) era eliminar os problemas de segurança e saúde significativos associados a tradicional oferta destes produtos elastoméricos no mercado. A Barra Energia do Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda. (“Barra Energia”) é uma empresa brasileira de exploração e produção de petróleo criada recentemente, com sede no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. O principal diferencial da companhia é sua experiência técnica, comercial e grande conhecimento da indústria brasileira de petróleo, que utilizará para explorar, desenvolver e produzir hidrocarbonetos com foco prioritário nas três mais importantes bacias marítimas brasileiras: Santos, Campos e Espírito Santo. The Barra Energia do Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda. (“Barra Energia”) is a Brazilian company with exploration and production of oil recently created, based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The company’s main differential is its technical expertise, commercial and great knowledge of the Brazilian oil industry, which will use to explore, develop and produce hydrocarbons with primary focus on the three most important Brazilian offshore basins: Santos, Campos and Espírito Santo. Balmoral has 35+years’ experience in buoyancy and elastomer manufacturing and provides a global service from concept development through design, manufacturing and testing.Products include rigid and dynamic syntactic riser buoyancy, ROV/AUV and subsurface buoyancy, thermal insulation, elastomer cable protectors, bend restrictors/stiffeners, VIV strakes, clamps and riser protection guards.The company also operates an in-house hyperbaric text centre.Local office detailsPetrocean Comercio Internacional Ltda, Rua Santa Luzia, 651/27 Andar CentroRio de Janeiro, Brazil 20030 041. Tel: 55 21 2533-3435 Fax: 55 21 2544-5569 45 Exhibitors | Exposição BARTEC (GRUPO) Rua Anjo Custódio, nº 42 - Térreo - Jardim Anália Franco 03358-040 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: +55 11 2672 9200 Fax: +55 11 2672 9206 e-mail: [email protected] BARTEC DO BRASIL TECNOLOGIA EM SISTEMAS LTDA. BIERENS: PASSION FOR GEARS Rua Anjo Custódio, nº 42 – Térreo – Anália Franco São Paulo – SP - Brasil Tel.: 11-2672-9200 e-mail: [email protected] Ringbaan Noord 189 5046 AB - Tilburg - Noord-Brabant - Países Baixos Tel.: +31135360025 Fax: +3113543550 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Pavilhão 3 - G21 Pavilhão 3 - D1 O Grupo BARTEC é o fornecedor mundial mais importante de tecnologias de segurança de alta qualidade industrial para a utilização em áreas com risco de explosão. Sob este lema, os especialistas da BARTEC desenvolvem, produzem e distribuem componentes e soluções de sistemas para todas as áreas onde materiais perigosos como líquidos inflamáveis, gases e pós, podem causar explosões. Nessa área, a BARTEC é a parceira mais competente para fabricantes de aparelhos máquinas e equipamentos e máquinas para construtores e operadores nos setores de óleo e gás, químico, petroquímico, mineração, farmacêutica, energia e meio ambiente. Líder mundial do mercado de equipamento a Prova de Explosão. Os Produtos e soluções da Bartec evitam explosões onde há presença de substancias explosivas, tais como líquidos inflamáveis, gases e poeira poderiam, mantendo os seres humanos seguros e protegendo o meio ambiente. Os clientes incluem principalmente empresas das indústrias de petróleo e gás, bem como indústrias químicas, petroquímicas e empresas farmacêuticas de todo o mundo. O abrangente portfólio de produtos compreende desde a complexa tecnologia de analisadores e medição on-line de grandezas de processo e tecnologia de traço elétrico, até componentes elétricos à prova de explosão e Sistemas de automação, Controle e Intercomunicação. Bierens produz, inspeciona e reformaCom 130 anos de história, a Verenigde Bierens Bedrijven B.V. se tornou um real especialista em engrenagens durante a segunda metade de sua história. Durante as décadas, muitas mudanças ocorreram na Bierens, mas o que se manteve foi o constante carinho e paixão pela profi ssão. A base da nossa história e a base para nosso futuro! A Bierens se tornou líder de mercado para engrenagens, redutores de velocidade, equipamentos mecânicos, máquinas especiais e reforma de equipamentos. É certifi cada pela NEN-EM ISO 14001 e 9001 e fabrica desde protótipos, até grandes séries de produtos. The BARTEC Group is the world’s leading supplier of high quality industrial safety technology for use in areas with risk of explosion. Under this motto, the BARTEC experts develop, produce and distribute components and system solutions for all areas where hazardous materials such as flammable liquids, gases and powders, that can cause explosions. In this area, BARTEC is the most competent partner for handset manufacturers machinery and equipment, machinery builders and operators in oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, mining, pharmaceuticals, energy and the environment. World Market Leader in Explosion Protection. BARTEC products and solutions prevent explosions wherever hazardous substances such as flammable liquids, gases and dust could occur and keep humans safe and protect the environment. Customers primarily include companies from the oil and gas industries as well as chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical companies from around the world. The comprehensive product portfolio ranges from complex measurement and analysis technology via innovative heating technology solutions to explosion-proof components and systems for automation, control and communication. BEIJING FISHERMETER INSTRUMENT CO.,LTD. Room 104, Shiying Hostel,Beijing,NO.20 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100083 - Beijing - Beijing - China Tel.: 010-84833261 Fax: 010-84833673 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 Beijing Fishermeter Instrument Co., Ltd is a professional and well- known flow meter manufacturer which is specialized in electromagnetic flow meter, vortex flow meters, mass flow meter, wedge flow meter, ultrasonic flow meters and so on. The Instruments are widely used in many industries, especially in oil, gas and water. The factory locates in Beijing Shunyi Industrial Park with 4000 square meters. We have advanced production line and accurate water and gas calibration system. The main productions Coriolis Mass Flowmeter, Electromagnetic Flowmeter and Vortex Flowmeter with CE and GOST certification are widely used in gas, oil and water supply field. 46 Bierens ‘Passion for Gears’Bierens produces, overhauls and reconstructsWithin the 130 years of company history Verenigde Bierens Bedrijven B.V. has become a real gear specialist during the second half of our history. Over the decades, many changes have taken place at Bierens, but what has always remained is Bierens’ constant care and passion for the profession. The foundation of our history, the basis for our future! Bierens has become the market leader in gears, gearboxes, mechanical drives, special machines and overhaul work. Bierens is certified for NEN-EN-ISO 14001 and 9001 and manufactures single prototypes up to larger series. CÂMARA DE COMÉRCIO E INDÚSTRIA BRASIL - ALEMANHA Av. Graça Aranha 01 - 6to andar - Centro 20030002 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 00552122242123 Fax: 00552122242123 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Brasil - Alemanha do Rio de Janeiro - AHK Rio de Janeiro. German Chamber of Commerce in Rio de Janeiro AHK Rio de Janeiro. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site CÂMARA ÍTALO-BRASILEIRA DE COMÉRCIO E INDÚSTRIA DO RIO DE JANEIRO Av. Graça Aranha, 1 - 6º Andar 20030-002 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 2262-9141 Fax: +55 21 2262-2998 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E7 A Câmara Ítalo-Brasileira de Comércio e Indústria do Rio de Janeiro sediada no Centro Internacional de Negócios do Sistema FIRJAN foi fundada em 1950 como uma associação de empresas italianas e brasileiras sem fins lucrativos, onde as atividades dependem da estrutura e da qualidade dos serviços oferecidos aos próprios associados e clientes.Nossa missão é ser a instituição-ponte entre Brasil e Itália para a promoção do desenvolvimento economico de ambos os países e das pequenas e médias empresas que buscam o mercado internacional para ampliar suas fronteiras de atuação.A CIBCI é oficialmente reconhecida pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Econômico Italiano. The Italian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rio de Janeiro based in the International Business Centre of FIRJAN, was founded in 1950 as a non-profit association of Italian and Brazilian companies, which activities depend on the structure and quality of services offered to associates and customers.Our mission is to work as an intermediate organization between Brazil and Italy to promote the economic development of both countries as well as small and medium-sized companies that seek global market to expand their business.The CIBCI is officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. CD-ADAPCO Rua Machado Bittencourt 361 04044-001 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: +551127298255 Fax: +551127298255 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - C11 A CD-adapco é a maior empresa independente do mundo provedora de soluções de simulação, suporte e serviços em CFD. Temos mais de 30 anos de experiência provendo simulações de engenharia. A CD-adapco oferece soluções de simulação em escoamento e fenômenos térmicos com o objetivo de maximizar a produção e a eficiência do produto, enquanto reduz riscos e custos. Nossas soluções para modelagem de escoamentos, fenômenos térmicos, reações químicas, transporte de partículas sólidas e exploração de design space podem ser aplicadas desde o reservatório até a refinaria: exploração, flow assurance, separação e processos, marine & offshore, midstream e downstream. CD-adapco is the world’s largest independent CFD focused provider of engineering simulation software, support and services. We have over 30 years of experience in delivering industrial strength engineering simulation.CD-adapco offers flow and thermal simulation solutions to maximize production, while reducing risk, over-design, and ultimately costs. Our solutions for modeling flow, thermal, chemical reactions, solids transport and design space exploration span from reservoir to refinery: Subsurface, Flow Assurance and Subsea, Process and Separation, Marine and Offshore, Midstream, and Downstream.To discover how your organization can leverage CD-adapco’s global simulation expertise through our Brazilian team, visit us at Booth C11 CHINA INNOVATION EXHIBITION CO.,LTD Room 311-315,Huashang Mansion,No.2,Yanjingxili, Chaoyang District,Beijing,China 100025 - Beijing - Beijing - China Tel.: +86 10 8537 6747 Fax: +86 10 85376747-8010 e-mail: [email protected] CHINA PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (SINOPEC TECH) No.A6 Huixin East Str., Chaoyang Dist., 100029 Beijing, P.R. China 100029 - BEIJING - BEIJING - China Tel.: +86 15120036603 Fax: +86 10 69166658 C21 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 As a holding subsidiary of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), which has been engaged in R&D and engineering for more than 50 years, China Petrochemical Technology Co., Ltd. (Sinopec Tech) was established in 1990 and takes charge of licensing and transferring of Sinopec proprietary technologies.With the capability of integrating Sinopec R&D and engineering resources and more than 20 years licensing experience dedicating to petroleum industry, we are committed to bringing about benefits to our clients by offering advanced technologies and superior services. CHINA STATE SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION Building1,No.9,Shouti Road,Haidian,Beijing 100044 - Beijing - Beijing - China Tel.: +86-13401145740 Fax: 86-10-88573184 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a China State Shipbuilding Corporation(CSSC) is an ultra-huge military production enterprise under the direct administration of Chinese Central Government, also the largest shipbuilding group in China and the second largest in the world/CSSC was founded in July 1999, and possesses more than 50 subsidiaries, including 9 leading R&D institutes, 8 world ¨Cclass shipyards and 3 listed companies and more than 200,000 experienced and skilled design and construction staffs. The subsidiaries of CSSC locate in major provinces and municipalities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong , Guangxi, Jiangsu and Hong Kong etc. Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a CIE is a one-stop global exhibition services provider. With team members who are all 1980’s, CIE focuses on the management of international exhibitions in the following areas, including Oil & Gas, Environment Protection & Water Treatment, Pump & Valve & Pipeline, Metallurgy industries. Adhering to the business philosophy of “Service and trade spreading around the world”, CIE will implement trade matching services of “Your needs, Our service” and new model of 6S standard services for international exhibition to creat one of the best partners for export-oriented Chinese enterprises to expand overseas markets! Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 47 Exhibitors | Exposição CHUKAR WATERJET INC. CNPC GREATWALL DRILLING COMPANY, LTD. COSL DRILLING BRASIL LTDA. 12070 43rd Street N.E. 55376 - Saint Michael - Minnesota - USA Tel.: 1 763-497-8749 Fax: 1 763 497-8701 e-mail: [email protected] Praça Floriano, 55 – Sala 1205 20.031-050 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil Tel.: +55 21 3520 6008 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15c Chukar Waterjet fabrica de corte do jato de água subaquática e equipamentos de detonação operável para 3000 metros. Eficaz em cortar aço até 250 mm de espessura ou por jato de água de jateamento em pressões de até 3.800 bar, poderoso de corte do jato de água subaquático da Chukar e sistema de jateamento melhora a segurança ea eficácia das operações submarinas e tem inúmeras vantagens sobre ferramentas de corte e limpeza submarinos convencionais, os operadores que dão aumento flexibilidade e acesso a projetos maiores. Chukar Waterjet manufactures underwater waterjet cutting and blasting equipment operable to 3000 meters. Effective at cutting steel up to 250 mm thick or waterjet blasting at pressures up to 3800 bar, Chukar’s powerful underwater waterjet cutting and blasting system improves the safety and effectiveness of subsea operations and has numerous advantages over conventional subsea cutting and cleaning tools, giving operators increased flexibility and access to larger projects. Unlike conventional tools, waterjet cuts without heat, reducing the hazard of igniting trapped pockets of gas during cutting. The tools used in a waterjet system cannot bind in the cut, jeopardizing asset integrity. CLASSNK 4-7 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku 102-8567 - Tokyo - Japan Tel.: +81-3-5226-2047 Fax: +81-3-5226-2037 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - C1 A ClassNK é uma sociedade classificadora de navios e estruturas offshore dedicada a promover mares mais seguros e mais limpos. Com mais de 240 milhões de toneladas de arqueação bruta em seu registro, a ClassNK é uma sociedade classificadora líder mundial, ajudando a garantir a segurança de cerca de 20% da tonelagem mercante do mundo. ClassNK is a ship and offshore classification society dedicated to promoting safer, cleaner seas. With more than 240 million gross tons on its register, ClassNK is a world leading classification society, helping ensure the safety of some 20% of the world’s ocean going commercial tonnage. Pavilhão 3 – G1a COMIMSA Ciencia y tecnología 790 25290 - Saltillo - Coahuila - México Tel.: +528444113200 Fax: 8444166118 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K34 COMIMSA é um centro de pesquisa pública autosuficiente, que pertence ao Conselho Nacional Mexicano de Ciência e Tecnologia (CONACyT). As principais linhas de negócio da instituição são: Análise de riscos, engenharia de confiabilidade, integridade mecânica, engenharia de produção, engenharia de materiais e projetos de engenharia. Estas linhas de negócios são principalmente para o sector da indústria de petróleo e gás. COMIMSA is a self-sufficient public research center that belongs to the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).The main business lines of the institution are: Risk analysis, reliability engineering, mechanical integrity, manufacturing engineering, materials engineering and engineering projects. These business lines are principally for the oil & gas industry sector COMIMSA Ciencia y tecnología 790 25290 - Saltillo - Coahuila - México Tel.: +528444113200 Fax: 8444166118 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K34 COMIMSA é um centro de pesquisa pública autosuficiente, que pertence ao Conselho Nacional Mexicano de Ciência e Tecnologia (CONACyT). As principais linhas de negócio da instituição são: Análise de riscos, engenharia de confiabilidade, integridade mecânica, engenharia de produção, engenharia de materiais e projetos de engenharia. Estas linhas de negócios são principalmente para o sector da indústria de petróleo e gás. COMIMSA is a self-sufficient public research center that belongs to the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT).The main business lines of the institution are: Risk analysis, reliability engineering, mechanical integrity, manufacturing engineering, materials engineering and engineering projects. These business lines are principally for the oil & gas industry sector Pavilhão 3 - K23a COSL Drilling é um dos maiores provedores de serviços de perfuração offshore na China e no mundo. É o braço de perfuração offshore da China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL), subsidiária da China National Offshore Oil Corporation (“CNOOC”). Dentre os serviços oferecidos em seu portfólio, podemos destacar os serviços de perfuração, revestimento e tubagem, serviço de perfuração integrada e outros serviços relativos à atividade de perfuração offshore. COSL Drilling is a leading offshore drilling services provider in China and worldwide. It is the offshore drilling arm of China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL), a subsidiary of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (“CNOOC”). Among the services offered in its portfolio, we highlight the drilling, casing and tubing, integrated drilling service and other services relating to offshore drilling activity. COSTAGILLE IMMIGRATION Av. Rio Branco, 156, sala 1502, Centro. 20040003 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 2220 0947 Fax: 21 2220 0947 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K20 O Grupo Costagille, fundado em 2005, é formado por Empresas dedicadas à prestação de serviços de Consultoria Imigratória, Legalização de Estrangeiros, Vistos Consulares, Turismo, Assessoramento Fiscal e Relocation. Reconhecido por sua expertise e eficiência, visando sempre a satisfação do cliente, dispondo de uma equipe profissional e qualificada. Costagille Group, established in 2005, is formed by Companies dedicated to render services on Immigration Consultancy, Legalization of Foreigners, Consular Visas, Tourism, Tax Assessment and Relocation. Recognized by its expertise and efficiency, always aiming to client’s satisfaction, with a professional and qualified team. COMPANHIA DOCAS DO ESPÍRITO SANTO – CODESA Pavilhão 3 – H2 48 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site CROSS FREIGHT INTERNATIONALE SPEDITIONSGES. MBH DAMEN SHIPYARDS GROUP DNV GL Obenhauptstrasse 12 22335 Hamburg - Hamburg - Alemanha Tel.: +49-(0)40 59 39 89 – 0 Fax: +49-(0)40 59 39 89 – 0 e-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 1 4200 AA - Gorinchem - Zuid-Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31183639911 Fax: +31183632189 e-mail: [email protected] Rua Sete de Setembro 111, 12o andar 20050-006 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (21) 3722 7332 Fax: (21) 3722 7571 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Pavilhão 3 - D1 CROSS FREIGHT, localizada em Hamburgo, como empresa privada, é um provedor completo de logística. Especializada na manipulação mundial de peças de navios, equipamentos de petróleo e exploração de gás, produtos químicos/ farmacêuticos e todos os tipos de mercadorias de risco desde 1996. Como líder neste mercado e com apoio dos nossos parceiros mundiais, estamos orgulhosos da nossa capacidade de oferecer soluções com tecnologia de ponta a fim de atender as necessidades logísticas de nossos clientes para as suas cargas de grande porte, embarques críticos, de risco e pesados. Nossa “24/7” é a resposta perfeita para as demandas dessa área de indústria. Damen Shipyards Group possui 32 estaleiros de construção e reparos navais, empregando 9.000 pessoas mundialmente. Com mais de 5.000 embarcações entregues em mais de 100 países, a Damen continua a fornecer cerca de 160 embarcações anualmente. Com foco em padronização, construção modular e mantendo embarcações em estoque, a Damen permite obter curtos prazos de entrega, baixo ‘custo total de propriedade’ e alto valor de revenda. Ampla linha de produtos que vão desde rebocadores até super iates. Além de embarcações, a Damen oferece serviços especializados, como manutenção, peças de reposição, treinamento e transferência de conhecimentos sobre construção naval. CROSS FREIGHT is a Hamburg based, privately owned and self funded full range logistics provider. The company has specialized in the worldwide handling of ship spares, oil and gas exploration equipment, chemicals/pharmaceuticals and all types of hazardous goods since 1996. As a leading player in this market and the support of our partners all over the world, we are proud of our ability to offer cutting-edge solutions to meet the logistic needs of our customers for their heavy/outsized cargoes, time critical or hazardous shipments. Our 24/7 is the perfect response to the demands in that industry. Damen Shipyards Group operates 32 ship- and repair yards, employing 9.000 people worldwide. Damen has delivered more than 5.000 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers approximately 160 vessels annually to customers worldwide. Damen’s focus on standardisation, modular construction and keeping vessels in stock leads to short delivery times, low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale value and reliable performance. Damen offers a wide range of products, from tug boats till super yachts. Furthermore, Damen offers a range of services, such as maintenance, spare parts, training and transfer of (shipbuilding) know-how. Pavilhão 3 - K17 Impulsionada pelo objectivo de salvaguardar a vida, a propriedade e o meio ambiente, DNV GL permite que as organizações avancem para a segurança e a sustentabilidade dos seus negócios. Fornecemos classificação e garantia técnica, software e serviços de consultoria especializada para as indústrias de energia, marítima, petróleo e gás. Fornecemos também serviços de certificação para os clientes em uma diversificada gama de indústrias. Combinando liderança e especialização técnica e operacional, metodologia de risco e profundo conhecimento da indústria, capacitamos decisões com a confiança dos nossos clientes. Investimos em pesquisa e inovação para oferecer aos clientes uma perspectiva operacional e tecnológica. Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Combining leading technical and operational expertise, risk methodology and in-depth industry knowledge, we empower our customers’ decisions and actions with trust and confidence. We continuously invest in research and innovation to provide customers and society with operational and technological foresight. DINGXIANG COUNTY YIXIN FLANGES CO.,LTD Jiulongwan Industrial Zone,Sha Village,Dingxiang County ,Shanxi Province China 034000 - Xin Zhou - Shanxi - China Tel.: 0351-7088317 Fax: 0351-7088317 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D13a Our Company Located in Dingxiang County, we are specialized in forging flange & other products. Our flange products are widely used in petroleum, chemical, water, electricity, mechanical, spaceflight industries, etc. We have modern workshop of 30,000 sq.m, integrated with forging, heat treatment, machining, physical and chemical test, surface treatment enquipment and an over 200 engineers and workers team, ensures our annual capacity of 4,000T output. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 49 Exhibitors | Exposição DORIS ENGENHARIA LTDA. EMBRAPII-COPPE ESTALEIRO BRASA LTDA Av. Almirante Barroso, 139 - Suite 801 - Centro - Rio de Janeiro 20031-005 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 2130311610 Fax: 213031-1555 e-mail: [email protected] Rua paulo Emídio Barbosa,485 -quadra 8 - lote C - Parque Tecnológico - Cidade Universitária 21941-615 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 3733-4123 | 3733-4132 Fax: 3733-4132 e-mail: [email protected] Ilha do Caju,671, Ilha da Conceição 24040-005 - Niterói - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 35205354 Fax: 35205354 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - J9 Pavilhão 3 - F18 Fundada em 2006 no Brasil, a Doris Engenharia (DEL) é subsidiária da DORIS Engineering, empresa francesa especializada em engenharia offshore desde 1965. Há sete anos no Brasil, a Doris venceu em 2010 o maior contrato de engenharia para serviços de FEED e assistência técnica dos 8 FPSOs Replicantes.A DEL oferece serviços que cobrem todas as áreas de desenvolvimento do campo, do poço até o flare, desde estudos de viabilidade e conceituais até engenharia de detalhamento. Hoje, a Doris tem de 200 pessoas em sua carteira de clientes, empresas operadoras e empreiteiras, tais como Petrobras, Repsol, BG, Total, Odebrecht, UTC. A COPPE/UFRJ foi credenciada pela EMBRAPII para aproximar indústria, centros de pesquisa e universidades e estimular a inovação e a transferência de tecnologia. Os projetos serão na área de ENGENHARIA SUBMARINA PARA EXPLORAÇÃO DE ÓLEO E GÁS.Linhas:DUTOS, RISERS E CABOS UMBILICAISanálise, projeto e qualificação de dutos submarinos, risers rígidos e flexíveis e cabos umbilicais de média e alta tensão. GARANTIA DE ESCOAMENTOGarantia de escoamento, prevenção, mitigação e remediação da deposição orgânica e da baixa fluidez do óleo. MONITORAMENTO, INSPEÇÃO E REPAROAnálise de integridade estrutural e gerenciamento de risco – monitoramento, inspeção e reparo. Founded in 2006 in Rio de Janeiro, Doris Engenharia is a subsidiary of DORIS Engineering, a French company specialized in offshore engineering since 1965. Since seven years in Brazil, Doris (DEL) grew significantly, since the award of the engineering contract with Petrobras for FEED service and technical assistance of eight FPSOs Replicants. DEL offers services that covers all areas of the field development , from the well to the flare, from feasibility studies to detailed engineering. Today, DEL team of 200 people deals with operating companies as contractors, such as Petrobras, Repsol, BG, TOTAL, Odebrecht, UTC. ECOM INSTRUMENTS Industriestr. 2 Assamstadt - Baden-Wurttemburg - Alemanha Tel.: 49 (0) 6294/4224-0 Fax: 49 (0) 6294/4224-0 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Como pioneira no setor de ambientes perigosos, incluindo petróleo e gás, a ecom é uma importante desenvolvedora de proteção contra explosão para equipamentos móveis desde 1986. Isto nos permitiu desenvolver uma tecnologia inovadora, como o primeiro telefone móvel com proteção contra explosões do mundo, o primeiro PDA com proteção contra explosões do mundo e agora, o primeiro tablet intrinsicamente seguro do mundo. ecom computadores moveis para ambientes explosivos ajudam a melhorar a eficiência, resultando em redução de custo e ao mesmo tempo protegendo os trabalhadores. As a pioneer in the hazardous environments industry, including oil and gas, ecom has been a major developer of explosion protection mobile equipment since 1986. Ecom has developed ground-breaking technology, such as the world‘s first explosionprotected mobile phone, the world‘s first explosionprotected PDA, and now, the world’s first intrinsically safe tablet. Ecom mobile products for explosive environments help improve efficiency leading to cost reduction, while protecting workers. 50 COPPE / UFRJ has been accredited by EMBRAPII to bring industry, research centers and universities and stimulate innovation and technology transfer. The projects will be in the area of UNDERWATER ENGINEERING FOR OIL AND GAS EXPLORATION.lines:PIPELINE, RISERS AND CABLES UMBILICALanalysis, design and qualification of subsea pipelines, rigid and flexible risers and umbilicals of medium and high voltage. FLOW OF WARRANTYFlow assurance, prevention, mitigation and remediation of organic deposition and low oil flow.MONITORING, INSPECTION AND REPAIRStructural integrity analysis and risk management - monitoring, inspection and repair. ENEROIL OFFSHORE DRILLING LTD. Pavilhão 3 – H1a ENGEPRED Av. Presidente Wilson, 231 – Sala 302 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro 20.030-905 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 3265-7175 Fax: 21 3265-7175 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 A Engepred desenvolve serviços de engenharia, gestão de facilities, manutenção predial e consultoria imobiliária, garantindo segurança e conforto aos clientes e maior retorno dos recursos aplicados. Engepred offers engineering, facilities management, building maintenance and real estate consulting services, while ensuring security and comfort to the clients, and obtaining maximum return from the resources used. Pavilhão 3 - J13 Especializado na construção de módulos de topsides e integração de FPSOs, o Estaleiro Brasa possui um parque industrial de 65.000m² e está estrategicamente localizado no coração da indústria brasileira de petróleo e gás.Com capacidade de construir 12 módulos em 15 meses e de integrar até 2 FPSOs simultaneamente, o Brasa oferece aos seus clientes uma oportunidade única de atender às necessidades do mercado offshore com prazos de entrega competitivos. Specialized in topside modules construction and FPSOs integration, Brasa shipyard is a 65,000m² state-of-the-art construction site strategically located in the heart of the offshore industry in Brazil.With capacity to build 12 modules in 15 months and to integrate up to 2 FPSOs simultaneously, Brasa offers its clients a unique opportunity to profit from its competitive delivery conditions. EVONIK INDUSTRIES Al. Campinas, 579 - 03º ao 13º andar 01404-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: (11) 3146-4100 Fax: (11) 3146-4208 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - J17 A Evonik oferece para a indústria de petróleo e gás, polímeros de alta performance. A poliamida 12 (PA12), VESTAMID® NRG é utilizada na camada de barreira e na camada externa de tubos flexíveis bem como nas mangueiras multi-camadas dos umbilicais. Também pode ser usada como tubos de grandes diâmetros para a distribuição de gás e aplicada como “liner” polimérico em tubos metálicos, estendendo a vida útil das tubulações, pois possui alta resistência mecânica, química, entre outras. A poliéter-éter-cetona (PEEK) VESTAKEEP® Ultimate é adequada para aplicações que requerem exigências químicas, mecânicas e térmicas extremamente elevadas. Evonik offers high-performance polymers to the oil & gas industry. The Polyamide 12 (PA12) VESTAMID® NRG is used in flexible pipes in both barrier and jacket layers, and on multi-layer tubing for umbilical hoses. It can also be used in large diameter pipes for gas conveying, and applied as a polymeric “liner” in metallic pipes to extend the service life of the pipelines due to its high mechanical and chemical resistance, to name a few. The polyether ether ketone (PEEK)VESTAKEEP® Ultimate fits in applications with extremely high chemical, mechanical and thermal demands. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site EXPRO Av. Rio Branco, 138 salas 1501/1602 Centro 20040-002 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 3266-4009 Fax: +55 21 3266-4009 e-mail: [email protected] FERROSTAAL INDUSTRIEANLAGEN ÓLEO E GÁS DO BRASIL - FIAB Praia de Botafogo, 440 – 9 andar 22250.040 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil Tel.: +55 21 2537-9020 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - I9a Pavilhão 3 - G21 A missão da Expro é gerenciamento de fluxo de poço. Fornecemos serviços e produtos para medir, melhorar, controlar e processar fluxo de poços de óleo e gás de alto valor, desde a exploração e a avaliação até a otimização e aprimoramento da produção de campos maduros. Com um foco específico no ambiente offshore, águas profundas e outros ambientes tecnicamente desafiadores, oferecemos uma gama de serviços críticos em três áreas-chave:•Teste de Poço e Serviços de Avaliação;• Subsea, Completação e Intervenção;• Serviços de Produção Ferrostaal é uma empresa provedora de tecnologia e fornecedora de serviços industriais independente com operações em todo o mundo. Como vasta experiência em contratos e projetos no segmento EPC - Engenharia, Compras e Construção (EPC), nós fornecemos aos nossos clientes as soluções ideais, garantindo rendimentos a longo-prazo no funcionamento de suas instalações industriais. Estamos presentes no Brasil desde 1953, tendo implementado com sucesso vários projetos industriais no país. Expro’s mission is well flow management. We provide services and products that measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells, from exploration and appraisal through to mature field production optimisation and enhancement.With a specific focus on offshore, deepwater and other technically challenging environments, we provide a range of mission critical services across three key areas: •Well Test & Appraisal Services•Subsea, Completion & Intervention Services•Production Services FEDERAL-MOGUL DEVA GMBH Schulstrasse 20 35260 - Stadtallendorf - Hessen - Germany Tel.: 49 6428 701-184 Fax: 49642870111 e-mail: [email protected] Deva/P Pavilhão 3 - G25 Federal -Mogul DEVA tem uma ampla gama de diferentesmateriais livres de manutenção , permitindo uma custom made -solução de rolamento para cada aplicação , independentemente de sesubmersa, acima da superfície ou na zona de respingo . Federal-Mogul DEVA has a broad range of differentmaintenance-free materials, enabling a custom-madebearing solution for each application, regardless of ifsubmerged, above surface or in the splash zone. Atualmente, através da nossa empresa Ferrostaal Industrieanlagen Óleo e Gás do Brasil Ltda., executamos um contrato na modalidade EPC para o projeto da Petrobras conhecido como “FPSO Replicantes” Módulos - Pacote IV, empregando mais de 2.500 pessoas no Rio de Janeiro e Maceió - AL, com total capacidade de Engenharia, Compras e construção de grande porte. Ferrostaal is a technology-independent, provider of industrial services with operations worldwide. As an experienced Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor, we provide our customers with optimal solutions, ensuring profitable long-term operation of their industrial plants. We are present in Brazil since 1953, having successfully implemented several industrial projects in the country. We are currently executing, though our company Ferrostaal Industrieanlagen Óleo e Gás do Brasil Ltda., Petrobras’ “Replicantes FPSO” Modules – Package IV project, employing more than 2000 people in Rio de Janeiro and Maceio – AL, with complete capacity for Engineering, Procurement and Construction of large-sized industrial projects. 2015 SPOTLIGHT AWARD WINNER FMC TECHNOLOGIES Avenida Rodovia Presidente Dutra, 2.660, Pavuna 21535-900 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 2472-7700 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F9 A FMC Technologies é fornecedora global de soluções tecnológicas para a indústria de óleo e gás. Está presente em 14 países com 19.000 funcionários em 24 unidades de produção. Em 2013, foi eleita a empresa mais inovadora do mundo do setor, ranking da revista Forbes. No Brasil desde 1956, desenvolve tecnologia, engenharia, fabricação e serviços para sistemas submarinos com fornecimento de cabeças de poço, árvores de natal, manifolds, sistemas de controle, de processamento e bombeio submarino. Possui unidades de fabricação, Centro de Tecnologia e base de serviços em Macaé. FMC Technologies is a leading global provider of technology solutions for the energy industry. Named by Forbes the most innovative company in 2013, in the oil and gas industry, it has approximately 19,000 employees and operates 24 production facilities in 14 countries. In Brazil since 1956, the company designs, manufactures and services technologically sophisticated systems and products such as subsea production and processing systems, christmas trees, manifolds and surface wellhead systems. The company has manufacturing plants, Technology Center and Service Base in Macaé. FLUTROL COMÉRCIO E CONTROLE DE FLUÍDOS LTDA Avenida Santo Albano, 170 04296000 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: 011 2940-9053 Fax: 011 2940-9050 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D11 Bombas e Booster Haskel, Bombas Triplesx Cat Pump, Válvulas Esfera, Agulha, Retenção e Subsea Butech, Mangueiras SpirStar, Bancadas de Teste, Painéis Hidráulicos, Sistemas para Flushing, Hidrojato e Injeção Química, Serviços de Testes de Pressão, Flushing, tudo para alta pressão. Somos a Solução em Alta Pressão! Haskel Pumps and Boosters, Cat Pump Triplex Pumps, Butech Ball Valves, Needle Retention and Subsea, hoses SpirStar, Test Benches, Hydraulic panels, Flushing systems, waterjet and Chemical Injection, Pressure Testing Services, Flushing, all for high blood pressure . We are the High Pressure Solution! Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 51 Exhibitors | Exposição FORSYS SUBSEA FUGRO GARDLINE MARINE SCIENCES DO BRASIL S.A. Rua Dom Marcos Barbosa, nº 2 20211-178 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 2139-8600 Fax: +55 21 2139-8600 e-mail: Contato pelo site Rua do Geólogo, 76 28890 - Rio das Ostras - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 22 3321 7700 Fax: +55 22 3321 7701 e-mail: [email protected] Rua da Glória 306, 601 Parte, Glória 20241180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55(21)30326792 Fax: +55(21)30326701 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E4 Pavilhão 3 - J19 Pavilhão 3 - E17 Forsys Subsea é uma joint venture 50/50 entre as empresas FMC Technologies e a Technip que une os conhecimentos e competências das duas empresas líderes na indústria Subsea, redefinindo a forma como os campos submarinos são projetados, construídos e operados. Reunindo os profissionais mais capacitados da indústria desde os estágios iniciais de concepção dos projetos, nosso objetivo é reduzir significativamente os custos do desenvolvimento dos campos submarinos e oferecer tecnologias para potencializar a performance ao longo de sua vida útil.A Forsys Subsea fica sediada em Londres, com centros regionais em Aberdeen, Houston, Oslo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro e Cingapura. Fugro fornece pessoas, equipamentos, experiência e tecnologia que suportam exploração, desenvolvimento, produção e transporte de recursos naturais do nosso mundo. Fornecendo dados técnicos e as informações necessárias para projetar, construir e manter sua infra-estrutura de forma segura, confiável e eficiente. Empresa de Marine Survey formada pela Joint Venture da OceanPact com a Gardline Marine Sciences, maior grupo privado dedicado as investigações, pesquisa e marine survey do mundo, com um corpo técnico de mais de 1800 profissionais das áreas de geologia, geofísica, oceanografia, geotecnia e meio ambiente. O grupo opera uma frota própria de 18 navios multipropósito e tem escritórios no Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Austrália, Singapura, Malásia, Egito, Abu Dabi e Brasil. Forsys Subsea is a 50/50 joint venture, between FMC Technologies and Technip that unites the skills and capabilities of two subsea industry leaders, redefining the way subsea fields are designed, delivered and operated, for life. Bringing the industry’s most talented subsea professionals together early in the project concept phase to significantly reduce the cost of subsea field development and provide the technology to maximize well performance over the life of the field. Forsys Subsea is headquartered in London, UK with regional hubs in Aberdeen, Houston, Oslo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro and Singapore. GAIA - DRILLMEC, ENTAGRAL, HEATRIC E HORTON FRANK’S INTERNATIONAL 10260 Westheimer, Suite 600 77042 - Houston - Texas - USA Tel.: +1 281-966-7300 Fax: 281-558-0948 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - I17 Internacional de Frank é uma empresa global de serviços de petróleo que fornece uma gama ampla e abrangente de serviços tubulares de alta engenharia , com foco em poços complexos e tecnicamente exigentes. Frank’s International is a global oil services company that provides a broad and comprehensive range of highly engineered tubular services, with a focus on complex and technically demanding wells. 52 Fugro provides people, equipment, expertise and technology that support exploration, development, production and transportation of our world’s natural resources. Supplying technical data and information required to design, construct and maintain your infrastructure safely, reliably and efficiently. Rua Victor Civita,77 Bl.1 Sala 101 Parte Barra da Tijuca 22775-044 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 33116200 Fax: 21 33116203 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F13 Atuando há 20 anos no mercado, a Gaia possui amplo conhecimento sobre todos os elos da cadeia produtiva de Óleo e Gás, oferecendo a seus clientes um extenso portfólio de soluções diferenciadas, desenvolvidas mediante parcerias com empresas nacionais e internacionais altamente qualificadas. Dentre o conjunto de capacidades e competências da Gaia, destacam-se:- Suporte às empresas que atuam em E&P.- Acesso à tecnologias e soluções inéditas.- Desenvolvimento de projetos customizados para os grandes desafios operacionais.- Realização de estudos de viabilidade técnica, econômica e ambiental (EVTEA), e as respectivas soluções tecnológicas (FEL 1 e 2). Gardline Marine Sciences do Brasil S.A, is a joint venture between Gardline Marine Sciences (South America) Ltd and OceanPact Serviços Marítimos Ltda. The company focus on fully integrated survey packages including geophysical, hydrographic, environmental, oceanographic and geotechnical surveys. The company will provide a wide range of integrated marine science services including: 2D seismic exploration, 2D/3D high resolution data acquisition and interpretation, shallow gas hazard analysis, seabed mapping, shallow to deep water soil investigation, near shore and coastal surveys, water and sediment sampling, habitat assessment, environmental baseline surveys and environmental monitoring. Operating for 20 years, Gaia has an extensive knowledge of the Oil & Gas chain, offering to its clients a huge portfolio of differentiated solutions, developed in partnership with high skilled companies, in the following directions:- Technical and commercial support to E&P Companies.Technologies and innovative solutions for Pre-Salt.Customized projects for operational challenges.Economical, technical and environmental feasibility studies (EVTEA) and their technological solutions (FEL 1 and 2).- Full understanding of regulatory requirements and local content issues. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site GENESIS GEP-AFTP GUSTOMSC Rua Dom Marcos Barbosa, 2 - 5º andar 20211-178 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 2139-8080 Fax: +55 21 2139-8080 e-mail: 45 rue Louis Blanc, La Défense 92038 - Paris - Paris - França Tel.: + 33 1 47 17 67 37 Fax: + 33 1 47 17 67 47 e-mail: [email protected] Karel Doormanweg 35 3115 JD - Schiedam - Rotterdam - Países Baixos Tel.: +31 (0)10 288 30 00 Fax: +31 (0)10 288 30 01 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E4 Pavilhão 3 - J9 Pavilhão 3 - C7 A Genesis tem mais de 1.400 profissionais de engenharia em 17 cidades no mundo. Usando uma profunda compreensão dos objetivos do cliente, mercado e meio ambiente, conseguimos melhorar eficiência e produtividade. De longe, o maior trunfo da Genesis é o conhecimento. A imersão total nos projetos e o compromisso com a busca de soluções cada vez mais refinadas, amplia nosso conhecimento a cada dia. A Genesis tem mais de duas décadas de experiência internacional atuando na indústria de petróleo e gás onshore/ offshore, realizando estudos de viabilidade, projetos conceituais e de detalhamento, gestão de projetos, comissionamento e hand-over para operações. GEP-AFTP tem por objetivo a promoção em nível mundial, da excelência da indústria e da tecnologia da França, no setor de Petróleo e Gás, e de apoiar a internacionalização das empresas francesas do setor principalmente pequenas e médias empresas.GEPAFTP representa uma rede de aproximadamente 1.350 associados em 250 empresas e 1.100 profissionais cujas competências cobrem todos os segmentos do setor do petróleo e gás (exploração, produção, desenvolvimento, logística, refino e distribuição). A GustoMSC é uma empresa de engenharia independente, reconhecida mundialmente e líder de design, graças ao vasto conhecimento e experiência dos profissionais dedicados e relacionamentos estreitos com os protagonistas mais influentes no mercado de energia offshore. Com um portfólio multifacetado de produtos e serviços que consiste de projetos básicos de plataformas auto-elevatórias, semi-submersíveis e embarcações para exploração offshore, construção e produção, e através de combinação de design e equipamentos associados, oferecemos aos clientes uma vantagem exclusiva. Mediante a sua abordagem multidisciplinar, somos capaz de convergir rapidamente para projetos básicos integrados e seguros que têm desempenho melhor do que quaisquer outros. Genesis has over 1400 world-leading engineering professionals in 17 cities. Using a deep understanding of client objectives, market, environment and aspirations, we enhance efficiency and productivity. By far the greatest asset of Genesis is knowledge. Total immersion in every project and commitment to finding evermore-ingenious solutions, expands our knowledge each day. Genesis has over two decades of international experience serving the onshore and offshore oil and gas industry acting in feasibility and conceptual studies, front end engineering & design, detailed design, project management of construction, commissioning and hand-over to operations. GEOLOG Estrada São José e Imboassica, 1000 OSEP, Sala 106, Imboassica 27925-540 - Macaé - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 22 2763 3146 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E7 Mud Logging and Advanced gas. Mud Logging and Advanced gas. The objectives of GEP-AFTP are to promote the technological and industrial excellence of the French hydrocarbons industry across the world and to foster the international deployment of French oil and gas suppliers.GEP-AFTP networks brings together some 250 company members and 1100 individual members as oil and gas professionals whose areas of expertise cover the entire oil and gas sector. GEPAFTP supports the dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge among its individual members, and promotes, and facilitates the international development of its corporate members. GustoMSC is an independent, world renowned and leading design and engineering company, thanks to the vast knowledge and expertise of our dedicated professionals and our close relationships with the most influential players in the offshore energy market. With a multi-faceted product and services portfolio consisting of basic designs of jack-ups, semi-submersibles and vessels for offshore exploration, construction and production, and by matching design and associated equipment, GustoMSC offers its clients a unique advantage. Through its multi-disciplinary approach, GustoMSC is able to quickly converge to integrated and safe basic designs that, also in commercial terms, perform better than any other. HELON EXPLOSION-PROOF ELECTRIC CO., LTD. No.477, Jingqi Road, Economic Development Zone, Yueqing City, Zhejiang Province, China 325600 - Yueqing - Zhejiang - China Tel.: 86-13777723169 Fax: 86-577-62660610 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Helon is an integrated manufacturer with high crafts from enclosure die-casting, machining, painting, to assemble in full automation or semi-automation. We’ve already gained many Chinese explosion-proof certificates, as well as IECEX, ATEX certificates, ect. China’s 3rd largest, over 300 workers, 500,000 square meters non-dust workshop, 8 years experience, 7 years’ vendor of CNPC, CNOOC, CEPSA, BASF, available to Shanghai and Ningbo ports, this is how we keep superior quality and competitive offers for global valued customers. Our main products cover explosion-proof distribution box, ex-lighting, ex-junction box, ex-connect pipe, etc., and we welcome both retail and wholesale. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 53 Exhibitors | Exposição HERRENKNECHT VERTICAL GMBH HONGQI INSTRUMENT (CHANGXING) CO., LTD. HUTCHINSON - TECHLAM Im Heidenwikel 5 77963 - Schwanau - BW - Alemanha Tel.: +4978243021300 Fax: +4978243021330 e-mail: [email protected] No. 199 Baixi Road, Changxing Economic Development Zone,Zhejiang, China 313100 - Huzhou City - Zhe Jiang - China Tel.: 86 572-6129996 Fax: 86 572-6129996 e-mail: [email protected] 1, Rue de l’Industrie 68701 – Cernay - France Tel.: +33 3 89 75 66 67 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D13a Founded in 1853, Hutchinson is a worldwide leader and specialist in rubber products. Pavilhão 3 - C13 A Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH, uma subsidiária da Herrenknecht AG, projeta e fabrica sondas de perfuração vertical para profundidades de até 8.000 metros. As modernas sondas automáticas “Terra Invader” são especialmente personalizadas de acordo com as especificações do cliente e das necessidades de cada projeto, atendendo os mais altos padrões técnicos em tecnologias off shore com um grande número de novos desenvolvimentos. Suas características principais abrangem o conceito de segurança (hands-off technology) e gerenciamento flexível de energia, automação dos processos operacionais para aumentar a disponibilidade, assim como equipamentos para a redução de ruídos que beneficiam o nosso meio ambiente. Herrenknecht Vertical GmbH, a subsidiary of Herrenknecht AG, designs and manufactures deep drilling rigs and equipment for wells down to 8,000 meters. The innovative >>Terra Invader<< rigs are specifically adapted to customer and project requirements offering high technical standards based on offshore technology and a number of new developments. Central features comprise an optimized safety concept (hands-off technology) and flexible energy management, comprehensive automation of working processes to increase time savings as well as integrated noise protection devices to benefit our environment. HEXAGON | SISGRAPH Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4300, 5º Andar 04538132 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: (11)3889-2000 Fax: (11)3887-7763 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K36 Empresa do grupo sueco Hexagon, a SISGRAPH é líder de mercado no fornecimento de tecnologias e softwares de plant design da Intergraph para plataformas de petróleo, refinarias e indústrias de transformação. As soluções da SISGRAPH abrangem também as áreas de gerenciamento de informações e de materiais, e podem ser perfeitamente integradas com os sistemas já utilizados pela empresa, criando um ambiente inteligente de engenharia colaborativa e reduzindo custos. SISGRAPH is part of the Swedish group Hexagon and is a market leader in Brazil by offering Intergraph’s portfolio of technologies for industrial plant design, such as oil platforms, refineries and chemical plants. SISGRAPH’s solutions are based in an integrating philosophy for engineering tools, information and material management systems, and already applied systems in enterprises. It creates integrated and intelligent engineering collaboration, resulting in cost reduction. 54 Hongqi instrumento (Changxing) Co., Ltd., a leading manômetro e termômetro fabricação Na China a partir de 1993. O Nosso SUCESSO e ênfase Na qualidade de Produto e serviço Ao cliente NOS ajudaram a tornar - se a maior escala e a Mais poderosa força técnica de fabricação semelhantes entre China industries.we procuram assegurar que OS indicadores são confiáveis e duráveis. Hongqi instrument (Changxing) Co., Ltd.,The leading pressure gauge and thermometer manufacture in China from 1993.Our success and emphasis on product quality and customer service have helped us become the the largest scale and the most powerful technical strength manufacture among China similar industries.we strive to ensure that our gauges are reliable, accurate and durable. HUISMAN EQUIPMENT BV P.O Box 150 3100 AD - Schiedam - Zuid Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31(0)88 0702222 Fax: +31(0)880702220 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 A Huisman é uma empresa que opera globalmente com ampla experiência na fabricação de equipamentos de construção pesada para empresas líderes mundiais nos segmentos onshore e offshore. Originalmente fundada em 1929 como uma empresa de aços para construção, mais tarde juntou forças com uma empresa de engenharia para desenvolver produtos inteiramente sob sua gestão, desde a concepção até a entrega.O portfolio de produtos pode ser dividido em seis categorias principais: Guindastes, equipamentos de Pipelay, equipamentos de Perfuração, Guinchos, projetos de Navios e projetos Especiais que variam desde componentes autônomos até sistemas integrados de engenharia de alta qualidade. Pavilhão 3 - J9 - FRENCH PAVILION Hutchinson’s divisions Techlam, Paulstra and StopChoc provide the offshore industry with solutions for motion, vibration, shock and sealing. Techlam, specialized in deepwater operations, provides subsea connectors for hybrid risers and TLP tendons, leg mating units for float over installations, and flexible joints used to mate SCRs with host facilities. HYTORC-RIO Rua Barao do Amazonas - 41 - Ponta d’areia 24030-111 - Niteroi - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 2126211911 Fax: 21 26211911 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D31a Produtos - Ferramentas para torqueamento industrial, hidráulicas, pneumáticas e elétricas. Sistemas completos para tensionamento, aparafusamento e torque de precisão. Chaves, acessórios e equipamentos compõe estes sistemas que atendem as diversa necessidades da indústria. Aplicações em manutenção, construção e montagem nos segmentos de petróleo, mineração, indústria pesada, em locais de difícil acesso ou com exigências de precisão. Hytorc Lider mundial em desenvolvimento de ferramentas e soluções para torqueamento. Our product range can be divided into six main categories: Cranes, Pipelay Equipment, Drilling Equipment, Winches, Vessel Designs and Specials ranging from stand-alone components to highly engineered integrated systems. Our production is divided between our production facilities in The Netherlands, China and the Czech Republic. The construction of our new production facility in Santa Catarina, Brazil, has started early 2012 and will is operational since 2015. Additional sales, engineering and service offices are located in Brazil, Singapore, Norway, Australia and the USA. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site IBP – INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE PETRÓLEO, GÁS E BIOCOMBUSTÍVEIS Avenida Almirante Barroso, 52 – 21º e 26º andares - Centro 20031-918 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil Tel: (+55 21) 2112-9000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – H3a Fundado em 1957, o IBP é uma organização privada de fins não econômicos com a missão de promover o desenvolvimento do setor de petróleo, gás e biocombustíveis de forma competitiva, sustentável, ética e socialmente responsável. Hoje, o IBP reúne mais de 220 empresas e profissionais associados e é reconhecido como importante fórum interlocutor do setor por seu conhecimento técnico e fomento à discussão de grandes temas. Organizador dos principais eventos da indústria no Brasil, como a Rio Oil & Gas e a OTC Brasil, o IBP também desenvolve cursos e capacitação de profissionais do setor, normas, certificações e publicações técnicas. Founded in 1957, IBP is a private, non-profit organization focused on promoting the development of the brazilian oil, gas and biofuels industry in a competitive, sustainable, ethical and socially responsible environment. Today, IBP congregates more than 220 associated companies and professionals and its recognized as an important industry representative for its technical knowledge and fostering the debate of relevant industry issues. Organizer of the main oil & gas shows in Brazil, such as Rio Oil & Gas and OTC Brasil, IBP also develops technical courses and it´s also responsible for standardization, certification of inspection services and technical publications. IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY c/o 11775 La Colina Road 92131-1413 - San Diego – CA - USA e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION The Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) seeks to advance the science and technology of Ocean Engineering. Its objective are scientific, literary, and educational in character. The Society strives for the advancement of the theory and practice of technology applied to the ocean environment, not only by ocean engineers but also by individuals in allied branches of engineering and related arts and sciences. The Society maintains a high level of professional standards among its members and affiliates and through them promotes technical excellence and actively encourages the exchange of information through conferences, meetings, workshops and publication. Excellent benefits for students are also available. Students and professionals are encouraged to stop by the IEEE/ OES booth for information on the Society including reduced or free memberships. IHC OFFSHORE & MARINE Pavilhão 3 – F17 Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado IMECA ZI de Saint Médard des Prés - Impasse des champs dorées 85200 - Fontenay Le Comte - France Tel.: +33 251 531 616 e-mail: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DRILLING CONTRACTORS - IADC 10370 Richmond Ave Suite 760 TX77042 – Houston – Texas - USA Tel.: +1 713 292 1945 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - J9 - FRENCH PAVILION Booth Number? IMECA is a Trade mark of the French company REEL, founded in 1946, and recognized as a world leading company in lifting and handling equipment mainly but not limited to the Oil & Gas industry. Desde 1940, a International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) exclusivamente tem representado em todo o mundo e a indústria de perfuração de óleo e gás e é dedicada a reforçar os interesses de petróleo e gás e empreiteiros de perfuração geotérmicos no mundo. Missão do IADC é catalisar o melhor desempenho para a indústria de perfuração por reforçar a integridade operacional e defendendo a melhor regulamentação para tornar mais seguras, mais limpas e eficientes perfurações em todo o mundo. Para obter mais informações, visite o site do IADC em Based on our experience in designing & manufacturing pipelaying towers, offshore cranes, winches, tensioners, etc. IMECA has become an integrator and works closely with naval architects and major shipbuilding yards in the world to supply EPCI projects. IMECA provides spare parts, field services, equipment upgrades and overhaul. Customer’s satisfaction is driving IMECA‘s highly specialized engineers INFINITY MARINE BRASIL INSTALÇÕES NAVAIS Av. Prefeito Aristeu Ferreira Da Silva 2950 27930-070 – Macaé - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 + 22 27654767 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – C29 Material e Mão de obra. ISOLAMENTO Térmico E Acústico e contra incêndios. Divisórias e forro de Paredes de Painel duro com Núcleo Macio; Sistema de Assoalho Elevado, com Azulejos, Vinil e Sem Emendas, Portas e Janela Corta Fogo, Sistema de energia de baixa e media tensão, Sistema de Detecção de Fumaça Gas e Incêndio, Sistema de Encamento e Tubulação, Projeto e Equipamento de Cozinhas e Refeitórios, Mobiliarío Equipamentose Trabalhos de Serralheria Personalizados, Banheiros Pré-Fabricados, Conformidade com os Padões Nacionais e Internacionais. Labor and Material Provider the Follow in: Thermal, Acaustic and Fire Rated Insulation, Harde Panel and Soft Core Wall Partitions and linings, Suspended and Self Supporting Ceilings, Seamless,Vinyl, Tile and Floating Floor Systems, Fire Rate doors and Windows, Low and medium Voltage Eletrical Power & lighting Systems, Communication, Television and Lan Systems, Plumbing and Piping Systems, Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning And Refrigeration, Galley & Mess Design and Equipment and Custom Mill-Work, Prefabricated wet Units, National and International Standards Campliance. Since 1940, the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) has exclusively represented the worldwide oil and gas drilling industry and is dedicated to enhancing the interests of oil and gas and geothermal drilling contractors worldwide. IADC’s mission is to catalyze improved performance for the drilling industry by enhancing operational integrity and championing better regulation to facilitate safer, cleaner and more efficient drilling operations worldwide. For more information, visit the IADC website at IRO - DUTCH SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION Boompjes 40 3011 XB - Rotterdam - Zuid Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31793411981 Fax: +31793419764 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 IRO promove, desde a sua fundação em 1971, os interesses de empresas holandesas de prestação de serviços à indústria “upstream” de gás e petróleo. Os nossos membros abrangem todas as áreas de apoio à indústria, tais como engenharia (projeto), acompanhamento “in sito”, instalação de condutas, manutenção, fornecimento de equipamentos, quer “onshore” quer “offshore”. O IRO representa os interesses das suas 430 empresas-membros junto do governo e de potenciais futuros clientes, promove a obtenção de apoios à exportação e de subsídios para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras. IRO oferece aos seus associados o acesso a uma vasta rede nacional e internacional. Since its foundation in 1971 IRO promotes the interests of the Dutch supply and service companies in the upstream oil and gas industry. Members cover all activities involved in the supply industry, such as engineering, field development, pipeline installation, maintenance, manufacturing and material & equipment supply, onshore as well as offshore.IRO represents the interests of its 430 member companies towards the government and prospective customers, facilitates export promotion and subsidies for innovative technology. IRO offers member companies a vast national and international network. 55 Exhibitors | Exposição JUMBO OFFSHORE KEPPEL FELS BRASIL S/A KONGSBERG MARITIME P.O. Box 3070 3101 EB - Schiedam - Zuid Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31107900300 e-mail: [email protected] Rua da Quitanda, 86, Centro 20091-005 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 24 21 2102-9400 Av. Rio Branco, 173 16º andar – Centro – RJ 20040-007 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 5521 2240-9402 Fax: 5521 2262-8749 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – K11+K15 Pavilhão 3 - D1 A Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) é líder global na indústria offshore e naval. Contração De Instalação OffshoreJumbo é uma empresa de capital privado com uma longa experiência de 5 décadas no mercado de transporte marítimo para cargas pesadas . Possuímos uma frota moderna e versátil com embarcações especializadas em transporte e instalação offshore que atende o mercado mundial nos setores de energia renovável e Petróleo & Gás. Construímos uma solida reputação através do histórico de projetos executados , oferecendo soluções confiáveis e eficientes aliada a um melhor custo / beneficio. Atualmente, a Keppel O&M administra dois estaleiros no Brasil. Por meio da Keppel FELS Brasil, operamos o BrasFELS. Fornecendo uma ampla gama de serviços de construção, conversão, modernização e reparo, os projetos do BrasFELS incluem: Unidades Flutuantes de Produção (FPU), Unidades Flutuantes de Produção, Armazenamento e Transferência (FPSO), navios de perfuração, sondas de perfuração semissubmersíveis, navios de apoio a plataforma e navios de apoio em manuseio de âncoras. Offshore Installation ContractingJumbo is a privately owned company with five decades of maritime industry experience. We own a state-of-the-art and versatile fleet of specialized offshore transportation and installation vessels which we operate worldwide in the Oil & Gas and Renewable Industry. With our track record and technical expertise, we have built a solid reputation as a reliable and efficient provider of cost effective transport and installation solutions. KALLMAN WORLDWIDE INC. 4 North Street 07463 - Waldwick - New Jersey - USA Tel.: 201-251-2600 Fax: 201-251-2760 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - H5 + H5b Venha fazer parte do U.S. International Pavilion, organizado pela Kallman Worldwide. Confiança, localização e ambientes de negócios de primeira, e atenção profissional nos mínimos detalhes para garantir o seu sucesso em qualquer lugar do mundo. Exhibit with confidence in the U.S. International Pavilion, organized by Kallman Worldwide Inc. Prime locations, premier business environments and professional attention to details ensure your success anywhere in the world. O nosso segundo estaleiro, Keppel Singmarine Brasil, está focado na construção de embarcações de apoio e navios especializados, bem como na fabricação de módulos offshore. Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) is a global leader in the offshore and marine industry. Presently, Keppel O&M manages two shipyards in Brazil. Through Keppel FELS Brasil, we operate BrasFELS. Providing a broad range of construction, conversion, upgrading and repair services, BrasFELS’ projects span Floating Production Units (FPU), Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels, drillships, drilling semisubmersible rigs, platform supply vessels, and anchor handling tug/ supply vessels. Our second yard, Keppel Singmarine Brasil, focuses on the construction of offshore support vessels and specialised ships as well as fabrication of offshore modules. KOBELCO MACHINERY DO BRASIL SERVIÇOS EMPRESARIAIS LTDA. Avenida Paulista, 10º andar 01310-100 – São Paulo – SP - Brasil Tel.: +55(11)2186-0265 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – K32 KOBELCO – the leader in dry screw compressors. KOBELCO´s flexible designs accommodate your unique requirements – like raw gases, limited space and government regulations. Only dry screw compressors provide the reliability you need in a Vapor Recovery unit. Trust a dry screw compressor for offshore. Trust KOBELCO, to supply it. 56 Pavilhão 3 - E11 Nós fornecemos soluções inovadoras e confiáveis para a navegação, no mar, submarinos, marinha, costeiro, pesca, barco e gestão de frotas, formação de marítimos, portuários e de vigilância do porto e muito mais. Ao utilizar e integrar a nossa tecnologia, experiência e competências dentro de posicionamento, detecção, comunicação, controle, navegação e automatização, pretendemos dar aos nossos clientes a imagem completa. Oferecemos suporte 24 horas, diagnóstico, peças de reposição, atualização e treinamento para garantir que os sistemas que oferecemos estão disponíveis quando você precisar deles. Global source for marine and offshore electronics. We provide innovative and reliable solutions for shipping, offshore, subsea, navy, coastal marine, fisheries, ship and fleet management, maritime training, port and harbor surveillance and more. By utilizing and integrating our technology, experience and competencies within positioning, detection, communication, control, navigation and automation, we aim to give our customers the Full Picture. We provide products within dynamic positioning, navigation, automation, hydroacoustics, underwater cameras, information technology and simulators. We offer 24 hours support, diagnostics, spare parts, upgrades and training to make sure the systems we provide are available when you need them. KONGSBERG OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGIES Hamangskogen 60 N-1338 - Sandvika - Norway - Noruega Tel.: +47 67 80 4800 Fax: +47 67 80 4830 e-mail: [email protected]ý Pavilhão 3 - E11 Kongsberg Oil & Technologies; um fornecedor independente de tecnologia, soluções de software e serviços para a indústria de petróleo e gás. Nós entregamos projetos e produtos submarinos, soluções de apoio, decisão em tempo real para a perfuração, operações de produção de sistemas de gestão de integridade e vigilância. Kongsberg Oil & Technologies is an independent supplier of technology, software solutions and services to the oil and gas industry. We deliver subsea projects and products, real-time decision support solutions for drilling, well surveillance and production operations and integrity management systems. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site LANKHORST EURONETE BRASIL IND E COM LTDA LUOYANG DEPING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. MAGNETROL BRASIL Rua Minas Gerais, 1920 Dist. Industrial 26373280 - Queimados - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +552126639000 Fax: +552126639000 e-mail: [email protected] Tuqiaogou, Sunxin road, Hi-tech development zone, Luoyang,Henan, P.R. of China 471003 - Luoyang - Henan - China Tel.: 86-379-64281526 Fax: 86-379-64281526 e-mail: [email protected] Av. Dr. Mauro Lindemberg Monteiro, 185 06278-010 – Osasco – SP - Brasil Tel.: 55-11-33818100 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D5 Líder mundial na produção de cabos sintéticos, cabos de poliéster para águas profundas, cabos para monobóias, cabos de amarração, atracação e reboque, eslingas produzidas em fibras de alto desempenho para lançamento em águas profundas. World leader in fiber rope and mouldings technology: Polyester deepwater tethers, single point mooring ropes certified to OCIMF guidelines, slings made from high strength polymers for use in heavy lifts, emergency towing systems. LLOYD’S REGISTER ENERGY Rua da Glória, 344, 11º andar 20241-180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 3523 0018 Fax: +55 21 3523 0044 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - I15 Lloyd Register Energy oferece serviços de gestão de risco, inspeções, gerenciamento de manutenção e treinamentos para reforçar e manter a segurança, a integridade e o desempenho de profissionais dos setores de Energia e Oléo e Gás , processos e ativos, de acordo com as necessidades do cliente.Nossa equipe de engenheiros altamente qualificados presta assistência aos mais exigentes padrões nas áreas de projeto, fabricação, construção, operação, manutenção e desempenho em todos os setores da indústria petrolífera. Lloyd’s Register Energy delivers offshore risk management, inspection, maintenance management and training services to enhance and sustain the safety, integrity and performance of energy related people, processes and assets, according to client needs.Our highly qualified team of professional engineers provides expertise to the most demanding standards in the fields of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance across all sectors of the energy industry. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Luoyang Deping Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specialized in pipeline construction equipments used in both onshore and offshore oil&gas&water fields. Founded in year 2003, till now our company has owned product categories including: internal pneumatic pipe line-up clamp, pipe beveling machine, paywelder (welding tractor), roller cradle (the above four products acquired CE certificates), external pipe clamp, pipe bending mandrel, and flame heater etc... Our company has strong product design capabilities and has obtained dozens of patents. we strictly implement the quality assurance system and get good reputation for quality and service. M&O PARTNERS Rua Lauro Muller, nº 116, Sala 3006 22.290-906 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 3239 4850 Fax: +55 (21) 3239 4896 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K21 A M&O Partners possui uma plataforma operacional completa de serviços e fornece todos os recursos necessários para desenvolver e incrementar as vendas, bem como operar empresas no segmento offshore no Brasil. Somos um dos principais representantes de equipamentos, serviços e software para o mercado brasileiro. O nosso vasto portfólio inclui: Sistemas de Ancoragem, Riser Pull-In, Pipe Handling Equipment (Remazel), Sistemas de Tratamento de Água e Efluentes (Artes Ingeneria), Instrumentação de Nível e Sistema de Tratamento de Água de Lastro (Panasia), Sistemas de Alimentação Ininterrupta UPS (Anda Olsen), Manutenção em Válvulas (Fluit), Válvulas Top Side e Subsea (Valland), HIL-testing (Marine Cybernetics). M&O Partners provides a unique full-service operational platform with all resources needed to build sales and run operations for offshore companies in Brazil. We’re a leading representative for equipment, services and software to the Brazilian market. Our vast portfolio includes: Mooring Systems, Riser Pull-In, Pipe Handling Equipment (Remazel), Waste Water Treatment (Artes Ingeneria), Environment and Offshore Plant Equipment (Panasia), Uninterruptable Power Systems (Anda Olsen), Maintenance and Repair of Valves (Fluit), Topside and Subsea Valves (Valland). HIL-testing (Marine Cybernetics DNV- GL) among other. Pavilhão 3 – I11 Instrumentação Industrial para Nível e Vazão. Capacitância, Indicação Visual, Mecânicos, Radar Por Onda Guiada, Ultrassom, Dispersão Térmica, Magnetostrictivo, Radar, Vibração. Industrial Instruments for Level and Flow measurement. Capacitance, Visual Indicators, Buoyancy, Guided Wave Radar, Ultrasonic, Thermal Dispersion, Magnetostrictive, Radar, Vibration. MAGRAL EQUIPAMENTOS HIDRÁULICOS E PNEUMÁTICOS LTDA. Rua Ibitinga, 670 Vila Bertioga 03186020 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: 11 2021-7202 Fax: 11 20217203 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D31 -Divisão Fluid Control: Bomba Hidropneumática; Equip.P/Teste Hidrostático;Booster P/Gás; Amplificador P/Ar Comprimido; Acumulador Hidráulico; Unidades De Flushing; H.P.Us; Conexões, Válvulas E Dispositivos P/Altas Pressões.Divisão Motion Control: Amortecedor Hidráulico P/Impacto; Amortecedor A Gás;Isolador De Vibração; Mola Pneumática; Cilindros, Conexões, Válvula E Acessórios Pneumáticos.-Serviços: Assistência Técnica; Manutenção E Reparo; Projetos E Dimensionamento; Testes Hidrostáticos E De Flushing; Start-Up, Comissionamento E Treinamento. -Fluid Control Division: Hidraulic Pump; Hidrostatic Test Equipment; Gas Booster; Air Amplifier; Hidraulic Accumulator; H.P.Us And Flushing Units; Fittings, Valves E High Pressure Devices.Motion Control Division: Shock Absorber;Gas Spring;Antivibration Mount;Air Spring; Cylinders, Fittings And Pneumatic Valves.-Services: Technical Assistance; Repairing; Projecting; Flushing And Hidrostatic Tests; Comissioning And Training. MAINTENANCE NETWORK Corso Umberto I, 197/A 74123 - Taranto - Italy Tel.: 0039 0994520054 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - I15a Maintenance network provides a full range of activities and products dealing with the fire protection sector. 57 Exhibitors | Exposição MALAYSIA EXTERNAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - MATRADE Alameda Santos, 771 - Suite 72, 7th Floor 01419-001 - Sao Paulo – SP - Brazil Tel.: + 5511 32852966 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – K26 Construção de Navios de Reparos, Navios de Apoio Offshore, Construção de Instalações e InfraEstrutura Fabricação para Instalações Onshore e Offshore Dutos, Terminais de Armazenamento, Regaseificação, Petroquímica, Etc. Serviços de Inspecção Design, Fabricação, Fornecimento, Entrega, Instalação Fornecimento de Navios Plataforma, Estrutura, Mecânica e Tubulação, Elétrica e Instrumentação Oportunidades em Petróleo e Gás (Projetos Offshore) Transporte de Energia, Engenharia Pesada, Logística PI System, Solução de RFID Serviços, Soluções de TI, HSE Consultoria & Treinamentos, HSE Produtos e Serviços Shipbuilding & ship repair, offshore support vessel, Construction of Onshore facilities Buildings and Infrastructures, Major fabrication for onshore and offshore facilities, Pipelines, Storage Terminals, Tank Farms, LNG Regasification, Petrochemicals, etc. Inspection services, Design, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation Platform Supply Vessels, Civil & Structure, Mechanical & Piping, Electrical & Instrumentation, Opportunities in oil & gas offshore projects Energy transportation , Offshore floating solution, Heavy engineering, Logistics PI System, RFiD Solution HSE Consulting & Services, HSE IT solutions, HSE Trainings , HSE Products & Services MTS - MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY NETHERLANDS MARITIME TECHNOLOGY 1100 H Street, NW, Suite LL-100 20005 – Washington – DC - USA Tel.: 1 202.717.8705 e-mail: [email protected] Boompjes 40 3011 XB - Rotterdam - Zuid Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31884451000 Fax: +31102130700 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION A Marine Technology Society possui 3.800 membros em todo o mundo e oferece recursos profissionais e oportunidades ímpares de networking a engenheiros oceânicos e tecnólogos que trabalham no governo, na indústria e nas universidades. A paixão da MTS pelo desenvolvimento e pela aplicação da tecnologia marinha ajuda nossos membros em nossas 17 seções locais, 29 grupos de interesse técnico (comitês profissionais), 26 seções estudantis em universidades, conferências e workshops. O respeitado periódico científico “MTS Journal”, o boletim “Currents” e notícias sempre atualizadas no website da MTS são alguns dos benefícios oferecidos aos nossos membros. Não deixe de conferir! The Marine Technology Society comprised of 3,800 members worldwide, offers professional resources and unparalled networking opportunities to ocean engineers and technologists working in government, industry and academia. MTS’ passion for the advancement and application of marine technology assists members through our 17 local sections, 29 technical interest groups (professional committees), 26 university-based student sections, conferences and workshops. Other member benefits include the prestigious peer-reviewed “MTS Journal”, “Currents” newsletter and timely electronic news 24x7 on the MTS website. Please check out MTS today! Pavilhão 3 - D1 A Netherlands Maritime Technology é uma rede sólida e bem-sucedida de estaleiros, fornecedores e prestadores de serviços. Juntos eles fazem com que o impossível seja possível, em todo o mundo e em quaisquer circunstâncias. A partir de uma paixão e orgulho compartilhados pelo setor, a organização comercial apoia a Netherlands Maritime Technology no sentido de facilitar a rede de várias maneiras. A Netherlands Maritime Technology promove os interesses da rede, fornece suporte profissional em projetos e realiza investigações independentes. Os seus temas centrais são o Comércio, a Inovação e o Capital Humano. Netherlands Maritime Technology is a close-knit, successful network of shipyards, suppliers and service providers who work together to achieve the impossible in all locations and conditions. Based on a shared pride and passion for the trade, the office organisation underpinning Netherlands Maritime Technology goes the extra mile to facilitate the work of the network in every way possible. Netherlands Maritime Technology serves the interests of the network, provides professional project support, and carries out independent research wherever necessary. There is a particular focus on issues linked to Trade, Innovation and Human Capital. NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO Rua Lauro Muller 116 - sl 4201 222190-160 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 21 35750600 Fax: 55 21 35750610 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K23 A National Oilwell Varco (NOV) é líder no design, fabricação e venda de equipamentos e componentes usados em operações de perfuração de poços e produção de óleo e gás. National Oilwell Varco (NOV) is a leader in the design, manufacture and sale of equipment and components used in oil and gas drilling and production operations. 58 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site NEWPARK DRILLING FLUIDS DO BRASIL OCEAN NETWORKS CANADA OCEANPACT Av. das Américas, 700 - Bloco 1 - Sala 325 Barra da Tijuca 22640-100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 (21) 3139-7000 Fax: 55 (21) 3139-7001 e-mail: [email protected] University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC V8W 2Y2 - Victoria - BC - Canadá Tel.: +1 250.853.3961 Fax: +1 250.472.5370 e-mail: [email protected] Rua da Glória 306, 12º andar, Glória 20241180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55(21)30326700 Fax: +55(21)30326701 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - C17 Pavilhão 3 - E17 ONC opera a maior observatório oceano cabo de rede ao mundo, utilizando Inteligente Oceano Sistemas™, um conjunto abrangente de tecnologias e serviços que fornecem detecção de eventos e monitoramento remoto, entregue ao seu desktop em qualquer lugar do mundo. Abstracto:• Sensor de Tecnologias Integradas• infra-estrutura de energia e Backbone de Rede• Aquisição de Dados baseado em nuvem• Analytics e Visualização de Dados• Internet acessívelNossa missão é fornecer Inteligente Oceano Sistemas™ para indústrias e governos progressistas, e ajudá-los a acelerar as suas próprias iniciativas oceano focadas na maximização dos benefícios sociais, ambientais e econômicos. O Grupo possui reconhecida competência na área de Proteção Ambiental, especialmente em Gerenciamento e Resposta a Emergências Ambientais. Faz parte do grupo a empresa Witt O’brien’s Brasil, especializada em consultoria e treinamento em resposta à emergência, assim como a Gardline Marine Sciences do Brasil, especializada em marine survey.Todas estas empresas já com forte atuação no Brasil. ÁREAS ATUAÇÃO• Prontidão e resposta a emergências;• Gerenciamento de emergências;• Consultoria e treinamento nas áreas de Meio Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança;• Marine Survey (meio ambiente, oceanografia, geofísica e geotécnica);• Afretamento e operação de embarcações. Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) operates the ONC Observatory, the world’s largest cabled ocean observatory, utilizing ONC’s Smart Ocean Systems™. Smart Ocean Systems™ is a set of technologies and services providing remote event detection and monitoring, delivered to your desktop – anywhere in the world. It consists of:• Integrated Sensor Technologies• Power and Network Backbone infrastructure• Cloud-based Data Acquisition• Data Analytics and Visualization• Internet accessibleOur mission is to introduce the world-leading Smart Ocean Systems™ to progressive industries & governments, and partner with them as they seek to accelerate their own ocean-related initiatives focused on maximizing social, environmental, and economic benefits. The Group is renowned in the environmental protection arena, especially in Management and Response to Environmental Emergencies. As part of the Group are Witt | O’Briens’s do Brazil, specialized in Response Management consulting and training, as well as Gardline Marine Sciences do Brazil, specialized in marine survey.All these companies have a strong presence in Brazil.Field of Worko Emergency response and Preparedness;o Emergency Response Management;o Consultancy and training;o Marine Survey (oceanography, geophysics and geotechnical).o Vessel Chartering and Management; Pavilhão 3 - E7 Newpark Drilling Fluids é a maior empresa independente no seguimento de fluidos de perfuração e completação para poços de petróleo e gás natural. No Brasil desde 2005, tornou-se uma das líderes no mercado local, prestando ainda serviços de filtração e de apoio logístico com plantas de fluidos e graneis. Nosso objetivo é suprir soluções integradas baseadas em tecnologias inovadoras, com foco prioritário em sistemas de alta performance de base aquosa, reconhecidos mundialmente, testados e aprovados nas principais regiões do mundo. Nosso comprometimento com qualidade, saúde, segurança e meio ambiente, traduzidos por nossas certificações internacionais, norteiam nossas operações. Newpark Drilling Fluids is the largest independent company in the segment of Drilling and Completion Fluids for oil and gas wells. Established in Brazil since 2005, it has become one of the leaders in the local market, also providing Filtration Services and logistical support with Mud & bulk Plants. Our objective is to supply integrated solutions based on innovative technology with priority focus on high performance water-based systems, tested and approved in all major regions of the world, recognized worldwide. Our commitment to quality, health, safety and environment, translated by our international certifications, guide our operations. NUCLEBRÁS EQUIPAMENTOS PESADOS Av. Gal. Euclydes De Oliveira Figueiredo, 200 23825410 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 22624033 Fax: 2122624033 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F3 Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados S/A – NUCLEP é uma indústria pesada, responsável pela produção de equipamentos para as usinas nucleares brasileiras, assim como equipamentos pesados para os setores: óleo e gás; offshore; naval; petroquímico; energia; mineração e outras indústrias de base. NUCLEP é também uma Empresa Estratégica de Defesa desde 2013, atendendo às demandas de conteúdo local em equipamentos pioneiros no país. Nuclebrás Heavy Equipment S / A - NUCLEP is a heavy industry, responsible for the production of equipment for Brazilian nuclear power plants as well as heavy equipment for the following sectors: oil and gas, offshore, naval, petrochemical, power, minning and other industries of base. NUCLEP is also a Strategic Defense Company since 2013, meeting the demands nationwide in precursor equipmentos in the country. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado OCEANEERING Av. Rio Branco, 123 - 14º andar 20040005 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 2125177100 Fax: 21 25177100 e-mail: [email protected] www.oceaneering/brasil Pavilhão 3 - I13 Oceaneering é uma fornecedora global de produtos e serviços de engenharia para o setor offshore da indústria de óleo e gás, com foco em aplicações em águas profundas. A empresa desenvolve soluções para todo o ciclo de vida do campo de petróleo, desde a perfuração até o descomissionamento. A Oceaneering é a maior fabricante e operadora de ROVs work class do mundo e líder em serviços de inspeção e manutenção offshore, sistemas de controle e workover, umbilicais, ferramentas e equipamentos submarinos. Oceaneering is a global oilfield provider of engineered services and products primarily to the offshore oil and gas industry, with focus on deepwater applications. Oceaneering develops solutions for the entire lifetime of the oil field, from drilling to decommissioning. Oceaneering is the largest manufacturer and operator of work class ROVs and the world leader in offshore inspection and maintenance, installation and workover control systems, umbilicals, special tooling and subsea hardware. Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 222 Palisades Creek Drive Richardson, TX 75080 - USA Tel:+1.972.952.9494 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - H3b A Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) é o lugar onde profissionais do setor de energia se reúnem para trocar idéias e opiniões para o avanço do conhecimento científico e técnico para recursos offshore e as questões ambientais. Fundada em 1969, a principal conferência da OTC é realizada anualmente em Houston. A OTC ampliou tecnicamente e globalmente com o Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil e OTC Asia. The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Founded in 1969, OTC’s flagship conference is held annually in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with the Arctic Technology Conference, OTC Brasil, and OTC Asia. 59 Exhibitors | Exposição OXITENO PALM TECNOLOGIA PETREC - PETRÓLEO TECNOLOGIA E PESQUISA LTDA Av. Brig. Luís Antônio, 1343 01317-910 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: +55 11 3177-6102 Fax: +55 11 3177-6102 e-mail: [email protected] Rua Senador Dantas, 117 Sala 1017 20031911 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 2518-2555 Fax: 21 2524-4562 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - H21 Pavilhão 3 - K40 Rua Hélio de Almeida, s/n prédio 03 sala 43 Incubadora de Empresas/UFRJ 21941-614 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (21) 3733-1817/3733-1816 Fax: não possui e-mail: [email protected] Oxiteno é uma indústria química líder na produção de tensoativos e especialidades químicas na América Latina. Guiados pela inovação e sustentabilidade, desenvolvemos e fornecemos soluções químicas para companhias prestadoras de serviço. Nosso profundo know-how em tensoativos e solventes nos permite prover soluções que garantem a performance de todas as etapas que vão da perfuração de poços até a produção e refino. Nossas plantas estão alinhadas para acompanhar o constante crescimento do segmento, entregando soluções customizadas just in time e on time in full, de acordo com as necessidades de cada um de nossos clientes. A Palm representa a Walther Praezision, BIS Valves , HIP e TIS ManufacturingHidráulica, Pneumática, Gás, Testes, Sistemas, Equipamentos para Alta Pressão. Walther Praezision: Engates Rápidos, HFL´s, Hot Stabs, Placas, Sistemas/ Acoplamentos e Desconexão de Emergência. BIS Valves Válvulas Direcionais, PSV, Solenóides, Dosadoras, Controle de Fluxo, Atuadores, Solenóides de empuxo, Manifolds.HIP Válvulas de Agulha, Esfera, Segurança, Retenção, Alívio, Com Acionamento Pneumático, Conexões, Tubulações, Discos de Ruptura, Intensificadores, Vasos de Pressão, Reatores, Autoclaves, Manômetros. TIS: HPU´s Unidades Hidráulicas, Skids/Injeção Química, Painéis Hidraulico-pneumáticos, Controle de Cabeça de Poço, Equipamentos Offshore sob Encomenda Oxiteno is the leading producer of surfactants and specialty chemicals in Latin America. Driven by innovation and sustainability, we develop and deliver chemical solutions for oilfield service companies. Our deep know how in surfactants and solvents allows us to provide solutions which guarantee the performance of all stages from well drilling to crude production and refining.Our plants are aligned with the ever-growing pace of the industry, delivering customized solutions just in time and on time in full, according to each specific demand of our clients. Pavilhão 3 - D13 PETREC é uma empresa de terceirização em serviços de G&G, 100% brasileira, atuante no setor de tecnologia e inovação de aquisição, processamento e interpretação conjunta de dados geofísicos. Atualmente, somos a única empresa brasileira capaz de fornecer um fluxo de trabalho completo em G&G para análise de bacias.A PETREC tem uma equipe qualificada com pós graduação em geociências e vários anos de experiência em operações de ativos em diversas bacias brasileiras.Nossas principais áreas são: Processamento sísmico, interpretação geológica, inversão de AVO, aquisição e processamento de dados magnetotelúricos, processamento e Interpretação de dados de métodos potenciais e petrofísica computacional. Palm distributes Walther Praezision, BIS Valves, HIP and TIS Manufacturing Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Gas, Tests, High-pressure Equipment and Systems. Walther Praezision Quick Couplings, HFL´s, Hot Stabs, Multi-coupling Plates, Docking and Emergency Disconnect Systems. BIS Valves Directional Control, PSV, Solenoid, Metering, Check, Pilot Operated, Excess Flow Valves, Actuators, Solenoid Thrusters, Manifolds. HIP Needle, Ball, Check, Relief, Safety Valves, With Pneumatic Drive, Fittings, Tubing, Intensifiers, Rupture Discs, Reactors, Pressure Vessels, Autoclaves, Manometers. TIS: HPU´s Hydraulic Units, Chemical Injection Skids, WHCP Well Head Control, Hydraulicpneumatic Panels, Custom made Offshore Systems PETREC is a G&G Outsourcing Service Company, 100% Brazilian, acting in the technology and innovation sector of acquisition, processing and joint interpretation of geophysical data. Currently we are the only Brazilian company that can provide the complete G&G workflow for basin analysis. PETREC has a highly qualified staff with advanced degrees in geoscience (Geologist, Geophysicist and Petrophysicist) with several years of experience in operators with assets in many Brazilian basins. Our big areas are: Seismic Processing, Geology Interpretation, AVO Inversion, Acquisition and Processing of Magnetotelluric Data, Potential Methods Processing and Interpretation (Grav/Mag), Digital Rock Physics Analysis and Petrophysics. PARKLANDCHEM CO.,LTD. PRUMO LOGISTICA Room 607, No.211 Youhao Road,Dalian,China 116015 - Dalian - Liaoning - China Tel.: +86-411-8282 7271 Fax: +86-411-8282 6269 e-mail: [email protected] Rua do Russel, 804 – 5ºandar 22210-010 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 3725-8000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Parklandchem Co.,Ltd. is a leading supplier of Metilgluc¨®sido (MEG) in the world,which is used in drilling fluid as environmentally friendly lubricant and inhibitor. MEG has biological degradable charactor, no pollution to the environment. We can also supply Acetato de Pot¨¢ssio and Formiato de Pot¨¢ssio.Our quality control system certified ISO 9000. For more details, you are welcome to visit our booth E09-7. Pavilhão 3 – I11a A Prumo é uma empresa multinegócios, planejada para otimizar o desenvolvimento dos setores de energia e infraestrutura brasileiros. Controlada pelo EIG Global Energy Partners, fundo americano que atua nos setores de energia e infraestrutura, a Prumo desenvolve um dos mais eficientes e seguros complexos porto indústria do mundo, o Porto do Açu. Prumo is a multibusiness company planned to optimize the development of Brazilian infrastructure and energy sectors. Controlled by EIG Global Energy Partners, an American fund that invests in infrastructure and energy sectors, Prumo develops one of the most efficient and safety industry port complex of the world, the Açu Port. 60 Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site QIUBAO VALVE CO.,LTD. REVISTA TN PETRÓLEO RUBBERATKINS Dongou Industrial Estate Oubei Town Yongjia County Wenzhou City Zhejiang China 325105 - Wenzhou - Zhejiang - China Tel.: +86-577-67377197 Fax: +86-577-67377177 e-mail: [email protected] Rua Buenos Aires, 2 sala 403 - Centro 20070-022 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: 5521 22241349 e-mail: [email protected] Claymore Avenue AB23 8GW - Aberdeen - Aberdeenshire - UK Tel.: +44 (0)1224 246 777 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 820 008 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 All kinds of ball valve components, such as body closure ball seats stem bearing retainer.size range:2”to 56”,material:CS such as LF2,A105. SS such as F316 F304,Duplex steel F51 F55. monel,inconel.coating is included ENP.Tungsten carbide coating, CrC. RADIX ENGENHARIA E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SOFTWARE LTDA. Av. Nilo Peçanha, 11 Sl. 704/705 - Centro 20020100 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: + 55 21 3725 1110 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – F15 A Radix atua aplicando amplo conhecimento de processos produtivos em mais de dez segmentos industriais, dividindo serviços e soluções em quatro grupos: Projetos de Engenharia, TI Industrial, Desenvolvimento de Software e Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias, sempre buscando o uso racional dos recursos naturais e energéticos. A base do portfólio são serviços de Engenharia e Software que interagem entre si, aliando conhecimento de processo ao de desenvolvimento de software, com áreas de atuação variadas, desde o design conceitual até a engenharia de detalhamento de unidades greenfield e otimização de unidades brownfield. Em óleo & gás, a Radix atua em downstream e upstream. Radix applies its extensive knowledge of production processes within more than ten industries. Categorizing its services and solutions into four project groups: Engineering, Industrial IT, Software Development and Technological Development, they are always striving for the responsible use of energy and natural resources. The basis of its portfolio focuses on Engineering and Software services that work with one another, combining knowledge of the software development process with varied areas of expertise, from conceptual design to the detailed engineering of Greenfield units and optimization of Brownfield units. Radix works with the downstream and upstream sectors of the Oil and Gas Industry. RENHE GROUP No.83, Yuexiu Road, Xi San Qi, Haidian District, Beijing 100085 – Beijing - Beijing - China Tel.: (+86) 10-62967008 Fax: (+86)10-62969126 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – K19a Há 15 anos a Revista TN Petróleo é uma das mais importantes mídias brasileiras especializadas no setor de óleo, gás e energia. Uma competente equipe de jornalistas e consultores acompanha os principais fatos referentes a essa indústria, para apresentar aos leitores informações atualizadas, de forma isenta e objetiva. Profissionais do mercado, pesquisadores e analistas assinam artigos técnicos, científicos e opinativos sobre temas diversos referentes a essa área da atividade econômica. Presente em todos os eventos deste segmento, a TN Petróleo tornou-se fórum natural das grandes questões relacionadas ao setor, cumprindo com o seu compromisso original: ser a revista da indústria petrolífera brasileira. TN Petróleo Magazine is one of most important brazilian publication in the oil, gas and energy sector. A competent team of journalists and consultants follow the main facts concerning this industry to present the readers updated information, in a cleary and opnion articles are signed by professionals from the market, researchers and analysts about several topics of this economical activity area. Present at all events of the sector. TN Petróleo Magazine has became natural forum of the great questions related to the sector, achieving its original complishment: to be the brazilian petroleum industry magazine. ROYAL IHC Pavilhão 3 - K28 Rubberatkins criar excelência moldagem de borracha por mais de 25 anos.Nossa reputação é construída sobre a nossa experiência técnica excepcional, altos níveis de qualidade e nossa dedicação contínua à inovação.Rubberatkins oferece um serviço completo, desde a concepção e fabrico de testes de peças de borracha para atender às necessidades e aplicações individuais.Projetos de pesquisa e departamento de desenvolvimento e testes de produtos à pressão de trabalho e temperaturas dando aos nossos clientes a confiança de que o desempenho não será comprometida em poços.Este serviço oferece tempos de desenvolvimento mais curtos para você. Rubberatkins have been providing rubber moulding excellence for over 25 years.Our reputation is built on our exceptional technical expertise, high levels of quality and our continued dedication to innovation. Rubberatkins provides a complete service from design and manufacture to testing of rubber components to meet individual requirements and applications. R&D department designs and tests Products at the working pressure and temperatures giving our customers the confidence that the performance will not be compromised downhole. This service provides shorter development lead times to you.We look forward to discussing your technical challenges. molendijk 94 3361 EP - Sliedrecht - ZH - Países Baixos Tel.: + 31 184 41 15 55 Fax: + 31184 41 18 84 e-mail: [email protected] SALTEL INDUSTRIES Pavilhão 3 - F17 Pavilhão 3 - J9 - FRENCH PAVILION Royal IHC enables its customers to execute complex projects from sea level to ocean floor in the most challenging of maritime environments. We are a reliable supplier of innovative and efficient equipment, vessels and services for the offshore, dredging and wet mining markets.With a history steeped in Dutch shipbuilding since the mid-17th Century, we have in-depth knowledge and expertise of engineering and manufacturing high-performance integrated vessels and equipment, and providing sustainable services. With our commitment to technological innovation we strive to continuously meet the specific needs of each customer in a rapidly evolving world. Saltel Industries develops, manufactures and operates Expandable Steel Patches and Expandable Steel Annulus Packers. Campus De Ker Lann Rue Simeon Poisson 35170 – Bruz - France Tel.: +33 (0) 223 416 412 e-mail: [email protected] Casing Patches allow restoring well integrity and optimizing the production in both mature and new wells applications. Designed for perforation shutoff, the technology is also suitable for damaged or corroded completion repair. Saltel Expandable Steel Packers are permanent and reliable annular barriers, preventing from migrations in the annulus, for Shale Fracturing, Multistage Cementing and Cement Integrity. Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Manufacturing Wireline Logging & LWD Equipment, Providing Wireline Logging & LWD Cooperation Services, Providing Logging Analysis & Software Development, 4S Policy: Equipment Sales Cooperation Services, Technology Supporting Component Supply Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado 61 Exhibitors | Exposição SAMI DO BRASIL INSTRUMENTAÇÃO LTDA SEA TRUCKS GROUP Av. Benedito Germano de Araujo, 120 18560000 - Ipero - SP - Brasil Tel.: (15) 3266-2380 Fax: (15) 3266-2380 e-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 176 3000 AD - Rotterdam - Zuid Holland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31107540100 Fax: +31107540199 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F1a Válvulas Para Instrumentaçãoválvulas Agulha / Válvulas Esfera / Manifolds / Monoflanges / Válvulas Retenção / Monoblock Dbbalta Pressão - 6000psi / 10.000psi / 15kpsi / 20kpsi / 60 Kpsiorigem Italiana Valves For Instrumentationneedle Valves / Ball Valves / Manifolds / Monoflanges / Check Valves / Monoblock Dbbhigh Pressure - 6000psi / 10.000psi / 15kpsi / 20kpsi / 60 Kpsiitalian Origin SANDVIK MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY DO BRASIL S/A - IND E COM. Avenida das Nações Unidas 21802 04795-914 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil Tel.: (11) 5696 - 6993 Fax: (11) 5696 - 6993 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - J7 Fabricação de tubos em Aço Inoxídavel ou ligas especiais para aplicações em top side, Subsea e Downhole. São tubos especiais para trocadores de calor, instrumentação e condução, Tubo de produção OCTG, conexões, flanges, curvas, wireline, consumíveis de solda, tubos para Umbilicais, Linhas Hidraulicas, Peças em Metalurgia do Pó, Linha de injeção de químicos e linhas de controle, tubos de processo, flowlines, risers metalicos e tubos para filtro de areia. Manufacturing of stainless steel and special alloys tubes for Topside, Subsea and Downhole applications. Special tubes for heat exchangers, hydraulic and instrumentation, production pipe OCTG, fittings, flanges, bends, wirelines, welding consumables, umbilical tubings, hydraulic lines, Powder Metallurgy HIPed components and parts, control lines and chemical injection lines, process pipes, flowlines, risers and sandscreen pipes. SBGF – BRAZILIAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY Av. Rio Branco, 156, sala 2509 20040-003 - Rio de Janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: 55 21 25330064 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION Geofísica, exploração de petróleo, exploração mineral, geociências. A Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica atua na promoção e desenvolvimento da geofísica e suas aplicações nas diversas áreas de conhecimento ligadas às ciências da terra. Geophysics, oil exploration, mineral exploration, geosciences. The Brazilian Geophysical Society promotes the science of geophysics and its application in several related earth science disciplines. 62 SHANDONG KERUI PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT CO., LTD No.233, Nan’er Road, Dongying, Shandong 257067 - Dongying - Shandong - China Tel.: 55 21 99866-2132 Fax: 86 0546 8179681 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a A Sea Trucks Group é um grupo internacional de empresas que presta serviços de instalação de estruturas no mar, alojamento e serviços de apoio para a Indústria de Petróleo e Gás em todo o mundo, empregando uma força de trabalho multi-nacional.A Sea Trucks Group opera a partir de dez localizaçðes em todo o mundo, e portanto oferece a seus clientes uma ampla gama de serviços de alojamento no mar, instalaçao de tubagens (pipelay) e construção no mar (offshore) para o Sistema submarino tais como Umbilicais, linhas de Alimentação e Flexíveis (SURF) bem como o serviço de apoio marítimo. Kerui Petroleum is a comprehensive industrial group integrating high-end petroleum equipment research, development and manufacture, integrated oilfield engineering technological service, and oilfield EPC turnkey contracting. Kerui Petroleum is the largest manufacturer and service provider of oil and gas equipments in China,has established 16 technological development centers in its headquarters, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Houston, Calgary, etc., Sea Trucks Group is an international group of companies that provides offshore installation, accommodation and support services to the Oil & Gas Industry, employing a multi-national workforce. Sea Trucks operates from ten locations around the world offering its customers a wide range of services from offshore accommodation, pipelay, offshore construction to SURF and marine support. We own and operate a fleet of over 180 vessels and barges, five of which are multipurpose DP3 offshore installation and accommodation vessels. These vessels combine a large accommodation capacity, high capacity cranes, large unobstructed decks and the ability to install rigid and flexible pipelines. SECRETARIA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONÔMICO, ENERGIA, INDÚSTRIA E SERVIÇOS - SEDEIS Rio Branco Avenue, 110, 22 floor 22040-001 – Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (21) 2332-8338 e-mail: [email protected] SHANXI TOP INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. No.108th North Heping Road, Taiyuan,Shanxi, P.R.China 030024 - Taiyuan - Shan xi - China Tel.: +86-18636984698 Fax: +86-351-6638302 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 Shanxi Top Industries é um tubo de aço forjado profissional montagem e flanges fabricação, podemos fabricar todos os tipos de forjamento padrão e outro forjar acordo com o desenho, nós podemos fazer todos os tipos de valor agregado serviço: quente galvanizado banhados, revestidos, usinagem CNC, Monte etc . Shanxi Top Industries is a professional steel forged pipe fitting and flanges manufacture, we can manufacture all kinds of standard forging and other forging according to drawing, we can do all kinds of value add service: hot galvanized plated, Coated, CNC machining, Assemble etc. Pavilhão 3 – H3 SICHUAN CHUANSHI DIAMOND BIT CO., LTD. A Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Energia, Indústria e Serviços - SEDEIS é o braço do Governo estadual para estimular seus empreendimentos. Sua equipe técnica e empresas vinculadas – Companhia de Desenvolvimento Industrial (Codin) e Agência de Fomento do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (AgeRio) - são qualificadas para orientá-los em todos os estágios do investimento. No.16, A Area, Jiaolong Industrial Port, Wenjia, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. 610091 - Chengdu - Sichuan - China Tel.: 0086 13982031501 Fax: 0086-28-87075892 e-mail: [email protected] The Secretariat of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services – SEDEIS is an extension of the State Government to support your business. Its staff and its related companies – Industrial Development Company (Codin) and Fostering Agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro (AgeRio) – mastered the dynamics of Rio’s economy, as well as its various sectors. Both of them are also able to provide assistance for various steps of your enterprise. Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Sichuan Chuanshi Diamond Bit Co., Ltd. (brand name: CSB) is specialized in designing, manufacturing and marketing of various high quality diamond drill bits for various petroleum drilling activity. The series of bit cover diamond PDC drill bit with matrix body or steel body, ballaset bit, natural diamond bit, impregnated diamond bit and special application diamond bit (size from 4-1/8” to 17-1/2”).CSB is located in Chengdu City. Area of infrastructure is about 2,800 square meters, and been awarded certificates of ISO9001:2008 and API Spec 7-1 respectively by DNV and API. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site SISTEMA FIRJAN SNAME SONARDYNE BRASIL LTDA Avenida Graça Aranha, 01/6º andar – Centro 20030-002 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil Tel.: +55 (21) 2563-2586 e-mail: [email protected] 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 310 22314 – Alexandria – Virginia - USA Tel.: +1 703-997-6701 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – G15 Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION Av. Zen lotes 05 e 06, Quadra D, Zen, Rio das Ostras CEP 28890-000 - Rio das Ostras - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 22 2123 4950 Fax: +55 22 2123 4951 e-mail: [email protected] O Sistema FIRJAN promove o desenvolvimento tecnológico e contribui para a construção de uma indústria mais competitiva e eficiente e para o crescimento sustentável do estado do Rio de Janeiro, gerando informação qualificada, aprimorando a qualidade de vida e a capacitação dos trabalhadores, através da prestação de serviços customizados e assessoria a investidores globais em seus projetos regionais SNAME is an internationally recognized non-profit professional society of individual members serving the maritime and offshore industries and their suppliers. Founded in 1893, the Society comprises over 6,000 individuals worldwide. Membership is open to all qualified applicants. Promoting technological development, generating qualified information, improving workers life quality and skills, delivering customized services for your company and assisting global investors in their regional projects, Sistema FIRJAN contributes to build a more competitive and efficient industry and to the sustainable growth of Rio de Janeiro State. SIVAM SRL Via Mare Adriatico 72 F, Spoltore (PE) 65010 - pescara - Abruzzo - Itália Tel.: +39 085 4972130 Fax: +39 085 4973667 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D21f Sivam é uma empresa de fabricação jovem e orientada para o mercado , com uma organização de serviço para a completion e artificial lift. Desde 1995 Sivam tem sido ativo no mercado de completação e produção sempre tentando para colocar inovação nele.Com 20 anos de história, Sivam tornou-se um jogador-chave no Setor de Petróleo e Gás.a capacidade de se adaptar a nova situação do mercado e a capacidade de fornecer produtos e serviços tem feito Sivam bem sucedido ao trabalhar em conjunto com outros contratantes ou por só como um fornecedor de soluções para problemas específicos de nossos clientes Sivam is a young and market-oriented manufacturing company, with a service organization for completion and artificial lift.Since 1995 Sivam has been active in the completion and production market, always tryng to put some innovation in it.With 20 years of history, Sivam has become a key player in the Oil and Gas Sector.the capacity to adapt to new market situation and the ability to provide product and services has made Sivam successfull while working together with other contractors or by itself as a solution-provider for our client’s specific problems Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado SOCIETY OF EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICISTS - SEG 8801 S. Yale Ave. Suite 500 74137 – Tulsa – Oklahoma - USA Tel.: + 1 (918) 497-5500 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION The Society of Exploration Geophysicists is a notfor-profit organization whose mission is connecting, inspiring, and propelling the people and science of geophysics. SEG, founded in 1930, fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near surface, and in mitigating earth hazards. The Society has more than 30,000 members (and growing) in 138 countries, representing 51 sections and associated societies in 31 countries, and over 300 student chapters in 63 countries. We fulfill our mission through our publications, conferences, forums, websites, and other educational opportunities. SOCIETY OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS - SPE 222 Palisades Creek Drive 75080 – Richardson – Texas - USA Tel.: +1.972.952.9393 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 – I9 – ASSOCIATIONS PAVILION A Sociedade dos Engenheiros de Petróleo (SPE) é uma associação sem fins lucrativos cujos membros são profissionais envolvidos com o desenvolvimento e produção de recursos de energia. A SPE atende mais de 143.000 membros em 147 países do mundo. A SPE é um recurso fundamental para o conhecimento técnico relacionado a indústria de exploração e produção de petróleo e gás, e presta serviços através de suas publicações, eventos, cursos, treinamento e recursos on-line em The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) is a notfor-profit professional association whose members are engaged in energy resources development and production. SPE serves more than 143,000members in 147 countries worldwide. SPE is a key resource for technical knowledge related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry and provides services through its publications, events, training courses, and online resources at Pavilhão 3 - K16 O rastreamento subaquático e os sistemas de posicionamento de embarcações de Sonardyne estão funcionando em todo o desenvolvimento de campo em águas profundas de todo o Brasil, ajudando a navegar com precisão veículos subaquáticos e posicionando múltiplas embarcações de superfície – tudo ao mesmo tempo.Os nossos sistemas de distância e de mancais são projetados para rastrear ROVs, AUVs e towfish a 6,000 metros e mais além. Quando as condições de acústica e de GPS são interrompidas, os nossos sistemas de navegação por inércia se asseguram de que as operações submarinas continuem em segurança. Sonardyne’s underwater tracking and vessel positioning systems areoperational in every deep water field development around Brasil, helping toprecisely navigate underwater vehicles and position multiple surface vessels –all simultaneously. Our range and bearing systems are designed to track ROVs, AUVs andtowfish to 6,000 metres and beyond. They are easy to use whether the task issimple or complex and can position a vessel every second, no matter howdeep the water. When acoustic and GPS conditions become interrupted, ourinertial navigation systems ensure subsea operations can continue safely. SPECIAL PIPING MATERIALS DO BRASIL Estrada do Mato Alto, 912, Campo Grande 23036-150 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 021 3169-1295 Fax: 021 3169-1295 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E19a A Special Piping Materials é a maior estoquista europeia de tubos, conexões e flanges em Duplex, Superduplex e materiais raros como Titânio, Inconel, Hastelloy, Cobre-níquel, API 5L. Com escritórios e estoques no Reino Unido, Singapura, Austrália, EUA, EAU e Brasil, somos um fornecedor que trabalha com materiais e dimensões especiais. No Brasil, estamos estocando tubos em Duplex e Super Duplex, 100% testados conforme as especificações NORSOK e SHELL MESC e, portanto, somos capazes de atender às aplicações mais sofisticadas nas indústrias petroquímica, de tratamento de água, petróleo e gás, entre outras. Special Piping Materials is the largest stockholder of pipes, fittings and flanges in Duplex, Super Duplex, and exotic materials such as Titanium, Inconel, Hastelloy, Cooper-nickel and API 5L. Having offices and warehouses in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, UAE, USA and Brazil, we supply mainly special dimensions and material grades. In Brazil, we carry stock of Duplex and Super Duplex pipes, 100% tested as per NORSOK and SHELL MESC specifications, and thus being able to meet the most sofisticated requirements for applications in petrochemical, water treatment, oil & gas and other several industries. 63 Exhibitors | Exposição STRESS ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. SUBSEA SOLUTIONS BRASIL TECHINT ENGENHARIA E CONSTRUÇÃO S/A 13800 Westfair East Drive 77041 - Houston - Texas - USA Tel.: 1-281-955-2900 Fax: 1-281-955-2638 e-mail: [email protected] Av. Joao Cabral de Melo Neto, 400 - Sala 501 Barra da Tijuca 22.775-057 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (21) 3400-7015 Fax: (21) 34007015 e-mail: [email protected] Rua Tabapuã, 41 – 12º andar – Itaim Bibi 04533-010 - São Paulo – SP - Brasil Tel.: 11 2137-6339 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - I16 Desde 1972, Estresse Serviços de Engenharia tem sido um líder global em serviços de consultoria de engenharia e soluções para uma variedade de indústrias. Engenharia Estresse está empenhada em fornecer o projeto mais abrangente, análise e testar serviços com um nível inigualável de integridade de engenharia e habilidade. Os serviços oferecidos incluem projeto de risers e análise, análise acoplada, HPHT e teste em grande escala, FEED / Pré-FEED, engenharia submarina, FEA, revisão de projeto, gestão de integridade, engenharia de materiais, integração de sistemas, engenharia de corrosão, teste de campo e registro de dados. Since 1972, Stress Engineering Services has been a global leader in consulting engineering services and solutions for a variety of industries. Stress Engineering is committed to providing the most comprehensive design, analysis and testing services with an unsurpassed level of engineering integrity and skill. The company’s multi-disciplinary engineering methods, advanced technology, innovative applications and knowledgeable and experienced staff provide proven benefits to its worldwide portfolio of clients. Service offerings include riser design and analysis, coupled analysis, HPHT and full-scale testing, FEED/Pre-FEED, subsea engineering, FEA, design review, integrity management, materials engineering, systems integration, corrosion engineering, field testing and data logging. 64 Pavilhão 3 - H1 Inovadores no Treinamento da Indústria de Petróleo e Gás.Nossa abordagem multi-sensorial única utiliza uma tela de 20 wide com qualidade de cinema digital, gráficos 3D, animações e miniaturas em 3D.TreinamentoOferecemos um plano de carreira para a indústria de petróleo e gás. Instrutores experientes e turmas pequenas fornecem um olhar profundo em todos os equipamentos de BOP. Da cabeça do poço (wellhead) ao MODU, o treinamento introduz os fundamentos de equipamentos de subsea de controle de poço (well-control) e oferece cursos mais avançados para pessoal mais experiente de petróleo e gás.Nossas aulas são aprovadas pelo IADC. Innovative Pioneers in Industry Training SUBSEA SOLUTIONS state-of-the-art 3D learning center offers a modern and effective approach to learning. Our unique multi-sensory approach utilizes a 20’ wide digital theater, 3D graphics, animations, and physical 3D models. Training Classes SUBSEA SOLUTIONS offers a career path for the oil and gas industry. Experienced instructors and small class sizes provide an in-depth look at all subsea blowout prevention equipment (BOP). From the wellhead to the MODU, SUBSEA SOLUTIONS TRAINING introduces the fundamentals of subsea well-control equipment and offers more advanced courses for experienced oil and gas personnel. Our training classes are IADC accredited. Pavilhão 3 – Estande H15 A Techint Engenharia e Construção realiza serviços integrais de engenharia, suprimentos, construção, operação e manutenção de projetos de grande porte, em nível global, nos segmentos de Óleo & Gás, Energia, Mineração, Obras Civis & Infraestrutura e Plantas Industriais. Nossos 19,500 colaboradores ao redor do mundo, respaldados por uma companhia com 70 anos de experiência, estão comprometidos com o desenvolvimento de soluções oportunas e competitivas para projetos complexos, adequandose aos mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança enquanto também protegem o meio ambiente e desenvolvem as comunidades vizinhas. Techint Engineering & Construction provides project management, engineering, procurement and construction services on a global basis for large-scale projects in the Oil & Gas, Power, Mining, Infrastructure & Architecture civil works and Industrial Plants sectors. Our 19,500 professionals worldwide, backed by 70 years of experience, are committed to the development of timely and competitive solutions to complex project requirements, complying with the highest industry quality and safety standards, while protecting the environment and promoting the development of local communities. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site TECHNIP TENARIS TKF CABLE Rua Dom Marcos Barbosa, nº 2 20211-178 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 2139 7000 Fax: +55 21 2139 7000 e-mail: Av. Dr. Gastão Vidigal Neto, 475 12414-900 - Pindamonhangaba - SP - Brasil Tel.: (12) 3644 9000 Fax: (12) 3644-9004 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E4 Pavilhão 3 - H15 P.O. Box 6 7480 AA - Haaksbergen - Overijssel - Países Baixos Tel.: +31535732255 Fax: +31535732185 e-mail: [email protected] A Technip é líder mundial em gerenciamento de projetos, engenharia e construção para a indústria de energia. Do desenvolvimento de campos submarinos profundos de óleo e gás às mais complexas infraestruturas onshore e offshore, nossos colaboradores oferecem constantemente as melhores soluções e as mais modernas tecnologias para atender aos desafios mundiais de energia. Presente em 48 países, a Technip possui ativos industriais em todos os continentes e opera uma frota de navios especializada na instalação de dutos e construção submarina. As ações da Technip estão listadas na Euronext Paris e “over-the-counter” (OTC) nos EUA (OTCQX:TKPPY). A Tenaris é líder global no fornecimento de tubos de aço e serviços relacionados para a indústria energética mundial, assim como para outras aplicações industriais. Nossos clientes incluem empresas líderes mundiais de petróleo e gás. Operamos uma rede integrada de produção de tubos de aço, de pesquisa, de terminação e de bases de serviços, com operações industriais nas Américas, Europa, Oriente Médio, Ásia e África. Estamos presentes nos principais mercados de óleo e gás. Technip is a world leader in project management, engineering and construction for the energy industry. From the deepest Subsea oil & gas developments to the largest and most complex Offshore and Onshore infrastructures, our professionals are constantly offering the best solutions and most innovative technologies to meet the world’s energy challenges. Present in 48 countries, Technip has state-of-the-art industrial assets on all continents and operates a fleet of specialized vessels for pipeline installation and subsea construction.Technip shares are listed on the NYSE Euronext Paris exchange and traded in the USA on the OTCQX marketplace (OTCQX: TKPPY). TELEDYNE ÓLEO E GÁS (TELEDYNE ODI) Av. das Américas, 7935 Sala 532 22793081 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 2127146072 Fax: 2127146072 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - F17a Teledyne Oil & Gas, uma unidade de negócios da Teledyne Instruments, oferece soluções de engenharia para monitoramentos marítimo e de superfície, sistemas de interligação para operadores e prestadores de serviço na indústria de óleo e gás. Oferece uma gama de soluções em monitoramento de corrosão e erosão, aquisição de dados, avaliação, e engenharia submarina, assim como desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Teledyne Oil & Gas, a business unit of Teledyne Instruments, delivers engineered solutions for subsea and topside monitoring, sensing and interconnection applications to operators and service providers in the oil and gas industry. Technology-focused capabilities include corrosion and erosion monitoring networks, data acquisition, evaluation, reporting systems and turnkey systems integration, power and data interconnection systems, subsea engineering, application-focused new product development with systems and material reliability expertise. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado Tenaris is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of steel pipe products and related services for the world’s energy industry and other industrial applications. Our customers include most of the world’s leading oil and gas companies as well as engineering companies engaged in constructing oil and gas gathering, transportation, processing and power generation facilities. We operate an integrated worldwide network of steel pipe manufacturing, research, finishing and service facilities with industrial operations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa and a direct presence in most major oil and gas markets. TIGER RENTANK DO BRASIL EQUIPAMENTOS PARA LOGÍSTICA OFFSHORE Rodovia do Petróleo, Rj 168, s/n, km 10 - Virgem Santa 27948-000 - Macaé - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (22) 2771-2271 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 A TKF Marine & Offshore oferece soluções de cabos de bordo e offshore. Produzimos um portfólio de alta qualidade de baixa e média tensão, comunicação e cabos especiais de acordo com as normas IEC 60092 e NEK606, aprovadas pelas principais associações da classe.O nosso portfólio de cabo industrial abrange uma gama completa de soluções de cabos de baixa a alta tensão, instalação, instrumentação, fibra ótica e cabos submarinos. Além disso, oferecemos soluções completas de cabos de energia, incluindo engenharia, gestão de projetos, uniões e terminações, instalação e testes. TKF, Marine & Offshore offers, on- & offshore and shipboard cable solutions. We produce a highquality portfolio according IEC 60092 and NEK606 standards, with approvals from major class societies. Our cable portfolio covers a full range of cable solutions from low to high voltage, installation, instrumentation, optical fibre, subsea cables and customer specific cables. Furthermore we offer turnkey power cable solutions, including engineering, project management, joints terminations, installation and testing.Founded in 1930, TKF has developed from a local Dutch cable producer to a cable technology leader servicing customers all over the world. Pavilhão 3 - H5 + H5b Tiger Rentank do Brasil - Locação de Equipamentos OffshoreCestas OffshoreCutting BoxesTanques Portátil para FluídosContêineresCaixas MetálicasEsforçada, disponível e confiável. Mantemos um grande estoque de equipamentos de alta qualidade e pronta entrega nos principais portos offshore na América do Norte, América do Sul e África. Utilizamos equipamentos de alto padrão , homolongados, de segurança e cada unidade é mantida para um bom desempenho. Quando você chama a Tiger, você tem um parceiro que trabalha muito para trazer um valor real nas suas operações, e especialistas com experiência para entender os desafios offshore. Make it happen. Tiger Rentank of Brazil Equipment Offshore RentalOffshore Baskets - Cutting Boxes - Fluid Transport Tanks - Pallet Boxes ContainersPipe Slings and Rigging Predictable, purposeful, available, dependable. We keep a large inventory of the latest high-quality equipment ready for dispatch from key ports in the North America, South America, and East Africa. We utilize the most advanced equipment design and safety procedures, and every unit is diligently maintained for top performance. When you call Tiger, you get a partner who works hard to bring real value to your operation. Make it happen. 65 Exhibitors | Exposição TNO TRUMPF MÁQUINAS INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA UNITED ELECTRIC CONTROLS Princetonlaan 6 3584 CB - Utrecht - Utrecht - Holanda Tel.: +31 6 53678886 e-mail: [email protected] Avenida Juruá, 150 – Alphaville Barueri - SP - Brasil Tel.: 11- 4033 3560 Fax: 11- 4033 3560 e-mail: [email protected] 180 Dexter Ave 02472 - Watertown - Massachusetts - USA Tel.: +1 617-926-1000 Fax: +1 617-926-4354 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Pavilhão 3 - H5 + H5b TRUMPF é líder mundial em alta tecnologia com atuação em três áreas de negócios: MáquinasFerramenta, Tecnologia Laser e Eletrônica.Produtos manufaturados com a tecnologia TRUMPF podem ser encontrados em quase todos os setores da indústria. A TRUMPF é líder de mercado no fornecimento de máquinas para o processamento de chapas metálicas e no uso do laser para aplicações industriais.TRUMPF está presente em quase todos os países europeus,na América do Norte, América do Sul e Ásia, através de mais de 60 subsidiárias e fábricas na Alemanha, Áustria ,China, Estados Unidos, França, Itália, Japão, México, Polônia, Reino Unido, República Tcheca e Suíça. UE é uma empresa privada com sede em Watertown, Massachusetts, EUA. Somos um fabricante internacional de transmissores, comutadores e sensores de temperatura e de pressão duráveis e confiáveis. Com foco na proteção de equipamentos, processos e pessoal em diversas aplicações industriais, os nossos produtos vão desde controles simples até designs personalizados, altamente especializados. Os nossos produtos realizam funções de desligamento de emergência (ESD) e de alarme para os clientes, enquanto outros fornecem informações a sensores críticos nos sistemas de controles. Pavilhão 3 - E19 A TNO é uma das maiores entidades independentes de pesquisa aplicada e consultoria técnica na Europa. Conta com 3.000 profissionais que, à base do seu conhecimento e experiência, contribuem na criação de soluções inteligentes para desafios complexos. A TNO opera no centro entre indústria, governos e universidades, com a finalidade de desenvolver inovações sustentáveis, que aumentam a competitividade industrial e o bem-estar da sociedade. Os especialistas de geoenergia da TNO contribuem ativamente na exploração e produção eficientes e responsáveis de hidrocarbonos, aumentando a eficiência energética de processos, diminuindo as emissões de CO2 e promovendo o desenvolvimento de energia sustentável. TNO is one of Europe’s largest independent providers in the areas of applied research and technical consultancy and has over 3000 professionals, who put their knowledge and experience in creating smart solutions to complex challenges. We collaborate with industry, governments and universities worldwide to develop sustainable innovations and aid in strengthening industrial competitiveness and social well-being. TNO’s geo-energy experts are actively engaged in efficient and responsible exploration and production of hydrocarbons, boosting the energy efficiency of processes, cutting CO2 emissions, and encouraging the development of renewable energy. TRUMPF is a leading global high-technology company and produces machine tools, lasers and electronics for industrial applications. Products manufactured with the company’s technology can be found in almost every sector of industry. TRUMPF is the world technological and market leader for machine tools used in flexible sheet metal processing, and also for industrial lasers. With more than 60 subsidiaries, the TRUMPF Group is represented in almost all the countries of Europe, North and South America, and Asia. It has production facilities in Austria, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, and the USA. TOP TUNGSTEN (HONGKONG) NEW MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD TUBE-MAC DO BRASIL 7/F, Spa Center, No.53-55 Lockchart Road, Wan Chai,HK 999077 - Hong Kong - Hong Kong - Hong Kong Tel.: +86 13828776806 Fax: 0769 82836283 e-mail: [email protected] Avenida das Americas 20.007 sala 309 bloco 1 22790-851 - Rio de janeiro – RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21-3328-0559 Fax: 21-3328-7148 e-mail: [email protected] / ricardo. [email protected] / Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a Pavilhão 3 – G1 Top Tungsten is a company experts in tungsten alloy surface treatment enterprise in china, The company has advanced production lines, including production line special for horizontal tungsten alloy electrodeposition sucker rods, electrodeposition production line special for tubing, electrodeposition production line special for screw drills, our products are characterized by good wear reistance , good corrosion resistance, high mechanical strength, environmental protection, low cost etc, so they are ideal substitute for Nickel-based alloys, Duplex stainless stell, super 13Cr and toxic plating products in oilfield area. A Tube-Mac Piping Technologies é uma empresa canadense líder global em sistemas de conexão de tubulação sem solda. Utilizamos as avançadas tecnologias de flare de 37o e de anel retentor e a exclusiva tecnologia de conexões PYPLOK® - todas elas alternativas aos sistemas soldados. Nossos produtos são certificados pela ABS, DNV, Lloyd’s Register, e BV e além do CRCC o Pyplok já foi incluído na Diretriz de Tubulação da Petrobras. 66 Tube-Mac Piping Technologies Ltd. is a World Leader in “Non-Welded” Piping Technologies. TubeMac® utilizes technologically advanced non-welded 37º flare/retain ring flange and PYPLOK® connectors as more cost effective alternatives to welded piping systems. Its extensive product lines combined with project coordinators, field technicians and portable site fabrication equipment, enables TM® to provide CAD pipe routing layout, custom manufacturing, installation with site supervision and oil flushing services. Certificates: CRCC Petrobras, DNV, ABS, BV, Lloyd’s. United Electric Controls, and its divisions, Applied Sensor Technologies and Precision Sensors, is a privately held corporation headquartered in Watertown, Massachusetts, USA. We are an international manufacturer of durable and reliable pressure and temperature switches, controls and sensors. Focused on providing protection to equipment, processes and personnel in a variety of industrial applications, our products range from simple units to highly specialized custom designs. Many of our products principally perform alarm and shutdown functions for our customers, while others provide critical sensor inputs into control systems. UNITED SAFETY R Odete Coutinho Pereira, 288 Vale Encantado 27933390 - Macaé - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +552237370160 Fax: +55 22 3737 0160 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E5b United Safety é uma provedora líder de equipamentos, pessoal e soluções de segurança para os setores Industrial e Upstream da indústria do Petróleo e Gás. Há 28 anos trabalhamos com clientes e empresas de renome ao redor de todo o mundo oferecendo equipes de especialistas altamente qualificados em HSE que irão promover e fortalecer a cultura de segurança industrial no seu local de trabalho; processos pioneiros com um histórico comprovado de aumento de produtividade e redução de custos e equipamentos inovadores nas áreas de detecção de gases e sistemas de ar respirável, para garantir um ambiente de trabalho seguro. United Safety is a leading global provider of specialized safety equipment, personnel and solutions for both the Industrial and Upstream sectors of the Oil and Gas industry. For over 28 years, we have worked closely with customers and contractors across the globe to deliver an elite team of EH&S specialists who will promote and strengthen your worksite safety culture; pioneering processes with a proven track record of increasing productivity and reducing costs and state-of-the-art, innovative safety equipment for a safer worksite. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site USIDRILLER USINAGEM E CALDEIRARIA OFFSHORE E ONSHORE LTDA. VAN HECK VULKAN Rua Maurício de Melo, 103 - Boa Vista 24466-295 - São Gonçalo - RJ - Brasil Tel.: (+55) 21 3604-3097 Fax: (+55) 21 3604-3097 e-mail: [email protected] Ambachtsstraat 2 8391 VK - Noordwolde - Friesland - Países Baixos Tel.: +31561431739 Fax: +31561431766 e-mail: [email protected] Rod. Engº. Constâncio Cintra, Km 91 – Bairro Da Ponte Itatiba - SP - Brasil Tel.: 11 4894-7300 Fax: 11 4894-7300 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - G21 Pavilhão 3 - D1 Pavilhão 3 - G21 Com atuação no segmento naval e industrial, a USIDRILLER surge no mercado onshore e offshore com um novo conceito em prestação de serviços. Por isso, vem sendo considerada, cada vez mais, como referência em usinagem e caldeiraria. Sempre investindo em inovações, utiliza o que há de melhor em tecnologia no fornecimento de produtos e serviços dentro dos mais exigentes padrões de qualidade. A USIDRILLER oferece soluções completas na elaboração de projetos de nacionalização (em caldeiraria, tubulação e usinagem), no fornecimento de materiais (nacionais e importados), e também na execução de obras. Van Heck operates on an international level in the field of water movement. With its diversity in pump units, Van Heck operates from dredging, salvage and offshore operations to sewer renovation, cool water applications and compiling emergency plans for flooding. Every operation can be customized to meet the wishes of the client and the project’s demands. The launch of Van Heck’s newest innovation, the Sea Trophy and systems – green and easy oil recovery (submersible oil recovery pump), provide salvagers and the shipping industry with an astute and versatile tool to recover (fuel) oil in all unforeseen situations. A VULKAN, empresa alemã com presença mundial há 125 anos, celebra esse ano 40 Anos no Brasil. A empresa atua com 3 unidades de negócios: VULKAN Couplings - especializada em componentes para propulsão naval, VULKAN Drive Tech - especializada em transmissão de potência industrial e a VULKAN Lokring proprietária do patenteado sistema Lokring que substitui o serviço de solda em sistemas de refrigeração e ar condicionado. Com engenharia própria e amplo atendimento no mundo todo, fabrica Acoplamentos Elásticos, Altamente Flexíveis, de Lâminas, de Engrenagem e Hidráulicos - Freios industriais - Contra recuos - Grampos de Ancoragem e Amortecedores de vibração. Acting in the naval and industrial segments, USIDRILLER brings to onshore and offshore Market, a new concept in service supply. So it has been considered more and more reference in machining and metalwork. Always investing in innovation, it utilizes the best technology to provide products and services in the most demanding quality standards. USIDRILLER offers complete soluctions on the preparation of nationalization projects (in welding, piping and machining) on the materials supplying (domestic and Imported), and also execution of Works. The commitment to the effective supplying of theses services is the result of concern with quality, safety and the environment. VALUE 2004 COMERCIAL E EQUIPAMENTOS DE PETRÓLEO LTDA. Estrada do Dendê, 594 - Ilha do Governador 21920290 - Rio De Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: 21 3975-5829 Fax: 21 3975-5829 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - C33 Fundada em 2004 especializada em alta pressão, a Value Comercial produz e importa equipamentos, partes, peças e acessórios para plataformas, refinarias e indústrias automobilística, química e naval. Somos fabricantes de unidades de teste para líquidos e gases; supplier de produtos importados; distribuidores das marcas líderes de mercado tais como: Autoclave Engineers, Parker, Snaptite e Versa Valves. Possuímos certificação ISO 9001:2008, CRCC Petrobrás e Certificação ONIP. Established in 2004 specialized in high pressure, Value Comercial produces and imports equipments, parts and accessories for the Oil & Gas, automotive, chemical and shipbuilding industries. We manufacture liquids and gases test units; We supply imported products and represent leading brands such as: Autoclave Engineers, Parker, Snap-tite and Versa Valves. We are ISO 9001:2008, CRCC Petrobrás and ONIP certified. Keep in Touch | Mantenha-se Informado VAN OORD Rua da Assembleia, 11-6ºandar - Centro 20011-00 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55 21 21720100 Fax: +55 21 21720121 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D1 A Van Oord é uma empresa internacional líder nas áreas de dragagem, engenharia marítima e projetos offshore (petróleo, gás e parques eólicos). Somos parceiros de nossos clientes trazendo inovações e por mais de cem anos ajudando a criar a infraestrutura do mundo de amanhã.Segurança, sustentabilidade e continuidade são para nos valores cruciais.A Van Oord atua no Brasil desde os anos 70 e constituindo uma empresa no Brasil a partir dos anos 90: Van Oord Serviços de Operações Maritimas Ltda. Van Oord operates around the world as a leading contractor for dredging, marine engineering and offshore energy projects (oil, gas and wind), offering innovative solutions to marine challenges. Van Oord is a private company with limited liability and its head office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Since the 70’s active in Brazil and since the 90’s under her Brazilian entity Van Oord Serviços de Operações Maritimas Ltda.Van Oord is a family-owned business offering marine solutions of value, both now and in the future. Safety, sustainability and continuity go hand in hand in this respect. VULKAN - a Germany company present globally for over 125 years and celebrating this year 40 years in Brazil. It has 3 business unit: VULKAN Couplings - focus on innovative components to marine propulsion and gensets. VULKAN Drive Tech - specialized in power transmission solutions to industrial sector. And VULKAN Lokring – owner of the patented Lokring system of solder free connection to refrigeration and air conditioning. Company product range includes: Couplings of all kinds such as flexible, highly flexible, membrane coupling, gear coupling and fluid coupling. Industrial brakes. Rail Clamps and Resilient Mounts. WIRECO WORLD GROUP Rua Minas Gerias, 1920 Dist. Industrial 26373280 - Queimados - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +552126639000 Fax: +552126639000 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D5 Líder mundial na produção, desenvolvimento e distribuição de cabos de aço, cabos eletromecânicos e cabos sintéticos para aplicações no segmento de óleo e gás. A distribuição estratégica de nossas fábricas ao redor do mundo permite o cumprimento das exigências dos nossos clientes com os mais elevados padrões de excelência do mercado. The world leader in manufacturing, engineering and distributing wire rope, electromechanical cable and synthetic rope products for oil and gás applications. Our products meet exacting standards and we have manufacturing locations around the world to servicee your needs. 67 Exhibitors | Exposição WITT O’BRIEN’S WUXI KIPOR POWER CO.,LTD YANTAI CIMC RAFFLES OFFSHORE LIMITED Rua da Glória 306, 1301 parte, Glória 20241180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil Tel.: +55(21)30326750 Fax: +55(21)30326701 e-mail: [email protected] No.1098, Dacheng Road, Anzhen, East Park, Economic Development Area of Xishan, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. P.R. China 214105 - Wuxi - Jiangsu - China Tel.: 0086-510-85205032 Fax: 0086-510-85203796 e-mail: [email protected] No.33, Keji Road, Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Yantai, Shandong, China 264003 - Yantai - Shandong - China Tel.: 0086 18615022013 Fax: 0086 535 4879534 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - E17 Empresa formada pela joint venture entre Witt O’briens e OceanPact, atua em consultoria ambiental, segurança operacional e gerenciamento de riscos e emergências, incluindo planos de emergência e treinamentos - tabletops e simulados de emergência full deployment, para a indústria de óleo e gás no Brasil. São oferecidos serviços de auditorias, quanto aos requisitos ambientais e de segurança operacional, bem como internalização e adequação de unidades marítimas aos requisitos das agências reguladoras brasileiras. Destacam-se ainda os serviços de gerenciamento de emergências e o Projeto de Proteção e Limpeza da Costa, que consiste no mapeamento de toda a costa brasileira. A Joint Venture between Witt O´Briens and Oceanpact to provide a range of services for the Oil and Gas industry in Brazil. Services portfolio includes environmental consultancy, operational safety and emergency and risks management including Emergency Response Plans, Tabletop training, full deployment emergency response drills. We offer operational safety and environmental compliance audits services as well as vessel internalization support and compliance according to Brazilian regulators body. We can highlight our emergency management and our Protection and Cleaning Coast Project which comprises of mapping of entire Brazilian coastline. WORLDWIDE OILFIELD MACHINE 11809 Canemont St 77035 - Houston - TX - USA Tel.: 713-729-9200 Fax: 713-729-7321 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - H5 + H5b Established in 1980, Worldwide Oilfield Machine (WOM) specializes in the design and manufacturing of pressure control products. Built around the patented Magnum dual-seal technology, WOM offers a complete catalog of products to serve the on-shore, off-shore, and subsea oil & gas industry. WOM’s products have field-proven technologies that are preferred by industry leaders. Custom designs, coupled with unparalleled expertise, allow WOM to provide a level of service unmatched in the industry.With a strict quality and safety policy, WOM fully serves the needs of the oil & gas industry to safely extract and contain one of our most valuable resources. 68 Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a As a manufacturer of integrated power systems, KIPOR has its own unsurpassed advantages in manufacturing engine, generator set, noninterference power, parallel cabinet, switch cabinet, ATS, etc. All elements design is in view of integrated operation. They are highly integrated and supplied by only one manufacturer- which provides our customers with a seamless, high efficiency and value-added solution. In the KIPOR integrated system, power system reliability is greatly enhanced thanks to the high quality and durable products as well as reliable technology. The optimized engine performance and excellent post-treatment equipment ensures the customer of extremely cost effective solutions. YANGQUAN XINGTAO FRACTURING PROPPANT CO;LTD LuanLiu Villige ShiMenKou Town PingDing County ShanXi Province China 045240 - YangQuan City - Shan xi - China Tel.: 86-13606150167 Fax: 86-353-6159312 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - D15d+D21e+D21c+C5 Yangquan Xingtao Fracturing Proppant Co., Ltd is a industry-leading company specialized in producing ceramic proppant. Bauxite is the main raw material of ceramic proppant, with which various types of high strength proppant can be produced. We has adopted international advanced sintering rotary kiln sintering process and also established complete experimental center and equipped testing equipments in product research & development. Our ceramic proppant be widely supplied for oil & gas field and service company to prospectionor stimulation to improve oil & gas well output through hydraulic fracturing with our product. Pavilhão 3 - E5a + E9 + E13a + E13b + J9a As a deep-water offshore equipment designer and builder, Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore Limited (hereinafter referred to as ¡°CIMC Raffles¡±) owns CIMC Offshore Engineering Institute and three offshore construction yards separately located in Yantai, Haiyang and Longkou, with totally 13,000 employees. CIMC Raffles has successfully delivered 10 semisubmersible platforms and 10 jackups. Meanwhile, its amount of deepwater semisubmersible drilling rigs being under construction covers 23% of the global market share. YOKE INDUSTRIAL CORP. #39,33rd Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung 407, Taiwan, R.O.C. 407 - Taichung - Taichung - Taiwan Tel.: +886-4-2350-8088 Fax: +886-4-2350-1001 e-mail: [email protected] Pavilhão 3 - K2 YOKE fabricante e fornecedor de acessórios para corrente, cabo de aço e cintas poliéster. A empresa baseado no Taiwan certificada ISO 9001, bem como DNV, API, ABS, SABS e DGUV, YOKE fornece produtos qualificados e aprovadas de acordo com as normas EN1677, produtos de qualidade como DA Manilha (DNV 2.7-1 Type approval), Patescas (Yellow Snatch Block), Polias (API8C Type approval), ROV Manilhas e Ganchos. YOKE is Taiwan based manufacturer of lifting fittings for chain, wire rope and webbing slings. Certified by ISO 9001 as well as DNV, API, ABS, SABS and DGUV, YOKE supply qualified products tested in accordance with EN1677, i.e. DA shackle(DNV 2.7-1 Type approval), Yellow Snatch Block, Sheave (API8C Type approval), ROV fitting. Leia as informações em Português, visite nosso site HALLIBURTON IS MEETING THE CHALLENGE Quality standards are being set high. Two of Halliburton’s Brazil facilities and nine product service Meeting the high standards of API Q2 is public recognition of lines recently received the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Halliburton’s commitment to improving efficiency and reducing Specification Q2 Certification. API Q2 is the first international non-productive time for its customers. We’re proud to have standard that outlines fundamental quality management system met that challenge, and to be the first in Brazil to achieve this requirements critical to upstream operations. Requirements important certification. include operations such as well construction, intervention, production, abandonment, servicing, maintenance, and inspection. Published in 2011, the standard was developed by teams from the industry to address a wide range of issues such Daniel Casale Halliburton Brazil Country Manager as process safety, competency, service design, contingency planning, supply-chain controls, preventative maintenance, inspection, service quality plans, and management of change. Solving challenges.™ © 2015 Halliburton. All rights reserved. BELONG The Offshore Technology Conference is sponsored by 13 industry organizations and societies, who work cooperatively to develop the technical program each year. When you join one of the OTC societies, you help advance the mission to promote and further the scientific and technical knowledge of offshore resources and environmental matters. Learn more at Join an OTC organization today and be a part of OTC’s future. Sponsoring Organizations: AAPG AIChE AIME ASCE ASME IEEE-OES MTS SEG SME SNAME SPE TMS Regional Sponsoring Organization: IBP Endorsing Organizations: IADC PESA Supporting Organizations: AADE API AESC ASTM COS IPAA IMarEST IMCA ISA NOIA RPSEA