Final Workshop: April 8, 2014 Wrapping up Alpina Begossi Project:“Community-­‐based resource management and food security in Coastal Brazil” funded by the InternaIonal Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Social Sciences and HumaniIes Research Council (SSHRC), and the Canada Research Chair in Community-­‐
Based Resource Management. FAPESP: 09/11154-­‐3 CNPq: Scholarships LEPAC: Lab Unicamp (Profs Fernando Andrade) PREAC: Profs. M. Habib, F. Meyer (Joni); Elói, Teka, Adriana, Eliana. Adm. Unicamp: Shirley Pacheco de Souza BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PROJETO: PARATY 2009-­‐2014 IDRC CANADÁ CANADÁ: UNIV MANITOBA & BRAZIL: CAPESCA-­‐PREAC-­‐UNICAMP & FIFO •  COMMUNITY-­‐BASED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND FOOD SECURITY IN COASTAL BRAZIL BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Research Lines BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Conflicts/fishing areas ESEC Tamoios (2009)/Project suggesIons 2014 Conclusions and Future PerspecIves Priscila Lopes & Alpina Begossi, in press 2014 Fishing spots and MPAs BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty The Book: Paraty small-­‐scale Fisheries: suggesIons for management”, “Comunidades pesqueiras de Paraty: sugestões para manejo”, Orgs: A. Begossi and P. F. Lopes, Ed. Rima • 
Introdução Capítulo 1: Silvano & Nora : Ecologia de peixes recifais na Baía de Paraty Capítulo 2: Begossi, Possidônio & Salivonchyk: A pesca em Trindade Capítulo 3: Priolli, Stabellini & Bajay: Diversidade genéXca de uma espécie em perigo de exXnção: a garoupa Epinephelus marginatus Capítulo 4: PezzuX: Conhecimento local, uso e interações entre pescadores de Paraty e as tartarugas marinhas em Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Capítulo 5. Begossi, Salivonchyk, Nora & Barreto: Pesca e forrageio óXmo Capítulo 6. Giraldi & Hanazaki: Modos de vida e segurança alimentar em comunidades Caiçaras de Paraty, RJ – um olhar a parXr da etnobotânica Capítulo 7: Cavechia & Peroni: O contexto das redes de trocas de variedades para conservação de agrobiodiversidade entre os Caiçaras de ParaX Capítulo 8: Hanazaki, Idrobo, Freitas & Giraldi: Entendendo os modos de vida em sete comunidades Caiçaras de Paraty, RJ Capítulo 9: um olhar sobre a saúde dos pescadores1, por Begossi, Cavichiolo & Gurgel (tradução de Blood Pressure and Hypertension among Coastal Fishermen in South-­‐east Brazil, publicado em Journal of Community Medicine and Health EducaXon 2013, 4:1 hkp://
10.4172/2161-­‐0711.1000261) Capítuto 10: Clauzet: Análise da comercialização na pesca artesanal de Paraty Capítulo 11. Souza : Pescadores de Paraty e o turismo Capítulo 12: Seixas, Castro, Vieira & Araujo: A gestão da pesca em Paraty: legislação, arenas e processos Capítulo 13: Lopes, Paiva, Nora, Possidônio & Rosa: Manejando a pesca de Paraty com a parXcipação dos pescadores BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Conclusões SuggesytSuggesIons on: •  Fishing areas •  Current demands –  (Termo de compromisso de Tarituba) –  Trindade: courses and others •  Fishing/Fish populaIon dynamics/ GeneIcs) •  OperaIonal: PES BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty SuggesIons in published papers BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Researchers ContribuIons Reseac Master´s thesis: Laura Cavechia: UFSC Mariana Giraldi: UFSC Fernanda Mesquita: UNISANTA Vinicius Nora: UNISANTA BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Priscila F. M. Lopes BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PUBLICATIONS
1. Lopes, PFM; Rosa, EM; Salyvonchyk, S; Nora, V; Begossi, A. 2013.
Suggestions for fixing top-down coastal fisheries management
through participatory approaches. Marine Policy, 40: 100-110.
2.Lopes, PFM; Nora, V; Silvano, RAM & Begossi, A. 2013. Transboundary
Socio-Ecological Effects of a Marine Protected Area in the Southwest
Atlantic. Ambio, 42: 963-974.
3. Begossi, A; May, P; Lopes, PFM; Oliveira, LEC; Vinha, V; Silvano, RAM.
2011. Compensation for environmental services from artisanal
fisheries in SE Brazil: Policy and technical strategies. Ecological
Economics. 71, 25-32.
Priscila Lopes (UFRN) BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty MAIN SUGGESTIONS
Spot Anchor Line Gillnet Shellfish AraçaXba F. Yes Yes Yes Yes Comprida Yes Yes Restrict Yes Sandri Yes Yes Yes Yes Cabras Yes Yes Yes Yes Ventura Yes Yes Yes Yes Araraquara Yes Yes Restrict No Ganchos Yes Yes No No Palmas Yes Yes No No Trindade Bay Yes Yes Restrict Yes JoaInga Pt. Yes Yes Yes Paraty Mirim Bay Yes Yes Restrict No Saco do Mamanguá Yes Yes Restrict No Paraty Bay Yes Yes Restrict No Yes 1.  Rethink the permissions and access to 13 protected points: 4 belonging to Tamoios Park (red) and 2 to its buffer zone (blue) 2.  Use the parIcipatory process developed here as a kick start to improve these suggesIons. Priscila Lopes (UFRN) BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty OTHER FINDINDS
1.  The further away from Tamoios Park, the higher the CPUE (based on samplings from Trindade, Praia Grande and Tarituba) 2.  The closer to Tamoios, the higher the fishers’ income. Intensive and profitable snook fishing? 3.  Fish biomass: higher inside southern Tamoios Park, but lower than the outside in the northern side of Tamoios (closer to Tarituba) 4.  Trade-­‐off between biodiversity conservaIon and tourism and fisheries (it does not have to be this way!) 5.  SynergisIc effect between fisheries and tourism: higher income and improved livelihoods for fishers who associated acIviIes. Priscila Lopes (UFRN) BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Renato A. M. Silvano BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PUBLICATIONS
1. Silvano, RAM; Nora, V; Barreto, TA; Lopes, PFM; & Begossi, A.
The ghost of fishing past: fishing pressure, management and
conservation of threatened groupers in subtropical reefs. Submitted
to Coral Reefs.
2. Lopes, PFM; Nora, V; Silvano, RAM & Begossi, A. 2013.
Transboundary Socio-Ecological Effects of a Marine Protected
Area in the Southwest Atlantic. Ambio, 42: 963-974.
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty
3. Begossi A, Salivonchyk SV, Nora V, Lopes PF, Silvano RAM. 2012. The Paraty
artisanal fishery (southeastern Brazilian coast): ethnoecology and management of a
social-ecological system (SES). J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 8 [doi:
4.. Begossi A, Salivonchyk SV, Lopes PF, Barreto T, Nora V, Silvano RAM. 2012.
Small-scale fisheries and conservation of dusky grouper (garoupa), Epinephelus
marginatus (Lowe, 1834) in the southeastern Brazilian coast. Sci J Agr Res Manage
5. Begossi, A; May, P; Lopes, PFM; Oliveira, LEC; Vinha, V; Silvano, RAM. 2011.
Compensation for environmental services from artisanal fisheries in SE Brazil:
Policy and technical strategies. Ecological Economics. 71, 25-32.
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty
1. Include local fishers in fisheries management decisions
in a comanagement system.
2. Rebuild populations of fish species sensitive to fishing pressure and that
have been possibly overfished, such as the dusky grouper (Epinephelus
marginatus): the population in Paraty bay consists mostly of small
individuals (juveniles).
3. Reconsider the design and restrictions of the MPA (ESEC Tamoios), which
had caused conflicts with fishers and seemed not to had increased abundance
of commercial reef fishes.
4. Alow some degree of fishing activity in currently closed islands of the
MPA, while also increasing protection of other islands not regularly used by
5. Negotiate the above management measures with local fishers, especially
regarding protected areas and increased compliance with minimun size
restrictions of some fishes, such as the dusky grouper.
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty
Natalia Hanazaki BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PUBLICATIONS
Giraldi, M. e Hanazaki, N. Use of cultivated and harvested edible plants by
Caiçaras – what can ethnobotany add to food security discussions?. Submitted
to Human Ecology Review.
Peroni, Nivaldo . Livelihood Diversity, Food Security and Resilience among the
Caiçara of Coastal Brazil. Human Ecology, v. 41, p. 153-164, 2013.
BEGOSSI, Alpina ; SALIVONCHYK, S. V. ; Hanazaki, Natalia ; MARTINS, I. M. ;
BUELONI, F. . Fishers and fish (Paraty, RJ): time of manipulation, a variable
associated to the choice of consumption and commerce. Brazilian Journal of
Biology, v. 72, p. 973-975, 2012.
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty MAIN SUGGESTIONS
•  Management actions may take into account the different livelihoods in a
regional scale (between regions and between communities) and in a
microscale (within communities)
•  small-scale fisheries cannot be seen in isolation from the diversity of
activities that make up the livelihoods of coastal communities
•  Consider neglected spaces such as homegardens as important places
related to food security
•  Stimulate food-generating activities to enhance food sovereignity
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Nivaldo Peroni BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PUBLICATIONS
1.  Cavechia, L.A.; Cantor, M.; Begossi, A & Peroni, N. 2014.
Resource-use patterns in swidden farming communities:
Implications for the resilience of cassava diversity (Submitted to
Human Ecology).
2.  Hanazaki, Natalia, Fikret Berkes, Cristiana S Seixas, and Nivaldo
Peroni. “Livelihood Diversity, Food Security and Resilience
among the Caicara of Coastal Brazil.” Human Ecology 41 (2013):
153–164. doi:10.1007/s10745-012-9553-9.
3.  Cavechia, L.A.; Cantor, M.; Begossi, A & Peroni, N. 2014.
Manejo local da agrobiodiversidade e a circulação de variedades
em comunidades litorâneas do sudeste do Brasil. (capítulo do
Nivaldo Peroni /UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
1.  Include community biodiversity management methodology to promoting
conservation of plant genetic resources related to agrobiodiversity.
2.  Enhance awareness of the value of local agrobiodiversity and the
ecological services associated.
3.  Enhance awareness among local farmers about farmer's rights, their
scope and the Brazilian legislation that protect local varieties and
knowledge associated.
4.  Strengthen exchange network of manioc (cassava) to promoting in situ
on farm conservation
5.  Include local farmers decisions in management and co-management
system of agrobiodiversity.
Nivaldo Peroni /UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Mariana Clauzet BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty PUBLICATIONS
1. Clauzet, M. Characterization of the artisanal fishing trade in
Paraty/RJ. Publish and Presented in ISEE Conference. International
Society for Ecological Economics. Available in
2. Mesquita, F; Begossi, A; Nora, V & Clauzet, M. Frequency of
occurrence of the fishing gears used in the community of Praia
Grande in Paraty/RJ. BioScience – p. 1 -5; Vol. 1, no 1 (2012).
3. Nora, V; Begossi, A; Mesquita, F; Clauzet, M & Rotundo, M.
Ecological and Ethnoecological Aspects About Food Composition of
Centropomus undecimalis, BLOCH, 1792 (Centropomidae)
(Commom Snook) in Paraty, RJ. BioScience – p. 22-27 Vol. 1, no1
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty
Main suggestions
•  Consider Paraty restaurants as part of the fishing chain;
•  Local fishermen should organize themselves to establish
direct forms of marketing with some of the restaurants in
•  In this case, fishermen can could get better initial price of the
product (compared to currently paid for fish markets) and we
can expect a reduction in fishing effort, if local fishermen
prioritize the “premise” that the quality of the catch may be a
more important and profitable than the amount attribute,
especially in relation to local commercial species in
extinction risk .
•  At the context, restaurants may be used in the "banner" of
contributors to the socio-ecological resilience of the city of
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty
Shirley Pacheco de Souza BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty MAIN SUGGESTIONS
•  Improve fishers’ access to capacity building courses related to touristic
activities, such as:
–  basic communication in English,
–  ecotourism and cultural tourism guides,
–  customers’ services at hotels and restaurants,
–  nautical activities (marine and fishing tours, beach transportation).
•  Stimulate community based tourism initiatives also started at Trindade
village and Araújo Island, involving familiar hostelling, forest trekkings,
visit to cultural sites.
•  Spread community based touristic practices in other communities studied
in this project.
BEGOSSI, A. April 8 2014. VideoConf IDRC Paraty Shirley Pacheco de Souza/IFSP, Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil

Final Workshop: April 8, 2014