EISSN 1676-5133
Cardiac frequency and blood pressure in
different loads in the Cirilo´s ergometer
step test in active women
Original Article
Universidade Federal da Paraíba – UFPB, D.E.F., João Pessoa – PB – Brasil
Laboratório de Cineantropometria (LABOCINE) UFPB-PB
Grupo de Pesquisa em Cineantropometria, Atividade Física e Saúde, Desenvolvimento
e Desempenho Humano (GPCASD) / CNPq / UFPB
Laboratório de Atividades Físicas Professora Socorro Cirilo (LAAFISC), João Pessoa
Faculdade ASPER
Universidade Federal da Paraíba – UFPB, Departamento de Estatística, João Pessoa
Programa de Pós-graduação Stricto Sensu em Saúde da Criança e do Adolescente
–Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) – Recife – PE
Bolsista Capes/DS/UFPE
Maria do Socorro Cirilo de Sousa1,2,3,4
[email protected]
Anderson Carlos Lourenço de Lima4,5
[email protected]
João Agnaldo da Silva6
[email protected]
Gigliola Cibele Cunha da Silva7
[email protected]
Luciano Meireles de Pontes3,8,9
[email protected]
Fábio Alexandre dos Santos Lira3
[email protected]
Sousa MSC, Lima ACL, Silva JA, Silva GCC, Pontes LM, Lira FAS. Cardiac frequency and blood pressure in different loads in the
Cirilo´s ergometer step test in active women. Fit Perf J. 2007;6(3):156-61.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: HR and BP have been studied in the prediction of the physical performance. The objective of this work
is to analyse the behavior of HR and BP in different loads in the step test Cirilo Protocol. Methodology: It is about an applied
research, transversal, with 30 active women, according to norms of the ACSM, with age average 22.8+2.8 years, submitted
to the anthropometrics tests, cardiorespiratory in Electronic Step Test Cirilo´s and hemodynamics. The statistical program SPSS
13.0 for average, deviation standard, minimum, maximum, correlation “r” of Pearson, “t” of Student, Qui-square of Friedman,
level of significance of 5% was used. Results: The HR final defined the test as sub-maximum. The values in the load for 4
minutes: HRmax 179.40+6.58bfm, the SBP 132.00+13.04mmHg, the DBP 61.00+11.40mmHg. The SBP of the load for 3rdmin.
136.00+11.40mmHg and the DBP for the load 1stmin 62.00+4.47 mmHg was bigger. The Friedman´s test found p=0.05 for
RT loads, SBP and DBP from the 1st to 4 th min. and the “t” of Student between the RT of 1st to 4 th min. (p=0.003). Conclusion:
The behavior of the HR and the BP in different loads in step test under the Protocol of Cirilo of gradual form with daily intervals, in
accordance with presents different the time of execution of the test indicating that it has alterations of the hemodynamics variables,
and the HR increases in agreement the load linearly and SBP and DBP vary between 1st and 4th min.
Keywords: human performance, blood hemodynamic, effort test.
Correspondence to:
Maria do Socorro Cirilo de Sousa - Rua Silvino Chaves, 1510 - Bairro Manaíra - CEP: 58038-040 - João Pessoa - PB - Brasil
Submitted: November / 2006
Accepted: January / 2007
Copyright© 2008 Colégio Brasileiro de Atividade Física, Saúde e Esporte.
Fit Perf J
Rio de Janeiro
May/Jun 2007
Freqüência cardíaca e pressão arterial em diferentes cargas no
ergômetro Banco de Cirilo em mulheres ativas
Frecuencia cardiaca y presión arterial en diferentes cargas en el
ergómetro banco de cirilo en mujeres activas
Introdução: Freqüência Cardíaca (FC) e Pressão Arterial (PA) têm sido estudadas
na predição do desempenho físico. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o comportamento da FC e PA em diferentes cargas, no teste de banco Protocolo Cirilo.
Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa aplicada, transversal, com 30 mulheres
ativas, segundo normas do ACSM, com média de idade 22,8 + 2,8 anos, submetidas aos testes antropométricos, cardiorrespiratório em Banco Eletrônico de
Cirilo e hemodinâmicos. Utilizou-se programa estatístico SPSS 13.0 para cálculos
de média, desvio padrão, mínimo, máximo, coeficiente de correlação “r” de
Pearson, “t” de Student, Qui-quadrado de Friedman, com nível de significância
de 5%. Resultados: A FC final definiu o teste como submáximo. Os valores
na carga de 4 minutos: FCmáx 179,40+6,58 bpm; PAS, 132,00+13,04 mmHg;
PAD, 61,00+11,40mmHg. A PA sistólica (PAS) da carga do 3ºmin, 136,00 +
11,40mmHg, e a PA diastólica (PAD) da carga de 1º min, 62,00 + 4,47 mmHg,
foram maiores. O teste de Friedman teve p=0,05 para as cargas de FC, PAS e
PAD do 1º ao 4º min e o “t” de Student entre a FC do 1º e 4º min. (p=0,003).
Conclusões: O comportamento da FC e PA em diferentes cargas em teste de
banco sob o Protocolo de Cirilo de forma progressiva com intervalos diários,
apresentam-se diferentes de acordo com o tempo de execução do teste indicando
que há alterações das variáveis hemodinâmicas, e a FC aumenta linearmente
conforme a carga e a PAS e PAD variam entre o 1º e 4º min.
Introducción: FC Y PA están siendo estudiadas en la predicción del desempeño
físico. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el comportamiento de la FC y PA en
diferentes cargas en el test de banco Protocolo Cirilo. Metodología: Se trata
de investigación aplicada, transversal, con 30 mujeres activas, según normas
del ACSM, con media de edad 22,8 + 2,8 años, sometidas a los tests antropométricos, cardiorrespiratorio en Banco Electrónico de Cirilo y hemodinámicos.
Se utilizó programa estadístico SPSS 13.0 para media, desvío patrón, mínimo,
máximo, coeficiente de correlación “r” de Pearson, “t” de Student, Jue-cuadrado
de Friedman, nivel de acepción de 5%. Resultados: La FC final definió el test
como submáximo. Los valores en la carga de 4 minutos: FCmáx 179,40+6,58
bpm, la PAS 132,00+13,04 mmHg la PAD 61,00+11,40 mmHg. Siendo que
la PAS de la carga del 3º min. 136,00 + 11,40 mmHg y la PAD de la carga
1º min 62,00 + 4,47 mmHg fueron mayores. El test de Friedman encontró
p=0,000 para las cargas de FC y PAS y PAD del 1º al 4º min. y el “t” de Student
entre la FC del 1º y 4º min. (p=0,003). Conclusiones: El comportamiento de
la FC y PA en diferentes cargas en test de banco bajo el Protocolo de Cirilo de
forma progresiva con intervalos diarios, se presentan diferentes de acuerdo con
el tiempo de ejecución del test indicando que hay alteraciones de las variables
hemodinámicas, y la FC aumenta linealmente conforme la carga y la PAS y PAD
varían entre el 1º y 4º min.
Palavras-chave: Desempenho humano, hemodinâmica do sangue, Teste
de esforço.
Palabras clave: desempeño humano, hemodinámica de la sangre, test de
The hemodynamic variables and efficiency test in the step may
be influenced by progressive stages of cargo during the climbs
and descents. During the exercise, the musculature active receives a greater blood flow and heart receives more stimulation,
compared with the state of rest. The most common physiological
parameters for assessments about the health of the cardiorespiratory system during physical effort are the blood pressure (BP)
and heart rate (HR). In tests with the use bench ergometer, there
is a large participation of the musculature and joints of the lower
limbs, realizing it is the involvement of different angles capable
of causing changes in these variables during the response effort.
Souza1 in studies with individuals untrained active and trained in
tests of ascent and descent with bench ergometer, found values
of HR effort in the range of 80-85% of HR maximum (FCM),
featuring a sub-maximum test, which, probably, not elevates the
BP at levels that pose damage to the system. It is known that one
of the problems in the implementation of such tests is to estimate
the BP due to the movement of climb and descent.
Research in normotensive women and untrained in tests with
loads continuous and progressive2,3, have found that levels of BP
characterize hypertension reactive in tests of this nature. There is
still that the first stage of step tests, with increments of continuous
nature, shall begin with adequate time for any individual, even if
it is considered low, which means minors in the knee joint angles
involved in the effort. This causes comfort and accommodation
in postural segments during the test.
Tests using bench, despite being the oldest when it relates to ergometry, does not mean they are the least used. The remainder
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 157, May/Jun 2007
must be revised, restructured, as everything in science. They are
the new techniques of application and development of instruments
that compatibility with proposals for further evaluation in the field
of tests.
Research giving rise to new types of instruments and protocols were
developed to expand the use of these ergometer1,3,4,5. It is known
that in Brazil, as well as in the United States, these tests are widely
available and used. Therefore, the proposal presented here is a
new reading of tests in the area, specifically from the step where
employ climbs and descents in cycles of four times, demarcated
by metronomic or other form of cadence the rate. These may be
able to quantify the exercises estimating the degree of physical
ability, usually sub-maximum, which carry maximum prediction,
usually through the index of volume of oxygen (VO2).
Regarding the control of hemodynamic variables, where the BP
and HR, bench ergometer in the form of manual verification may
be impossible or impracticable, especially in the protocols of
progressive and continuous load. Meanwhile, frequency meter
and other resources as may be applicable to reduce the errors of
estimate. As for the BP, the tests of bench usually last on average
between three and six minutes, which may represent very little to
increase the levels of pressure. Taking this variable to the end of
the test, up to thirty seconds, can give us parameters of the values
of BP achieved during the test.
The security in the application of these tests is much greater in terms
of time and effort into their characteristic sub-maximum. Studies
show that, in thirty one thousand tests applied is not returned no
deaths when the use of climbs and descents of a step or bench by
rate a demarcated1. So the question guiding this work is: is that
the conduct of HR and the BP change in levels when test under
different loads in trial of climb and descent of bench, using the
Protocol of Bench Electronic of Cirilo. Therefore, the objective of
this work is to analyse the behavior of HR and BP in different loads
in the test of climb and descent of bench Cirilo Protocol.
Figure 01: Bench Electronic Cirilo and processor of data
Characterization of the study
This study shows cross section with the completion of field testing
and a predominantly quantitative approach.
Population and sample
The population of this study was composed of women practitioners
of physical programme in the gym. The sample consisted of 30
active women, according to the standards of the American College of Sports Medicine8, average age 22.8 + 2.8 years, selected
at random simple probabilistic method, practitioners of aerobic
exercise, localized and weight training, systematically. The criteria
for participation in the study were: be physically active at least six
months; exercise is at least four times weekly; had not ingested
alcoholic beverage; had not smoked; Tuesday slept eight hours,
not being in the process of drug treatment, not be involved in
infection, and normotensive be.
Tools for collection of data and variables selected
for the study
Dependents: time of effort (s), height of ergometer (cm), BP
(mmHg) at rest and post-effort, HR at rest and effort (bpm), volume
of oxygen predicted a maximum (VO2max.), effort in climb and
descent of steps, levels of subjective perception of effort (SPE)
• Estadiometer portable, brand Sanny, precision 0.1 cm, height
in cm;
• Balance digital, brand Filizola, precision 100g, corporal mass
in kg;
• Bench Electronic Cirilo and processor of data: effort in climb
and descent of steps to estimate the volume of oxygen (Figure
• Frequency Meter Heart, Polar brand, model S210, HR in beats
for minute (bpm), in time effort, height the ergometer;
• Sphygmomanometer the column of mercury, levels of SMP and
DBP in mmHg;
• Stethoscope BD, for heart auscultation, and
• Panel with Table of Borg9, to levels of subjective perception of
effort (SPE)
Procedures for data collection
Independent: age (years), height (cm), corporal mass (kg),
heart auscultation;
Only then was the test of climb and descent of bench ergometer,
according to the protocol of Cirilo6,7. The test was to perform
continuous climbs and descent in bench ergometer. The height
of ergometer was continuous and progressive, with increments
appropriate to the height of the individual, as shown in table
1. The test also was adjusted to the degree of physical measure
Table 1: Number of periods of overload (heights) in cm. Source:
Sousa (2001)
until 151.9
152.0 to 161.9
162.0 to 171.9
172.0 to 181.9
182.0 to 191.9
192.0 and above
1st stage
2nd stage
3rd stage
Initially the research was submitted to the Research Ethics
Committee of the Centre for Health Sciences and approved
under the registration number 118/01-B of 2005. The subjects
of the sample signed an authorization for data collection, and
the Statement of Consent for Research in Human Beings, as
the Law 196/96 of the National Council of Saúde10. Then the
anthropometric variables were measured for height and corporal
mass, with the stadiometer and balance, respectively. Além disso,
as hemodinâmicas, de FC, PA de repouso e controle subjetivo
do esforço.
Moreover, the hemodynamics, HR, BP rest and subjective control
of the effort.
Table 2: Number of taps for minute (tpm) corresponding to the
degree of physical ability of untrained (DTR), active (ATC) and
trained (TR), by gender. Source: Sousa (2001)
116 tpm
120 tpm
132 tpm
144 tpm
152 tpm
160 tpm
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 158, May/Jun 2007
Table 3: Time of application and implementation of increments of effort in untrained (DTR), active (ATC) and trained (TR). Source: Sousa
classification of
physical ability
time running start
0 a 50s
0 a 50s
0 a 50s
time for action of
the 1st increase (s)
Table 4: Classification of VO2max. in
Very Weak
Very Good
less than 19.31
from 19.31 to 23.99
from 24.00 to 27.34
from 27.35 to 30.51
from 30.52 to 43.04
over 43.04
less than 26.52
from 26.52 to 30.95
from 30.96 to 35.59
from 35.60 to 47.77
from 47.78 to 56.20
over 56.20
and gender, as shown in table 2. The rate used was 132 taps for
minute, equivalent to 33 past / minute. The test consists of four
minutes, composed of three stages, with two increases in the height
of the bench, as shown in table 3. The same was divided into
four stages for each day, with progressive effort. On 1st day was
the effort of 1min, in 2nd of 2min, at 3rd of 3min and 4th day, 4
min. Estimate to HR and BP before the test, HR in the effort and BP
post-effort (30s until after the test) by the technique of Koroktoff.
Before the effort, took place heating with specific stretching and
stationary march in the rate of metronomic. The angle of bending
the knee ranged from 45º of the 90º, 1st to the 3rd stage.
The VO2 predicted a maximum was obtained through conversion of values in the regression equation:
VO2max = –93.402 - [0.0548 x (age)] - [x 0.152 (height)] - [0.0874
x (weight)] - [x 0.568 (gender)] + [x 0.05996 (time)] + [0.0118
x (HR end)] + [x 0.798 (bench height)] - [x 16.221 (degree of
measure)] + [x 1.095 (nº in rings)]
where: age in years; height in cm; weight, in kilograms, gender,
female = 0 and male = 1; Time, total run time of the test; HR
final, HR at the end of the test; bench height, height achieved in
final bench; degree of proficiency: untrained = 1; active = 2 and
trained = 3; number of rings: untrained female = 116; active
female = 132; trained female = 152; male untrained = 120;
active male = 144; trained male = 160.
Plan analytical
The analytical plan used the computerized package SPSS version
13.0 for descriptive statistics inferential average, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, correlation coefficient “r” of Pearson,
“t” Student and Qui-square of Friedman. The level of significance
was 5%. The calculation of VO2 to estimate the maximum was
carried out as the equation proposed in this study, from the decline
in Sousa1 and VO2 classified by the table 4.
running time of 1st
increase (min)
1 a 1min50
1 a 1min50
1 a 2min50
running time of 2nd
increase (min)
Table 5: descriptive statistics of average, standard deviation,
minimum and maximum of variables FCR, FCE1, FCE2, FCE3,
DBPPE2, DBPPE3 and DBPPE4. (n=5)
Average and dp
82.80 ± 17.88
144.00 ± 9.95
163.20 ± 5.07
171.80 ± 8.29
179.40 ± 6.58
93.60 ± 10.29
115.00 ± 15.00
129.00 ± 15.97
136.00 ± 11.40
132.00 ± 13.04
59.40 ± 5.86
62.00 ± 4.47
59.00 ± 4.18
56.00 ± 4.18
61.00 ± 11.40
minutes (SBPPE1, SBPPE2, SBPPE3 and SBPPE4), DBP rest (DBPR)
and the post-effort, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th minute (DBPPE1,
DBPPE2, DBPPE3 and DBPPE4), as prepared in table 5.
When we examined the associations between the variables BP
and HR, there was high correlation to DBPE1 and DBPE4 (1min
and 4min of effort). Table 6 shows the values of “r” in the Pearson
correlation and significance of these associations. Friedman’s test
found significant differences for the BP and HR the 1st and 4th
load (1min and 4min of effort) (p = 0.05) and between levels of
the rest of the BP and HR and the effort (p = 0.05), as table 7.
The HR reached the end of the test, according to the mean age
of the equation Karvonen of 220-age, did not achieve 85% of
the HR estimated maximum, characterizing it as sub-maximum.
The values found in charge of 4 minutes, were: HRmáx 179.40
+ 6.58 bpm, SBP 132.00 + 13.04 mmHg and DBP 61.00 +
11.40mmHg. Since the SBP of the load 3rd of minutes was higher
(136.00 + 11.40 mmHg) and DBP of the load of 1 minute also
Table 6: Values of “r” in the Pearson correlation and significance
(n = 30)
* p <0.05 significant; ** p> 0.05 non-significant
In this study, is considered the variables of HR rest (VCF), HR of
effort in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th minute (HRE1, HRE2, HRE3 and
HRE4), SBP rest (SBPR) and post-effort in the 1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 159, May/Jun 2007
time for action of
the 2nd increase (s)
correlation “r” of
Table 7: statistical inference of the test “t” Student for the variables HR, SBP and DBP (n = 30)
* p <0.05 significant; ** p> 0.05 non-significant
had higher (62.00 + 4.47 mmHg). It set up this cardiorespiratory
the adjustments made between the 1st and 3rd minutes of test,
causing a relaxation of arteries after this time in exercises submaximum4.
The step test to increase provides more time for implementation
of the effort, when it relates to mechanical efficiency and angulation of the lower limbs for climbs and descents, encouraging,
therefore, better physiological responses, some research1,3,11 found
that women in active the effort applied in different protocols for
step test causes significant differences between the recovery of HR
assessed. These studies explain that the tests of cargo single largest
cause perception of effort, with less possibility of completing the
test of time. But the test of continuous work and multiple loads
and progressive, the rate of 132 taps for minute, decrease the
levels of perceived effort and HR.
Lim et al. 6 in an experiment with normotensive and hypertensive
subject also suggested a protocol of bench ergometer in test of
three minutes. According to the authors of the work, the step
test showed good reproducibility and good correlation with the
cycle-ergometer a load work equivalent (r = 0.930), and can be
used in the relationship between physical activity and measures
In a study with women untrained in bench ergometer found values of HR end of 165 bpm for tests of 3 min rate with touches
of 120 by minute12. And in this study, when it upped the intensity
to 144 taps for minute, the HR also increased, indicating that
even trained in women, increasing the intensity is associated with
higher levels of hemodynamic variables in tests characterized as
sub-maximum12. In research, analysing people trained, active
and untrained of both genders found that it is possible to use
the bench as ergometer indirect method of prediction of VO2máx
by equation, when considering the appropriate height to height,
age, HR, the corporal mass and height of bench3. It was observed
that the consumption of oxygen appears on a minimum rate of
20 to 25 climbs and descents for minute. Other researchers have
chosen to use the bench ergometer to study with a representative
sample of men and women to estimate parameters of the function aerobics13. It is known that the practicality and feasibility of
using this type of ergometer facilitates the completion of studies
in cross section
The rate of effort arises when the person performing the task
in bench between 40 and 50 cm, a height which produces an
angle of bending the knee articulation of 47-60º (thigh to the
lower leg)13,14. It is emphasized that exceed the angle of 90º of
the bending of the knee moving climb and descent, as well as to
hinder the action biomechanics, exposes the individual to a higher
risk of injury. Studies were based on tuning the height of the bench
to better angulation of the knee in the movement to climb and
descent, indicating that they ergometer must be adjusted to the
size of the individual corporal closer14,15,16. The biomechanical
efficiency and work require compensation for the anatomical
differences between the heights of individuals13.
The levels of SBP in this study increased and DBP declined linearly
with time of effort. In search similar pattern was found in individuals of both genders, in ergometry with rolling wake, that the
magnitude of hypotension post-exercise is highly variable, but it
is normal2. In another study with use of ergonometry cycle and
rolling wake, noted the absence of DBP fall of post-exercise and
only stabilization16. In search of verifying reductions BP, met up to
40 mmHg and oscillating decrease in SBP of 0-20 mmHg and
DBP 2.5 to 12 mmHg in ergometer wake of rolling16,17.
In studies examining the response of the BP and double product
(DP) is test the physical sub-maximum in bench ergometer adjustable electronic Cirilo6,7, it was found that the BP response effort in
post-hypertensive, in the routine step test ergometer, allow changes
and reductions in the levels of DBP, control the levels of SBP and
DP, suggesting that this type of dynamic and aerobic exercise is
recommended for people hypertension8,18,19.
In a study of coronary different ergometer, ergonometry cycle
and a rolling wake of inferior limbs was possible to see that they
had lower values for HRmax in both ergometer (p = 0.125), which
probably is due to both the regular use of chronotropic negative
action of medications, but also the presence of cardiovascular
diseases, which tend to undermine the chronotropic response to
There are different protocols and procedures for conducting a test
exercise (TE). However, there is always a real and practical difficulty
in determining when an individual actually reached its maximum.
Probably, for its ease of measurement, the HR has been one of
the clinical variables most often employed to characterize the
acquisition of a maximum effort in conventional TE (no measure
of expired gases) from the comparison with ceilings set by age
when it is then called HR maximum (FCM) 20.
The study conducted here applies for populations of coronary, the
ability sub-maximum recommended in its protocol, and allow a
more peaceful for the implementation assessed. Research in order
to derive equations for predicting the widespread maximum load
for young men and women, under the direct method of ergo
spirometry VO2max and to determine the maximum load (Wmax) in
the ergonometry cycle, 30 men and 30 women (26 ± 5 years),
found that in multiple linear adjustment, the maximum load was
explained by age and corporal mass21. The equations proposals
passed by the cross-validation, using another sample with similar
characteristics of age and VO2max composed of 15 men and 15
women. The authors concluded that the generalized equations
were valid for determining the maximum load in the ergonometry
cycle for men and women.
These surveys corroborate the study conducted here, in that
generalized equations for predicting the VO2max were developed
for the test of bench using the ergo spirometry1, indicating be as
practical and effective as its implementation of programmes aimed
quantification of exercise for degree of proficiency .
However, there are signs that the statistical theory says that at
least 50% of healthy individuals should achieve values equal to
or higher than predicted by the regression equation, making this
Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 160, May/Jun 2007
criterion rather limited and probably invalid in many of clinical situations everyday20. But the environment of the practice of Physical
Education, specifically test, it is perfectly acceptable, provided that
applied for purposes of verification of physical ability and nonclinical, based on diagnoses of cardiorespiratory disorders. If an
individual is not able to climb a step up to 20cm, overcoming
their own corporal weight, probably is with your motor functions
and organic limited or depressed, demanding an intervention of
a medical professional or a Physical Education.
Scholars say that for a better clinical result, a TE should preferably
be maximum, thus allowing for the greatest amount of relevant
information21. However, the decision to use the test maximum
effort or sub-maximum depends largely on the reasons for carrying
out the test, the type of individual to be tested and availability of
equipment and human resources appropriate.
The behavior of the HR and the BP, on different charges in trial
of climb and descent of bench Protocol Cirilo, gradually, with
intervals daily, present themselves in accordance with the different
time of execution of the test. This indicates that there are changes
in hemodynamic variables, and the HR increases linearly as the
time of loading, and the SBP and DBP indicate variability of the
1st to the 4th minute. Tests in different ergometer are applied
exacerbatingly, allowing the researchers and evaluators in general parameters for different variables, mainly hemodynamic and
degrees of physical ability.
This favors the application of new techniques on tools for easy
access, portability, reproducibility and able to quantify the performance of programs for prescribing a more effective, such as
the test bench, specifically the protocol of Cirilo, which is a new
preparation of tests such natural. It is important to emphasize
that equipment for tests in ergometry to be employed in the most
diverse options and special features. However, the procedure must
be controlled and the type of protocol applied, considering the
scope and the final product.
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Fit Perf J, Rio de Janeiro, 6, 3, 161, May/Jun 2007

Cardiac frequency and blood pressure in different loads in the Cirilo